Zhao Guo, Handan, Guo Kai's prime minister's house, and the Minister of Civil Affairs excitedly reported to Guo Kai on the immigration situation.

"The current immigration situation is very good. Among all enterprises, a considerable number of people are willing to emigrate. If this is the case, the future prospects are still good." The Minister of Civil Affairs said.

"Well. How many can immigrate?" Guo Kai asked.

"About 80,000 people?" the minister replied.

"80,000 is not enough. This number is far from enough. We should further expand the number of immigrants. Only in this way can we solve many of our unsolvable problems." Guo Kai said.

"However, 80,000 people are already a lot. The pressure on the supply of transportation materials that we have to bear at the beginning is also relatively large. This matter, Prime Minister, I think we should plan well. The first batch of immigrants is 80,000. If one more batch is added, even though the immigration situation can still bear it, more people need more food, clothing, and housing. If these are not done well, it will be difficult to carry out later things. Go down, so we will come step by step." The Minister of Civil Affairs said. To him, it was a miracle that they were able to transport 80,000 people to Australia. As for how to survive there, they really don't know what to say.

"Well. That's it. Then take it step by step." Guo Kai originally planned to ask the Ministry of Civil Affairs to recruit 300,000 people to migrate south to Australia, but he still didn't say it because he knew there were financial difficulties. There are still companies involved in everything. Without these companies, how passive their situation is, he himself knows this very well. Therefore, when encountering such a thing, he felt that he didn't need to make further urging. It was better to wait, or to slow down.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Zhao Guo did not conceal the fact about the large-scale immigration of South Korea's intelligence agencies, and they soon submitted a related report. And after assessing the number of possible immigrants, they conservatively estimated that it would be around 50,000, but in fact, this number will only be large and not small.

"Are they crazy? They immigrated to Australia, and there were more than 50,000 immigrants." Han Shu quickly put down the telegram in his hand, and then found this area of ​​Australia. For Han Shu, this place is in South Korea. The fringe area of ​​this great empire, but this fringe area is being slowly tried out by the people of the Zhao country, and they have already begun to immigrate. At the same time she also noticed. South Korea’s island blockade is not very effective. Because once the other party successfully builds an immigrant city, an immigrant stronghold, or an immigrant fortress there, they may be attacked by both sides.

"Damn it, these Zhao people are moving very fast. It seems that they have realized the effect of our blockade." Han Shu said after reading the map. Zhang Liang has already seen this clearly. The ministers of the Navy and War Department on the side were already sweating coldly. They are very clear about the significance of this matter, which means that there is a huge loophole in their encirclement, and with the increase in loopholes in Australia, they will not be able to further plug this loophole in the future. This is a strategic point. s failure.

"No, absolutely not, this kind of thing must never happen." Han Shu said after reading the map.

"We can't let Australia be occupied by the people of Zhao. We also emigrate. At the same time, we must put pressure on diplomacy and clearly warn them that the development there will never proceed." Han Shu ordered immediately. South Korea absolutely cannot see that Zhao Guoren jumped out of such an encirclement. In that case, the significance of the blockade would not exist.

"My lord, if you do this, is it a bit too nervous? This will further escalate the contradiction between the two countries, and if it is not done properly, there will be the possibility of a war breaking out. This is something we cannot proceed anyway. War." Zhang Liang persuaded.

"No, no, this is our strategic plan. It must not be changed. Even if the relationship is stalemate, it must be stopped. At the same time, we should also emigrate so that new problems can be formed on the issue of immigration." Han Shu said. Zhang Liang is thinking that if this continues, the competition between the two countries will become very fierce. However, if South Korea emigrates, where did it immigrate from? By the time you know, part of the Korean population has already migrated. . The purpose is to better control the colony. In contrast, Australia, which has nothing, is really difficult to attract immigrants, and the enthusiasm for investment projects is not very large. This thing is difficult to do. Zhang Liang thought so. But now that Han Shu has done so. Zhang Liang can only develop towards the goals of this plan.

Seth, on the Eastern Front. The 1st Infantry Division kept retreating, and gradually the retreat turned into a rout. A large number of soldiers passed by their hidden positions, and they looked very embarrassed.

"Sir, they look too embarrassed. A lot of people have lost their weapons. Is this still the First Infantry Division? You know they are elite troops." A soldier on the side leaped his head into a hidden position and looked outside. Speaking of the situation. Their positions are two hundred meters on both sides of the main road, and some positions are even more forward for the convenience of throwing grenades. It can be said that if they can’t handle it well, those who are chasing the Second Army will be able to. Found them.

"Shut up, if it weren't for the elite retreat, those people would not chase them at all, and we would not be able to annihilate the Second Army. All of them retracted their heads and kept silent. Waiting for the order." Tummer said as he said. The soldier's head was pressed down, and then he observed again. Their elaborate disguise finally got this moment. Soon after the 1st Infantry Division was defeated, the chasers of the Second Army from behind chased frantically. Their formation was very chaotic, and many people stopped to take a look at the spoils left on the ground. Basically they were worthless. Unwilling to move. The people behind are still chasing, because they feel that following these routs, they might be the first to rush into Babylon. Their officer told them that there was everything in Babylon. In order to be the first to enter Babylon, they chased wildly, and even some of the discarded gold coins were too late to pick them up, because their pockets were already full. If this goes on, you will not be able to catch up with the other party.

Sergeant Abasin ran very fast because his stamina had been maintained very well, but just like that, he also felt very tired.

"Tired, I'm exhausted." Sergeant Abbasin fell on the ground, breathing for a breath. Behind him, there are many people who are already very tired but still chasing them. They are like cattle, constantly walking their own legs on their enemies.

"Fucking. I'm exhausted. Go grab it. I'll do your second business. Don't run. I'm exhausted." Sergeant Abasin said as he put his back on his back. Put down the bag.

"Oh, I won't run anymore." At this moment, a recruit was lying motionless on the ground. He was panting, as if he was about to **** in all the air in the world.

"I. I said, you belong to that unit, how come I haven't seen it before." Abbasin asked the other party at this time. Because he often patrols, even if he hasn't seen it before, he can at least be familiar with him, but the other party is very strange. This made him have to come forward and ask, or the other party could draw the conclusion he wanted to draw.

"Me. The Third Army." said the recruit.

"My goodness. The Third Army, did you come here?" Abbasin sat up in surprise. Because this news is too surprised. Because according to the order of attack, the Third Army is behind them and belongs to the rear guard. How come the Third Army suddenly ran into the ranks of the First Army. This shows that the team has become very chaotic. Abbasin suddenly had a bad danger signal sent over. He is a sensitive person, and an insensitive person can't do such a business at all.

"You really belong to the Third Army? How did you get into the ranks of our First Army. Also. Do you have anyone else?" Sergeant Abasin asked nervously.

"Oh, I really belonged to the Third Army. Several of us came together. I don’t know which team we were in and where. Anyway, many people ran chaotically, saying that they were chasing the enemy, and our chief was also not there. Stop urging. We had to run non-stop and came here. However, running ahead is really good. I also picked up two bags of gold coins. These things are good things for us." The recruit said so. He looks silly.

"The question is, where did your people go?" Sergeant Abbasin asked at this time.

"No. I don't know, I can't find anyone when I ran. Anyway. I don't know where I am." The recruit said.

"What's the matter? Did we lose it? Impossible. We have been running with people. The person in the front may have entered Babylon. I heard that they will collapse until there. There are beauties, gold, and There are more treasures, and the first person to enter will take away what belongs to him at will. When I enter the city, I must have my own carriage and put all my treasures on the cart." The recruit was still talking excitedly. It seems that all of this is taken for granted.

"Damn it, I think it's very abnormal. We chase it down like this. If the King Seth army ambushes here, or kills it. How can we fight?" Abbasin said suddenly. He felt that it was extremely unwise to pursue it like this. The first person to catch up might enter Babylon, but it might also be the first to die. Anyway, luck and bad luck are on the line. What they can do seems to be very limited. But when real danger comes, they will still make some correct choices, for example, they decide to leave this ghost place.

"Go, we must go back, otherwise, we may not be the first to enter Babylon, but become the first person to be killed." Abasin said worriedly. Then he began to pack his rucksack and prepare to leave here.

"Boom. Boom." Just then. An explosion began not far away from them. The explosion came suddenly, and the two of them were startled. Then the explosions became more and more, and the gunfire began to sound.

"No, withdraw quickly. Otherwise, it will be too late." Sergeant Abbasin called. Then he pressed down and tried to hide himself as much as possible. The recruits in the back wanted to run away quickly, but were pulled down by Abbasin.

"If you want to die, you have to lower your body, otherwise, you don't know how to die." Abbasin cursed. Then leave here a little bit. As for what happened before, he didn't know what happened. Abasin is a person with better luck, because after one or two hundred meters, they will enter the ten-kilometer ambush. At that time, it was impossible for them to walk even if they wanted to. Fortunately, the two left the battlefield. But the person who pursued the front was not so lucky. They were pursuing a rout of soldiers, and suddenly they were shot and exploded. They don't even know what happened.

"Hit. Hit me hard. Don't worry about the ammunition." Tummer shouted. Many soldiers shoot at a running enemy, one round after another. Before, it took a long time for them to fire one round. Now, there is ample supply of ammunition, which makes them very unhappy, because with such a weapon, Their battle situation will become very favorable.

"Puff." A soldier of the Second Army didn't know what was going on. He was hit in the head by a flying bullet, and then fell to the ground and lost his final consciousness. So did many people. They were unprepared. Was shot down. They lost even the least resistance.

"Bang." The Sanqi Cannon also made a huge sound. The shells flew out directly, breaking many people's stomachs, legs, and arms. And the flying head. The other party's crowd is very dense. This gave them a very good blockade effect. This situation has never been possible.

The battle became a massacre, because the soldiers of the Second Army who were pursuing had no idea that the other party would have such a crazy behavior. They were killed before they could even react as they should. The sound of gunfire, artillery, and explosions continued to come, which had already indicated that the situation in this battle had become very favorable to the new Seth Army.

"Kill." After a period of crazy shooting. Seth's new army launched an offensive. They carried the bayonet rifle, and the soldiers behind took the shovels, and then chased them out frantically. For them, the enemy's battle had collapsed.

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