"We surrender, we surrender, don't kill me. Don't kill me." A surrendered Second Army soldier raised his hands and shouted loudly. He not only used the Seth language, but also shouted loudly in the Central Plains dialect. This is a life-saving language, although the Second Army prohibits soldiers from learning such words in public, because this can easily lead to low morale of the soldiers. Teaching such a language means encouraging soldiers to surrender. However, in private, soldiers are still actively learning such languages. After all, when it is critical, he can save your life.

"Ah." A soldier screamed because an angry Seth militia had already waved his rifle **** to the opponent's head. The opponent was shot to death on the spot, and blood kept coming out of the gap in the head. It flowed out, and the nearby things quickly knelt on the ground in fright, and they trembled. Because these new Seth forces seemed to be sympathetic to the performance of the captives.

"Stop. No prisoners are allowed to kill." Tummer's timely appearance prevented the soldiers from further killing. Because some soldiers have already raised their bayonet rifles at the opponent's vitals, if they are not stopped in time, they will be assassinated immediately.

"Everyone continues to chase, and these prisoners are guarded carefully and are not allowed to kill." Tummer issued an order. The soldiers could only obey, and then some people were left to watch the captives, while the rest continued to pursue them. After all, there is a rout, and the place where the opponent flees along the rout is the place where their offensive is outstanding.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." After all, Tummer did not kill the prisoners. After all, it was still a minority, and Seth’s new army encountered such a problem for the first time. Although they were all in the same country, Seth, the problem is that these free people are big. Part of it was cruelly oppressed by the other party. If it weren't for the king to liberate them, they would definitely be suppressed. Now, it is their turn for the soldiers of the Second Army that surrendered to be dealt with by the other side. An officer took a pistol and shot some surrendered prisoners of the Second Army. Although they shouted loudly, they still could not avoid such a tragedy. Then they continued pursuing, and before pursuing, their chief did not forget to give orders. Ask some soldiers to hit the corpse with bayonets a few times. This will prevent many prisoners of war from pretending to be dead and escaping, and some officers do not plan to let them go.

The situation is very favorable for Seth's new army. Because the Second Army among the chasing soldiers did not expect the opponent to launch a counterattack at all, they jumped into the area where the opponent was ambushing, and when they were relieved, everything was too late. A powerful counterattack has chased down the defeated soldiers of the Second Army and swept the subsequent combat troops.

"Come back, come back, you ran in the wrong direction." On the chase, Sergeant Abasin had already ran into the middle team, even though they were very tired. But they can't stop, because if they stop, they will be chased up by the other party. In that case, they are all over. And some soldiers were still yelling loudly in the middle, it seemed that they ran in the wrong direction.

"Damn it, Seth New Army, they are here." The recruits behind shouted loudly. Then they ran up, and many people didn't know what they were saying, because it was they who killed them. How could they kill them all at once. But soon, they turned their directions and began to rout. Because some soldiers on the front line have been defeated. The defeat brought bad news, and it was negative, and these news made their situation worse. Many people blindly followed the wrong choices made by the soldiers in front of them. They chose to rout and spread the news of this rout further. This is a terrible infectious disease, and with the terrible description of the rout, eventually The result became out of control, and a large number of routs began to appear. It has been difficult for the Second Army to organize such a thing to happen.

The front position of the First Army Command of the First Army. The First Army has just taken control of it. They surrounded Babylon from the south, east, and west. The First Army has also implemented innovative tactics of siege. This is simply It is unprecedented.

"I can already see the palace of Babylon. I think it must be a very good palace." Liang Ba excitedly raised the telescope in his hand and looked at the low city wall. This is relative because of the existence of firearms. , The significance of the city wall has become less significant. The engineers of the First Army have begun to dig trenches and tunnels. They want to take large-scale blasting. After the city wall is bombed, an attack will be launched. In this case, their offense will become very smooth. Despite the price paid by the occupation, more than two regiments were maimed. But they have got the results they want, they surrounded Babylon. And soon they will be able to occupy them.

"Sir, what I'm worried about is that they will fight us in the street. In that case, our losses will be very great." The sergeant said worriedly. The sergeant has rich combat experience. He could feel that the occupation of Babylon would plunge the entire First Army into an unprecedented disaster. Because street fighting became even worse for the First Army. In the trenches competition. The First Army usually needs to pay three times the price to kill a soldier on the other side, and street fighting, the environment will become more complicated, and the more flexible Seth New Army will be in an absolute advantage because they are familiar with The terrain, at the same time, where is their home court, the advantage on the home court will allow them to play a greater advantage. This is what they are doing now.

"Hehe, you are so worried. I believe that those new Seth troops will be much better than we thought. We should believe them, not doubt them." Liang Ba said disapprovingly.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Ministry of War. The War Department got good news.

"It seems that the First Army has done a very good job. They have surrounded the city of Babylon. If the attack goes well, I think they will soon enter the city of Babylon. In this case, everything is over." A lieutenant colonel officer Said this to the Secretary of the Army.

"Well, it's over. It's finally over." The Secretary of the Army said relaxedly looking at the map. It seems that these are two trains, and they can no longer shake their tendency to reach the terminal. The other road was chasing quickly, and under the frenzied attack of the two groups, there seemed to be nothing to stop them from advancing. Once the two armies arrive, they can completely crush the opponent's defense. Then Babylon is completely occupied, and a new country will be established with the support of the Koreans. In such a situation, what else does Korea have to worry about.

"How about the other attack? Haven't they advanced yet?" the Secretary of War asked. After all, he is still very concerned about this issue, which is related to their complete settlement of Babylon's affairs. The two armies launch an offensive, which can greatly guarantee their safety. This will not cause big variables.

"Sir, I haven't received any news of their arrival under Babylon, but the last time we received a telegram that they were chasing down soldiers, I think it won't take long for them to get there now. In this case, There will be a great advantage in our situation, and this advantage will put us in a more advantageous position." said the lieutenant colonel.

"Yeah. Very good. In this case, our victory will have a great guarantee." The Secretary of the Army and the Lieutenant Colonel both proceeded under extremely favorable conditions. In their opinion, what they did All of this will be very beneficial to them for better fighting, which will become very beneficial to them.

"Da da da." Just then. The Secretary of the Army’s leather boots made a clacking sound, sounding anxious, but the Secretary of the Army just shook his head.

"Tell me, what good news is there to tell us. Is the Second Army already under Babylon? I think it should be, otherwise, you won't be so anxious." The Secretary of War turned to the Undersecretary of the Army. Speaking of. He has heard the footsteps of the other party. So he can say that. But the situation does not seem to be as simple as he thought.

"No. Sir, the situation is just the opposite. We have received the latest information. Very bad." The undersecretary of the Army embarrassedly handed the telegram in his hand to the Secretary of the Army. The Secretary of the Army felt a little surprised, after all, such a thing seemed a bit difficult. But he felt that it was nothing, after all, this kind of thing happened many times. No big deal. But soon the Secretary of the Army stopped thinking that way.

"Why, why did such a thing happen?" The Secretary of the Army couldn't believe it, the defeat, the Secretary of the Army couldn't think of what caused such a big defeat. Before, they had been moving forward, and there was not much distance from Babylon Far. I believe that they only need to give them two days, or one and a half days, to reach the city of Babylon. It seems that all this has been decided, but now things have changed a lot, and the result they expected did not happen. On the contrary, there are still many things that are developing towards situations beyond their control, such as the defeat. The telegram said that the Second Army could no longer control his men. Because their organizational system was completely disrupted. The officer could not find his soldier. But their soldiers couldn't find the officer, and then they broke down and fled. As a result, the collapse has become more and more serious, as desperate as the last avalanche, the negative information brought by the telegram will be very catastrophic. If you continue to pursue it. The Secretary of the Army dare not think about it.

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