The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3627: Can the First Army retreat?

But a bad situation has happened, and now they must prepare for the aftermath. For example, after the collapse of the Second Army, they must think about what results they will have. Just when the South Korean War Department faced this new situation. Seth people are also thinking new things.

In Babylon, the gunshots were loud and it sounded very dense. In order to ensure the safety of the king, the king's headquarters was moved to a hidden basement in the palace. The light here was dim and the air was dirty, but no one cared about it. All staff officers are working on the map with the only light.

"Your Majesty, the Second Army has collapsed. After we have pursued for a certain distance, we can no longer pursue too much. Lest similar things happen to us." Zhao Rui suggested at this time. Their troops have already launched a chase, and the chasing distance is more than 20 kilometers. Zhao Rui is worried that excessive chasing will put the opponent in a hurry. In that case, the situation may be unsatisfactory.

"No, I think we can just defeat the Second Army. If this is the case, our pressure will be much reduced." The king said.

"However, your Majesty, I think that before, we must pay attention to our capital, Babylon. The situation in the city is very bad. We are not strong enough. Although we continue to shrink the line of defense in order to obtain more troops, the problem is , Our troops are already insufficient. If we continue to chase the enemy at this time, the opponent may collapse, but our capital will also be taken down by the opponent. In that case, we will be in a disadvantageous state, on the contrary. If we At this time, the offensive stopped. Turned to attack the flanks of the First Army. Attack their logistics supply line and cut off the supply line there. I think our situation will become much more advantageous." Zhao Rui suggested. This may be the prototype of the infantry blitz, but the problem is that the mobility of the infantry is inherently small, which causes the Seth New Army to not excessively pursue the defeated Second Army. This made the king feel very uncomfortable. After all, to defeat the opponent, as long as the opponent can gather the troops in time, they will still pose a certain threat. However, they cannot give up their capital, because when they are completely defeating the opponent, the first An army will still pose a powerful threat to them. They must eliminate such threats.

"If we chase too much, it will cause our troops to be exhausted, which is also extremely unfavorable for us. What we can do is to promptly transfer most of the main force from the side of the first army. Wing launched an offensive and hit the opponent by surprise. In this way, we can surround them and put them in a complete annihilation. Although we cannot completely eliminate the Second Army, we can inflict heavy damage on the opponent to a large extent. "Zhao Rui drew an arc of rotation on the map. The main force of the pursued Second Army will turn to attack the rear of the First Army, and part of the force will continue to exert pressure. The collapsed enemy's confidence has been lost, and they can no longer have so much combat capability.

"Well. Well, it can only be so. But we must surround the First Army as soon as possible and eat most of them. We must not let them run away." The king reluctantly accepted this plan, because this plan is the best. A sound plan. In this way, the main force of the pursuit was reorganized. Then turned to the rear of the First Army. But the First Army didn't even know it. Because they have already got a huge trophy in front of them.

Inside the city of Babylon. There is battle everywhere, war is everywhere, death can be seen everywhere, and the corpse is too late to clean up. The front lines on both sides are extremely chaotic. This is street fighting. Zhao Guoren suggested that the Seth army abandon the city defense, and then turn to enter the city for street fighting. The complicated terrain inflicted serious trauma on the opponent. This situation will make them extremely collapsed.

"Bang. Bang. Boom." The gunshots kept coming, and there were explosions from time to time, but it didn't matter what happened to Simba, because his squad just had to guard their house.

"We are fighting stubbornly. Babylon will never fall. We carried out cruel street fighting in accordance with Zhao Guoren's instructions. The windows were blocked and the houses were specially strengthened to prevent direct bombardment by bullets and artillery shells. Then we It’s difficult for a large team to adapt to the needs of street fighting. This is a special point. The people of Zhao let us conduct team operations. A team of fighters will not exceed 20 personnel. We are more flexible, such as ours. , There are two good gunmen, they will hide from high places to shoot, cold guns are constantly shooting, we don't know how many people killed. Anyway, there are corpses everywhere on the street. In addition, there are Several assault teams, we will enter a small-scale counterattack, and then we can defend this house." Simba wrote.

"The location of this house is very clever. It happens to be located in a cross-block area. Any passing troops will be blocked here. Our shooting technique is extremely clever. The enemy can't form an effective threat to us. But ours The situation is also changing. The rebels are also changing. They began to hide in the houses and compete with us one by one. For example, we will occupy this house and our neighbor is the rebel. This is the situation. . But we are used to it. Because the number of rebels does not seem to be used, the whole city is full of rebels, but in a certain area, their number is relatively limited, and our assault team keeps taking advantage of it. The attack was launched in the dark, and the other party was unprepared. The situation is very favorable for us. Because we saw the king's flag on the palace still there, and heard that the king's guards were all involved. We can't let the king fight. In this case It's our own responsibility." Xinke wrote in his notes. Soon, he could no longer write. Because the fighting broke out immediately, and it was still fierce, the First Army launched another offensive. Their offensive became extremely passive, because they even launched an offensive from the street.

Liang Ba himself did not know where the headquarters of a certain regiment of the First Army on the city wall was. Anyway, this is a headquarters. Because the organization of many troops has been disrupted. There are also considerable losses of personnel. This led to great confusion in the organization.

"Sir, be careful." The sergeant grabbed Liang Ba suddenly. Because there were snipers nearby, it was very unsafe even in the command post. The sniper's strikes had resulted in the deaths of many officers, which made the First Army. The control over grassroots officers and soldiers has further weakened. Liang Ba may also become the opponent's best target.

"I know, **** sniper." Liang Ba reluctantly found a hidden place to observe the situation.

"Street fighting has been going on for a long time. If this continues, I think we may not be able to occupy the city at all. The other party's determination to resist resolutely is too strong. But we can't do anything. In such a situation, it will be very bad for us. It's not good. I think the First Army might not occupy this city, and there is." The sergeant glanced at Liang Ba and shook his head.

"What else?" Liang Ba asked the other party angrily, after all, when is it now. What to say, otherwise, the situation will be very bad.

"The Second Army has completely collapsed. They were ambushed. We did not get a telegram from the Second Army, but the headquarters has confirmed the authenticity of the news. In this case, our situation may be the worst. I think, if If the opponent kills from behind at this time, we will be completely finished. We are in danger of being surrounded." The sergeant said.

"What?" Liang Ba felt very cold on his back when he heard this. The news made him feel very uncomfortable all over, or in other words, the news completely frightened him. The Second Army was defeated, which meant that the safety of the flanks would be fully opened. This is the worst news.

"Sir, this news is true. It has been confirmed by the headquarters. We must urge the First Army to evacuate here as soon as possible. Otherwise, if tens of thousands of people are surrounded here, the entire defense line will cause a huge collapse." Sergeant Speaking of this. Liang Ba mechanical nodded. He has to agree with this now.

"The question is, can they withdraw?" Liang Ba asked Sergeant Dao at this time. Sergeant didn't know how to answer this question. This was indeed a big problem. He feels that it is unlikely to withdraw at this time because the situation has become very obvious. The First Army has already been engaged in street fighting. At this time, it seems impossible to get them out. The only way is to give up. However, in this case, the First Army has been severely damaged.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Han Shu looked at the map seriously. The Secretary of the Army made a report with the latest analysis report.

"According to our inference, Seth’s new army will be able to change its direction and make a roundabout from the side and rear wing. In that case, the First Army may be surrounded. Therefore, in the face of such a situation, we believe that the First Army It should be withdrawn at this time to ensure full strength for defensive operations." The Secretary of the Army reported in this way. This is the inference of the staff. And it is very likely to continue.

"The question is, can the First Army be withdrawn?" Han Shu asked.

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