The First Army has been entangled in street fighting, and they are constantly mobilizing troops to invest in it, which makes their condition even worse. If this goes on, it will inevitably affect their subsequent combat and military operations. This is for them. It is simply an unbearable result. They cannot allow this to happen further.

But the problem is that they have invested a large number of combat troops, and once they withdraw, the losses will be extremely heavy. This is also one of the important reasons why the First Group cannot withdraw. If they withdraw, it means that they have lost the opportunity to win Babylon. This opportunity is for them. Too important. They can't miss this opportunity, and that's too bad for them. The Koreans are clearly aware of this. But this cannot solve all problems. Because this is a difficult multiple choice question.

As usual, the Koreans only gave the First Army a stern warning. But that's all. As for how the other party views this matter, it is not something they Koreans can do.

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside the prime minister's house.

"Zhao Guoren plans to immigrate to Australia, and the Koreans have also come up with related immigration plans. In this way, the two sides will inevitably have greater competition on the South Ocean issue, and this contradiction may further escalate into war." Shang Wen said worriedly. The Korean sent a telegram. Qin is required to mediate this matter with the role of an intermediary, even though the two countries have already had related agreements before, for example, the Koreans succeeded in occupying most of the Nanyang Islands. Only some remote small islands are left to the people of Zhao, but the problem is that this agreement only vaguely stipulates the shelving of the Australian issue. Moreover, the diplomats of the two sides have been fighting a war of words on this matter for a long time, but they still cannot resolve it. Now Zhao Guoren decided to take a substantive solution to solve the problem. That is immigration. Their nationals emigrated in the past to achieve their goals. The South Koreans have also taken the same measures to stop each other, but this does not seem to have much effect. Because of the relatively large number of immigrants in the country of Zhao, the movements of the Koreans can only be regarded as the past.

"In this matter, my opinion is that both sides have not reached the worst point. I mean, there is still a big gap between the two. This gap comes from their ability to solve these things on their own." Meng Yi said so.

"I don't know what this means?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi.

"What I mean is that this matter is finally resolved by national power. For the time being, the Koreans are not capable of solving this matter, because what I know is that they are in a period of rapid expansion in the Western region. , And at this time, it is obvious that their expansion in Nanyang is not in such a timely manner. This is simply the worst thing for them." Meng Yi said. He has already seen that the strength of the Koreans belongs to a period of weakness, otherwise, the Koreans would not seek help from the people of Qin, and the strength of the people of Zhao is greater because they do not have too many colonies to deal with. , It will allow them to expand in Southeast Asia.

"Well. We can't interfere too much in this matter. I think you understand, Koreans and Zhao people, and we Qin people are not easy to offend. Our economy and the two are closely linked. Our Industrial parts are supplied from the country of Zhao. Although we can produce in our own country, most of the technology transferred from our factory is in the country of Zhao. On the other hand, the trade of Koreans is what we need, and they can satisfy us. The demand on the market, between the two, is very beneficial to us. If we offend both, the situation will be very bad." Shang Wen said.

"Then we will continue to maintain neutrality, or in other words, to develop our navy, we need to conduct supervision on the grounds that Qin's national strength is insufficient." Meng Yi said. Shang Wen nodded in agreement with this approach. The people of Qin must remain neutral because the economy of Qin has effectively penetrated the economy of Zhao and South Korea. The two are inseparable. If you leave, it will cause serious consequences, and the development of Qin's economy will also have big problems.

South Korea, Xinzheng, the Office of the Minister of Civil Affairs, this department is a department with a lot of cumbersome things, because many things need to be handled by this department, but their funds are insufficient, and they can only receive such reports. Then deal with it one by one, which consumes time and energy, and at the same time cannot solve the problem efficiently, which makes Mr. Minister feel very headache.

"This matter must be resolved as soon as possible. No matter what method is used. Otherwise, our situation will be very bad. You know, the king’s temper is good and bad. If this matter is not handled well, we You can leave this position completely." Mr. Minister said to his assistant.

"But Mr. Minister, this matter is very difficult to deal with. If you emigrate, you need to move more people. But, you know, we have many colonies in South Korea, where there are more opportunities to make a fortune. I can also rely on my smart brain to be mixed in those places, but in Nanyang, where there is a humid climate, and there are mosquitoes everywhere, that place is not going, even the Australian mainland needs to travel through It’s not going there at all.” The assistant knows what the Minister of Civil Affairs is worried about, immigration. If this matter is not handled properly, it will be difficult to solve these problems.

"The problem is that the problem of immigration must be resolved. Now the lives of Koreans are clearly improving. The needs of immigrants are there, but they are all seeking to get rich. It is impossible to go to Australia. Korea can no longer find those who are already very poor. There is no place. In this case, how can our situation be resolved?" Mr. Minister said.

"Mr. Minister, maybe we have a good solution to these things." At this time the assistant proposed.

"What way?" the other party asked. After all, he still hopes to solve this matter. Although it is a bit difficult, it is not a difficult matter for him. He needs to solve these things.

"Wei Guo, we all know that Wei Guo is now in a state of extreme collapse. The housing loan problem has made it hard for them to breathe. Not only that, they are now in a state of negative equity, and I know that there is also For many of these things, some people have chosen to commit suicide, jump from a building, jump into a river, cut their wrists, and hang themselves because they can't bear such a great pressure." The assistant said one by one, breaking his fingers.

"Okay. I know all of this. Let me talk about the most critical point, for example, how do we solve it? Wei Guo, does Wei Guo's matter have anything to do with us?" the Minister of Civil Affairs asked. Due to the problem of housing loans, many Wei people face huge problems in their survival. The entire beam seems to have no normal economic operation except for the railways. This is where the economic crisis is so severe. This will make all kinds of contradictions erupt again. People don’t know why things like this happen, but what they know is that life is going to go on, they must survive, only too desperate. People think so.

"My idea is like this. Now that the Wei people are in such a situation, we can attract them to come here, we can provide free household registration support, and then give them a certain loan or some money to give them benefits. The treatment should be higher, and then encourage them to immigrate. In this case, they are considered to be us Koreans. This is also an important development opportunity for them. After all, in Wei, their situation may not be able to survive further. Let's go on. We are to provide them with an opportunity. In this way, their survival problems can be solved, and our immigration problem can be solved." The assistant said. The minister nodded in agreement, but he was thinking about the consequences of doing this, but thinking about the Queen's situation, he felt that it should be better to do this, after all, this can solve most of their problems. If these problems are not resolved, their situation will be very bad.

"At the same time, we can also solve these problems by other means. For example, Bangla, where the situation is not very good, but we can provide such an opportunity to attract their elites there, and at the same time we can transfer Part of the labor that we need can also do the same. In short, the king's requirement is that we complete the immigration task, but he did not ask us to do it. This is not a difficult task for us." The assistant said.

At this time, the minister's eyes brightened, yes, the king just asked them to complete the immigration, but he did not clearly tell him where they can immigrate from, and where they cannot immigrate. These did not explain, which gave him a lot of room for manipulation.

"Very good, just do it. You immediately draw up a related plan to proceed. In this way, our affairs can be solved very well. But it must be fast. The king may be very anxious in need, if If you can't take it out at that time, all our situations will become very bad. I believe you know this very well." Mr. Minister said with a smile.

Qin State, Xianyang, an agricultural company.

"This is a new variety we introduced from Qin Guo University. This is called. Potato. Yes, it's popularly called. Potato." said a business executive. Their company is mainly to promote agricultural technology and related agricultural planting services. For example, as a middleman, they can contact specialized commercial loans. At the same time, evaluate the varieties to be planted in the future. Then plant seeds according to the local land conditions. It can be said that they are a company that specializes in agriculture. Of course. Only by promoting new varieties can you get more profits. For example, carrots. In fact, there is another name called yellow radish, or carrot. In fact, it is carrot. It has a crispy taste and is easy to preserve. However, this kind of radish is a new variety and the price is more expensive because it is a hybrid variety. People have high requirements for this variety, because it contains carotene, nutritionists specifically introduced the important role of this nutrient. So here comes King Qin every morning to drink a glass of orange and carrot juice. Because it can stay young and full of vitality. But now they want to promote a new variety.

"Tudou, doesn't the name sound very good?" his manager shook his head and said. Because carrots come from the Hu people, people feel that the thing is not available in the Qin State, and the Central Plains is naturally gone. Therefore, it will receive enthusiastic praise. But potatoes. The name is not very good.

"Manager, although the name of this potato is not good, it is rich in starch. We have found out many ways to eat potatoes, such as French fries, stir-fries and potato cakes. The taste is very good. The important thing is that his planting is very simple, he can sprout without putting in a lot of potatoes, he can plant and plant the sprouted parts, and the laboratory results are very good. If it is promoted in the future , I believe it will definitely sell well. The most important thing is that there is no such thing in the market.” The supervisor said.

"Well, we spend a lot of money to introduce some to see, if it is good, we can start more projects." The manager nodded and said. Then they visited other projects, such as peppers and peanuts. These are very few in quantity and can only be treated as special foods. Of course there is corn, but the output of corn is still unable to increase because they need more. Of corn seeds, the laboratory has already begun to solve this problem. Corn is everywhere in their greenhouses, just to get more seeds, of course. They still don't know the situation of corn planting. In addition to these, they also carried out a joint promotion with another large agricultural company to promote a gadget called rubber. It is said that behind that large company is financial support from Qin Guo Wenyang Bank, which means that this The project is very likely to succeed, and the probability of success is very high. This puts them in an absolute dominant position, which will become very interesting for them.

"We want to cooperate with the Koreans to promote rubber cultivation in the Nanyang area. We must reserve the relevant technical talents. We cannot lack such talents. We need them too much. As for the financial issues, you don't have to worry about it. Rubber is something unprecedented. I heard that some companies have already started. We must hurry up." The manager said.

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