Seth, the king’s headquarters. The fighting outside became more intense. The First Army of the Rebels launched a rather swift offensive during the offensive this morning, and this offensive made them all bear. Fortunately, two improvised infantry battalions were put into it and barely played a role. This time the situation stabilized, but if the other side launched another attack, they would not be so lucky.

"There are only two infantry battalions, isn't it too few? We should add two more infantry battalions. In this case, their pursuit effect may be better." The king said. Zhao Rui’s troop deployment is to mobilize most of the main forces. About 30 battalions will attack from the side and rear wing. Some troops will enter the defensive state, while the remaining chasing troops. Because of the tension of forces, only Only two reinforced battalions were allocated, and the strength was only a little over 1,000. But their ammunition remains adequate. This is the only force in Zhao Rui's hand that can be used.

"Your Majesty, I think you should understand our current situation. If we mobilize a large number of troops, it will pose a great threat to us. We may not be able to eat the opponent's first army. And chasing the defeated soldiers. If there are too many troops, our logistics supplies will be tight, and our frontal troops will be very difficult, because we still need to deploy some troops to defend Babylon, otherwise today’s things will happen again, and we can’t guarantee that we will betray. The army will not launch such an offensive yet." Zhao Rui said. Thinking that some troops need to be deployed to protect the safety of the capital, this is the opinion of the Chief of Staff, and Zhao Rui must also fully consider this point. You must know that if they excessively deploy troops, it will lead to a decline in the defense capabilities of their capital. , This will cause serious disasters to them. This situation must not happen. This is the opinion of the Chief of Staff. Therefore, they can only draw some troops back to defend the safety of the capital. Therefore, this directly leads to only two battalions pursuing the front line. In order to make up for their pursuing effect, Zhao Rui could only cost two battalions as much as possible, which made them more than one thousand troops, but it was only a little over one thousand. Too many troops are simply impossible, because people are needed everywhere.

"Okay. That's the only way." For safety reasons. Also for the overall consideration. The king can only approve of this approach. After all, if the capital is broken, they will have nothing to play next.

"How is the situation with the rebels?" the king asked worriedly. What he was worried about was the vigilant retreat of the First Army. In that case, all their plans would be wasted.

"At present, they have no sign of retreating, but what I am worried about is that the news has reached there. If this is the case, they may retreat. This is very unfavorable for us." Zhao Rui said.

"We have to think of a way to hold them, and only in this way can we prevent them from leaving here. If necessary, we can launch a counterattack. Yes, it means counterattack. If we go up and bite them, I think they will. This attack will stop." The king said. In this regard, he also feels very necessary.

Outside the headquarters of the First Army, Liang Ba walked out with heavy steps. For him, this was simply an unacceptable thing.

"How? Sir, did they plan to retreat? We can now take advantage of the offensive launched today to quickly get out of the battle. This is a very rare opportunity. If we lose it, our situation will become very bad." The sergeant said anxiously. The situation is very dangerous for them. Many people may not realize the crisis of the situation. At most, they complain about the **** free people. They defended too hard. Because they will detonate bombs temporarily, it makes them unable to withstand such a large casualty, the wailing of the wounded, and the smell of the bodies of the dead, making them unbearable in such a battlefield environment, and the situation has become very for them. unfavorable. This stagnation has had an impact on morale.

"No, they don't plan to retreat. They think they can attack and take down this **** Babylon city. But they don't realize that the danger has arrived." Liang Ba said disappointedly. He has seen the failure of this army.

"We are ready to leave here. There will be more failures here. We will lose the final meaning if we stay here. Maybe if we don't leave, we won't be able to do without here." Liang Ba said. The sergeant wanted to say something, but his commander had already issued such an order. He can only obey. The First Army wanted to launch a swift attack and solve this problem all at once. In their view, this problem was not a problem at all, because when the enemy surrounded them, they had already taken the city of Babylon, and they seriously underestimated freedom. The people were determined to defend the city of Babylon, and at the same time they overestimated themselves, they simply had no such ability.

South Korea, Xinzheng. The War Department came up with a new remedial plan. Because they have received definite news, the First Army will not retreat, and the country plans to form three infantry divisions to replenish the strength of another army there. In this way, their forces can reach a sufficient state, and it is not a problem to win Babylon.

"We must allow this newly formed army to be able to rescue, or to help the Seth First Army to break through. Otherwise, they will cause huge losses." The staff officers said.

"The problem is that the supplementary supplies will take some time. They may not be able to sustain such a long time." A colonel said worriedly.

"You can use the airship unit. This is the best weapon we have sold to them. Perhaps the airship can provide them with some supplies. In this way, they can maintain a longer period of time. This time is enough for us to rescue them, or Reopening the transportation supply line is very beneficial to us. At the same time, we should put our hope on the Second Army, hoping that they can achieve this goal again." The Secretary of the Army said. They put their hope on the formation of new troops so that they can react in time after a bigger accident occurs. But this approach is too risky, because they completely pin their hopes on the new army. However, there is no alternative. The first group refused to retreat. They believed that they could eat the opponent's forces.

In Han Shu's office, she really didn't want to solve the troubles of the War Department, because the matter was complicated and messy, and she was in a bad mood now. I don't want to solve these things because she feels very irritable. Han Shu's personal doctor told her that this requires self-cultivation. In other words, be peaceful. In fact, it is a typical endocrine disorder. To be frank, it is menopause. Perhaps their queen should have a relationship, or their queen should get married. Only in this way, this inexplicable irritability can disappear, but this This kind of thing cannot be said, because everyone knows that their queen has become a celibate. For their country, she will not marry. This represents dignity.

In desperation, the private doctor can only prescribe some painless and itchy medicine to solve the problem. And Han Shu didn't know anything about it. In her opinion, all of this was just a little problem.

"I agree with the immigration matter. The Ministry of Civil Affairs has done very well. We can draw some social elites from Indy, Champu, Bangla, and more colonies to build there. At the same time, we can put a lot of The labor force is sent there for construction. What I know is that the environment there is very poor and the casualties are still increasing. However, the development of Nanyang, especially Australia, is very important to us, and we cannot lose these places. And we can mobilize the human resources of the colony from other places to make up for our shortcomings. This is good. For Wei, we try to attract them into our place. Otherwise, this is also a chance for us. "Han Shu said. Zhang Liang recorded. These things are very important to them.

In the Jiaozhou border area of ​​the Wei State, the Jiaozhou local police have stepped up their inspections in this area, because in recent times, more and more Wei people have come here. The attitude of the Jiaozhou government towards them is repatriation. , Or to register legally to make them legal taxpayers. Otherwise, they will not be given fair citizenship rights.

"Why did the Wei people come to us?" said a patrolman looking at the fleeing Wei people. They look pitiful. They caught these, and there are many others that have not been caught. Jeju people have also taken them in. Among these people, there are still cunning people. Recently, the crime rate in their area has been reported. They have risen a lot, which makes them feel very distressed, and they can only gather them together in desperation.

"Because their houses are worthless. Therefore, many of them are in debt. Those debts will not be repayable for a lifetime. If they don't run away, they may become poor for the rest of their lives. The place in Wei State. How do you say that? . It's also a good place." Another patrolman said boredly.

"A good place is coming to us. I can only say that we are a good place. This house is just a place to live. There is nothing to do. What can I do to drive up the price. It's really full." The patrolman said proudly. In their opinion, buying a house with money is simply too frustrated.

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