The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3632: Big-eyed grievance

In Suez City, many smugglers register at the Korean tax registration office and then pay their taxes. This seems very funny. The smuggling businessmen originally smuggled to avoid taxes, but now they line up to pay taxes. This is really an anecdote. Even Korean reporters think it’s impossible. Happened, but this is the fact.

"Of course this tax has to be paid. If you don't pay it, you will lose your life. You have to be careful about such things." A smuggler said to the reporter.

"After registering and paying taxes, at least we have escorts. They can ensure that we have a safe back and forth and see the gunboats. There are rapid-fire guns on them, as well as machine guns. Can those pirates attack us? Obviously not. Therefore, for safety considerations and to have enough funds to survive, we still choose to pay taxes. In this way, at least our lives can be adequately guaranteed. This is very important to us." The other party said so. Then left here. The reporter felt very strange, is it true that pirates are so rampant? Detailed data was soon obtained.

"The pirates are currently in a rising period. For various reasons, there are many such reasons, the collapse of the army, the inability of a few people to survive, and more people are desperate to get rich. This kind of thing happens often and is difficult to control. After all, the Aiji society is entering a turbulent period, which directly leads to the current situation. A large number of pirate organizations continue to appear." The reporter interviewed a navy lieutenant colonel, who is in charge of piracy affairs. officer. And outside their barracks, many people gathered there, and it seemed that something lively had happened.

"What are you doing there?" the reporter asked the lieutenant colonel.

"Oh. The execution of pirates, this is the 2,000th person we have executed. I am not sure about the details. We have set up a special military court to deal with these pirates. They are as many as weeds, dead. Born again," said the navy lieutenant colonel.

"Can I take a picture?" the reporter asked. The lieutenant colonel just nodded, indicating that he could. The execution of pirates is extremely severe, basically divided into these types, hanging, beheading, and burning. Those hanged pirates will hang under some bridges in the canal, which makes the passing ships feel very terrible, but it has a certain deterrent effect on the pirates. There are also those heads hanging together. The Central Plains people still beheaded. Have a soft spot. It seems that only in this way can the locals become more quiet. But it looks extremely bloody. In addition to these, there is fire torture. This seems to be a custom of the local people. The Koreans don’t know who spread it. Maybe even the South Koreans can’t find a reason for doing this, but fire torture. The effect was quite good, thinking that those people would make cruel howls. This howling sound can effectively make more people become extremely collapsed, they are too afraid of this kind of thing. However, none of this has prevented one thing, because after the pirate organization has wiped out a group, more groups will come, and there are signs that the scale of the pirate organization seems to be getting bigger and bigger, and it has definitely become a few. A. This has contributed to some upgrades of the pirate organizations themselves, and the direct factor contributing to these is the Koreans’ own crackdown on pirates.

The Koreans formed a speedboat brigade. They were equipped with Thirty Dossau speedboats that were retired from the Jeju naval battle. Twenty speedboats were used for transportation and cruising, and ten were of course patrolling. But these forces are still very weak, but their strike effect is very good. , Because the local boats are made of wood, not only that, their power is sailing, human rowing, all of which make their speed extremely slow. Under such circumstances, they could not further complete effective evasion at all, and fast speedboats could strike them quickly, rapid-fire guns could sieve their ships, and those terrible machine guns became excellent tools for slaughter, but the problem Yes, it has become difficult to find pirates because the pirates have also become hidden. They know that if they come out alone, they will be killed, because there have been many incidents of such accidental injuries. The Korean Navy has dealt with merchant ships that sail alone. Extremely unfriendly. Some of them will not even issue warnings to directly attack without any inspection. This makes the pirates feel very helpless. Although this will kill some merchants, they also kill them. More pirates. This is their purpose, and their purpose has been achieved.

Deeply speaking, the piracy problem is an economic problem and a social problem. South Korea continues to carry out product dumping, which has led to the development of the local trade, but the handicraftsmen have also been severely destroyed, because they are unable to fight against them. Industrial products, such as cloth, cannot be compared with their handmade linen, and the price of the other side is lower and the quality is better. This dumping will make their industry and commerce lose the opportunity to resist, more and more handicrafts, flax growers lose After their jobs, they have no income, and life needs to continue, they can only enter the pirates. And business activities also stimulate people's greed. Their desire for gold and greed for capital make it difficult for them to control. Driven by this, a large number of merchants are also engaged in piracy and related product dumping, which directly destroys the original social order. The social order is entering a contradiction between self-destruction and self-repair. This may be the case. The root cause of the occurrence of pirates, but no one is going to discuss this issue now. They are concerned about taxation, because the Koreans' taxation on the Suez Canal has suddenly entered a lot of money in the passage account.

Outside the Seth encirclement, the soldiers of the Seth New Army are undergoing rigorous training. Although the encirclement has already occurred, the Seth New Army does not plan to fight back because their strength is still very weak. There are only less than 40,000 Seth New Army soldiers. The First Army of the Rebels, which surrounded more than 85,000 people, is a very terrifying encirclement. The strength of the new Seth Army is still very weak, and their weapons and ammunition are not sufficient, and it is impossible to eat such a large number of rebels. The army, they need to wait, need to be siege, in this way, make their situation more favorable. According to intelligence, the rebels in the encirclement already lacked enough food.

"Sir." Big eyes pitifully found his own officer. There seems to be something wronged to say, because his appearance is almost crying.

"What's wrong? During the training, you were wronged? You are new recruits, and the training intensity is high. This should be the case. After all, you need a process of adaptation, but on the battlefield, you won't be given so many opportunities to train. Sweat more and bleed less on the battlefield.” Captain Tummer said.

"No. Sir, this is not the case." Big Eye said worriedly. However, he still seemed to be very anxious, feeling that his situation was not very good.

"What's wrong? The food is not good, and I still miss home. After the war, we can go back. Don't worry, if you are afraid, follow me during the war." Tummer patted helplessly. Said the other's shoulder. There are many problems for recruits, because they can only mature after they have experienced a war, and no training will play a decisive role.

"No, sir, yes, it was murder. Today the sergeant took us to kill, and one of my friends broke down. It's horrible." Big Eye couldn't help but said excitedly, judging from his expression, He can still see how terrifying they were at the time. Most of them may have seen such a situation for the first time, but what was the purpose of the murder. Tummer suddenly realized the bad situation.

"The sergeant lets us kill people. He said that after killing people, we will become mature. We will become real fighters. Even people who have not killed will let us stabbing a few corpses. Too, it's terrible. ." Big Eye said. Tummer felt very angry. He had heard of such a thing a long time ago, but he did not expect such a thing to happen in his camp.

The Seth New Army added a large number of recruits. This number exceeded 40,000. Most of them were honest slaves. Only some of these slaves had killed cattle and sheep, but most of them had never seen blood. How could such soldiers be able to fight? In order for these people to learn how to fight or to adapt to the battlefield environment more quickly, the veterans came up with a way to train them by killing prisoners of war. This method is extremely inhumane. Merle once became an outlier among the officers because of his public opposition. His superiors were extremely displeased with him because he was weakening the combat effectiveness of Seth’s new army. This cowardly approach would only make the rebels become. It became even more frantic, and this was an important reason for their opposition. Under such circumstances, his opposition was extremely invalid.

"This kind of thing has passed. It has passed." Tummer said helplessly, because Seth’s new army has a depressive element in its bones. His composition is all free people, and the free people come from the slave class. This This low self-esteem makes them even more crazy, killing seems to be able to vent their dissatisfaction, but it also greatly aggravated their miserable situation. This is the situation they are currently experiencing. Because Tummer himself can't let the other party change this situation. He felt that he couldn't do anything. This is how the killing occurred.

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