South Korean War Department. The officers all performed war games in front of the huge sand table, but the results were extremely bad. Although they believed that a miracle would happen, the situation was really bad.

"Their situation is very bad, sir, the besieged First Army has lost most of its supplies, and they don’t have much ammunition. If this is the case, it will be difficult for them to hold on for a long period of time, which means Before the arrival of reinforcements, they may not be able to hold on to it by themselves. We must clearly understand this point.” The Army Deputy Chief said.

"Well, I see. Let's get some supplies from the airship unit as much as possible, hoping that these supplies can have a greater effect, otherwise, without those supplies, the entire First Army will be annihilated." The Secretary of the Army said. Speaking of.

"Sir, should we let the new reinforcements go north as soon as possible? After all, their status is still very beneficial to us. As long as we solve this problem, everything will become easier. We should be very clear about this. If the delay is too long, the more disadvantaged it will be for us, and the greater the possibility that the surrounded First Army will lose its combat capability." The Army Undersecretary said worriedly. The Secretary of War just nodded to express this situation, but the problem was that the surrounding Seth New Army was also strengthening their defense capabilities. Their defense capabilities exceeded their expectations, and they continued to increase their trenches. The scope of the breakthrough will become extremely difficult. They have tried many times. If they rely solely on their assaults, it will take a lot of time to achieve this goal. The reality is that Seth’s new army will never give them such an opportunity. If they break through, they will cause serious disasters, and this kind of disaster is extremely pessimistic for them.

"I know this too, but we must allow new reinforcements to go north in time to complete such a thing. Our hope is pinned on the airship unit and the armored combat vehicle unit. If they can't achieve this goal, then we The entire operation failed, and we cannot deny this." The Secretary of the Army said helplessly. In this way, the situation forced them to make some prudent choices. It is difficult to open the passage of life solely relying on the strength of the First Army itself. They must rely on external forces to achieve such an effect. It can be said that they must do this. point.

Just when the South Korean War Department worried about the situation of the First Army. The Second Army finally stabilized.

"Bang, bang." Under the leadership of a general, the military police armed with a bayonet threatened the escaped soldiers into a defensive state.

"No one is allowed to run, no one is allowed to run. If anyone runs, he will be shot." The general shouted loudly. The gun was fired in the sky, and the gendarmerie's bayonet was constantly waving, which created a safe distance between the ruined soldier and the gendarmerie, and this distance was the distance between the tip of the bayonet.

"Go back, go back quickly. Otherwise, we will be welcome. Go back." The military police threatened. The general looked very angry, because his scouts told them that there were only a few hundred people pursuing tens of thousands of people behind them. Shame, it’s shame, they have been chased for such a long time, but the other side only has Hundreds of people, and tens of thousands of them are like sheep in panic, running around, not to mention how sad the result is. But the frightened soldier had difficulty controlling his footsteps. Perhaps the soldiers in the first row can maintain their rationality when they see the bayonet. But the people behind have completely lost this possibility, and they are still moving forward, trying to get past the military police.

"Bang Bang." The two soldiers were shot dead by the officer immediately, and their bodies fell in front of everyone. The gunshots stopped the panicked soldiers, and they regained their senses a little bit.

"Look at what you look like. Behind you, there are only a few hundred people, but we have tens of thousands, even these tens of thousands of sheep, and hundreds of people cannot catch them. This is simply a shame." The officer shouted loudly. Tao.

"Give me back to the battlefield, hurry, otherwise, I will shoot you." The officer shouted loudly. Under the action of the military police, the defeated soldiers began to enter the defensive line on the spot, and many of them discarded their weapons. They were almost fighting the defeated soldiers with their bare hands. Fortunately, the military police were well equipped. They built a certain defensive position here. All of them were huddled in the trenches like refugees. They were trembling, not because the weather was very cold. Actually Above, the sun in the sky thought it was vicious, but now the situation is that they feel very cold, because they have been exhausted by the chasing soldiers, and now they can still feel the fear of death. This is the fear of the soldiers, and the fear is caused. The disappearance of power, this disappearance made them feel very scared.

"Bang. Bang." The sporadic gunshots still rang, and the new Seth army was exhausted, but they were like a pack of wolves chasing a flock of sheep. They followed unhurriedly. Those who are physically weak have lost their last bit of strength, and they have lost the ability to fight back. This is what they are going to be gan off. The situation seems to be very unfavorable for them, but the situation has already happened. They must face this situation directly.

"Tutu, tutu." The machine gun equipped by the military police fired instantly, and the continuous firing made them feel a little warm. If this were not the case, they would never recover these. This is very important to them.

"Rush. Rush." ​​Under the command of the officer, after a period of frantic shooting, the soldiers of the new Seth Army who were pursuing them were hit and fell to the ground. Under the urging of the officers, the military police took the lead in launching an offensive, and army soldiers followed one after another. Although they had no weapons, they were crowded and huge in number. This was a quantitative pressure that was difficult to defeat.

Seth's new army was soon unable to withstand it, and they retreated a considerable distance. In order to establish a new line of defense, this line of defense will be very beneficial to us, because in doing so, they can be regarded as a real stable line of defense, but this is still a great shame for the Second Army, because Their army of tens of thousands was chased by hundreds of soldiers to such a point. It has to be said that for the honor of a combat unit, it is simply a huge shame.

Zhao Guo, Handan, the Minister of Economy of Goguryeo excitedly shook the hand of Zhao Guo's chief economic adviser Zhang Er and thanked him excitedly.

"Thank you very much, thank you very much, without Zhao, the development of Goguryeo will enter a complete halt." The Minister of Economy of Goguryeo said excitedly. This makes them feel that each other's enthusiasm is too excessive. But there is no way. Zhang Er’s proposal is correct. Goguryeo has a lot of coal advantages. This coal advantage is the same as Zhao’s coal industry. With this much coal, many things can be done, such as smelting steel and then building ships. This gives the Goguryeo navy the possibility of shipbuilding. In addition, it is a large amount of coal for power generation. They will send a large amount of power to other regions, such as the southern part of the peninsula, as well as the eastern part of the country of Yan, and the western part of Liaoning. The development is entering a period of rapid development. Their demand for electricity will become very large. This is a strong demand. This demand will make them more prosperous. Under such circumstances, their The demand has naturally become even greater.

This is equivalent to the industrial upgrade of Goguryeo. They were originally in the low-end mining industry, especially coal, and will be further upgraded to the light processing industry. They can process and assemble some simple parts and components, as well as wood In addition to processing, they will also generate electricity. Of course, this requires the construction of more power generation equipment and related parts and components. This drives a considerable number of Goguryeo industries. Coal has new uses, and the number of workers will further increase. This greatly solves the employment pressure in Goguryeo. Their domestic situation is still stabilizing. This will be a great deal for Goguryeo. This kind of news will be positive.

"I believe that in the future, Goguryeo will develop into a wealthy country, but we need to temporarily forget those unpleasant things." Zhang Er said. The Minister of Economy nodded in agreement. Because with the opening of trade ports, a large number of commodities will enter them. Through coal transportation and the upgrading of industrial parts and components, they can basically achieve a balance in trade, because South Korea needs to export a large amount of light industrial products. These are their superior products, and for Goguryeo, their superior products are the parts and components after their industrial upgrades. This is conducive to stimulating the balance of trade between the two sides, which is very important for Goguryeo.

Just when Goguryeo adopted a series of industrial upgrades. The situation in Jeju has also begun to become more positive.

Jeju, a pirate country composed of pirates, has begun to take an important step towards maritime trade.

"First of all, we have a large number of merchant ships. These merchant ships will closely connect Wadao, the peninsula, Qi, South Korea, Yan, and the more distant South China Sea. We have a large number of sailors to form As experienced sailors, they can go to various places in the world, and what we need to do is to open the channel of trade, which is very important to us.” The Minister of Finance said to his prime minister. In fact, Jeju started such a thing in the latter part of the naval battle. After all, a large number of soldiers are difficult to afford. More naval personnel retired. In order to retain those officers and let them continue to play their due role, they let all those officers buy ships with interest-free loans, they became captains, and his subordinates became sailors. They receive a large number of transportation orders from South Koreans, from Qingcheng to the Suez Canal, from Queen’s Island to the South Seas, and the vast western seas. They will all be their people. This is a new development opportunity for them. . This will provide a large number of sailors to Jeju, and they will finally have a stable income. However, these shipping companies are owned by the state of Jeju. Qin people control most of the shares. They hope that these companies can go public as soon as possible. Their funds have been in it for a long time. Now is the time to cash them out. South Koreans are also considering this matter. After all, this will bring them sufficient financial support, which is beneficial to them. A large number of stock listings may not be a good thing for the stock market, but it may be Active stock market sentiment and investment opportunities will increase the occurrence of this situation. South Korea hopes to build a new stock financial center that can effectively suppress the development of Qiguo Laizhou.

Bangla. More and more people from Menggla and Zhanpu people are pouring into this huge population. They are struggling near the poverty line. Their demands are not high, and they can live on their own with only a salary of less than five yuan a day. But such a job is really hard to find, because only government office workers can get such remuneration. Most of the workers work in workshops where the working environment is very poor and the treatment conditions are very harsh. For them, this It is an extremely severe challenge, which will make their situation extremely difficult.

"Look at this." A thin boy said with a crumpled promotional poster.

"What is this?" Another boy asked curiously, saying that he divided half of the pancakes he had just bought and gave them to the other party. This can make the other party's stomach full.

"This is an immigration advertisement. If you go there, you will have your own land, but it's in a very far place and you need to take a long, long time on a big ship." The boy said.

"Are you going?" another boy asked after eating a bite.

"Well, I want to go, life here is too bad. I don't want to stay here. It is difficult to develop here. Maybe we can have good luck if we change places. Those big bosses said. The future is to do it with luck. In fact, we not only have no luck, but also a good opportunity. This is an opportunity. If we catch him, our luck will change. This is very important to us." The boy said.

"Can I go together?" another boy asked.

"Yes, I was just trying to tell you something like this. Maybe we can really become rich, just like those upper class people." The boy said hopefully.

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