Inside the encirclement of the First Army. Liang Ba found a hidden tunnel as his place of residence. The sergeant was nearby, but the first thing they solved was the stomach problem. Their food ration was reduced a lot, and they might not be able to eat enough for a day.

"The situation here is very bad. It's terrible. We only have two meals a day, and they are all gruel. It is really gruel. I can count how much rice is there. The bread provided is also very good. Less, less is very pitiful, this is the worst thing for us. This is because we have special care, and the general food, their food supplement may be less than two hundred grams, and they only have some forever Invisible meat broth, this is a much better treatment. Many soldiers only have less than two hundred grams of bread. This is their ration for one day. I really can’t believe that two hundred grams of ration will last for one day. What else can they do after eating. Because of the continuous occurrence of looting, robbery, and infighting caused by food, I believe that the ever-increasing unnecessary casualties will make us eventually lose more combat-effective soldiers." Liang Ba said .

"Not only that, what I worry about is that when we break through, the soldiers have no strength to walk. They can't even fire the weapons in their hands. This is the worst thing. Not only that, but even worse things are. , That is the low morale of their battle. Many soldiers have been desperate. They can only choose to commit suicide, because they learned in the trenches that the new Seth Army on the opposite side will brutally kill every prisoner of war who surrendered. If they surrender, they will Being brutally killed, I heard that they added a lot of recruits. The recruits will be extremely trembling, and people will not die all at once. This is really a terrifying experience, and the authenticity of this kind of thing is reliable. , Because many soldiers seem to have seen such things happen with their own eyes." Liang Ba said. But at this time he drank a sip of water, not because he should be too thirsty, but because he was too hungry and insufficient food, which had caused them to lose too many calories. Hunger, fear, and despair prevail in the encirclement.

In Port Seth, new combat units receiving equipment are still continuing. However, their senior commanders are still busy with meetings and quarrels. Their generals believe that the defense should be strengthened to prevent the crazy Seth New Army from quickly descending to attack Eastern Tula after annihilating the First Army. What they need is independence. They don’t care about the life and death of the First Army. However, the independent status of Eastern Tula Province must be maintained. How to maintain it? The answer is to maintain a defensive state. The Koreans hope they can initiate an offensive to rescue those damned The First Army, only in this way can they be in an advantageous position in future negotiations. But their commander has been beaten and scared. After all, there are only tens of thousands of people on the other side, and they have annihilated twice as many enemies as themselves. This is a terrible combat power. In the description of the officers, they may have to have a million troops to completely solve this problem. The South Korean consultant feels very impatient.

Although disappointed with the commanders, the Koreans organized three airships to carry five tons of materials to the front line. Especially in the encirclement, they hope that these five tons of materials can greatly alleviate this kind of despair and failure.

"The army of Eastern Dula Province needs a brave commander. This commander must be promoted from cavalry officers or artillery officers. Those infantry generals and colonels have completely lost the courage to attack. Was completely defeated by the terrible infantry tactics of the new Seth Army. Not only their bodies, but also their souls, and their **** morale." South Korean Army Lieutenant Colonel, South Korean Far West Region Military Observer, Military Advisor , Fan Bo wrote in his own report.

"I believe that in future operations and the current combat conditions, the formation of an armored fighting vehicle unit and two infantry divisions composed of various artillery, assault infantry, engineers and various logistics units can completely achieve this. Combat effects, the assault effect of armored combat vehicles will be very strong, and at the same time, with the airdrop supply maintained by the existing airships, they can be allowed to launch a breakout operation. This may still have a 2% breakthrough possibility, most of the time. Soldiers in the siege have been unable to complete the breakthrough because they cannot meet such a large-scale demand in terms of strength. However, I think that under the current situation, a part of the First Army can be guaranteed to withdraw. If this situation can be maintained, then this will be a time. Victory. A victory that can be propagated because it means that we have preserved their relatively complete vitality. With such viable power, they will play a huge role in future defensive operations." Fan Bo wrote.

"However, for the current commander candidates, it seems that it is difficult to complete such a character selection. I think it is necessary for Korean officers to serve as commanders and command them to conduct operations. The time must be sufficient and fast. Otherwise, Our situation will be extremely bad, in that case, we will completely lose this opportunity." Fan Bo wrote. Then he screened the content of his telegram and quickly sent it to the country. Regarding the quarrels of the **** high-ranking officers of Eastern Dura Province, he thought that they would be completely ignored, because they would only cause more trouble. Rather than solving the problem, this will make the situation of the First Army extremely bad, and this situation is likely to happen. They cannot let this situation continue to happen.

Zhao Guo, the General Staff.

"If we want to eat such a large number of enemy forces, we cannot meet our needs only by relying on the superiority of numbers. We still have to do something we can't do, such as strengthening the firepower of the new Seth army and letting them Have more powerful firepower, and then concentrate the firepower to carry out a large-scale bombardment, completely destroying the opponent's will to resist." Li Mu said excitedly. The encirclement of Seth’s new army showed him the scene of the Changping Qin Army. At that time, the Qin Army was unable to further eat the opponent’s forces because of insufficient firepower. The only way was to carry out a long period of time. However, the situation has changed a lot now, because there are Koreans who are supporting the war. The Koreans’ support moves are generally very fast, and their industrial production capacity is not weak. In this situation Under the circumstances, the situation of this war has also changed a lot. Because the opponent can achieve their goal of relief through continuous reinforcements, and for Seth's new army, the Koreans really run out of time for them. They need to spend faster time to solve this part of the enemy, if they continue to resist, their situation will become more passive.

"Sir, the largest artillery we can currently provide is only 37mm caliber artillery. This type of artillery is a direct-fire artillery and has no greater ability to deal with enemies in the encirclement. If we wait for new weapons to be supplemented, we At least we need to wait until the delivery of the next batch of weapons and ammunition is completed." Li Zuoche reluctantly told the news of Li Mu. In contrast, direct-fire artillery shooting training is simpler and more effective in terms of weapon power, because of this. It can deal with some fixed firepower points, such as machine guns, artillery positions and so on. If the two artillery can form an effective angle, then the power of this artillery will exert a greater future. Therefore, Zhao Guoren prioritizes the delivery of direct-fired 37 artillery, and for curved-fired mortars. , Because it requires a lot of training in shooting. They did not transport them on a large scale, but only sent them to the Persians, which directly led to the weakening of the firepower of the new Seth Army. This may be a very bad result for them. In this way, it seems that there is only one way to eat such a large group of enemies. That is a long siege.

"Huh, what I am worried about is that the Koreans will not give us such a long time. You know, their weapons are also being delivered, and their delivery time period is shorter than ours. Wait until we have such weapons. At that time, the other party may have broken through. The only thing we can do is to strengthen the line of defense to prevent their reinforcements and possible breakout activities." Li Mu said helplessly, when the artillery could not be strengthened, Li Mu What can be done is to strengthen such defenses so as to further increase the opponent’s defense capabilities, while Seth’s new army’s breakthrough and assault capabilities are further weakened. In this way, they can well guarantee their defensive operations. The ability situation has improved.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Han Shu urgently summoned the Secretary of the Army and related staff officers.

"If we come to command, can such rescue operations be carried out effectively?" Han Shu asked his Secretary of the Army and staff. Then they looked at each other.

"My lord, maybe, there is only a 20% chance. But we want to give it a try." The Secretary of the Army thought for a while and said.

"Well, it's already pretty good. I expect that the bad situation is that there is less than 2% chance, and there is still 20%. We can try it. In this case, it can be considered as our development. It's a military operation." Han Shu decided to arrive. He decided to temporarily obtain the command of the new unit, which can help them effectively solve the current difficulties. This is a new challenge for them.

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