The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3636: Capital expansion

The northern section of the Suez Canal. This place is close to the Mediterranean Sea. The term “Mediterranean” was told by the local guides. The Koreans officially accepted the name because they don’t know much about it. They just know that there is a sea area in the north, an unknown sea area. They don’t know exactly what kind of place it can be, but what they know is that that area can bring important trade gains, and it is also an area where pirate disasters are frequent. Even with speedboat escorts, this situation will still occur. occur.

"Sir, what should we do?" a navy sergeant asked Li Feng, the navy lieutenant in the bottom compartment. He is a lieutenant officer of the South Korean Yacht Squadron. Tai leads his Yacht, and the Yacht Gunner is in charge of the No. 5 area here. The No. 5 area is actually the area where the Suez Canal is connected by the Mediterranean Sea. The piracy disaster is the biggest and most rampant here. Lieutenant Li Feng was unlucky enough to be assigned here. No, they just found a merchant ship when they stopped at anchor, and all the merchants on the ship were killed. Although they are all smuggling businessmen, smuggling activities cannot be banned, and it is impossible to stop it, because this can bring huge profits, and each lover has its own survival situation. Therefore, smuggling activities still It will continue. Compared with the smugglers in the South, the smugglers in the North are bolder. They would rather be killed than pay more taxes, because they think that is meaningless.

"How many people are there?" Lieutenant Li Feng asked at this time.

"About twenty-two, I'm sure, sir, this is a fleet, and their opponent has at least multiple Clippers, and judging from the state of their death, the opponent is equipped with artillery. Because the wound is obvious. There are burn marks, so only artillery can produce such a situation. However, their artillery threat is not very big, it should be an old artillery. We should be more careful.” The sergeant said. Li Feng walked out of the cabin, not interested in the corpses. He is interested in where the pirates are. They have been patrolling for a long time. But they didn't find a group of pirates. The situation made them feel very frustrated. It was not just these, but more smugglers were killed. They are here, and they have launched such a murder scene. Obviously, the other party walked more full, and before they had time to destroy all the evidence, they came.

"I feel that our current situation is very passive. We seem to be monitored by those pirates. Our actions, the other side knows that we can't patrol blindly like this." Li Feng said.

"But sir, in this way, how do we find them? Shall we go find them bit by bit? This is very bad news for us." The sergeant said. Only patrolling speedboats can have greater power. However, their patrols proved to be fruitless in the facts.

"Sir, I think we should ask the **** guides, maybe they know some clues. Maybe." The sergeant suggested.

"Oh. Forget it. Let's find a place, make a disguise, and then we lie in ambush. I think they will definitely be hooked. We can't patrol like this." Li Feng changed his strategy. He thought it might Some characteristics of his own patrol ship were detected by a mysterious enemy. Those pirates are very clever. They put their guards far away, and with a good disguise, they can't enter like this all at once, otherwise, it would be too dangerous. Because they are in the light and the pirates are in the dark, this is the source of their passiveness.

In the city of Suez, South Korean intelligence agencies obtained a piece of information they were more interested in from a local guide.

"Sir, I think we should pay attention to the issue of the composition of pirates. Because pirates without money can no longer survive under such a blow. Robbery has become a highly skilled activity. The organization is very difficult for ordinary pirates to carry out such military activities.” A second lieutenant concluded according to the intelligence provided by the locals.

"So why do pirates still exist?" a captain asked the ensign.

"That's because the pirates have become another enemy. According to the translation, they seem to be Carthaginians. They are both professional pirates and merchants. They have seen the huge profits brought by pirates. They are businessmen themselves, they will pretend to be ordinary businessmen, so they know our business activities very well, which provides greater information support for their piracy activities. With such support, they can naturally It’s very useful, because we’re unlikely to understand some of the local situation. Only the local people understand the local situation. They told me that there are more and more Carthage merchants here. There are as many Jewish merchants, but the business path between the two is very different. Jewish merchants went to Asia Minor to the east, while the commercial trade in the west is still controlled by the Carthaginians. According to our intelligence, The Carthage merchants have a huge naval fleet in their hands, and they can do this," the ensign said.

"You mean that the Carthage navy, or the arms of merchants, are becoming new pirate forces. They are infiltrating in more advanced ways and creating crazier commercial channels on our trade roads. Right? "" the captain asked.

"Yes, sir, that's what I think. But we don't have direct evidence to prove this. All of this is our conjecture. We want to get it, and to prove it, we need a lot of evidence to prove it. Point, but we can't provide such direct evidence." The ensign said.

"Well. Write a report. In addition, let the navy help us obtain such a certificate as soon as possible. After all, this matter is very abnormal. If the piracy problem continues to escalate, it will affect the interests of our South Korea. We cannot let this This situation continues to happen. In that case, our situation may be very sad." The captain said. The second lieutenant nodded to express his understanding that this was what they had to do now.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Zhao people continue to issue their paper currency, which has led to their paper currency devaluation. However, in general, their situation is still more favorable. Some of their banks and enterprises have already carried out related activities in Goguryeo. Investment and technology transfer are quite good." Meng Yi submitted a report to Shangwen.

"This shows that Zhao Guo has also begun technology transfer and capital output. Their influence is further expanding." Shang Wen said after reading it.

"Yes, my worry is the same, but it seems that Zhao Guoren just made such an investment there, and did nothing else. In this way, their situation is still in a favorable state." Yi said so.

"Are other countries doing something like this?" Shangwen asked Meng Yi. Through the issuance of more banknotes, large-scale capital expansion is definitely not new, because the people of Qin also did the same, but Zhao If Chinese people do this, it means that countries have started to follow suit. Many countries have already broken away from Qin’s half-and-two banknotes, but their banknotes are still directly linked to Qin’s half-and-two banknotes, and Qin’s banknotes are still relatively high. This means that Qin's banknotes can attract more investment to Qin, but if Qin actively depreciates, the banknotes of various countries will also expand rapidly. This is a new foreign exchange issue.

"It seems that there has been such a plan. According to the information provided by our financial reporters, Qi and Chu seem to have such plans. After all, their expansion seems to have stalled, especially It’s Qi that they have almost maintained a considerable consistent relationship with the people of Zhao. Under this background, I believe that the people of Qi will also make relevant decisions. At the same time, this will bring a greater and deeper impact. That is, the capital of all countries is expanding." Meng Yi said.

"We can't block it. In that case, we will lose more gold reserves. It seems that Qin must also be included in such an agenda. In this way, we will solve such problems." Shang Wen thought about it for a while. Speaking of this. Shangwen also needed Qin to expand capital. After all, Zhao people made a very bad start. They released the capital demand brought by capital expansion. They had no money, but they had paper money in their hands, and the value of paper money was not. Yes, these are all given by the state. Now they are carrying such banknotes to expand capital around the world, which has driven more banks and companies have done so. Now, the problem has caused another problem, that is, Qi Guo also joined it. I believe that the Koreans as competitors will not ignore it. They will also join it. Oh my God, all paper currencies are rushing to force their currency to depreciate. If this is the case, it is still in its infancy. The foreign exchange balance was interrupted all at once. And this situation will continue. This possibility becomes very large.

South Korea, Xinzheng and Zhang Liang have already looked at the report in hand. Han Shu has already read this report. And full acceptance, which means that the expansion of the won has begun. The printing factory below them has already started doing this. A large amount of Korean won will enter the colony, although the mainland is unlikely to be directly affected, but over time, this kind of progress is interconnected, and more and more colonies provide more markets and Suppliers of raw materials, they are an important foundation for South Korea’s economic development. Without these colonies, South Korea’s own development will become extremely weak. But even under such circumstances, South Korea has also actively carried out construction in this area. They must promote their banknotes.

"Well, I can only agree to do this." Zhang Liang finally signed his name on this report, and then began to formally implement it. The banknote, a big financial machine, is already in operation.

Within the country of Seth. The First Armored Division and the First Armored Regiment are advancing rapidly, and now they have only 32 armored vehicles. And there are many armored vehicles that seem to be crumbling, worrying like old men walking tremblingly.

"Kang Dang." With a metal knock, an armored vehicle stopped. The heat continued to radiate, which caused the surrounding camel soldiers to let their camels leave here one after another, and they could feel the heat emitted by the armored vehicles. They must advance on a road with no railways and no official roads. Such road conditions are a great test for armored vehicles. Because Seth does not have a developed road and railway system, this means that armored vehicles need Run by yourself to reach the destination, this is the beginning of the disaster, and it is definitely not the end of the disaster.

"Damn it, another one stopped." Colonel Buss took off his veil and said discouragedly. The durability of wheeled armored vehicles is really poor. Along the way, they encountered various problems, which caused the armored vehicles to break down constantly. Now there are only 30 armored vehicles that can barely be used. I want more armored vehicles to continue to operate. , This seems to need a longer exercise process.

"It seems that we have reduced one more." Fan Bo walked over and said. Road conditions have become very poor, and some armored vehicles have been stuck in them all the way and unable to move, their engines have burned out and they cannot get out of such places. Wheeled armored vehicles have too high requirements for special areas. Only tracked armored vehicles, except for one because the water in the tank was too hot, they maintained good performance. But wheeled armored vehicles seem to be useless in such terrain, but their speed is fast, this has to be admitted.

"If we continue like this, I don’t know how many armored vehicles can be used for the purpose, one or two. I think it is necessary for you to send a few more telegrams so that you can send more armored vehicles to your country, or submit one. Report, let them take a good look at the situation here." Colonel Buss said so, and then went on the march. Fan Bo was also very angry. He didn't know how the armored experts in China thought about the problem. They had developed so many useless armored vehicles. At any rate, there were a few more special tracked armored vehicles on business trips that gave them hope. He What I hope to get is such an armored vehicle.

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