The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3637: New source of labor

State Zhao, Handan, in the staff. Li Zuoche handed a telegram to Li Mu.

"Korean airships have appeared. Seth's new army has no way to deal with those airships for the time being. Those airships will continue to carry out air support from control. In that case, the pressure on Seth's new army will become very great. They The attack must be launched as soon as possible to solve the rebels in the encirclement, otherwise." Li Zuoche said while looking at Li Mu.

"Well, I know what will happen next." Li Mu said. The Seth New Army lacks enough anti-aircraft guns. Although the principle of this kind of artillery is simple, it is too late to purchase and equip it. Unless they are armed with 37 guns to deal with aerial targets. But is it possible?

"If, I said, if." Li Mu said.

"What will the Seth new army use the 37 guns to shoot down those **** airships?" Li Mu said.

"I haven't really thought about this. Moreover, those artillery are not specialized anti-aircraft guns. They seem unlikely, but I think they can give it a try. First of all, the airships are very heavy, and that is, they have to slow down at low altitude. The speed passes there. In this case, the altitude and speed will give them a great opportunity. Not only that, the airships have very large targets. They are all transport airships. Although they were modified from bombing airships before, they Essentially it is still part of the transport airship. As long as they don’t," Li Zuoche thought about it. Li Mu nodded. He decided that it was necessary to remind Seth's new army to do so. After all, the threat of artillery would become even greater when dealing with such a large target.

The concealment of Li Feng’s patrol boat was fruitful in the northern section of the Suez Canal, in the No. 5 area. They captured a sentry boat, which was small and light, and fast, but in front of speedboats, they could only call it For the boat. There are three soldiers driving this kind of boat. One is in charge of the rudder and the other is paddling. They also have sails, but they are small.

"Ask them, who are they? Where is their gang?" Li Feng said, looking at the three prisoners. They are definitely not normal sailors. They are definitely not. The reason is simple, they will never see them panic like that, and they also use a special flute to make a sharp sound, which must be a notification device. They are sentries and guards against pirates. This also explains why they have been unable to find pirates after the emergence of patrol boats because the pirates have established a set of response measures. This set of measures is for them. Extremely effective.

The guide asked immediately, but those people refused to answer any questions. For them, there was no need to tell them these things. However, the patience of the sergeant was extremely limited. He was an irritable person. Soon, the sergeant killed one of them with a bayonet. His arms and thighs were cut off by the bayonet one by one. These meats are very cruel to them.

"Tell them that my patience is extremely limited. If they refuse to answer any more, I will sink them directly into the bottom. Let them become a real navy." Li Feng said angrily. The guide immediately asked, and showed a more cruel way to kill the other party, and soon the other party began to answer their questions. And they were very cooperative. It seemed that the other party was also extremely frightened, but the results of the interrogation were very shocking.

"They are members of the Carthage navy, but they are only hired personnel, and more are Carthage commercial armed personnel. They think that they can make a fortune here, so they participate here. For them, this kind of thing has changed. It’s very simple.” The guide translated that for him, such things are not easy things. Carthage and the others know it. They are originally a country with developed commerce, and their pursuit of profit is even more crazy. . The huge profits brought by Korean products make them even more crazy. It is strange that they do not participate in it.

"Carthage, I really want to hear about this country." Li Feng said.

"Yes, sir, this is Carthage. Their navy is very powerful. If they come here, our situation may be in trouble. Moreover, if we are such a team, we will be extremely passive if we wait. If they intercept the merchant ships in the Mediterranean, we will not be able to solve this problem anyway." The guide said with horror. Carthage is currently the maritime hegemon of the Mediterranean, of course. Another maritime hegemon, Rome, is emerging. But at present Carthage still occupies a considerable advantage, this advantage can make them have no scruples, they seem to have no fear of the arrival of Koreans.

"It seems that this is indeed a new situation, and I need to report the situation here in time. Let's go back." Li Feng said. This is a completely new situation. His Quickgunner quickly turned the rudder and returned to their base.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Inside Han Shu's office.

"We must pay close attention to immigration matters. We not only want people from Wei, but also people from other countries. We should expand the scope so that they can live a good life. Now that they come to our South Korea, it is us. Koreans. We should treat them first." Han Shu said to the Minister of Civil Affairs.

"Yes, Lord, we have already recruited a large number of local laborers from Bangla. Among the local residents of Zhanpu, we have recruited a large number of local laborers to Australia. However, Zhao's actions seem to be speeding up such practices." The Minister of Civil Affairs said.

"Regardless of them, we have the advantage in the colony. We can increase the advantage in numbers. Faced with this advantage, we can speed up the development of this situation." Han Shu said. Han Shu decided to increase their deployment in Australia. After all, the number of their colonies is extremely large. The advantage in numbers will allow them to occupy a considerable advantage in the subsequent immigration activities. This advantage can give They have vast advantages in human resources, and Zhao Guoren seems to have realized the occurrence of such a bad situation.

State of Zhao, Handan, in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"This is the situation. Koreans are also immigrating, and their number of immigrants far exceeds our expectations. They have a vast colony. They can draw considerable human resources from the colonial authorities to carry out such arrangements. In contrast, our situation has become extremely bad. We have quite a lot of situations where we cannot further solve such problems. This is simply a difficult situation for us, and we cannot have such opportunities. Now." said the Minister of Civil Affairs. Obviously, the Zhao people’s population mobilization ability is far inferior to the Koreans. The Koreans can use their colonial advantages. In that case, they would rather make Australia a hybrid country than let Zhao’s situation be controlled separately.

"Well, we can do the same." Guo Kai thought for a while and said. But the Ministry of Civil Affairs shook his head. He believes that Zhao State lacks such necessary conditions, or in other words, Zhao State cannot supplement such a large population from other places. You know, this situation will inevitably become different.

"This situation is just such a situation. We lack sufficient advantages in human resources. We cannot supplement this advantage in time. We can increase this population subsidy through colonies, but The problem is that we can't find such a suitable place. Prime Minister, we have also thought about this matter, but the cost is generally relatively high. Because the immigration situation has already explained this point." The Minister of Civil Affairs said helplessly.

"Well, slave, slave." Guo Kai looked at his desk, then stood up and walked back and forth. The Minister of Civil Affairs looked at Guo Kai and then kept rubbing his hands. In fact, they had thought of a similar solution to this. The problem, but there is no better way to solve it. They thought about emigrating from the peninsula, but the situation there seems to be not friendly to Zhao. They are better for the Chinese. This may be a solution, but it is bound to happen. People from Qi will be brought in, because without the help of the people of Qi, Zhao cannot do these things, but it seems difficult for Zhao to maintain a separate piece of land.

"This question, I think we can transfer the situation to that piece of black land." Guo Kai said while looking at a map. That is an extremely incomplete map, this map. It just marked the areas currently known by various countries, which are blank in many areas, and it is only theoretically proved that the earth is round, but whether the earth is round or not has not been proved yet. However, Guo Kai noticed the place where the blacks lived, where there was sufficient labor, and there was a western ocean in between, which was nothing to them. And they also need such a set of trade voyages.

"This. Will the cost be higher? That is an unknown area." The Minister of Civil Affairs said.

"Yes, I know that it is an unknown area, because it is an unknown area, so we need to occupy. Australia is our springboard, we should jump bigger, for example, we can jump to black land Go up, and then the blacks will provide us with more labor. No matter how many people occupy the population, there are no blacks. There are not as many as there are in the mainland." Guo Kai said happily. He seemed to have found a suitable way to solve his problem, which made him very happy.

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