The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3638: Armored car, offensive

In a fringe trench of the First Army, they had discovered this gap during reconnaissance a few days ago. This time the assault team entered it from here, and then began to unfold along the trench.

"Boom." There was a huge explosion, and the soldiers of the First Army did not react at all. They thought it was the sound of an airship explosion. In fact, it was the sound of a grenade.

"Bang. Bang." Some people reacted when the gunfire rang, but it was too late because the commando soldiers had already rushed in. When they came in, they shot, and the soldier who was stunned was killed all at once. Others were killed before they could resist. The opponent was extremely cruel and crazy.

"Bang. Bang." The assault team continued to enter the trenches. Their combat flow was like this. They carefully touched into the opponent's trenches, and then used grenade bombs where the enemy appeared. After the bombing, they began to attack, because They are not equipped with a large number of submachine guns, they can only use pistols, and pistols are only available to officers. The officers are the first, and then the non-commissioned officers. They will hold the bayonet rifle. Will quickly appear and start shooting, and then use the bayonet to deal with the enemy, the sergeant behind will do the same. In this way they will occupy a breakthrough position, and then they will leave some people, and the rest will start assaults, and they will send out signals. Soldiers from the skirmish line will rush over. quickly. The two flares hit the sky, and the rebels only realized it at this time. Their position was breached. An offensive has already begun on the opposite marching position.

Big Eyes led a squad across the front quickly, because their chief told him that the longer they wait here, the greater the danger for them, and if they don't want to die, they will go through quickly.

"Quick, run, run." Big eyes shouted loudly. But one or two soldiers stopped. They were a little scared, after all, they were all new soldiers, but the soldiers in other battalions seemed to have no such fear. Because they have been trained to kill. Under the urging of the veterans, they sprinted almost subconsciously.

"Damn it. Wait for you to die here. Coward." After cursing, he took other people into the trenches. He has to say that the role of the commando is very large. They have one firepower point and one firepower point to destroy each other. If such assault operations are not carried out, these machine guns will play a huge role, and their lethality will far exceed any previous period.

"Charge." The reinforcements who jumped into the trenches quickly occupied the positions. They attacked the small parts of the strongholds that were still resisting, and then assigned a support soldier to quickly follow the assault team. This tactic can reduce them even more. They are relying on such tactics to compress the enemy’s living space bit by bit. This is an absolutely effective encirclement and annihilation operation.

The fierce battle is still going on. Seth’s new army uses new assault tactics. In fact, this tactic has to be used like this, because if they attack from the front, their casualties will not only become huge, but also their The ammunition consumption can’t keep up. Each soldier has no bullets. When attacking, they use bayonets in their hands to solve the battle as much as possible. The gunshots sound intensive, but the king is very clear that this will not be maintained too much. Long time.

"Your Majesty. The battle went smoothly. Our ambush 37 gun shot down two airships. Another airship quickly evacuated here." A second lieutenant officer came in and reported. Zhao Rui sat aside and nodded. It means he knows. The king just looked at the sand table.

"How about the offensive on the ground? Did they occupy the enemy's first line of defense? If not, take it as soon as possible." The king said solemnly. He doesn’t care how the two airships were shot down. What he cares about is their battle conditions. If the ground war goes unsuccessfully, the others will be useless, which means that their losses will be even more alarming. It is definitely not acceptable to them.

"Your Majesty, the ground battle is going well. Our troops have already occupied the first trench. They are advancing in depth. The enemy's defenses are relatively weak. Maybe they haven't reacted yet. I think we are likely to occupy the second trench. Road defense line." The ensign said.

"Well, continue to wait for new information." The king issued a new order. The ensign nodded and left. The king was still worried. Although the front line went smoothly, he knew that Seth’s new army had launched an offensive without adequate preparation. As long as the enemy reacts or resists for a long time, their situation will become very difficult.

"Your Majesty, the province of East Tula has formed three more divisions, but only one rescued. This division is different. They are a new armored division equipped with more than fifty armored vehicles. The firepower advances and assaults. Fast, I think, it won’t take long for them to get close to our side. We must end the fighting here as soon as possible. Once we get them close, our situation may be bad." Zhao Rui said.

"I heard you talk about these armored vehicles." said the king.

"They have thick armor shells, iron plates, steel plates, and they are equipped with machine guns. The most important thing is that they are still mobile. If they cooperate with a large number of infantry to attack, it will be difficult for us to intercept them, right? "" said the king. Zhao Rui did not answer, but just nodded. In the country of Zhao, the tactics of joint coordinated operations of armored vehicles and infantry almost copied the previous infantry tactics. Although the chariot at that time was still a horse-drawn chariot, the infantry also followed a certain number of infantry to fight. However, he did play a huge role. Only after the cavalry appeared at high speed and the more lethal crossbows appeared, this kind of tank began to withdraw from the stage of history. However, with the emergence of new armored tanks, he was more than the previous tanks. Crazy, because he has defenses, and at the same time the firepower behind him has also been strengthened. He is much stronger than tanks of any era. The tactics are not outdated. The same tactics are enough for them to play a greater role.

"Don't worry, I have put three infantry battalions there, they will block the opponent's attack. Don't worry. They will give us enough time." King Seth said. Zhao Rui didn't nod his head, but felt more worried. There are good reasons for this worry, and he believes this will happen. Because according to the original plan, the Seth army will be merged to a certain extent, or reorganized. At present, the basic combat unit of the Seth army is still the battalion. They have no fixed regiments or combat units such as brigades. For example, the military unit attacked by the King’s armored division is three infantry battalions. They have no mutual affiliation. It is just that the infantry battalions from three different places are extremely scattered in command. Zhao Rui's plan is to promote more infantry officers on the king's front to serve as some commanders, so that they can reorganize regiments and brigades of a certain size. In combat, they were able to exert greater organization, but the supply activities of the First Army disrupted their time. Seth’s new army had to fight under an extremely harsh time. They had just received a certain amount of supplementation and rest, and they had to go into new battles. For them, it was a huge disaster. The emergence of disasters makes them even more difficult.

The first armored division, the first armored regiment. They stopped temporarily. Because they encountered an effective defense, Seth's new army established a defensive position in front of them, which was less than forty kilometers away from the city of Babylon. The distance to the encircled circle is less than 35 kilometers. They have broken through here, and can almost enter there directly.

"It looks like the opponent has three infantry battalions. About a thousand people are defending here." Colonel Bass was standing on the armored vehicle and using a binoculars to check the situation. His height, plus the height of the armored vehicle, was enough for him to get enough vision to see the enemy. Case.

"Colonel Bass, I advise you to come down as soon as possible and be careful of the opponent's sniper. Your military rank will become the opponent's best target." Fan Bo said to the opponent solemnly.

"Haha." Colonel Buss smiled. Just jumped off the armored car. It seems that he doesn't care about the bullet hitting his head. Fan Bo likes this guy because he has the kind of cavalry officer's drive to move forward. Only that kind of offense can make them more motivated. Unlike other infantry officers, they will only passively defend, and offensive makes them very passive.

"The enemy's defensive lines are very scattered. There is a certain interval between them. This interspersed us and gave us a good opportunity. I think we should divide our troops into two ways, attacking from the front all the way, crossing those interval zones all the way, and entering them. Then I attacked from the rear. But I need the cover of the infantry. If the flanks of the armored combat vehicles are exposed, our situation will be very bad. Those armored vehicles are too weak. Especially the flanks." Bass. The colonel's idea is simple, it is a frontal breakthrough. While attracting the enemy, they will also find a breakthrough from the middle interval, where there is a weak point of defense. By launching an offense, they can quickly solve all problems.

"Well, I agree with your suggestion, but in terms of tactics, we should arrange the infantry as much as possible, let those infantry follow closely, and absolutely not let them fall behind, otherwise, the trouble will be big." Fan Bo Speaking seriously. Infantry armored vehicles are for coordinated operations, and their situation is not very good if they leave either side.

"I agree." Bass said. Immediately the armored vehicles began to start, and their armored vehicles were lost all the way, and they only had twenty vehicles. Very pitiful, many armored vehicles broke down on both sides of the road, most of them because of minor problems, but helplessly, the long-distance march led to this result. This is one reason why they are doing this now.

"Tututu. Tutu." As a guide, the tracked armored vehicle slammed into the opponent's position with an arrow. They did not prepare for fire, because the artillery troops were still far behind. When they came up, everything was too late. . It is better to launch an offensive while the opponent's defense is not further strengthened. If this is the case, they may have more opportunities to launch offensive operations, which is still very beneficial to them.

The 20mm machine gun continuously fired terrible bullets. The Seth New Army soldiers who tried to stick their heads were killed all at once. Their heads were shattered like watermelons, and the juice splashed around, but their bodies were healthy. Yes, not just these, there are more machine guns. After they enter the range, they start shooting. The opponent only has rifles and 37 guns, but they will not fire before the range.

"Attention, attention. Give me attention to the enemy's firepower points and remember their presence." Colonel Bass shouted loudly while standing on the armored vehicle. The armored vehicles kept advancing, and the armored vehicles on the two wings kept stopping. Because in many places they stepped past, it was just a small tunnel. They all had to go around because they were wheeled armored vehicles. Bass had no choice but to see this scene. Stop cursing.

"Quickly follow up, infantry, the lieutenant ask your infantry to keep up with me not to retreat." Colonel Buss shouted at the lieutenant. The lieutenant could only follow behind the armored vehicle, while letting their soldiers follow closely. On an armored vehicle number on his left, a second lieutenant hit hard with the **** in his hand, and he found some targets. It looks like a cannon. He motioned to the armored vehicles to pay attention to that side. The armored vehicles are operated by two people. There is no captain. In fact, all armored vehicles do not have a captain. Colonel Bass is an exception because he can't get in the armored vehicle at all. Can only stand and operate a machine gun for combat. Soon, a machine gunner came out.

"Did you see the target over there?" The second lieutenant pointed his finger loudly to a flanking place. The place was carefully disguised, but the outline of the artillery was still seen from the second lieutenant's perspective.

"Fill a few bullets over there, hurry up, there are artillery." the ensign shouted loudly. The machine gunner shook his head, indicating that he hadn't seen any firepower point, but he nodded, thinking he should follow suit.

"Swish." At this moment, a sharp voice came, and a corporal on the side kicked the ensign to the ground. Then the armored vehicle exploded violently. The turret was blown off on the spot. The machine gunner was also bombed and I don't know where he went.

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