The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3639: Finally did not block

The communication of armored vehicles is extremely backward. It really requires the operator to shout loudly, or simply jump down and let the personnel communicate. This kind of communication is simply a terrible choice for them. It was precisely because of this choice that they were killed by the Sanqi Cannon.

"At two o'clock, attack. Hurry up and do them." Colonel Bass quickly noticed that he was in an excellent position. Although dangerous, he was indeed a very brave commander. Soon 20mm artillery, and more machine guns were aimed there.

"Bang." The 37 gun fired again, and this time it was directly aimed at Bath's command armored vehicle. Obviously they had already seen this. Destroying Bath's armored vehicle would give them an excellent opportunity to come up. This situation is very beneficial to them.

"Boom." The shell did not explode in the armored vehicle. On the contrary, it only hit the infantry behind. The infantry team dispersed all at once, which made the armored vehicle more dangerous.

"Damn it. Let them follow, hurry up." Colonel Buss shouted loudly. But the soldiers couldn't hide. They thought it was dangerous because they saw the flying shells hit in front of them. Although they didn't cause a lot of casualties, the threat of shells did exist.

"Damn it. Get up, follow the armored car, keep up. Get up, infantry." Colonel Buss dragged them up one by one. "Bang." Then at this moment, another shell hit directly. The infantry quickly retracted their heads in shock, they were too scared of that thing. For them, this thing is simply a great disaster.

"Bang." A huge metal crash sounded, and fierce sparks burst out in front of the armored vehicle. Everyone had seen such a scene. The dazzling white light made them very doubtful whether this thing really exists, and they doubted the value of doing so. But soon, they saw a miracle. The tracked armored vehicle was still advancing, and it seemed that nothing had happened. The soldiers suspected that they had eyes.

"Okay. Infantry, you saw it with your own eyes. Armored vehicles will provide you with more cover, what else is terrible for you, rush. Hurry up, follow me up. Victory is ahead. Armored vehicles will guide you to where you are The place of victory." Colonel Bass immediately boosted his morale. This is good news for him. This news allows him to do more to solve these problems. And it's perfect. Because the situation has become very favorable.

The infantry again encouraged their courage. The 20mm machine gun began to exert its continuous firepower. A large number of machine guns began to gather near the firepower point where the 37 guns appeared. They fired fiercely, and the 37 guns could not continue to play them. It should have the power, this is the first time that the Sanqi Cannon has performed abnormally. It is hard for them to believe that the Sanqi Cannon has nothing to do with the guy who is covered in iron.

Fan Bo smiled and put down the telescope, everything went well, the opponent's firepower was completely suppressed. And they simply can't play their firepower. A suppressed position doesn’t have to worry about anything. The infantry soon broke through the opponent’s defensive line from the front, which surprised them. On the other side, they had not had time to break through the opponent’s compartment. The other two positions were Without the value of defense, their entire defense line collapsed. The armored regiment progressed rapidly. Bass was very excited because they were very successful the first time they used armored vehicles. And Fan Bo has already begun to pick up his notebook to summarize.

"Armored vehicles must be tracked, because it can provide good fire protection, and at the same time, the power of the artillery must be greater. There must be more members, and one more commander. Infantry and armored vehicles must be coordinated. Otherwise, it will be very powerful. It's hard to use the power it should have." Fan Bo wrote in his notebook. These are the experience of their future armored fighting vehicles, and the First Armored Division provided this experience.

Just when the armored regiment made a breakthrough. The South Korean intelligence agency stationed in Suez City submitted a preliminary document about Carthage. This makes the Admiralty very worried.

"Carthage is a specialized maritime business empire. Their territory includes the entire Mediterranean region. They have a strong navy. It is said that there are more than a thousand warships. If there is a general mobilization, there may be more. Just rely on us. It seems that it is difficult for a speedboat team to buy against so many opponents, and the opponent seems to be still equipped with more firearms, which means that our advantage is being lost a little bit. This is not a good match for us. Good result." The Secretary of the Navy said helplessly.

"Sir, I think that at present we only need to maintain the current situation. As for specific other things, I don't think we need to carry out large-scale intervention. After all, we still lack such conditions. The materials there, Our own trade has just begun, and the contradiction has not developed in an all-round way. We can continue to increase troops there. We will increase the three speedboat brigade to strengthen the control of the Suez Canal." Said the Deputy Chief of the Navy.

"But the northern waters, that is, the Mediterranean area, in that case, we will lose a certain amount of control, and we still need some new warships to play our role. If necessary, light warships can be used." Said the minister.

"But this is not a very good way to go on. We must widen the Suez Canal. This is related to the issue of control of the northern Mediterranean. On this issue, we must not make a concession." The Secretary of the Navy said. In fact, this report contains a lot of errors, because Carthage is unlikely to have more than a thousand warships, and the news is relayed by a third party. Among them, there are many verbal errors, exaggerated facts and so on. Factors may cause South Korea to get the wrong report and lose the truthful report. In fact, this situation does already exist. The intelligence that South Koreans get is wrong, and these wrong intelligence will inevitably bring them serious troubles, but they also make them aware of it. It seems that only a few speedboats cannot meet such a demand. They need a weapon that can fight fast and can effectively control maritime hegemony. If necessary, you can pass there quickly.

Seth, the fighting in the encirclement stopped temporarily. Seth's new army controlled the first defensive circle, and in certain areas of the second defensive circle, they achieved a breakthrough. In this case, they only need to take a break for a while, and they can attack with these breakthroughs. This is good news for them.

Inside the king's headquarters. The king looked at the map worriedly and said.

"How is it? Is there news from them? Did they stop those **** armored divisions. If they show up in our encirclement, this would be a huge disaster." The king asked his own information. Staff,

"Your Majesty, there is no news yet. I believe they will definitely stop it." The intelligence staff said firmly. He wanted to send a message to the king that they must be able to block each other, so that the anxiety on the king's face can be reduced.

"No. I'm a little worried. This kind of thing is not something we can reduce if we want to reduce it. This is a lot of pressure for us." The king shook his head and said. He always felt that this matter was very wrong, because there were large gaps in many places, and the three battalions were too few in strength after all. Many of their staff members are optimistic that the three battalions are enough to block the fierce attack of the opponent, but they are for ordinary infantry, and this time they are armored combat vehicles. They are very special. Although the artillery has been strengthened, this Still unable to plug the gap.

"No. Increase reinforcements, we can't wait like this any longer. In the event of a disaster, our entire defense line will collapse. We can no longer stop the situation there. Hurry, we must increase reinforcements. Release the reserves." The king anxiously gave the order.

Within the headquarters of the First Army. The bad news came one after another, and the staff officers in the headquarters were very worried, or in other words, fear appeared on their faces.

"There have been many gaps in the second line of defense. We need more troops to block them. Otherwise, our situation will continue to deteriorate. In that case, our situation may become even worse. "A staff officer said. And Liang Ba paid close attention to everything in the headquarters, but when the bad news that the airship was shot down came here, everyone's mood suddenly fell to the freezing point, and then their defense line was breached, even though they were already tight. Defensive. But there are still many gaps. The soldiers are hungry and morale is very low. It is really difficult for them to defend there. To make matters worse, the bad news severely stimulated the soldiers' hearts. Many of them cannot continue to maintain this situation.

"It's not good. It's not good." Just then. Zhao Rui rushed in nervously and shouted loudly.

"The line of defense, our line of defense was broken. The three battalions did not resist for even an hour, and the armored regiment was rushing towards here quickly. We must block them." Zhao Rui said nervously. When the king heard the news, he immediately sat in his seat, but in the end he did not block the opponent's attack. The king was disappointed.

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