The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3641: Let go of the gap

"Their resistance is meaningless," Fan Bo said while standing on a broken down armored car. Under the suppression of firepower, the new Seth army had no chance to fight back. Not only that, they didn't even have a chance to attack. The infantrymen followed suit and started throwing grenades and then bypassing the trenches to shoot. Under such circumstances, the opponent seems to have no possibility of fighting, so this situation has become extremely passive. This is an unprecedented new situation. Seth's new army has no possibility of resisting.

"Damn it, don't say it. Hurry up and let those **** First Army get out immediately, otherwise, our situation will be in an extremely bad state. Our First Armored Division is very powerful, but the ammunition consumption is very high. It's also extremely serious. We can't get into the encirclement, rescue them, and let them get out quickly." Colonel Buss cursed loudly. For the First Army, he didn't have any good feelings. It can be said that he didn't have any good feelings at all. The reason is simple. They turned the war into this way. There is no such bad army in this world.

In the trenches, Bakkenf still insisted, but he could not last long. His arm was injured. The thigh was already unable to move, and a 20mm caliber shell directly penetrated his leg. He had no strength to stand up and do anything. He saw a bunch of grenades. He wanted to blow up those armored vehicles that disgusted him at the last moment. It was him. He crushed everything he had. He wanted to die with the other party. In this way, he could Solved all the problems.

"Boom. Boom." The tracked armored car made a huge roar, and then he passed over Bakenff's head. He hadn't picked up the grenade yet, but the tracked car had begun to spin. This was an interesting thing they found. Way, so that you can avoid those excited soldiers from desperately. They use the crushing brought back by the crawler to crush the opponent or bury alive. This is the best way to deal with infantry. Soon, Bakkenf was buried, he was buried alive. This is how he ended. But the battle is still going on, and the smooth progress of the First Armored Division has put a lot of pressure on the new Seth Army. This pressure has caused a huge gap in their front to appear, and this gap is gradually expanding.

In Babylon, the king gloomily looked at the sand table, and a huge blue arrow had already indicated that a huge gap had appeared in their defense.

"It seems that we have nothing to do." The king said helplessly while looking at the sand table. The phone call of the Bakkenff battle group has been unable to get through, which has already explained the problem. The staff members present have prepared for the worst, for example, withdrawing troops. For example, they will let the opponent run out of a gap. In this case, they may severely injure the opponent. For them, this is a pity, just a little bit, they can all annihilate the invading enemy, but it turns out.

"Your Majesty, there is no other way. The only way is to let go of a gap and let them escape. We will follow and eat most of it. Otherwise, we may not get anything in the end, that's right. We are very unfavorable." Zhao Rui reluctantly suggested. The king nodded, and they had to let go of a gap, because they couldn't eat each other at all, and the armored division progressed too fast. Before they could defend themselves, there was a huge gap. For them, this gap was simply a huge disaster.

Liang Ba was evacuating here with the commanders. They walked in a panic. It can be said that everything was unexpected. Many staff officers were very excited. They were very grateful to the First Armored Division. They retreated before they even had time to carry the defense plan. Up. The sergeant followed closely, and he carried very few things. Many staff officers carry as many salutes as possible, with their trophies in them, which will greatly slow down their marching speed.

"Damn it." Liang Ba couldn't help shaking his head when he saw such a scene. He thought that such a retreat was not a retreat at all, it should be called an escape, because many combat troops were still fighting, and they did not receive the order to retreat at all. There is no cover, and there is no last orderly retreat plan. Everything is in such a crazy retreat. Many people take away everything around them as much as possible. These things are enough for them. What they need is to retreat as much as possible, otherwise, they will be defeated at once.

"Sir, don't talk about it. We must leave here as soon as possible. This is the best way to pack lightly. Those things will only keep them here." The sergeant said to Liang Ba. Liang Ba nodded and agreed with this view. In his opinion, these guys are looking for death on their own, because the first armored car cannot resist too long. They may still have some opportunities to maneuver, but let them do this. The defensive operations are extremely passive. Many people don't realize this. They think that they are saved. At this time, they are still unconscious.

South Korea, Xinzheng. The queen received the relevant report for the first time.

"It's done very well. It seems that when necessary, we still need our South Korean commanders to solve the problem. In the same battle, why are they progressing slowly and we are progressing so fast? This is the difference. They are a group army. They are all overwhelmed. This has already explained the problem." Han Shu said. In Han Shu's view, the South Korean army performed perfectly in this assault rescue operation. It can be said that this is a beautiful attack and offensive operation. If there is no such adjustment in the combat plan, the First Army may be Was annihilated. In Han Shu's view, this is not an exaggeration. This may be their best choice.

"My lord, it should be noted that the retreat cannot be maintained for too long. The pressure of Seth’s new army still exists. We must retreat to a safe place to establish a second line of defense. They must be able to withstand the next counterattack. Otherwise, at the negotiating table, we will not be able to take the initiative at all, which will make us more passive." Zhang Liang reminded.

"Yeah. That's right, but I'm also worried about this problem at all, you know. We have an armored division, but this also reminds us that in future operations, armored forces will play a big role. We We should pay attention to this point. For military experts who provide such weapons advice, we should give them great promotion so that they can continue to show the results they should have." Han Shu said to the Secretary of the Army. The Secretary of the Army quickly recorded in his head that this matter was handled by Han Shu himself, so naturally he should hurry up.

In Zhao Guo, Handan, and the staff, the atmosphere became very depressing and bad. Everyone felt out of breath, because the news of the First Army's breakthrough had made them very surprised, angry, and helpless. Li Mu also behaved like this. They finally surrounded each other, but they were highlighted by the other party.

"Okay. Don't think about other things. We should evaluate them as we should." Li Mu quickly adjusted his mood. Isn't he still able to accept such a fact? This is definitely not true. Li Mu felt that since it had happened. They have no reason to continue like this. They have reason to believe that they will do the next thing well.

"Next. What we have to pay attention to is that we want to eat most of the forces of the First Army. At least we can't let them go back so well. We have to inflict heavy damage on him. At the same time, for armored vehicles, we should give him a certain amount. Destroy, in this case, we let them lose most of their troops. This is just a rescue operation. They cannot establish a stable front. We have to follow them like wolves and eat each other bit by bit. In this case, the other party will not have so much ability to solve the problem." Li Mu said.

"Yes, sir." The staff officers nodded. However, Li Mu believes that they should pay attention to the existence of armored vehicles. The advent of this new weapon has proved his reason for existence. It seems that he can make the defense no longer more advantageous. At the same time, their offense seems to be difficult to carry out. Defense. This is a weapon with both spear and shield. It is strange. However, technology has produced such a monster. Li Mu felt that he should pay some attention to this new weapon, because he created this new weapon. arms. This weapon becomes extremely advantageous.

Qin State Staff. Wang Jian and Yang Duanhe were also curious about such a war, because the existence of a new weapon changed any of their previous views. Their original view was that passive defense seems to be able to greatly consume the attacker’s strength. In this way, when the attacker is extremely exhausted, launching a counterattack can quickly eat the opponent. This is what they need to pay attention to at present. For example, in the first part of the Seth War, they were like this. Seth’s new army in a defensive state killed a lot of opponents and further consumed the opponent’s offensive force. When they were exhausted, when they put the last infantry battalion on the battlefield, they were finally crazy. When it becomes unfavorable, in such a situation, they seem to have lost all offensive power. Faced with such a crazy offense. They suddenly lost the power of resistance, and finally caused the opponent to be surrounded. This seems to have proved Wang Jian and Yang Duanhe’s original ideas, but the situation is changing. This change comes from their own changes, such as the emergence of armored vehicles. This new technological weapon has brought revolutionary changes. The defensive side became no longer extremely advantageous, because they found that such a defense seemed difficult to withstand the violent attack of armored vehicles. Unless they have the same or a majority of artillery superiority, if they do not have so many superiority, their army will lose the last chance of defense, and armored vehicles have both offensive and defensive capabilities. This is really a strange weapon, but But he played the combat effect he should have, and the appearance of this effect made them even more confusing. Wang Jian and Yang Duanhe are asking the intelligence department to collect as much information as possible from them. After all, these things are very important research opportunities for them.

Jeju Island, the eastern region, here is where a large number of naval ships are stationed, but in the northernmost place, there is a secret military port that no one can enter. You must be Koreans to enter it, and you must have a special pass, because There is a special combat unit and the seat of the submarine unit. Although they have achieved certain results in the naval battle, their results are negligible compared to the limelight of the speedboat. However, the South Korean side still provides more submarine units. For example, they continue to invest funds for the submarine force to study more powerful submarines. Because they believe that he will eventually exert the effect he should have.

In a nearby tavern, the sailors in this base would often come out to drink, look for girls, women from the southern part of the peninsula, women from Wadao, and women from Southeast Asia, if necessary, there are Indian women.

"That place is very mysterious. Officers like me can't get in at all. And they checked very strictly. However, there are some exceptions, such as the delivery of supplies." Wang Zi said over a drink. He said this to the boss. The boss is a middle-aged man who looks very gentle and talkative. In the tavern, everyone likes such a boss, because as long as he talks to him, he can provide free alcoholic beverages. In this case, the words of many sailors become more, because this can get more alcohol, which is the best thing in the world. Isn't it? Many sailors think so.

"You mean, your base is not so tight?" the middle-aged man asked. It seems that this question is idiotic.

"The rigor is quite strict. No stranger can enter the base, but they don’t care about transporting solid objects or goods. After all, no one will enter that place, but they eat well. Yes, I see that they have quite a lot of nutritional products, and they also have canned foods, most of which are high-calorie. Those guys really don't know what kind of benefits they get, and they would do such a thing. I am envious. "Wang Zi said from the side that he was a soldier on the periphery of the base. He knew less about the situation inside, because he could count the number of times he went inside with five fingers.

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