"We surrender, we surrender." The soldiers of the First Army raised their hands as they stood in the trench and shouted loudly. They hoped that this would allow Seth's new army soldiers to hear that they surrendered. They have given up resistance.

"Bah." A soldier of Seth's new army spit, and then cursed. A sergeant took control of them and asked them to jump out of the trenches one by one, and then escorted them to the rear. They could not massacre such prisoners of war on a large scale, because the king had already given orders and they must not be allowed to hurt them because there would be more The captives appeared, and they didn't want to encounter such a thing in the pursuit. The breakthrough was part of it. About most of the commanding officers above the division broke out, and one or two infantry regiments followed. This situation lasted for a long time. There is no way. This situation will be maintained. It goes on for a long time.

Seth's new army opened his mouth and let the opponent escape. But most of the First Army was captured. When they saw or heard the officers fleeing collectively, their hearts were extremely heavy. They could only watch those officers leave their posts, and they wanted to It doesn't make sense to continue to resist, because they are gone. Taking away the last hope, and they stayed, holding on to the last cruel situation, this is simply a huge disaster for them.

"Most of the officers escaped and they got the last chance of survival. However, behind, in the encircling circle, there were still quite a few soldiers captured, which is like a bottle. The armored division just opened a small opening in the bottle, the bottle Part of the beans inside ran out, but most of them were left in the bottle. They were just a small part of the lucky ones.” Liang Ba wrote in his diary. He was sitting on the armored car of the First Armored Division and they broke down. There are many armored vehicles, they must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise, their danger will be greater. They believe that the new Seth Army has the ability to keep them in the encirclement. In that case, their situation is absolutely not good, their The consumption of ammunition was extremely terrifying. Since a 20mm cannon on an armored vehicle cost more than 40,000 rounds, two of its barrels were replaced and completely scrapped. And their ammunition was also depleted, and they didn't have any encouragement to accept more troops, and they were unable to fight further, because it was extremely impossible to do that.

"Boom." The explosion sounded continuously, breaking down, and the armored vehicles that could not be repaired were blown up on the spot. They could not bring them back, and they could not keep such armored vehicles in operation. They could not leave to Seth's new army, they would rather stay. The next pile of scrap iron cannot be left to them an armored vehicle.

"Our armored vehicles seem to be left alone." Colonel Bass came over and said to Fan Bo. Soon, the only armored vehicles will stop, and the armored vehicles with scrapped weapons will become manned tractors. When their engines fail, it is the last moment to blow him up. This situation is for them. very common.

"Well, we completely lighted up all the equipment, but fortunately we jumped out of the encirclement, this may be the luckiest thing in misfortune. God bless us, we are still alive." Fan Bo said. For technical equipment, they are not very distressed, but how to face the next situation, it is also difficult for them to finish. After all, counterattack is incapable. It is really difficult to hold a new line of defense.

Just when Seth’s new army counted their final results, Handan, the country of Zhao, had already begun to consider the end of this war.

"The war was fought very well. For such a new army that hasn't been born for a long time, they have performed very well." Guo Kai seemed to be stingy with his praise language, and seemed to do so. It might cost him a lot of energy.

"However, Prime Minister, we must consider ending the war. If this goes on, we will invest a lot of money in Seth’s civil war. This is definitely not what we want to see. You know, we have a lot of things. It hasn't started yet. If we blindly invest, it will increase our risk investment." The Finance Minister said worriedly.

"In that case, our risk will become greater and greater. We must make the situation in Seth country get better, rather than continue to deteriorate like this. This is definitely not what we want to see." The Minister of Finance said. . Guo Kai nodded and said that he understood this. After all, he also hopes to continue to fight like this. After all, Seth will need more funding.

"Very well, I agree with this point. We have done very well. Now, what we have to do is to withdraw a lot of funds, or to carry out construction, so that the situation there will improve, and Seth will become us A friendly country." Guo Kai said.

"However, before specifically addressing this issue, the first thing we have to consider is to talk to the Koreans and let both parties sit down and have contact. After all, we still don’t know what the Koreans’ trump cards are. If they disagree, We have to continue to invest. After all, the purpose of the war is to negotiate, and to achieve the final unanimity of interests on the condition of equal exchange of interests." Guo Kai said. The Minister of Finance agrees with this, and he must do so if he wants to stop the war in a real sense. Soon, Zhao Guo sent a telegram to Seth. They will negotiate with South Korea and the other two parties as an intermediary. It may take a longer time, but they don't care at all. After all, war is unlikely to be fought.

Zhao Guo, in the North Laizhou Naval Shipyard, the Navy Deputy Commander is inspecting the process of building the latest battleship.

"The tonnage of the new warship will exceed 12,000 tons. Because of the use of steam turbines, its speed will exceed 27 knots. This is a new high speed that has never been seen before." An engineer excitedly introduced. . The new type of warship uses fuel to provide fuel, and the other sister ship will continue to use coal. This is the balance of the Zhao State Navy, because they still can’t clearly know which fuel is more valuable. They Had to make such a choice, the big deal is to replace the boiler at the last critical moment. This is their backup plan.

"Yeah. Their protection? Especially in the torpedo area, has it been strengthened?" The Deputy Commander of the Navy looked at the process of building the battleship with excitement. Zhao Guo adopted a more advanced module assembly method. This method came from Qin. They will process and build various modules in various factories, such as power cabins, command, firepower, fuel, ammunition depots, etc., and they will build them separately. In this way, the speed of service of the warship can be greatly accelerated. This is the best way. In this regard, they admire their own works very much.

"We don't have to worry about this, sir, we have laid more than 400 millimeters of steel plate underneath, and the protection ability is extremely excellent, and the armor thickness on the top, up to 500 millimeters thick, is all steel plate." The engineer said. However, the armor after this is still unable to withstand the direct bombardment of the 280mm artillery. In this regard, they have suggested installing steel plates of more than 1,500mm in special places, but in the end, the speed will slow down and have to Obsolete, but their armor thickness is still strong. You know, the armor thickness of South Korea’s main battleships averages 300 millimeters, and their purpose of doing this is to strive for higher speeds.

"Very good. Very good." The Undersecretary of the Navy praised. Great changes have taken place in Zhao’s navy’s combat thinking. A large fleet of warships will bring about complex combat formations, which requires high naval combat quality. Similarly, many countries cannot do this, such as Goguryeo. , It is difficult for them to do this. Therefore, the State of Zhao emphasized the combat capabilities of a single ship or two warships. In this case, their combat effects may become better, of course. It will also be equipped with some auxiliary warships for combat, such as destroyers and so on.

"In terms of firepower equipment, we used nine 305mm large-caliber guns. They were arranged in triplets, with six in the front and three in the back. This large-caliber warship will exert tremendous combat power. "The engineer introduced excitedly. The Secretary of the Navy was very satisfied with this. However, in terms of auxiliary battleships, the Deputy Chief of the Navy was not very caring. In his opinion, with such a large-scale battleship as the main battleship, the role of the auxiliary battleship is not very great. After all, Their artillery caliber can hardly threaten large warships, and they are basically the same in terms of speed, which makes it difficult for them to continue to exert a strong combat posture.

However, it should be noted that for the first time, Zhao Guoren put the seaplane on the main battleship to provide effective reconnaissance and at the same time correct the firing of the artillery. This is a fire observation aircraft in the true sense. The South Korean Navy does not even have such equipment. After all, they believe that such equipment still has major flaws. It is difficult to take back the seaplane when it is released during the battle. In this case, it becomes a kind of tasteless equipment, but the existence of the seaplane will indeed cause them a lot of trouble.

The active South Korean spies quickly assembled this information into a piece of information and sent it to the country, and then they forwarded it to the South Korean Navy Department. As for how to deal with this matter, that is the matter of the navy. After all, the other party A big step has been taken, and the hit rate of sea artillery battles is quite low.

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