South Korea, Xinzheng, the Minister of Foreign Affairs walked into the Queen's office with a report, and Zhang Liang also came in. He knew that something would definitely happen. With the opening of the Suez Canal, things always happened. This made him very annoyed, or in other words, he felt that things were not developing as smoothly as he thought.

Soon Han Shu sat down and looked at the report quickly. Zhang Liang noticed that Han Shu's eyebrows changed and sank after reading the report. This was not a good sign. It meant that their queen was very angry. Such a thing was not good news for them.

"These Carthaginians are very bold, do they think we Koreans are very bullied?" Han Shu said angrily. For Carthage, her personal attitude is very bad. It can be said that this guy is extremely unfriendly to them, because they are angering South Korea’s military forces. If necessary, they will give thunder. one strike.

The content of this report comes from the South Korean intelligence agency stationed in the Suez Canal. They indirectly conveyed their dissatisfaction with his Carthaginian army’s involvement in piracy by contacting the Eki government. They believed that the other party was deliberately provoking the incident. If things happen, it means that their situation will be greatly changed. This change mainly comes from the fact that they will use larger-scale military weapons to fight. The Carthaginians did not realize this at all. They believed that Koreans were foreigners and they should not interfere with their trade behavior. They regarded piracy as a kind of trade because they wanted to jam Koreans. The huge trade profits have greatly stimulated the appetite of the Carthaginians. They are originally a commercial country, and they strongly agree with this view.

The intelligence agency learned through other channels, mainly from local officials, that Carthage did not fail to put Koreans in their eyes, even though Aijiren had exaggeratedly promoted the strength of Koreans, for example, on their battleships. The giant artillery can destroy any fortress they built, as well as the huge aircraft flying from the sky. In short, the Aiji government has become extremely cowardly, but the Carthaginians don’t think so. They think this is the Aiji government. Caused by my own cowardice. Such things are not what they should do. Although the Aiji government has repeatedly assured them that what they saw is the truth, the Carthaginians rejected it. They rejected the kindness of the Koreans. They believed that the Koreans came here from thousands of miles away, and they were bound to be in an extremely weak state. At this time, if you don’t give the Koreans a strong one, the situation of the Koreans will become more severe, and they will impose sanctions on themselves.

"My lord, we must take some action. If we can't solve the Carthage problem in time, the situation will have a big blow to our foreign trade." The Foreign Minister said. He knows very well that negotiation requires strength. Of course you want to negotiate, but your opponent must also accept your negotiation conditions, for example. The Carthaginians on the opposite side, they must have a battle with the Koreans. After you have shown your strength, they can do such a thing well.

"Yeah. Prime Minister, what's your opinion?" Han Shu asked Zhang Liang.

"Fight. We can only go to war, but at present, we must accumulate a large amount of combat materials, as well as our naval power. Just relying on dozens of speedboats cannot completely defeat the other party." Zhang Liang said.

"Well. Then fight. There is nothing to say about them. Since they are willing to come, we will fight them to the end. We are not afraid of them." Han Shu said.

"However, my lord, before we can solve this problem, we must deal with another problem. This problem is about the alliance formed by the two independent provinces of Dongdura and Thira. They need to solve the problem with Seth. War." Zhang Liang said. The group armies of the two provinces have suffered losses to varying degrees. The loss of Tila Province exceeds more than 60,000 people, and the rest is just to build a line of defense that can barely be explained. The situation in Eastern Tula province is not going to be better. They still have 20,000 defending a line of defense. Whether they can withstand the opponent's attack in the course of the next battle is still unknown. Therefore, the two provinces decided to form an alliance, which will greatly strengthen the cooperation between the two armies, which will be extremely beneficial to them.

"Seth conveyed their opinions through the way of Zhao Guoren. Their view is that the two provinces are not allowed to be independent when the original border is restored. At least they cannot be independent in terms of finances and taxes. They hope that the territory will be intact. Zhang Liang said that Zhao Guoren’s request for negotiation is a wild price, thinking that everyone knows it. It’s impossible because the two provinces’ economies are already independent and they have close relations with the Koreans. Contact, so at the beginning of the rebellion, the two provinces will jump out and intervene. This is their necessary condition. This is difficult to change. However, they don't know this at all, because in their opinion, such a thing is not something they can solve at all. Because this condition is too unrealistic.

"This has no meaning at all, and their conditions are not possible. If they can continue to fight, we can accompany them. Strengthen their defense." Han Shu said impatiently.

"But in this way, your lord, we can no longer draw a part of our strength there. If we draw too much of our strength, it will lead to our weakness in Seth's power, which for us is simply It's unacceptable." Zhang Liang said. As a result, Han Shu fell into thinking, this problem is really difficult to deal with. The key to the problem is that they need to explain Seth to solve the Suez Canal further.

"Well, since they are asking for prices, we are also asking for prices. We have to return to the place we occupied before. In this way, the two sides can sit down and talk fairly. Since they are not sincere, we also have no sincerity. As for defense. Things, let them strengthen their defenses. Deal with possible offensives." Han Shu said.

In South Korea, in the stock market, the stock prices of Qingcheng Construction Company, Western Trading Company, and Suez Canal Company have fallen to varying degrees. You must know that the stock market has resumed a strong rise after the previous period of decline. , Many stocks are rising differently, but as long as the stocks of companies next to the Suez Canal have not risen.

"Man, do you know what happened? Why didn't they rise? You know, the market is rising rapidly. This wave of market is the best time. If I miss it, my car will be ruined." The young man asked a middle-aged investor. He is known for his steadiness and, most importantly, he is well informed. Many people come here to discuss the market, get some inside information by the way, and then buy a lot of these stocks. What they are waiting for is such a wave of rise.

"I know a little bit about this. I heard that the trade there has stalled, so the company’s profitability has gone bad. They have fallen. I think it’s those shareholders who already know this kind of inside information. I advise you not to Touch that stock." The middle-aged man said to the young man. In fact, he doesn't know what the situation is, but what he knows is that these stocks are very abnormal. Isn't it strange that he doesn't rise when all the stocks rise? This is certainly not surprising.

"Oh. Damn, I actually bought such a stock, really **** it." The other party scolded. For him, this is not good news, because it means that he will lose too much money, even though there are not too many losses on the books, in his opinion, the money that is not made is a loss.

"Okay. Young people don't worry, this period of time will definitely pass, maybe, he will rise suddenly, you know, some things are very unexpected." The middle-aged man said. The three stocks played an important role as a leader in the previous rise. This role means that they can lead the rise of the entire stock market, but now they have made a move that deviates from the market. This move is interpreted by many people as , This is a bad sign. Although they don't know where the problem is, it is definitely not a good thing not to go up like this. Because good things will never happen in such a situation.

State of Zhao, Handan. Guo Kai's prime minister's house.

“Actually, I don’t think their sincerity is great. The Seth people seem to think they can launch a counterattack, but what I want them to notice is that their financial situation is very bad, and the idea of ​​launching an offensive. It is very dangerous. For the Seth people, what they need now is rest and economic development. They have performed very well in this battle. However, what they also need to see is that the economy of many places is suffering. When serious damage is reached, they need to recover, rather than continue to attack. In that case, it will only make the situation very bad and warn them not to provoke the incident." Guo Kai said after reading the telegram from South Korea. Said the minister. He felt very annoyed that the Seth could not recognize the situation. In his opinion, this situation would greatly defeat their already existing victory. They should not be delusional too much, that will only put them in an extremely unfavorable state. This is very dangerous.

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