Qin State, Xianyang. The Prime Minister's Office, the Navy Department submitted a new report. Meng Yi shook his head after seeing it. He could only say that if they were delivered earlier, they would not be so nervous. Then reluctantly came to Shangwen's office to submit the report.

"It is true that we may lose contact in the middle. However, our army is very tenacious. I can hardly believe that more than 130 people, and 15 people were killed in the end, and we actually repelled the opponent's offensive, it seems that the local The indigenous people have lost the courage to attack." Meng Yi said after shaking his head after submitting the report. He found it hard to believe. Shang Wen was immersed in the report in his hands. The report was sent by telegram forwarding. They described in detail what happened to them.

The Qin navy personnel stationed in Mexico today had a friendly exchange with the local indigenous people. The cause of the incident was truly described. Because a local woman, the Qin navy personnel liked a woman who was ready to dedicate to the gods. The local aboriginals have already stated that as long as the Qin Navy handed over the woman, they can ignore the predecessors and still maintain a good diplomatic relationship. After all, the local aboriginals also need some of their commodities, and they do rely on these commodities to bring them. Great convenience came, such as mirrors, binoculars, and some gunpowder. These things brought them a lot of aspects. The mirrors made them believe that this was a **** descended from the gods, and they actually contributed to their gods. There are also muskets. They have always thought that this was provided by things like the **** of thunder in the sky. The arrival of the people of Qin must be the will of the gods, but the people of Qin who are in such awe, because of a woman, the local natives feel very angry. They believe If they do this, they will lose the blessing of the gods, and then the contradictions will gradually escalate, finally triggering a larger armed conflict. Fortunately, the Qin people's weapons are sufficiently advanced. They defeated more than ten times more enemies time and time again, not only that, they also severely inflicted their opponents. After all, many of them are Marines, and they are tough representatives. But their situation is not so good either. The reason was that they were under siege for a while, and finally they were relieved by reinforcements from the west coast.

The course of the matter is roughly like this, but the problem is that Qin’s reinforcements have been sent out, and this has actually caused such a situation. The development of the matter is beyond people’s expectations, but it is foreseeable that in the future, they may encounter To more trouble. For example, diplomatic relations are difficult to develop, and they will encounter attacks from local indigenous peoples, which will greatly affect Qin’s control over the area. Whether this is conducive to the expansion of the Qin army is still a big question. After all, no one has the trouble that such a big problem can be solved.

"The future is a bit tricky. But fortunately, we have established enough strongholds there and sent more reinforcements." Shang Wen said after reading it.

"Yeah. But this is indeed a trouble. We have too few people there. If we really want to expand, I am worried that it will cause more bloodshed, which will greatly postpone our offensive operations. The most important thing is. The problem is that the investment environment has become insecure, and no one continues to invest a lot of money there. This will inevitably affect the investment process. This is what I worry about the most." Meng Yi said to Shangwen worriedly.

"I am also worried about this, but, on the other hand, maybe the shortcomings there are just one point that we can take advantage of." Shangwen said in a change of thinking. He is a vegetarian. Even though Yingyu prepares more eggs and other non-strict vegetarian foods for him, Shangwen still doesn't like blood. This may have a lot to do with the fact that he has been on the battlefield. The **** stimulation still makes Shang Wen uncomfortable. Such things as massacres are, after all, an extremely disgraceful scene in history.

"I don't quite understand what you think. I think this kind of thing may not be avoided. I think you know this. How could we transform an unfavorable situation. This is too difficult for us. Now." Meng Yi said in disbelief.

"The key to the problem lies in population. What about those people? You know, we lack enough population in many places. From the North Sea area to some islands in the northern part of Wadao, and then the entire west coast lacks enough areas. People, not just these, we can emigrate and move people from the Western Regions. And those local aboriginals, we can employ the method of employing them to fill our western regions. In this case, the population factor may be sufficient. Reduce a lot. Of course, if they take the initiative to come over, we can take the initiative to give them other aspects of support, such as nationality, etc." Shang Wen said. Shangwen hopes to achieve his goals through this kind of political concession. His goal is very simple. It is to avoid large-scale massacres. This is extremely inhumane. Besides, Qin still needs many places to be enriched by population. With enough population advantages, it is difficult for Qin to expand the situation there.

"This is indeed the case, but the investment cycle and cost will become very large. I am worried about the banks. They seem to disagree with such a plan, which will consume too much capital. We It seems difficult to do this." Meng Yi said.

"Anyway? Let's give it a try, maybe we can discover unexpected situations in the process." Shang Wen said.

Bangla Port. This is a prosperous, dilapidated, degraded, and dirty city, but the Koreans have brought this city a prosperous situation.

On Binhai Avenue, there are tall buildings, the strongest banks, government buildings, and places to spend money to buy pleasure, a **** for the poor, and a paradise for the rich. There is a huge gap between the rich and the poor here. Some of the Bangla businessmen who became rich by smoking human blood, the Bangla parliamentarians are spending money here, and they feel like they are high-class figures. They got along with the Korean parliamentarians. They discussed the shortcomings of various bills politely and described the lives of the people in various unbearable ways, but they secretly added many unethical circumstances to the bill, for example, they would take advantage of the loopholes in the bill. Bring yourself a lot of wealth. Women, money, and endless enjoyment are even more exciting for them to do so. It seems that they still fear the gods. But the religion from the Central Plains completely broke the religious balance here.

According to traditional Hindi teachings, they should have an afterlife, and people should be formed in accordance with all these developments. In this way, they can solve these problems very high. This is one of their thoughts, but the problem is that their situation is changing. They believe in the religions from the Central Plains. The Central Plains religions are fabricated by a group of gods. They encourage these people to bravely compete for their own interests, because God will forgive them. This is what God did. Everyone has everything. The calamity of the individual is unchangeable. Therefore, they condone such evil. So they boldly embarked on such a sinful business. A new immigration bill has just been passed. The local MPs in Bangla actively promoted this bill, that is, to encourage immigration. They believe that this can greatly reduce the current social security chaos and the poor surrounding environment, because if they emigrate, all problems can be solved. Up. It seems that the parliamentarians are aware of the problems caused by the environment and population gathering.

In the Menggla slum, some teenage children are on their way home. Many of them have just finished 15 hours of hard work a day. And what they got in exchange was money for three meals a day. They are struggling hard here. At this moment, a few men with big sticks appeared in front of them. They also had tattoos, and the head of them was wearing sunglasses, and they seemed to be very powerful.

"No. Not good. Run." The children ran away frantically, but it was impossible. Because they are too tired. In addition, the other party has blocked all the outlets here. Only a few children were lucky enough to leave here, but most of them were arrested. Patrol officers will not come here, and they will not accept such a report, because it will seriously affect their promotion. Everything here is handed over to the gang to manage. In this way, the dozen or so children were all taken away. The same scene was staged in various places. However, there are many types of methods. For example, some resort to deception, and all they deceive are young women who have just entered the society, as well as children. These children are a burden to them. They are poor and have many children, which makes some adults ignore their attention to children. After all, if you have more children, you will eat with one more mouth. They are also struggling at the poverty line of society. Others are blatantly recruiting and deceiving, and then most of them gather and hand them over to some labor service companies. In this way, they will have cheap labor sent to Australia. This is the so-called immigration bill. All immigration is voluntary and encouraged. The government allows them to do this. In fact, the government does not provide any protection for their actions. In their view, the lives and deaths of these people have nothing to do with their affairs, and their affairs are not going well and have nothing to do with them. This will reduce the occurrence of social conflicts.

The immigrants who have lost government protection are actually a kind of slave trade in disguise. It’s just that they have changed their name, the export of labor, and behind this, more people leave their homes, they are deceived here by various means, they will lose their freedom and go. Go to a place that has never been reached before.

In the port of Bangla, ships are loading these labors, and they will be transported to Australia by ship, that is their purpose. Their situation is much better than their predecessors. At the very least, the time limit they endured has been reduced a lot.

Seth, the king looked at the telegram in his hand. Zhao Rui just kept shook his head. He felt that Seth still has some ideas to launch an offensive. At least it is not a problem to restore the original border. The morale is high, but the ammunition is relatively small, but this is not a problem, because They have already occupied some areas, these areas can pass through Persia, transport a large amount of ammunition. This situation can be greatly improved. Therefore, Zhao Rui believes that as long as Seth takes a rest for a period of time, they can launch a larger-scale counteroffensive. In this defensive operation, they consumed a lot of military power, which greatly helped them. Solved a lot of problems, this is their current situation. This situation makes them even more advantageous.

"I think your domestic telegraph idea is correct. Seth can no longer withstand any large-scale offensive operations." The king said after thinking about it.

Zhao Rui couldn't believe his ears. He couldn't believe it. This turned out to be what the king said, because the king had always emphasized the initiative to attack. However, what is after the attack, obviously this is not what Zhao Rui, a pure soldier, can understand, but The king is different. He is indeed the supreme commander of Seth’s new army. However, he is more of a politician. He considers different angles. Although war can solve problems, it cannot solve all problems. How did Seth develop after the war? Although foreign warfare can make them divert part of their attention, how can they be solved after this attention has shifted? It is difficult for them to change this situation.

"We can't keep fighting, and if we fight like this, the soldiers will lose even more and Seth's strength will become even weaker. We should listen to their opinions and talk about it. We can't fight anymore." The king said. To. He naturally has his own considerations. If you continue to fight, it will consume more strength, and Seth is not safe. There are also some provinces in the north who want to break away from this kind of control. They want to be independent. After all, this can bring them more benefits, but there are disadvantages, that is, they need to take certain risks. Seth does not want them to be independent. They need to form a strong government, too much entanglement will put them in a place of mental breakdown, which is definitely not what they want to see. Under such circumstances, they need to accumulate strength. The king knows this very well. Therefore, he must avoid war. After all, war is not a good thing, which will greatly consume their strength. What they need is to accumulate strength, not excessive wear and tear. The king's decision was thus settled. But this is definitely not as simple as stopping the war.

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