"Mida" patrol boat, they have entered the Mediterranean area, but they did not penetrate deep into the Mediterranean, but only patrol the coastal areas. This is the place where the South Korean navy has the weakest naval power and is also a place where piracy is extremely rampant. It can be said that As long as you enter this sea area, you will definitely encounter pirates. This is a blank area of ​​South Korea's patrol. Lieutenant Wang Mo, who knows nothing about being afraid, ordered to enter here because he wants to prove his ability, but the more you do this, the more you will bring It's dangerous, because the sergeant always has a bad premonition.

"Sergeant, we have never been here." The privates picked up their rifles and the sergeant operator's machine gun. They felt that the situation here seemed very bad. Even the sergeant who usually complains a lot rarely speaks. ,More than that. The privates also felt the danger, but their ensign still looked at the surrounding situation with a binoculars. The surrounding terrain is a bit complicated, with islands and some unknown small continents. Those were formed by shocks. These were brought by the Suez Canal. There were many unknown plants on it. This gave the pirates an excellent opportunity to hide, and the ensign himself felt that it was too late.

"Sergeant." The soldier asked the sergeant in fear.

"Damn don't talk." The sergeant turned his machine gun. His attention was focused on danger, it was impossible to separate too much energy to pay attention to these, he suddenly felt that the ensign would kill them, because of this ghost place, they didn't want to stay for a quarter of an hour.

"Swish." At this moment, a sharp whistling sound came. At the same time more dull voices came.

"Be careful," the sergeant shouted loudly. Then he turned the machine gun, and he suddenly noticed that there was some unknown movement in his six o'clock direction.

"Wow." But it was too late. A big iron ball hit the front end of the speedboat all at once. It was a wooden speedboat and couldn't withstand such a huge impact.

"Tutu. Tututu." The sergeant pulled the trigger and fired, but their speedboat was hit hard and a lot of seawater poured in. And more artillery shells roared, and a considerable part of them were ricochets. This ancient tactic seemed only to be sent out by those terrible front-mounted artillery.

"Wow!" Then there was another loud noise. The soldier felt his arm hurt very much. Because a wooden board was stuck in his arm all at once. And he yelled loudly, but no one around took care of it. Their speedboat is over. Multiple solid shells shot over like carefully arranged firepower points. They simply lack defense. The situation just happened unfavorably. This is really a **** situation.

The soldier looked at the sergeant. Half of the sergeant was hung on the machine gun. The machine gun was full of flesh and blood, and some blood kept flowing down. It looked so terrifying, and the soldier was scared. He didn't feel that their speedboat was sinking slowly, but it became faster and faster as time passed.

"Quick, **** it, jump down, we must get out of here." Ensign Wang Mo shouted loudly. He also didn't expect to encounter such a situation. Their situation is very bad, and it is very likely that they will become prisoners, but now is not the time to consider these. They must live, and only if they live can they continue. The second lieutenant shouted loudly at the private, but the opponent seemed to be controlled by fear. This situation often happens. Many recruits have never seen such a horrible situation. For them, it is simply the worst situation.

"Papa." The second lieutenant slapped the opponent several times, and the opponent reacted in a trance, but he was still very slow. There is no way to do this. Some people have a fast reaction time, some have a slow reaction time, and some people have no reaction at all. In that case, you can only resign yourself to fate. Most of them will die. The second lieutenant didn't know what he had thought of, so he immediately grabbed the opponent and threw it into the water. Then he jumped down too. Just as they tried to escape, some long boats appeared. They don’t have many ships, but they are large in number. The second lieutenant knew that it was the Carthaginians, their navy, or yes, they were pirates. captive. This is the result of the ensign's helpless waiting.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Han Shu's office.

"This is your plan?" Han Shu asked the Secretary of the Navy.

"Yes. Your Majesty, we need so many helpers at the moment. The ocean is too big. And our navy has too many missions, which makes it difficult for us to cope with, and the number of ships assigned is very small. What's worse, This situation is still going on. I think we need at least 300 ships of various types to meet this demand.” The Secretary of the Navy said.

"And we can let the servant countries build a certain scale of navy. Their overall naval strength is weaker than ours. They are our friendly and allied forces. Under such circumstances, we can invite them to join us. What I know is Karachi. Countries such as Jeju, Jeju, and Yueshi are all willing to build such a navy, and we can help them to do so." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Yeah. Can they listen to us?" Han Shu asked, seemingly worried.

"Yes, my lord, their situation is not very favorable. What you need to know is that most of them don't have the ability to build warships at all. Under such circumstances, their naval strength will lag far behind ours. It is very easy for us to control them, and such a thing is very common for us." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Yeah. Well, I don’t know what your thoughts are like? If you can bring some naval funds, I still agree to this plan. I will contact them as soon as possible to make our shipyard busy." Han Shu looked at it. After that, he nodded and agreed. Security issues have been guaranteed to a certain extent, and at the same time it can bring more financial support, which is for them. This is a very advantageous thing, and they have no reason to refuse this kind of thing.

This is the fundamental reason that moved Han Shu. Funds, only by solving more funds can all problems be solved.

Xinzheng, the stock market, the three Suez Canal stocks began to decline to varying degrees. This decline has caused many people to feel very worried. They feel that under such circumstances, most of them feel very pessimistic. At the same time, they feel that, Bearish on the entire stock market.

"Let's take a look, I'll go back, there will definitely be problems, sure enough, fortunately I ran away earlier." A middle-aged man said excitedly. But he didn't make the money he should earn, because he didn't short sell.

"The news is here. The news is here. I know some inside information." A young man said loudly.

"Okay. We all know it. This is no longer news. This is old news. But we just want to know a reason." A man said dissatisfiedly. Because he lost money. People who lose money are all like this. They are short-tempered, don't listen at all, don't seem to have enough interest in anything, and even their attitude is the worst. Such a person deserves to be lost.

"Okay. Let's talk about it. What will happen here?" some people asked. After all, the stock market is still going on, and if they continue to let it go, they will get nothing.

"It's the Carthaginians. The Carthaginians have carried out extremely serious piracy. Their piracy has seriously affected the development of the Suez Canal trade. At present, only the Jewish business does not lack enough business, but other The business has been severely damaged, and this situation is still getting worse, so the stock has fallen. All three stocks have fallen.” The young man said.

"Oh. Damn, I knew the broken news." Some people said after listening.

"The question is who is Carthage?" Some unknown people are understanding the situation. They are not very clear about politics. Carthage seems to be a new vocabulary, because many people always fail to remember such a name. Just like the Karachi people before, when they said there, they didn't know what the situation was there. This is the same reason. Some people only started to understand what happened there, but in fact it has already happened. This kind of crisis already exists. They need to be fully addressed.

Jiaozhou, Qingcheng. Many major shareholders are sitting here in the conference room of a high-end hotel. This is the meeting of shareholders of Suez Canal Company. Most of them have the presence of people who hold more than 5 percent of the market share, even though they had been in a period of rapid stock rises. Throw a part, but the problem is that the decline in stocks continues, they are unlikely to continue to let the stock continue to fall, they must do something.

"We can't do anything about this kind of thing. We can only let the government do this kind of thing. You know, they are all **** Carthaginians, they are pirates, and they will cause us to suffer extremely heavy losses." One person said.

"I know this too, but this is the case, and we are unlikely to be able to do so. I really don't know how far the decline will continue." Many people said. But shareholders are also powerless. This has risen to the military and political levels. It takes them considerable energy to complete this kind of thing. If they fail to do so, their losses will be very huge. This is something everyone has realized.

"War, maybe we need a war to end all this." said a shareholder. Everyone looked at each other. Don't speak such words easily.

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