Seth, Babylon, reconstruction work is underway, and many things need to be resolved in time. For example, the injured need to be rescued and the existing troops need to rest. At the same time, the State of Seth also further optimized the existing military. For example, they established a formal staff system. This is the excellent experience spread by Zhao. After the establishment of the staff, their first job is Consider them reorganizing the existing army. At present, the Seth army has been expanded to 72 infantry battalions. Before, they expanded to ninety-one. This is a relatively large number, and this number is for them. This means that the financial burden has increased, and a large number of troops cannot be quickly transformed into civilians. This requires the General Staff to further solve this problem.

"We don't need too much force, but at the same time we need more reserve forces, and the militia is a necessary choice for us to build these reserves." Zhao Rui, as an adviser, said to the staff who have been mobilized. Tummer was also among them. Because he successfully led a battalion with significant combat effects, he was promoted to the staff to work. If given the opportunity, he might go to Zhao to learn new warfare techniques. He has heard of such selection. The work has already begun. Therefore, he has to show himself well, he wants to live such a chance.

"The remaining people will be redistributed to the militia camp. As their compensation, they will be prioritized to work. The country will build more factories to solve these problems." Zhao Rui said . The king also had such a determination to reform the drawbacks of Seth. This corresponds to a series of reforms.

First of all, the size of the Seth army will be rapidly reduced from the current 110,000 people to a standing army of 50,000, which means that at least half of the people will leave the army, and it is time for the army to fulfill their promise. This is an important step to ensure the reform of Seth. For example, he needs to solve the problem of leaving and leaving those who are left, and how to solve it. Seth decided to introduce a large number of advanced industrial equipment from Zhao. These industrial equipments include a certain number of mechanical processing plants, machine tool plants, and a series of parts and components. There are rich iron ore resources here, and iron smelting is already here. Recorded. This is their advantage, and the existence of these industries will help Seth to establish a relatively complete military-industrial production system. Only in this way can Seth's economy be out of trouble. The reform of the army is the first step of all reforms, because a large number of free people have followed their king. The staff is very busy, and the king is also very busy. Everything is going on intensely.

"Those free people who have participated in the war should be given priority. They have paid too much blood and sacrifice for this country. We can't let them continue to shed blood and sacrifice. This is something we should not do." The king said. .

"Yes, king." Zhu Li recorded in his notebook. For him, this matter has already been done. Zhu Li became an important middleman for Seth to invest in the construction of the factory. He got a lot of benefits from Zhao Guo investors, and the benefit that investors got was that a large amount of resourceful land was sold to the other party at a low price. At the same time, they will give the best preferential policy support, not only these, but they will also put it into the most important other departments, such as the transportation department. Zhao Guoren plans to invest in the construction of a railway to Port Seth, and then Follow this railroad and extend to the place where it was North Stan. The term Stan was translated by Zhao Guoren, and the specific meaning seems to be a place where a certain kind of people gather. In short, it is such an explanation. The people of Zhao Guo couldn't understand this. After all, this was a kind of local language, and they couldn't distinguish these language changes. But they know that these are enough to solve many problems.

"However, King, we must start some trade as soon as possible. The financial situation is very bad. We are currently only selling land to obtain a large fiscal revenue. However, the size of the army has been reduced a lot, but the cost is still very high. If we can’t solve these problems well, it seems that Zhao Guo will not give us much convenience.” Zhu Li said worriedly. Solving Seth’s debt problem has become the most concerned issue of Zhao Guo’s bankers. This problem is directly related to their investment safety. After all, if the debt is too large, the pressure on the government will be greater. Seth currently has no profitability to do such a thing, which is a very bad process for them.

"This problem will be solved. We are looking for such a project. It will take some time." said the king. He felt that there were always more solutions than problems, and they would find a solution to the problem after all.

"However, the most important thing at the moment is to officially end the military pressure from the south. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to start trading with Northern Stan. This is a lot of pressure on us." The king said worriedly.

"Negotiating is not going well. It can be said that many places have fallen into a state of stagnation. Both countries strongly demand to stick to the area they occupied before, which is one hundred and fifty kilometers away. But in fact, we We have already entered the borders of two provinces. In this case, we have actually gained considerable initiative." Zhu Li said.

"However, the siege of resources and trade are still in the hands of the other party. We lack enough trade to open up the situation and solve our financial problems. Fighting can no longer solve the problem." The king said helplessly. This is the new situation encountered by the Seth people, and this situation has become extremely unfavorable for them. To solve the financial problem, it is necessary to make some diplomatic concessions. In this way, the situation can be opened up. For them, it is simply the most needed situation. But the problem is that Seth is making concessions in the event of victory, which will make it difficult for many people to accept, but if they do not accept it, they will continue to be pressured from South Korea, and South Korea will have to deal with them. The main blockade of industrial equipment in China, the continuous economic blockade on raw materials and trade, this blockade will put Seth in an extremely passive situation. This is very unfavorable.

Yueshi, the country’s economy is recovering. Although the degree of recovery is relatively slow, they are recovering after all, and people’s lives have entered a normal track here. The people of Qin people continue to invest here. The investment is mainly concentrated in factories, education, and bank lending, while the people of Yue people are also trying to carry out large-scale industrial upgrades. For example, they try to rationalize their agriculture, and they start to plant. Cotton, by exporting cotton, you can make a lot of money. This is the case in Dawan in the north. They also started to do this, but agriculture can't solve too many employment problems after all, so some new industries appeared, machinery processing factories. They mainly produce some cheap labor products, and there is ample labor here.

In a factory, most of them are young people, strong middle-aged people, etc. They work very long hours, basically more than twelve hours, and sometimes they work more than fifteen hours of overtime. But this kind of overloaded work brings a certain salary, allowing them to change the current situation.

"Oh, I'm exhausted. How many train wheels do we need to process?" A young man was sitting on the ground, his hands were bruised and greasy. Even after careful cleaning, there were still traces on them. They ate the bread they brought, as well as seafood dishes brought from the south, a kind of food made of kelp and other algae. It contains a lot of salt, but it is cheap because it is easy to keep fresh and there are many workers in the factory. Part of them are eating this kind of food. Of course, they will occasionally eat a meal of meat dishes, or buy a cheap canned food that contains a lot of starch and enjoy it.

"I don't know, anyway, there are still many things. I saw that many of these things have been shipped from Qin State, and it is estimated that they will be processed for a long time. I guess I will have to work overtime again today. It's really tired." The middle-aged man sighed. They are already very good. There are still many people who cannot find a job. They have to wait a long time by the employment agency every day to find a temporary worker. If they cannot find a job, they will have to starve for a long time. This is for them. , Is very unacceptable.

"Then I will seize the time to study. I will be admitted to the opportunity to study abroad and go to university to study." The young people took out their own small textbooks. It seemed that this was an opportunity for them to change their destiny. Letting go of an opportunity to study abroad is one of the important measures for many border states to attract immigrants. Immigrants can have investment or carry out their own academic research. Many border states have realized this, and they have successively realized this. In Dawan, Anxi, Yueshi, Karachi and other places, related academic research institutes or related educational organizations have been established. As long as they pass some special examinations, they can come to Qin to develop, provided that they must have their own research. As a result, this road is a very good road, because many people from the Yue family have already noticed this. They saw that the children of the ministers immigrated to Qin in this way. They have good jobs and good treatment. If they can seize this opportunity to enter the university, it is also a good choice. Many people think so.

"Yeah. Young people have ideas, but such ideas are too late for us." The middle-aged man said enviously. It is already difficult for them to accept new knowledge, even learning is very laborious, this kind of labor makes them even more difficult.

The academic road is indeed very difficult, because it requires a certain economic foundation. Those so-called officials’ children can rely on their power to obtain certain conveniences, but for such poor children, it is much harder for them to make progress. They not only need to rely on their own diligence, but also on their own opportunities and luck to develop, which is undoubtedly difficult. Although the Qin State has released these restrictions, it does not mean that everyone has such an opportunity. Qin will only choose those extremely advantageous talents for training in this area.

Zhao Guo. In the army test field, Zhao Guo is conducting a small-scale tactical exercise. The purpose of the exercise is to test the tactical effects and significance of the new armored vehicles. Because according to the information they received, the armored vehicles that South Korea invested in this battle performed quite well.

"Tutu. Tutu." The machine guns on the armored vehicles kept suppressing the soldiers in the trenches. Of course, those were dummies. However, the opponent still had artillery. The artillery positions could not be eliminated in advance, mainly because the firepower of the machine guns was too weak. They can’t hit the opponent at all. The 37 cannon can knock out the opponent’s armored vehicle at a distance of one kilometer. The armored vehicle is only loaded with machine guns. At this distance, they seem to be reluctant. They need to keep shooting in a curved line because it is too far. . Unless they use larger-caliber artillery, or large machine guns. Otherwise, it would be impossible to achieve this.

Worst of all, the defensive infantry dug trenches in front of their positions. Wheeled armored vehicles, without exception, stopped outside the trenches, and tracked vehicles performed fairly well. However, they quickly stayed in front of the barbed wire and were difficult to move. Because of the low power, the winding of the barbed wire on the track consumes With more power, it is difficult for them to keep going.

"It looks very bad." Li Mu said helplessly, shaking his head when he saw such a scene. Armored vehicles are facing a new army like Seth. They are generally not equipped with high levels of equipment, which led to the ability of armored vehicles to break through and offensive. For example, they lacked enough artillery, and they lacked enough heavy weapons to keep them like this. Advantageous state, but in the face of a more complete defense, the attack of armored vehicles has become extremely fragile, for example, it is difficult for them to break through the opponent's frontal defense. The firepower is not enough and the armor protection is relatively low. The worst is that their engine power seems to be difficult to undertake such a task. This has not yet been tested for long-distance marches. If this test is carried out, it may be even worse. Li Mu had to reconsider the matter of armored vehicles.

"However, sir, even though the armored vehicles still suffer from such and other sufferings, I believe that they may perform better in the future. After all, many technologies are a process that requires continuous maturity. This is just one of the weak processes. This requires us to give them enough time to develop." Li Zuoche said. Li Mu nodded in agreement with this view.

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