In the offices of South Korea, Xinzheng, and Han Shu, the navy ministers reported the requests of various countries to participate in this naval operation, of course. This involves a great principle of distribution of benefits, and South Korea can’t do that. After all, it still belongs to an undeveloped area. It seems that Aiji is a beautiful and weak girl, as long as she looks attractive. Go up. South Koreans seem to have no reason to occupy each other, because South Korea, the United States and Europe do such things for such reasons.

"Do we still have a reason for rejection? No." Han Shu said as he took out a newspaper and said. This newspaper comes from the pressure of public opinion. The Secretary of the Navy carefully took the newspaper and read it and was helpless. Because of the facts in the newspaper. Because such a political group is active in various countries. Although their power seems to be scattered, every time they encounter some Central Plains people who are robbed or killed by outsiders, there is such a group of people standing in the Central Plains, or the entire nation. Looking at this matter from a high level, they are seen as an attack on their entire nation, and this kind of attack has expanded unrestrictedly, expanding the last unacceptable point, which is a situation that they simply cannot accept, because They will say, look, this is the result of the disunity of our Central Plains people outside. Such criminal cases will happen. Therefore, when there are Central Plains people, whether they are Koreans, Chu people, or Zhao people, as long as there are People in the Central Plains are injured. They always occupy such a high level to criticize the authorities of various governments, saying that they are not united. Things are so strange. Under such pressure, they have to do so. Han Shu is also a person and a politician. She knows the influence of public opinion if the South Korean government refuses. What will the governments of various countries think about this incident is simply a disaster for them. Han Shu can't take such a risk.

With the rapid development of the power of various countries in the external expansion, the national consciousness has been awakened. This awakening comes from the various measures encountered in the expansion. In fact, the external expansion is not all smooth sailing, because they will encounter all kinds of them. Problems that I can’t even think of. For example, when sailing to a foreign country, the first thing is to pass. There are various risks at sea, such as uncontrollable storms, reefs, and pirates. After arriving at the destination, there are series. For example, the resistance of local indigenous people, the abnormal local climate, and the prevalence of various diseases. In order to cope with these, various academics should not keep developing. This is how medicine has developed. South Korea, Zhao, Qi, Chu, and Qin are all responding to various pandemic diseases on a large scale. In order to deal with some flu, they have to deal with them intensively. This kind of thing is not new.

It can be said that the expansion seems to be very rapid on the surface, but only they know the bitterness behind it. Therefore, the Central Plains people who have been active in politics and united with their overall interests have already unified the Central Plains ideologically. Although the term China has not been widely popularized in the Central Plains countries, it has been declared to be a standard term. For example, in Seth, the Suez Canal, the Jews, and the Aji are smuggled up, and the Persian merchants, they will collectively call the original people Chinese merchants, and they will not directly say that you are Zhao Guoren, Korean, and Just collectively referred to as Chinese. It is precisely the setbacks encountered in this kind of external expansion and the need for external reunification has become very urgent. The countries of the Central Plains are relatively consistent externally, although there are still various contradictions in their countries. On external issues, they are more consistent, that is, the Central Plains countries cannot suffer losses. Once they suffer, they will be accused on the issue of ethnicity. This kind of morality is still unwilling to bear. Therefore, Han Shu has no choice but to accept such naval assistance. Although she is very reluctant, South Korea does not want to bear such a moral responsibility.

In this way, taking part in Aiji, Carthage's joint naval operation against pirates was established in a grandly sounding manner. Currently, South Korea, Qin, Zhao, Wei, Yan, Chu, and even Jeju and Goguryeo have participated. This seems to have nothing to do with these two countries, but, in their opinion, their eldest brother has taken the shot. As a younger brother, you should have this kind of awareness. In this way, all countries are actively sending troops to participate in the fight against pirates. This is something that South Korea did not expect at the beginning.

Seth, the king's attention has shifted to the north, where they need to expand more land. There are more markets.

"Northern Stan, quite a few have already chosen independence. When our country is in a big crisis, they usually choose this way." The king seemed to say helplessly. Seth once was a huge empire, and his northern territory once expanded to Asia Minor. But now, they have been reduced to only a small area in the Mesopotamia. The national strength has suffered serious losses. Many provinces have declared independence. Although some provinces are still under the jurisdiction of Seth in name, the king would not think so. In his opinion, in fact, they have lost too many places. He would not put his hope on the sudden benevolence of those provinces.

"Solving them can not only deter some independent provinces, let them come back to us, expand our military strength, and most importantly, we also need to promote our products, although it is difficult and difficult to understand, but I think we should sell some of the weapons in our hands to them. In this way, we can make some price difference. For us, this is the best and fastest way to resolve financial difficulties." King Speaking of this to Juri. Zhu Li is only a consultant, he still doesn't know much about some situations, and many things need to be considered by the king himself.

"Just, diplomatically?" Juri asked the king worriedly.

"There has been great progress in diplomacy. There is no need to worry about this. I believe you will understand my thoughts." The king said. The king's has received a report from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Zhao government continued to exert pressure and resolutely resisted the greed of the alliance. Not only was the alliance threatened by Zhao, but also the South Korean government was dissatisfied. They also believed that the alliance was too greedy, if it were not for the help of the Korean army in the later period. If they have fought a battle, they still don’t know what they will lose. Faced with such a situation, they have no face to say these things. Therefore, in this matter, they have already lost the advantage of negotiation. , The happiness came so suddenly that even the king felt unreal. But this is the fact. A major breakthrough will be made in diplomacy. It can be said that they can solve such a problem without cede too much land.

It is precisely because of such a big breakthrough in diplomacy that they can move to the north well, and after solving some things in Northern Stan, they can solve all the problems. This is what they are doing now.

"Your Majesty, in this way, the number of weapons we need will become very large. This is a lot of pressure on our transportation." Zhu Li said.

"Therefore, we need to build a railway. This railway will not only lead to Babylon, but also lead to more places in the north. I feel that as long as there is a railway, all problems will be solved. This will make us Very favorable." The king said confidently. The reason why the king chose to engage in the arms business was because Northern Steins became independent. They formed warlords of all sizes. In order to survive and expand their territory, they would inevitably fight. This kind of battle became very fierce, and at the same time It will become more intense and extremely fierce. In this case, mastering more weapons means gaining more power. With power, you will become more powerful. Therefore, the demand for arms comes first. , And the Seth government army, the Seth New Army, after the reorganization, their weapons were largely spared, and a large number of seizures were also made. These weapons can be sold to them and get the first batch of principals. With such a principal, their situation will become very good, and this is what they are currently doing. With such a thing, they naturally do a lot of other things. After the arms trade is expanded, the financial problem can be solved, and after the financial problem is solved, the railway can be built. It can be said that Seth is making further positive plans. This kind of plan is very beneficial to them. situation.

What the king wants is such an effect. Without such a situation, the king would never do it.

"Well, I know this, but after we open the trade market, we will quickly solve financial problems, but we still need your Zhao Guo's financial support, such as bank loans." The king first thought of borrowing, after all They have not yet recovered their economy, and there is no way to talk about taxes. Many places need tax exemptions to stimulate economic development. If taxes are rushed, the situation will only get worse.

"This, well, maybe we should try it." Zhu Li said. In fact, he himself didn't know whether he could borrow a lot of money from Zhao Guo's banker. You must know that Seth had already borrowed a lot of money. If not, his situation will be very bad. Because he is the middleman, but Seth is already like this.

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