Zhao Guo, on the outskirts of Handan, the machine of the banknote factory made a rumble of machine roar, which made it difficult for them to accept. Because the banknote factory has been operating continuously for several days, under normal circumstances, the banknote factory factory is the most relaxed, relaxed to the point of enviable, their salary is very high, more than three times the standard of a technician, because they The job they do is inherently very special. They are making money. If they can’t stand the temptation, they are likely to bring a great collapse to the country’s financial system. Therefore, their salary cannot be low, they can only continue to There is no alternative.

Before they worked, they were very leisurely. Basically, they only made a batch of banknotes every seven days, and the processing time would not exceed four hours, and then they were off work. It can be said that no one can do this job. But now, they have been working for seven consecutive days. This makes many idle workers feel very tired, after all, they have never printed paper money with such high intensity. They all seem to be worried that there are too many paper money. Will their prices also rise? If this is the case, their wages should be raised, otherwise, their situation will be bad.

Soon, their work came to a halt, and they needed an hour’s rest before they could continue to work. After all, the banknote factory was a group of workers. With the advancement of printing technology, Zhao Guoren also mastered the banknote printing technology, and they also issued their own Zhao Yuan, the exchange rate of their and Qin Guoban notes is fixed at 3.5 to 1. Zhao Guo needs to export a large amount of industrial products in exchange for sufficient foreign exchange reserves. But recently, this number has suddenly approached the four-point mark, which means that Zhao Guo's paper currency has become more and more. This is Zhang Er’s paper currency stimulus plan. As Guo Kai’s chief economic adviser, he naturally has the right to do so. His plan is very clear. It is to increase the purchasing power of the economy by issuing a large number of paper money. In this way, the economy can be recovered. At the same time, a large number of banknotes will not only be invested here, after all, Zhao Guo’s investment opportunities will not be too many, but it can further increase investment in overseas, such as Seth, this is Zhang Er’s plan, this plan. The main thing is to issue a large number of banknotes to boost the economy. At the same time, a large number of banknotes must be accommodated in more markets. The country of Seth is an important part of this, because the country of Seth has already launched banknotes into the country of Seth. Even Seth had already acquiesced that Zhao Yuan had replaced the gold coin of Seth, and the silver coin had become a legal paper currency.

What the workers of the banknote factory didn’t know was that the large number of banknotes they produced did not enter the Zhao country market on a large scale, but entered the Seth country and more of the colonies controlled by the Zhao country. There will be the most of this kind of paper currency. With huge consumption places, they will bring more currency in circulation to these countries, but the value they are calling is not very great.

Seth country. Babylon. A Zhao country businessman is looking at a piece of land in the outskirts with a telescope. This land can produce more food, but he is too close to Babylon. Babylon has a lot of labor. What he needs is labor. This is a motor vehicle assembly plant. In addition, they will process some parts. This requires a lot of investment in it.

"Boss, we have already taken this land. We only paid 3,700 yuan. The cost is not a lot." said a local guide. He nodded and said with a smile. He didn't know he thought he was a traitor. However, Seth Nation needs such people. First of all, they can fluently master some Central Plains dialects. This is their advantage. You must know that there are a large number of such language training courses in Port Seth. They not only learn the Central Plains dialect, but also have to learn some habits. It can be said that they are the first people to come into contact with the foreign world, but the cost is extremely expensive. Only a few people can master this skill, and this guide is Such a person, he studied at his own expense, and now he has brought a lot of benefits for his own self-funded study. Relying on the advantages of this language, he helps solve many local problems with investment from Zhao Guo, such as land The purchase issues, employment, labor contracts, etc. are all things they need to deal with intermediaries. They also set up a studio. In fact, they don’t do a lot, because Seth really needs people from Zhao. Investors, they not only brought industrial equipment, built factories, and most importantly, they brought prosperity. With prosperity, it will bring more tax revenue, tax revenue can increase, and further solve all their problems. . This is the king’s logic, and it is precisely the existence of such a logic that these middlemen can handle such things without spending too much time. In fact, it only cost less than two thousand Zhao to buy this piece of land. Yuan, Zhao Yuan’s currency value here is still very large, basically, one Zhao Yuan to one gold coin, or 1.5 to one gold coin, and the intermediate income is more than 1,700 yuan, this kind of income Quite expensive. Because ordinary workers can't earn one Zhao yuan a day, they can only earn five cents, one dime. A large number of free people have been liberated free of charge. But they are also proletarians, because they have no property and no one has any savings. Seth’s treasury is very poor, but the slave owners and nobles are very rich. The king cunningly robbed these nobles’ properties and became national assets. Those free people who can obtain freedom are considered their least political capital. In order to survive, they either continue to work in industries that have become national assets or enter big cities. For example, Babylon, a city with only a few hundred thousand before, suddenly expanded to a big city of nearly 400,000 people. Live on the edge of the city, because Babylon simply cannot afford such a large urban population, because they all hope to find a viable job in the big city and then settle down. This is Babylon, and the king wants them to stay. At this time, Zhao people came here, and they naturally became the biggest beneficiaries.

"Well, I will not only build a locomotive processing plant here, but also a cement processing plant here. In the future, your demand will become very large." Investment businessman Fang Zhi said. Fang Zhi, in China, he can only be said to be a successful small businessman. The earliest business he did was trade. He reselled some industrial products from Qin State to Zhao State. Later, such business was not easy to do. They started to do other businesses. What they did was to make processed parts and send them to large factories. To put it bluntly, they were small factories, small workshops, because at that time, the Zhao Guo factory was not formalized enough. Later, this kind of business It's hard to do. After all, a large number of machine tools and equipment are imported from Qin State, coupled with the formal training of technicians, many workers must be trained after they are employed in the factory. Not only that, in the production process, workers who perform well will also be trained. It is technological upgrading and technical reserves. Small factories and workshops like them can only survive in small places like Wei and Qi. Therefore, after making a fortune. Small investment merchants like Fang Zhi can hardly succeed again. Later, he continued to do some reselling trade business. Although it was successful, he did not make a lot of money, because in China, some people have done the business of making money. Those big nobles and big officials have monopolized those factories a long time ago. For them, it's very good, because the amount of capital needed is not an order of magnitude at all. The resources that the nobles and officials have are not the resources that a small businessman can control at all. For them, there are few opportunities to make big money, and there are basically no such opportunities in the country. And Seth, they plan to come here to try their luck, maybe they can still encounter such an opportunity. And there are many small businessmen like Fangzhi. They sell some of their properties and get a lot of financial support from the bank. Some investment companies and investment banks can even lend them a lot of funds with the project plan. Things happen, but the prerequisite is that the investment must be in Seth, because the conditions there are very good. King Seth was very supportive of the Zhao merchants, and almost always gave them the green light. This also greatly stimulated Zhao Guo’s investment enthusiasm. A large number of Zhao Guo’s unwilling businessmen rushed to invest here, locomotive assembly plants, careful mechanical processing plants, they used old-fashioned steam engines, steam engine machine tools, This equipment has long been obsolete. But in the State of Seth, this thing is very advanced, advanced to the level that the people of Seth are unable to digest such a level beyond their understanding. They think that this kind of thing can only be invented by gods. A large number of Zhao State businessmen brought a lot of Zhao Yuan. Zhao Yuan, who was not valuable in China, became the biggest stepping stone. Those small merchants in the country suddenly became rich people. They became the seat of those military officers and government officials. Guests, because only they can get such sufficient funds.

But these are small businessmen, and the big businessmen are the Zhao government. What they want to do is the construction of the economic infrastructure of Seth, such as roads, railways, and urban road construction, urban planning, etc., only these can allow Seth has entered the ranks of a developing country. King Seth is also happy to end, and the Kingdom of Seth is being fully transformed.

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