Seth, Babylon. Zhao Hua is very serious here. It can be said that Seth is fully learning everything about Zhao people. For example, they are attracting a lot of investment to build factories here, and there is no shortage of labor. What is lacking is capital, and what is lacking is opportunity. For example, the Seth people also start to drink, and they drink white wine. This kind of high-concentration alcohol makes the Zhao people more excited, but it allows the Seth people to learn.

In a pub with the appearance of Zhao State, Zhao Rui was drinking with a junior officer from Zhao State, because they both graduated from the same military academy, Zhao State Handan Army Military Academy. There is the cradle of the Zhao army. A large number of officers graduated from there. If you want further promotion, you must enter the Zhao State Army University. After learning some staff skills there, you will be a major. If you don’t want to be promoted, then you can only prove it through actual combat. By myself. Zhao Rui took such a path, and his junior students took the following path.

"Chen Jin. You have come here to learn a lot. First of all, this overall view, the overall view, must have, and the future staff must pass this test." Zhao Rui said. This is Zhao Rui’s experience. Through the command of this large-scale battle, in fact, this battle is not a classic battle. Many places have become extremely chaotic, such as organizational chaos, between Seth and the alliance. The art of military command cannot be said to be so clever. For example, Seth, their army does not even have a regimental size. Their staff are all carried out with the roughest map assignments. It can be said that Seth is new. The reason why the army is able to beat the opponent is because their opponent is not strong. Facing such a weak opponent, chaos, and the emergence of various situations, it has become very natural.

"This is also a personal experience of mine, you know, the scale of the battle here is very large, all at the group army level, fighting with tens of thousands of people. In China, there is no such opportunity. Our instructors and professors are all Fighting with hundreds of people, thousands of people, and even larger-scale combat experience, there is no experience at all, many people have never fought, and after coming here, wars of tens of thousands of people are common. It can be said that this is There is a chance to stay here, what you see and hear is nothing in the textbook." Zhao Rui said.

"Yes, sir, I think so too. So, when I came to Seth this time, I wanted to encounter some wars to practice my combat skills. However, the situation this time did not seem to be as good as we thought. Because of the domestic situation in Seth, it seems that there is no such war to be fought. This somewhat disappoints me." Chen Jin said. Chen Jin's military rank is only a captain. However, he has already learned some things that staff officers should learn. For example, he once had the opportunity to work as a staff officer in the First Infantry Division of the State of Zhao. This gave him a certain opportunity to learn. Many army officers in the State of Zhao, especially those Officers with development potential already have this awareness, or opportunity. However, actual combat is the best place to accumulate experience. With actual combat, you can further enhance your chances of fully understanding war. Therefore, Chen's purpose in coming here is to experience the actual combat situation. Zhao Jun's situation is not very optimistic, because it has not been a war for a long time. He was suspicious for a while. Whether Zhao Jun has the ability to fight outside, we must know that there are not many such opportunities.

"Do you think there is no war to fight?" Zhao Rui asked. Before Chen Jin could answer, Zhao Rui had already begun to answer his questions.

"Wrong. Tell you, there are a lot of wars here. Do you know the north of Seth? Barristan. The situation there will become very fierce. The war will start there." Zhao Rui said. He seems to be a little drunk. But this news surprised Chen Jin very much, because it meant that he might be getting closer and closer to the war, rather than farther and farther, which is an extremely favorable situation.

"Okay, let me tell you about this Barristan thing." Zhao Rui opened the chatterbox and said at this time.

Barristan, in fact, was originally a nomadic tribe in the northern part of Seth, and then developed a tribal alliance. Only then did they have a preliminary national consciousness, but they are not yet a country. They also accepted some from Greece and at the same time. There are some Persian cultures, Stan can be understood as the meaning of the country in Zhao Rui's eyes.

The Bari are actually just some of the many warlords in the north who have lost control and became independent in the State of Seth. It’s just that the Bari’s situation is the least optimistic, and the situation is very bad, but his luck lies in his large population and personnel. Most of them are cavalry, good at combat and combative, they are originally nomadic tribes. The most important thing is that they could not be said to be independent before, but just a kind of behavior. After the independence of many warlords, their situation immediately became bad, because their power is the weakest, the tribal economy, what can they have When all weapons are developing rapidly toward firearms, only a large amount of funds can purchase arms armed forces have their own strength. The symbol of strength is how many rifles they have and how much military power they have. These are their roots, and as a tribal economy, Barristan does not have the ability to buy a large number of arms and weapons. Although they have a certain advantage, in such competition, they are gradually falling behind. Then they plan to find a reliable top.

At this time, the new army of Seth has risen abnormally. This rise has given Barristan this hope. They feel that they should find a reliable basis to do such things. Seth is seeking such cooperation, because Seth is looking for cooperation. Such a country is also needed.

Seth's plan is that there are many people in Bari. They have sufficient troops. At the same time, the people here are brave in combat. If the manager is recruited, according to Zhao’s vision, a confederation or a federal system can be adopted. In this way, the territory of Seth can be greatly expanded. Therefore, the State of Seth They are actively funding the Barry to fight, and in the north, there are more alliances appearing. These are alliances between warlords. The existence of their alliances has threatened Seth. Seth plans to unite with Barry. These warlords, in turn, opened up the northern traffic arteries. Open the trade route to the north.

After listening to Zhao Rui's explanation, Chen Jin suddenly felt that there really seemed to be a battle to stay here. This was very good news for a soldier. Chen Jin immediately decided to stay here. Because they need a war too much.

Qin State, Xianyang, and Wenyang Bank submitted a bank report. They pointed out the aggressiveness of Zhang Er’s monetary stimulus plan, because this expansion will inevitably bring about the expansion of a large number of colonies. It is a more clever way of expansion than South Korea. They do not directly control the local government and establish their own government in the local area. In fact, the Zhao government is unwilling to do this. They always think that controlling colonies is a burden. , Because the economic types between Zhao and South Korea are basically different. Zhao is an industrial country. What they need is the connection between one link and the other. They don't want trouble, and hate trouble even more. The supply of raw materials, production, and market launch are all links in one link. Now that Zhao people continue to increase their currency input, it means that they have more funds in their hands for such expansion. This situation is extremely beneficial to the people of Zhao.

The situation of Koreans is different. Although Koreans also have industries, their industries are compared to Zhao Guo. They are not very developed relatively speaking, but their industry is still very sound, but the production encouragement is not very strong, but South Korea can stick to it. This is because Koreans are committed to the establishment of trade. On the surface, trade is only a simple link, but this is an important link, which requires more raw materials, processing, and transportation. Release, which means that the Koreans need to control more colonies to complete all the links. In this way, the country of Zhao needs more colonies, and the situation in the country of Chu is also the case. The situation in the country of Chu is even worse, because they seem to be just an agricultural country, not an industrial country. Their military strength is still very weak. For example, their army is still using fixed-load bullet rifles. This type of rifle has one bullet and one bullet. There is no magazine, but a simple rifle, which is very backward. Because all countries have replaced a large number of bolt-action rifles. However, the state of Chu still stays at the previous level of other countries. This is because the state of Chu’s industrial development capabilities cannot achieve large-scale refurbishment. Even, they need the help of the people of Qin, and they need the government of Qin to let some military enterprises complete it. Such military orders. This is the gap.

Wenyang Bank pointed out that Zhao Guo is increasing their capital output by increasing the amount of money, which means that more places will build more factories. The establishment of a factory means that the area under their control will increase wildly. This expansion is bound to bring more competition, because the Korean market is the first to be affected, because Korean products have nothing at all. Too many competitive advantages. In such a situation, they are very worried that the situation in South Korea will become even worse. The Wenyang Bank report said so.

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