State of Zhao, Handan. Department of War. Maybe it will take a long time for the people below to learn about the situation of a war, and for them, these things are confidential, but for the Department of War, these are not secrets, because the information they hold is wrong. Waiting. Under such circumstances, an advantage will naturally be formed.

"Barristan. Very good, as long as they continue to fight, our arms will be sold." The Secretary of the Army said excitedly at the telegram. This is a large arms order. Seth's new army not only sold the arms it withdrew to the other side, but also a considerable part of the arms orders to Zhao Guo. And these orders are a large amount of army funds.

"Sir, it would be great in this case. In this way, we can prove that not only the Navy Department can make money from selling warships, but our War Department can also make money, and it makes a lot of money." The undersecretary of the army nodded and said. The Zhao State Navy is also selling warships. For example, the Goguryeo Navy needs to be rebuilt. They already have such a willingness to buy warships, but the premise is that their economy must improve. Otherwise, their situation is still not optimistic. Faced with such a situation, they are also very helpless and have no choice. The war is very costly.

"Well, but such orders are still too few. A navy ship is equivalent to selling equipment for several divisions. For us, this is the biggest disadvantage. In contrast, the navy makes money. Still more than us. After all, their technical content is relatively high." The Secretary of the Army put down the telegram in his hand and said. The army and the navy are fundamentally different, because the navy has higher technical requirements, of course. The Army also has such technical requirements, but their technical requirements are relatively much lower. Facing such a situation, naturally, it is not an easy task for them. Because this itself has a large technical gap.

"What do you mean by the sir?" the undersecretary of the army asked. Funds for various departments are very limited, such as the navy and the army. The Navy’s funding is relatively large, while the Army’s funding is relatively small. In order to increase the amount of funds, the Ministry of Finance and the Prime Minister’s Office encouraged the Navy and the War Department to do some arms trade. After all, there is such a demand, and now in the buyer’s market, it means that the pricing power is in their hands. They naturally You can earn more, after all, there is nowhere to buy if there is money.

"My idea is that if we can expand the market more. In this case, we can sell more than a dozen divisions' equipment, and we make a lot of money. The problem is that there are too few places like this. "The Secretary of the Army said. The army secretary looked at the map, yes, the demand for munitions is great, but their current development efforts are not enough.

"Sir, I think we can enter the northern area of ​​Seth in the name of dispatching an observation team, and then look at the situation there. At the same time, following the Suez Canal operation, our Department of War also needs to do something. We can ask the intelligence department. Contact the buyer, in this case, we can provide more goods. I heard some news that the demand for arms by the Carthaginians has become very large, especially this time the war with the Koreans, although we also Participated. However, we can provide them with some weapons and equipment. They have money, and we have goods." said the Army Deputy Commander.

"This. Can it work? If we let the media report, we will be over. This kind of thing should be careful." The Secretary of the Army was taken aback. There are also nationalists in Zhao State. With the rise of Zhao Guoli, Especially in the process of expansion, Zhao's national consciousness is no worse than that of any country. When it comes to external issues, they have all chosen to unanimously go abroad. If such news were announced at this time, even greater disaster would be incurred. For example, passivity in public opinion, this kind of thing is possible.

"We just need to be more careful. Moreover, we should note that this is a naval battle, and what we provide is army equipment, which should not be a big problem. Therefore, we don't have to worry too much. Such things can also increase us. The military demand and military production. This is a very good thing. We must do such a thing well.” The Secretary of the Army said with a smile. The undersecretary of the army had to do so.

Port Seth. The infrastructure here is already very complete. There are not only roads, railways, docks and other facilities, but also street lighting equipment. Mainly, many medium-sized power plants have been built nearby. And Koreans also need to run this place, which has already revealed the meaning of a metropolis. A lot of trade goods stay here. But none of these can meet the needs of Koreans.

In a big hotel in Port Seth, the ministers of economy and finance of the alliance gathered to discuss economic issues, and the minister of defense and people from the Ministry of War came together.

"We need money to fight a war. Without sufficient money, we can't fight a huge war. This military operation has exhausted all the financial funds of the alliance. The next war can no longer be carried out. It is also unable to provide sufficient funds to expand again, so there will be no war in the future." A Korean bank manager stood up and said. This is the tone. The tone must come down. The people from the Department of War and the Department of Defense were soon unable to sit still. I thought that if they didn't fight, they would have very little oil and water, and they would have nowhere to make money. This is the most unfavorable for them, but the economic ministers and finance ministers on the opposite side find it very interesting. Because in this way, it means that a large amount of capital is tilted to economic construction, which is a good thing.

"Therefore, in the future, our main task is to build, not to fight. We can let go of armaments, but we must not let go of construction. In this battle, we should see what we lack. For example, if we have a railroad for our logistics supplies, the situation will not become so passive. There are also roads. If there are enough roads, our armored vehicle troops can also advance quickly. The loss at that time may be Smaller." The bankers continued to talk, but the military were very dissatisfied. But they can't show it, they can only hold back. This means that there will definitely not be wars for some time in the future. So, how do they make money. This is what the Alliance military thinks about. Such a thing really makes them very troubled.

On the northern section of the Suez Canal, the station of the 3rd Speedboat Squadron, their speedboats can't get out now. And also lost three speedboats. Because they are surrounded.

"Damn it." Li Shuang hid behind the temporarily excavated fortifications and checked the enemy's situation with a telescope. He saw a lot of flat-bottomed boats on the opposite side. These boats were all sailing boats. They were not fast, but the opponents had a lot of them, more than fifty. They were also equipped with old-fashioned smoothbore guns, this kind of artillery. It has a large caliber and uses a small number of grenades, most of which are solid shells. This kind of shells has a large kinetic energy and can penetrate their buildings at once. For this, their only way is to hide in the trenches. Now they are the army.

"These **** Carthaginians, they attacked us. They are crazy." Li Shuang cursed. But he can only curse continuously. Because this is of no use at all, a few days ago, their other patrol ship was attacked, but fortunately, it was rescued by another ship in time. After the speedboat accident, the tactics of the speedboat squadron changed a lot. First, their formation adopted a double formation method for patrols. If necessary, they would also adopt a four formation method for patrols, but now they are suddenly compressed in the port. , The Carthaginians used their numerical superiority to oppress, and the speedboat could not be deployed in the Suez Canal. Because the waterway was narrow, they only had the advantage in speed, but could not deploy their advantage in maneuvering, which put them in Coming out of extreme passiveness. Now they have become the army.

"Sir, you can't go on like this. We are very passive like this, and we have a small number of people and a large number of opponents. Although we have an advantage in weapons, but the long-term siege will continue, this kind of pressure." The lieutenant said worriedly. After all, they are only the navy, not the army. The army was only helpless, and only one of their speedboats was left. Moreover, one of them was badly damaged and lost power. It could only be used after major repairs. Fortunately, before the siege, they disassembled many of the speedboat’s weapons and arranged circular defenses. This allowed them to barely defend here, but allowed them to carry out large-scale defenses. The counterattack is absolutely impossible.

"I know this, but our strength is so much, not just that. The worst thing is that reinforcements. The reinforcements we are waiting for will not come. Because their strength is very weak, we must persist." Li Shuang was helpless. Told the lieutenant. They have already sent the report. The answer from Suez City is that they are temporarily incapable of doing it, and they need to wait a long time to achieve such a goal. This means that their situation has become worse.

"This is too bad for us," the lieutenant said while looking at the captain. The feeling of being surrounded is really uncomfortable, and they are still the navy, which makes them very broken.

"Persevere, this is also the most helpless thing." Captain Li Shuang said. They can't do anything about this situation, but let their situation be like this. The captain said helplessly. Carthage surrounded them. This is a fact.

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