South Korea, the Ministry of the Navy, and the 3rd Speedboat Squadron were surrounded soon by the Ministry of the Navy. But the Admiralty has nothing to do. After all, the Western Fleet is very weak. In addition, this is an expedition, and the force has only begun to build up. By the time this is here, the situation is far from when they can solve it.

"Our support is very limited. Only the speedboat force can get there. The Western Fleet tried to get through a frigate, but, unfortunately, it ran aground." The Navy Deputy Commander reported helplessly. The South Korean Navy, especially the Western Fleet, did not try. They tried. But as a result, a 1,500-ton frigate was stranded while crossing the Suez Canal. They are spending more personnel to get the frigate out. As a result, the entire shipping line needs to stop working for up to five days. This is a conservative estimate. If it takes longer, trade will be greatly affected.

"Damn it, don't we have other ways to solve this problem? I think we still have other ways to do such a thing." The Secretary of the Navy said in disbelief.

"This. I think we still have other ways to do this, sir, the Second Division of the Navy provides an important piece of information. They believe that there is another exit in the Mediterranean. If we can bypass it, enter the Mediterranean, maybe Yes," the Deputy Chief of the Navy suggested. The so-called Second Division of the Navy is actually the Division of Cartography. This division is very important, because a large number of map updates and related folk customs data are sent from here. It can be said that the data issued by them has great authority. The authority is Quite ample. No one doubts this, so their situation is also very good.

"But the problem is that this route has never been taken, and the time and energy invested may be the greatest." said the navy deputy. The so-called second route is actually to bypass the Suez Canal directly, and then head south, bypass the Cape of Good Hope, enter the Atlantic Ocean, and then proceed along the west coast of the African continent to the Strait of Gibraltar, cross this strait, and enter the Mediterranean. The route seems to be more secure, but the problem is that South Korean intelligence personnel only provided another import and export that may exist in such a Mediterranean Sea. As for the specific place of this import and export, the South Korean Navy has never reached it. For the exploration of the west coast of the African continent, Many areas are unknown. To find such a road, there are still great risks. The most important thing is that the supply line will be drawn longer and it will be more difficult to supply. Many people understand this. Therefore, this is the reason. Full of risks, such risks do exist. However, the situation in the Suez Canal is really troublesome. If this continues, I am afraid it will be difficult for the South Korean Navy to make a difference. Therefore, they must do their best to solve this problem. Finding a new route seems to be the only problem. Become the best possible.

"Well, although it will take a lot of time, the development of the Suez Canal is even more time consuming. It may be the next ten years to widen it. We can't always use such a small boat of several hundred tons. It is really for us. It is simply the most unacceptable thing, so we still need to find new routes and we can try to do it. Be fast." The Secretary of the Navy agreed. Considering the passage capacity of the Suez Canal and the future growth in trade, it is definitely an explosive growth. For them, such growth is simply the most unbearable thing. Therefore, what they need to do is to solve this problem as much as possible, how to solve this matter, the problem is here, a new route must be discovered. It can be said that the actions of the South Korean Navy seem to be somewhat passive.

Outside the city of Suez, in the shipyard area of ​​the quay area, Julius visited here accompanied by Agui. Of course. There is also the translation of Dabi’s two knives. South Korean intelligence personnel seem to be very interested in Julius. They sent more personnel nearby and provided more convenience. For example, shipyards, usually Such outsiders are not allowed to visit. The goal of Koreans is to achieve a technological monopoly, but now, they let go, in fact, they hope to bring more orders, and they need to get more contact with the outside world. , How to get more understanding, you need the help of Julius. Without his help, it would be difficult for them to start such a thing.

"These are South Korean shipyards. At present, they can only manufacture flat-bottomed boats and speedboats. Their speed can reach 18 knots, and the speedboat can exceed 32 knots. The speed is very fast, and the combat effect is very great. , We can install artillery over fifty millimeters." Agui introduced. In fact, he didn’t understand anything. These were what the South Korean intelligence officers asked him to say. Their intention was to make the Roma a difficult opponent for the Carthaginians through naval cooperation. In this case, the Korean side The pressure on these speedboats will be reduced a lot. The Koreans can still take out these speedboats. After all, it will not cost much.

"Yeah. Great, very strong." Julius said loudly. And the expression seems a bit exaggerated, there is no way, he is here for the first time, he has long been very curious about the Korean shipbuilding technology, because their speed is very fast, and the power comes from a very strange The machine, as long as it makes a fire, it can make the machine spin quickly, and all the power comes from there. Think about it, the value of this kind of motivation becomes very large. This is a device that neither the Carthaginians nor the Roma people have. It is such a device. The Koreans will definitely win this war. However, Julius hopes to get such a warship and those weapons. In other words, a speedboat of several hundred tons is a very powerful warship. Because they have not seen a larger battleship.

"We hope to get more of these warships. We can buy, buy, gold coins, many, many, and we can give them." Julius has already studied the Central Plains dialect very hard. But still not fluent enough. The most important thing is that the grammar is completely wrong. It seems that this is caused by the different language methods of the two countries.

"This, yes, yes. We can fully meet this requirement." Agui said excitedly. He could see that the other party was a rich master, because he had already obtained more than one hundred gold coins from him, which was still very valuable. Agui regarded him as a chicken laying eggs.

In Goguryeo, the domestic economic construction is also in full swing. Workers’ demonstrations, strikes, and riots have been reduced a lot, because Qi, Zhao’s investment here suddenly surpassed Qin’s, and they have become the biggest patrons here, Zhao. The half-two banknotes of Yuan and Qin are in crazy circulation here, and they have become the hardest currency. It is more effective than gold, and it is precisely because of the abundance of paper money that there are more and more investment and construction here.

Qin embassy, ​​Ambassador Qin looked helplessly at the busy Goguryeo people, they seemed to be very busy, and many factories were established.

"Today, in the newspapers I read, at least five power plants have been established. At the same time, they will build more high-voltage transmission lines, more telegraph poles will be built, and steel frames will be built. I have negotiated with the people of Yan people. I think the power supply problems of people of Yan people will be solved to a greater extent.” The ambassador said while looking at the busy Goguryeo outside the window.

"Yes, Mr. Ambassador, this was originally an order from our Qin people, but it was taken away by Zhao people like this." His assistant said dissatisfiedly. Because he has been complained by many Qin businessmen and related companies. Therefore, he hopes to take this opportunity to influence Ambassador Qin, and then put pressure on Zhao Guoren through diplomatic channels. Zhao Yuan of Zhao Guoren has not only affected Seth, but moreover, the impact of Goguryeo has become a lot, Goguryeo. The government is very indulgent to the people of Zhao. A large number of Zhao merchants rushed into Goguryeo. They continued to obtain various construction projects from the country, such as the refurbishment of railways and docks, as well as the lifting equipment of the port area, etc. Zhao Guoren obtained these. The most fearful thing is in terms of electricity. Zhao Guoren is more mature than Qin Guoren in this respect, and the price is lower. Therefore, Zhao Guoren exports a large amount of such equipment to Goguryeo in exchange for a large amount of foreign exchange. Reserves, but these were originally matters of the Qin people, and the Qin people also have an advantage in this regard. It can be said that the total amount of construction is said to be the same. The Zhao people have obtained it, and the Qin people will naturally not get it. In this case, the two parties have formed a competitive relationship, which makes the people of Qin feel very dissatisfied, because their interests have suffered serious losses. This is definitely not the situation they want to see. They want to change this situation, this situation change. Coming from within Qin, they hope to adopt some policy pressure and protection. To increase their advantages, it can be said that Qin merchants have begun to actively respond.

"Oh. No, the domestic situation is more complicated than we thought. The country doesn't seem to want us to do too much. For such expansion, they are also very helpless." The ambassador turned and said.

"Know?" The ambassador continued at this time.

“The telegram of the Prime Minister’s Office told us that if we cannot compete, we should find ways to increase the power of competition in other areas. It seems that we can only let our companies look for other lucrative projects, such as helping them build some radio stations, or Selling some electromagnetic equipment, such as radios, broadcasting these things." The ambassador said helplessly. In terms of power competition, Shang Wen’s attitude is to improve their technological competitive advantage as much as possible. With such an advantage, they can maintain a greater degree of advantage. He knows that the development of electromagnetics is still very limited. At present, the potential that Qin has tapped is still very limited, and this kind of competition can further increase Qin’s competitive pressure in this area. Only with pressure can greater development be achieved. However, Qin’s electromagnetic companies do not want this. Zhao Guoren’s equipment project was snatched away. They felt very dissatisfied. Zhao Guoren is increasing their advantages through the continuous output of banknotes. This is extremely unfair to Qin Guoren, which is upright and competitive. But Shang Wen was unwilling to engage in trade battles, and he was trying his best to avoid such battles, which made the ambassador very helpless.

"I know that many companies are puzzled by the prime minister's approach, but we need development and funds. These funds need to come from these projects. Well, I will send a telegram to the prime minister's office to explain the situation here. , I just don’t know how many changes can be made. I hope there will be even greater changes.” Da used a very contradictory word to say. This makes the assistant feel very puzzled.

Zhao Guo, Handan, the output on the banknotes saw a lot of results all at once. These are the credits of Zhang Er.

"It is foreseeable that in the future, Zhao will have more profitable projects, and these profits can greatly expand Zhao's treasury. Not only that, our fiscal revenue will become larger and larger, which means So we can do more of these things to solve the problem." Zhang Er reported to Guo Kai.

"Good. Good. Mr. Zhang has worked hard." Guo Kai said. These results can be seen, because Guo Kai has seen so many projects. All he needs to wait is to blossom and bear fruit. This is just waiting for time. This is not a difficult thing for him. Guo Kai was very satisfied with this, because there was nothing he could not be satisfied with.

"Prime Minister, these are not enough. We should increase our efforts to expand into more markets. At the same time, we can launch more immigration subsidy programs. What I know is that Koreans have money to start such a program. We, Zhao Guo, also Don't fall behind." Zhang Er said. With the great weapon of banknotes, many things that Zhang Er could not do before can now be done with ease. Because he has sufficient funds, what he has to do is simple, that is, to establish more technical points. These technical points are important points for the future development of Zhao Guo. Zhao Guo is an industrial country, and industrial countries are extremely sensitive to technology. In order to catch up with a big country like Qin, Zhao must be ahead of Qin in terms of education and technological invention. Therefore, Zhang Er’s next plan is to formally establish more research institutes, or these research plans. Both will be funded by the government.

"This. This, isn't it a bit too much?" Guo Kai was unhappy when he heard that more money would be spent. Because the benefits of education are difficult to calculate.

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