The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3665: How to fight piracy

Suez City, South Korea's Suez Canal Command, South Koreans established the Suez Canal Command to manage the security situation here.

"Sir, the paper strength we got is only dozens of various speedboats, gunboats, and large battleships. There is not one. The most important thing is that our military strength has not increased, and all our forces combined, less than one. With 1,000 or 500 people, relying on such strength, it seems that it is difficult for us to open the situation." Li Yi, Chief of Staff of the Lieutenant Colonel, said worriedly. Colonel Commander Zhang Su nodded. This is a more erosive situation. The South Korean Navy's forces here are not concentrated enough. This is not the worst, the worst is. Their strength has not been greatly increased. It is obviously impossible to block the situation here only by relying on dozens of speedboats. These speedboats use steam engines, which means that their power, as well as the power cabin, still need a larger space to put more coal, although there are more developed speedboats using oil-fired boilers, but the number is too small. Speedboats in this period are still transitional equipment, so the combat efficiency they have shown is really very high.

"Yeah. We can't do anything about it, but it wants us to guarantee the safety of the Suez Canal with such a large number of troops. I really don't know how to solve this thing." Zhang Su said. To. The South Korean navy also wants to increase its strength, but it will take some time to mobilize its forces. This will definitely require them to stabilize the situation. Therefore, the South Korean Navy, the Western Fleet, and the Red Sea Squadron set up the Suez Canal Command along the way. The overall jurisdiction of all speedboat forces has increased the ability to manage the Suez Canal. However, anti-piracy operations cannot be solved by setting up a headquarters in this way. This requires tactical innovation.

"Let's pay attention to pirates. If these pirates cannot be resolved, they will cause great danger to us. This is simply the greatest disaster for us." Zhang Su said.

"Sir, the difficulty of anti-piracy lies in how to spot those pirates. In the northern section of the Suez Canal, not only are pirates alone, they can become some criminal organizations with rampant activities, and a certain number of commercial ships have been attacked. Usually, they Will pretend to be merchant ships approaching those trading ships, and then launch an offensive. Although we also provide some protection, they are huge in number and come and go without a trace. This method of warfare is very passive to us, because we don’t have any. Enough intelligence to understand and deal with each other makes us very passive." Li Yi, chief of staff of the lieutenant colonel, said.

The combat against piracy is more difficult. The main reason lies in how they find those pirates. This is a big trouble for them, because they can’t distinguish between those who are merchants and those who are pirates. Naturally, it is impossible to achieve anti-piracy. This is the passivity of anti-thief.

"It makes sense. It seems that we can only let them protect themselves. But this is not a solution. We must come up with rectification of the public security situation here, otherwise, the situation will further deteriorate." Zhang Su said so.

"This, we still need some investigation." Li Yi said. Zhang Su nodded helplessly and agreed to do so. The main problem that the South Korean Navy has been unable to advance on the issue of pirates is that they do not understand pirates. In many places, they are not very clear. Facing such a situation, they are naturally in a passive situation. For them, it is very unfavorable. The only way to change this situation is to have a better understanding of the other party, and then develop a tit-for-tat strategy to give full play to relevant support.

In the city of Suez, the naval intelligence department has increased the collection of pirate intelligence, but this intelligence mainly comes from second-hand information, some information provided by a large number of merchants.

"Sir, did you find it?" a second lieutenant took off his eyes and rubbed his sore eyes.

"What?" A lieutenant looked at the report in his hand and asked. There are many such reports, but there is no way. They want to know everything. Therefore, a large number of such oral reports have been submitted and the amount of intelligence has increased. However, they did not find any valuable information, such as the specific location of the pirates, the number of pirates, what they knew was the tactics of the pirates, they were good at disguising, and very cunning. The composition of pirates has become Carthage, loves a few people, and sometimes there will be some fake pirates, such as Jews, they also very dishonest cameo to rob other people’s property, this kind of thing has not happened before. , But a lot, but most of them died out. There is no way, this is a channel that can bring a lot of money, and they are not willing to lose these opportunities to make money.

"What did you find?" the lieutenant asked curiously.

"The low end of those pirates is the northern section of the Suez Canal." The ensign said.

"Of course I know this. It has been said in the report. Why, is there any problem?" the lieutenant asked.

"No, there is no problem, but this is precisely the source of the problem. I think the reason why the problem of piracy occurred there is because our South Korean navy does not control the Suez Canal, and the area near the Mediterranean, in the Suez Canal, because of the river. Narrow, we control all the places we can control. However, the problem is that these pirate problems still exist, so what causes these pirates to still exist, so I thought, they must exist in coastal areas, if we occupy There, in this case, they have lost a foundation, and the pirates who have lost the foundation naturally don't exist. Is this the existence of the root?" the ensign asked his chief.

"This. It seems to be." The lieutenant suddenly felt that what the other party said made sense. Yes, the South Korean Navy was caught in a troubled situation, and they found the situation different.

"That's right. If we occupy there, maybe our situation will change a lot. Under such circumstances, our situation will change a lot." The ensign said.

"But this is only our guess. We still need to prove this. At the same time, I think we should strengthen the management of those merchant ships and we allow them to carry arms. But registration must be carried out. This is not just about taxation. The increased problems are also the main means to effectively control those merchant ships. Otherwise, if the chaos continues, the pirates will be given an opportunity. The most important thing is that the control of the pirates must go out, and it must not give them a chaotic situation. "The second lieutenant put forward his opinion.

"He Na Buddha, write a report, we need to submit to it, maybe it just needs a report like ours." The lieutenant said.

The conversations between Zhao Guo, Handan, Guo Kai and Zhang Er continue. After all, economic topics are difficult.

"What we earn is a lot of money. Construction can drive more capital mobilization, as well as lucrative projects, high-tech things, not everyone can play, which requires capital, needs to be put into production, and some Necessary conditions, such as the project Qi Guo talked about with us, we need to invest a lot of power equipment, provide power, provide power equipment, and we get a lot of aluminum resources. This is a kind of transaction." Guo Kai said. . Qi Guo and Zhao Guo reached a deal on aluminum resources. Zhao Guoren invested capital and technology, and Qi Guo provided a lot of resource advantages. This kind of resources helped them to mine and smelt a large amount of aluminum. In this case, Zhao Guo This solves an important resource project in the aviation industry. The problem of aluminum materials. And Qi Guo also has a profitable project, which is a win-win situation.

"And the cooperation with the people of Qin is like this. What I know is that in Goguryeo and other places, they have had a lot of conflicts with the people of Qin. If we can provide projects that we can help them, for example, we can build more for them. With more facilities and other projects, they will inevitably reduce the feeling of hatred towards us. After all, this kind of economic construction competition pressure is very large. Under such circumstances, we can export building materials and export labor. To get some rewards, not only that, but also to recruit workers in Goguryeo, which is extremely beneficial to us. We can also meet the needs of the people of Qin and stabilize Qin's emotions. These are all necessary." Guo Kai Said this to Zhang Er. Guo Kai's purpose is simple, it is to comfort the people of Qin as much as possible, or not to anger them. The cost of doing so is too great, and Guo Kai doesn't want to take such risks. He and most of the others in Zhao Guo are different. Everyone thinks about taking risks, and what Guo Kai thinks about is how to avoid risks. This is the perspective of a politician. Zhang Er nodded and expressed his understanding, but Guo Kai still appreciates the other party. At least they have solved many of Zhao’s problems, such as investment funds and construction difficulties. If it were not for Zhang Er, Zhao’s situation might be different. It's getting worse. Guo Kai still admits this.

"However, Prime Minister, what I am worried about is the development of Zhao’s domestic situation. The domestic situation is not so good. Part of the banknotes issued has returned to China. Under such circumstances, it has caused the rise in prices, and the complaints of the people are very loud. "Zhang Er still noticed some drawbacks brought about by the over-issuance of Austrian banknotes. For example, the people’s consumer sentiment was very dissatisfied. Because of rising prices, their wages and salaries were difficult to cope with. For them, Not a good thing.

"This is a trivial matter. We can just go back and give them a salary increase. Or go abroad, where the situation will be much better. It's just that there is less money. This is a trivial matter." Guo Kai is concerned about such a matter. Don't take it seriously. Although this will affect his election issues, he has the support of big companies and big banks, and he doesn't care about this. If you spend more money, these problems can be solved.

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"In other words, the Zhao government has agreed to our request." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"Yes, they agreed to our request. They will send more engineering companies to the north to help us build. In this case, they are equivalent to making our money. The South Korean side has not yet responded. I think, Their situation will do the same. As for what company they want to dispatch, it depends on their specific situation." Meng Yi said to Shangwen. Qin State gave a large number of infrastructure projects to some foreign companies to do. Although some construction companies in Qin State can also do it, they have got too many projects. Some areas in the Western Regions also need to be developed, while in the eastern region. Many parts of Mengzhou need to build railways, but the time is relatively slow, and if Zhao Guo, some Korean construction companies enter it, this level of construction can be accelerated.

"Yeah. That's not bad." Shang Wen nodded and agreed.

"However, I think there are still some things that we should pay attention to. That is, in some areas in the northern part of Wadao Island, we should also build ports there. If we can build a naval base there, it needs to be completed as soon as possible." Yi said such a thing.

"We can't leave this matter to the people of Zhao. The Koreans can consider it. After all, there is an actual area controlled by the people of Qi, but they are still a long way from us. If they develop there, the situation will change. It's very unfavorable." Shang Wen said worriedly. For Wadao Island, Shangwen attaches great importance to it, not only Shangwen, but also the Qin State Navy’s Ministry of Admiralty also attaches great importance to this issue, because Wadao Island, especially the large islands in the north of Wadao Island, will provide more barriers. It seems that the establishment of Haicheng still fails to meet such requirements, and if the islands are occupied, Qin’s navy will have a larger barrier, but the problem is that the power of the people of Qi is developing towards that place. , There is relatively barren, which is an important reason for their slow development, but this is definitely not an important factor for them to stop advancing. On the contrary, if they hear the actions of Qin’s navy, they will inevitably speed up this research. , This is still unfavorable for Qin State. Only by solving these problems can these problems be completely solved. This is Shangwen's idea and some of Meng Yi's views.

"Such things need to be treated cautiously. Try not to irritate Qi people as much as possible." Meng Yi said. Shang Wen nodded in agreement. After all, Qin did not want too many conflicts to break out.

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