The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3666: Seek to go public

South Korea, Xinzheng, Admiralty.

"Their idea is really bold. In this case, we need to increase the number of Marines. Without three thousand, no, without five thousand troops, we can't do such a thing at all. Moreover, in order to occupy there, we need to be stationed. At the same time, in order to control sea dominance, it is necessary to increase the navy's warships. We can't do this." The Secretary of the Navy said, shaking his head. He saw the report sent by the Suez Canal Command. They synthesized the information provided by the intelligence department, and then believed that they needed to launch an offensive to occupy the northern part of the Suez Canal and the coastal areas, so that they could effectively control the pirates there. At the same time, they also suggested strengthening inspections of passing ships. This is conducive to taxation and the control of pirates. The latter does not have many obstacles, but the former requires more troops. The number of troops required will increase their logistical supply capabilities. The Secretary of the Navy is very clear about this.

"But sir, by doing this, we can completely solve the problem of piracy." Said the Undersecretary of the Navy. Up to now, the South Korean navy has not completely put Carthage into its strategic goals. They believe that piracy is only an individual incident.

"This requires the Ministry of Finance and more military support. I can only submit such a related report. However, to be specific, it also needs the support of the king. If there is no support from the king, I believe you understand what we are like. Situation." The Secretary of the Navy said. Occupying the land means that the nature of the war has changed, because if you occupy some areas, the Aiji country will also participate in it. In this case, there will be some big changes. Under such a situation, they still need Many things can be done to change this situation, and how to change this situation will make them passive. They need to make such related adjustments.

Barristan, the Russa Fortress, now it has been built as a defensive line, named Russa Defense Line, the name is even better.

"The situation of Union Stan soldiers is also terrible. They do not have uniform uniforms. They look like militiamen, but they are really combative. According to my understanding and the explanation of the surrounding Bari soldiers, there are more fierce soldiers in the north. Exist, there is a huge grassland, nomadic soldiers, and some civilized soldiers exist there. Because the geographical environment there is more suitable for living, but there are frequent wars, so the soldiers there are aggressive, which is also the main source of many outstanding soldiers. However, it is not good news for them, because it means that they need to pay a higher price to solve the problem." Chen Jin wrote.

"However, the Barristan soldiers also have their own tactics. First of all, their weapons and equipment have been greatly improved. They are equipped with 5,000 knock-out rifles that have been eliminated. They immediately have been strengthened in firepower, at least as rifles. The range increased to a few hundred meters. This advantage can increase their ability to stabilize their front. This is definitely good news for them. Secondly, their logistics situation is also changing, and the Seth people provide Some ammunition, food, and various supplies, these supplies have greatly improved their previous backward supply model, which is a great help for them. The last point is, Their tactical innovation is also relatively large. What I know is that a new tactic has changed. For example, they will use a warrior assault tactic, which is very similar to our Zhao country’s infantry assault tactics. This similar situation can make our situation more favorable. For example, the Barristan soldiers will select some excellent soldiers. When the defense is critical, they will launch counterattacks. These soldiers are extremely brave. Weapon launches an offensive, this kind of counterattack is extremely effective, because it happens when the offensive side is weak, and then they launch a counterattack to defeat the enemy. In this way, they will be placed in an extremely favorable situation. I have to say, Among these Seth people, we can still see some proactive counterattack spirit. This kind of caution is worth learning.” Chen Jin wrote. Then he started to summarize again. Although he only viewed the war as an observer officer, he did not mean that the war was extremely backward. On the contrary, the situation in some places became extremely cruel. For example, the soldiers of the opponent's Northern Alliance Stan They are good at detours and outflanks. They are good at such tactics. In order to defend, Barristan’s soldiers will also conduct corresponding defenses. Large-scale conflicts will erupt between soldiers on both sides, and this conflict will gradually lead to greater hand-in-hand. Fighting, this kind of fighting is extremely cruel and cruel, because the battle scenes are extremely bloody, and the number of casualties does not seem to be very large. There will be hundreds of casualties in each battle. Most of the victims are killed, and the injured are few. . This is because many injured people died before treatment. Therefore, this is an extremely cruel battle.

Seth, in the king's command hall, the chief minister came in anxiously to report to the king.

"Your Majesty, our military expenditure is going to increase again. This is too difficult for the finances of Seth." The Chief Minister said to the King worriedly.

"This is nothing, we will soon have a large amount of money. This is like doing business, we need some capital. These inputs are our capital." The king said. As soon as the chief minister heard this, he knew that his idea of ​​preventing the king from further increasing his finances fell through. The financial situation of the State of Seth is very bad. The first is a large tax cut, and the second is a large-scale increase in military expenditure. Although this can have a certain effect on the military expenditure of the State of Seth, the side effects of this effect have been shown. Out. The last point is that their financial situation is really bad. If this continues for a long time, their situation will become even worse. Therefore, the Chief Minister hopes to solve this problem as soon as possible.

"If this is the case, Your Majesty, we need to issue more national debt again. However, our national debt has fallen a lot in price. If this continues, our funds will be exhausted. We must make bigger These problems can only be solved by changing the situation, otherwise, you will be completely plunged into a huge disaster." The Chief Minister said.

"Well. I think we will solve it as soon as possible." said the king. And Zhao Rui just nodded. What they discussed was how to open up the Northern Alliance Stan. Barristan would not spend a penny to solve these problems, but the state of Seth is not very good either. They need To reach an agreement with the Northern Alliance Stan, this agreement will help them regain control of a considerable number of areas and increase their ability to purchase arms and weapons. But this is not the fundamental solution.

In Yueshi, the Karachi border area, workers from the two countries are cheering loudly. They become very happy because the oil pipeline is officially here. This means that the oil merchant ships docking from Karachi will transport a large amount of oil to Qin through the oil pipeline. This is a very good project to make profits and at the same time it will bring more jobs, because Qin people may Some oil refining and processing plants will be built here. It is said that United Petroleum already has such an idea. This is a very good project, so the people of the two countries have given up their past narrow prejudices, and they think this is something that both countries are very happy about.

Port Seth, the headquarters of United Petroleum Corporation.

"If we want to introduce such a large amount of equipment, we need more funds. Although our profitability has increased to a certain extent, it still fails to meet the expectations of Qin people. Qin people are very dissatisfied with this, but we want to get With so many equipment, more funds are needed, and we have almost entered an endless loop." A manager reported. United Petroleum has already seen it. It is impossible to make a lot of money in oil transportation simply by mining, because the ways to make money are too limited. Because his profit margin is not very large, the most important thing is oil reprocessing, and the ability to extract a variety of fuels is the most important.

Nowadays, oil processing has become a new mode of making money, and Qi’s simple refining methods can no longer meet the needs of current engines. That would only be a massive waste. Because the fuel standards of various countries have been promulgated a long time ago. Therefore, the simple transportation of oil cannot solve the problem at all.

"But we have no money, and the bank cannot provide us with more funds, because we need to make more profits, unless we make false accounts on the accounts. But that will only harm our own interests, and the only way is. "The manager looked at Zhang You.

"What?" Zhang You asked curiously. In fact, he knew what the answer was. Only by going public can these problems be solved. But their profit battle is really unable to meet the demand for listing in some countries. For example, South Korea’s local requirements are relatively large, and at least the profit level must exceed 15%. This can effectively avoid risks, but currently no oil company can do this. After all, they are simply mining and transporting. Coupled with vicious competition, no company can do this. The listing will not proceed. Thinking of this, Zhang You felt very hateful.

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