In the offices of Xinzheng and Han Shu in South Korea, Zhang Liang was doing related reports with a worried expression on his face.

"My lord, in this case, we need to bear considerable responsibilities and risks. This means that we have to invest more infantry to meet such a demand. At least five thousand soldiers should be used. Without effective control, this number may increase. If this is the case, the final military expenditure will increase." Zhang Liang said to Han Shu worriedly. Because of the need to emigrate and maintain the expenses of the various colonies, South Korea’s military expenditures are already relatively high. This has accounted for more than 6% of fiscal expenditure, which is a very high proportion. If it continues, they are very worried that other factors will arise. In that case, military spending will be severely unrestricted. This will seriously affect South Korea's next dynamic impact.

"I have carefully considered this point. The Admiralty’s suggestion is correct. If we don’t do this, we will continue to invest more material, manpower, and more energy on this matter. Come up, in this case, our situation will suffer serious losses, which is a big blow to us. This will put us in a very unfavorable state." Han Shu said.

"Therefore, it is necessary for us to carry out some conditional developments in some cases. For example, we can start some other things, solve the affairs of several countries at one time, and open up trade at the same time. With the support of such a trade channel, Our trade will increase a lot, and our finances will be greatly supplemented. This does not have a great impact on us." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang. Zhang Liang seems to be unable to find sufficient reasons to refute Han Shu’s solution, because this is indeed a good solution. If the delay continues, South Korea may become more protracted to solve these problems. This is for South Korea. It is unbearable, this is a long-term pain, but if it is solved at once, although today’s financial expenditure may be extremely tense, it is mainly to deal with a larger-scale land battle. Operations, logistical supplies, and the assembly of related combat personnel are very costly. This is for South Korea. This is an extremely unfavorable situation. But after solving this problem, all problems will become better, which is an extremely favorable state for them.

"Well, all right. King, I think this makes sense." Zhang Liang agreed.

"We should see all the conveniences brought to Korea after solving this problem. These conveniences will have a great impact on us. We should pay attention to the great conveniences brought by such influences. With such conveniences, many things will happen. It has become much easier, and the difficulty is only temporary." Han Shu comforted Zhang Liang in this way. She knows that Zhang Liang is actually not easy. After all, the current state of development in South Korea is not very good. The main reason is that in this wave of industrial technology, South Korea's technology is extremely limited, and it is not as good as Zhao Guo. There are many technologies in the country, and the enthusiasm of Zhao’s industrial expansion is much faster than that of South Korea. This is a lot of pressure for South Korea. If it were not for the huge foreign trade and colonial economy, South Korea might not be able to compete with Zhao. China, under such circumstances, is a big loss for South Korea.

"My lord, the next thing I worry about is the transfer of military strength. South Korea has been unable to raise more troops, because there have been some problems in the recruitment of domestic soldiers, and the state provides many jobs, and more and more people are unwilling to take up positions. Soldiers, unless South Korea conducts limited enlistment, but this will inevitably affect the combat situation of Aiji. We can only draw troops from nearby colonies to fight there." Zhang Liang said.

"Well, I am very clear about the situation you said, but this situation needs to be changed a lot. My plan is to recruit more troops from other regions to fight, such as Bangla, Malat, or Shah. , And in other places, we have many soldiers that can meet such combat requirements. Although the performance of combat capabilities is different, as long as we have enough troops to watch them, the situation is still very beneficial to us." Han Shu said. In order to save expenses, and to make up for the problem of insufficient strength of the South Korean Army, this problem has actually broken out a long time ago. Most of the South Korean Army’s troops are stationed abroad, with more than 50,000 troops stationed abroad. It should be understood that the size of the army is only 60,000 to 70,000, and they have to conduct local defenses. There are only a few troops in the country, and they are fighting under such conditions. For South Korea, it is very dangerous. And South Korea can’t draw enough troops to deploy on Aiji, the only way is to use a large number of colonial troops, so as to effectively make up for the shortage of the Korean army’s strength, even though all countries actively participate in the fight against Aiji, Carthage pirates However, they only dispatched naval forces, and the military forces on land still need to be solved by the Koreans themselves.

Han Shu quickly focused on the colonial army. In her opinion, those were sacrificed cannon fodder, or in other words, they could play a certain role.

"Well, in this case, we can reduce some financial expenditures. However, we still need some troops that can fight quickly. At least their combat power should not be too low, otherwise, it will cause great damage to our combat capabilities. "Zhang Liang said. Han Shu nodded and agreed with this view, especially the local soldiers in Bangla. Their performance was far below the expectations of the Koreans. It can be said that they went to Aiji and may not even perform as they should be. effect. In the face of such an army, their combat capabilities are too limited.

The Cape of Good Hope, but it is already called the Cape of Hope. The Mediterranean climate has brought stable precipitation here, and it has also allowed the Koreans to establish a Black African Southern Command here. This command is not only an army, but also a navy. It can be said that this is a very comprehensive command.

"Sir. Look at this. This is the latest order from the Navy Department." Chief of Staff, Navy Colonel Song Kai took a telegram to Rear Admiral Shi Qing.

"What order is this?" Shi Qing asked directly. He didn't read the telegram. He knew that the guys in the Admiralty always gave unrealistic orders. He was very disgusted with this.

"They asked us to send some expedition ships to find another entrance to the Mediterranean, which is said to be on the west coast of Africa. This is an order." Song Kai said helplessly.

"Shit order. They know that this sea voyage will take a long, long time. If they really want to find this import, they should add some troops and warships to us, instead of making us already very nervous. When warships do such things, if there is any accident, they can find a very good reason to prevaricate." Shi Qing said angrily that no country's department can avoid a situation, bureaucrats. The South Korean Admiralty cannot avoid such a situation. When looking for another Mediterranean import, they must look for such an import. How to find it requires them to do this by themselves and face such a situation. They only need to give an order. Because they are not responsible at all, and they will prevaricate the practice of increasing any demand. For such a bureaucratic approach, many commanders stationed overseas are disgusted because they make things complicated.

"But sir, we still have to abide by such an order. After all, this is an order." said Song Kai, his chief of staff. Shi Qing looked around, nodded helplessly, and agreed. Faced with such a situation. He can only accept it.

"But we have only three warships in our hands that can perform this task, and a new destroyer with only 75mm guns. The other two are old cruisers, and their horsepower seems to be insufficient to perform such a task. "Shi Qing only needs to suppress his anger. After all, the task must be executed.

They have five battleships, three destroyers, two cruisers, and a variety of hundreds of tons of gunboats in their hands. They barely maintain the presence of the Korean navy and army in the area. But if they want to carry out ocean voyages, their situation is more reluctant.

"I think we dispatch a cruiser, a destroyer is better." Song Kai thought for a while and said. This is because it can avoid some risks. If one ship is dispatched separately, problems are prone to occur. The most important thing is that they are all steamships. The warships accepted by the marginal navy are old warships. These warships are in the marginal area. Advanced, but where the naval battle broke out fiercely, they are lagging behind.

"Okay, but for logistical supplies, you know, they burn a lot of coal. How to solve this problem? We can't get enough supply from merchant ships. There are not even many supply ships. They only come once every few months." Shi Qing asked his chief of staff this way.

"This. I think we can let the destroyers take on such tasks. They are responsible for transporting some coal or establishing bases in some areas. In this case, our situation may be better." Chief of Staff Song Kai thought for a while. Speaking of this. Shi Qing thought for a while, and felt that he could only do this. They are not only lack of battleships, but also very lack of supply ships. This is a very troublesome thing.

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