The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3668: Transfer to the people of Qin

Wadao, the main island. In fact, it is today's Oshima Honshu. Both Qi and Jeju are here to expand their own spheres of influence. Qi does not have a lot of control over the main island. At most, they control the small villages. Then they controlled several large islands in the south, for example, Shikoku Island, which Qi State called Nanwa Island. Because these islands do not seem to be well developed except for forest resources, it should be pointed out that Yindao, that is, the islands where a large number of silver islands were found in Qi, was under the control of the people of Qi. It is impossible for Qi to give up sufficient financial resources.

And the main island, the small village line, which is the area north of Kanagawa, Japan today. It is an area controlled by the Jeju people. Their control area is already near Tokyo today, and the northernmost reaches near Osaka. In the north, they did not go there. Because the land there is barren and people are scarce, the people of Jeju and Qi have lost the possibility of continuing development.

"The small village is the largest area under our control. But there is really nothing worthy of attention here. I think you should understand the situation here. The land is barren. I think it is better than Jeju Island. "Tian Qi said while eating the pheasant he hit. Perhaps only such things can be considered delicious here. There are many virgin forests here, and there are some small tribes in the local area, but they are still in a primitive state. There are indeed civilized tribes in the southern area, that is, in the small villages, and areas controlled by the Qi people. They are already in the transition to the state. Stage development, but their situation will not get better there. Because the entire Wa Island has no important resources, and there are volcanoes and earthquakes here from time to time, which makes Jeju lose confidence.

Tian Qi eats roasted pheasant indifferently, this is the best local food. Then there is fish, or shrimp, which makes him very tired of eating. Tian Qi is a naval officer sent by Jeju to investigate and stationed on Wozhu Island. His rank is lieutenant colonel. He turned out to be a full pirate leader. It is also now, because his banditry has not disappeared at all, and this is the situation. For them, this is really a new situation that is difficult to deal with.

"I can restore a lot of resources here, and seeing your situation, I am really disappointed." Jeju Navy Deputy Commander said helplessly. Wado Island is an important part of the blockade of Qi and Zhao’s navy, and it is also an important link in Jeju’s pursuit of development. However, the northern peninsula has been controlled by Qi people. It is not a crime that Jeju wants to develop and become extremely difficult. Worse, the worst is that their situation has not been greatly improved. For example, the various islands they were looking for, the earliest Ryukyu Islands, the islands are too narrow, and only some land can be built. In addition to these, it is Wadao. Wadao has a certain plain, which can provide a certain amount of food, but provides The food is very limited, because it requires development and investment. Jeju does not have such a large amount of funds. Moreover, there are frequent volcanoes and earthquakes. Even the people of Qi have lost their confidence. They don’t even expect to get a good place. Up.

Tian Qi also complained. For such a place, he wished to leave early, but Jeju was reluctant to occupy such a place. They felt that such a place was finally occupied and should continue to be garrisoned. But this is not good news for Tian Qi, which means that he will be stationed here for a long time, which is definitely not good news. This situation will make them extremely passive.

"I want to hear what you think." The deputy commander of the Navy asked with a chicken leg. Not to mention, the pheasant here tastes pretty good, at least it tastes pretty good, much better than those made by Qiguo and Korean chefs.

"My idea is to abandon this place, this place is really worthless." Lieutenant Colonel Tian Qi said. He is still a pirate, because he didn't even call the chief. If it weren't for such a reason, this guy wouldn't have sent it here. So, for here. No wine, no good food, it will drive him crazy. Therefore, his subjective consciousness is to give up here, there is nothing to say.

"Give up? It's impossible. You know, this place was finally occupied by us." The Navy Deputy Commander refused. For them, this is not an easy thing to accept. After all, it takes a long time to solve the problem by occupying here. Development is also a sum of money, but it is a pity to give up the land that is finally occupied.

"If you don't give up, let us continue to stay here. This is too unbearable for us. Our soldiers should open up more places, not **** places like this. This bird doesn't shit. Anyway, I don’t want to stay anymore. This is extremely unfair to us. We will never allow such things to happen. Anyway, we will not accept such things.” Tian Qi said. . He has had enough of it here. You know, this will cause them great harm, and this kind of harm will make them lose more energy. They are here to make a fortune, and the purpose of joining the navy is to make a fortune. It is too bitter for them to stay here. They can't stand it at all.

"South, only the south is the place we should go the most. Here, we shouldn’t do such a thing at all. You know, the situation here is not where we should be. I think, in such a place, we give up. , If you can’t bear it, we can sell it. Even if you sell it to Goguryeo, or to other people, it’s okay. Anyway, Tian Qi doesn’t want to continue here. My subordinates are already crazy. Here it is. There isn't even a woman." Tian Qi said, taking a bite of a chicken leg. It seems that there has been a lot of hatred against him here.

"Sell it?" The speaker did not intend the listener. The undersecretary of the navy suddenly felt that what the other party said was reasonable, because the occupation of this place required continued investment of various materials. Judging from the current financial pressure on Jeju Island, it seems that there is only one way to solve it. Because they really can't do other things. Because to build this place, a lot of resources need to be invested, for example, the construction of ports and wharfs, as well as the consolidation of agriculture, as well as the migration of people. How can Jeju Island have so many people who have moved in? In fact, their population was originally It's not enough, and the population is moved in. This is just a joke. They can't do such a thing.

But it is a pity to give up. However, selling to people in other countries can solve this problem, because it can get a larger financial income. Thinking of this, the navy secretary thinks that such a thing can be done, because the Jeju Navy cannot Undertake, perhaps the South Korean navy can take on such a thing, or maybe the navies of other countries can also do it. However, Goguryeo alone cannot. Zhao Guo and Qi Guo did not work either. Thinking of this, the Deputy Commander of the Navy quickly left here and went through radio contact. Tian Qi didn't care about this anymore. Because as long as he can leave this **** place, it is worth it to do anything. It is impossible for him to stay here, because he feels that he would not do such a stupid thing. It is absolutely impossible.

Soon, the Jeju Admiralty Department submitted this idea to the South Korean Admiralty Department, and the South Korean Admiralty Department received such a telegram in the first time. They feel a little embarrassed.

"That's the situation. Jeju is powerless to sort out the situation. We should also be considerate of their situation. After all, their situation is like this. However, who will handle this matter and accept this matter? I think we It should be considered carefully, sir.” said the South Korean Navy Deputy Commander.

"Yeah." The Secretary of the Navy looked at the telegram in his hand and felt a little embarrassed. South Korea cannot accept such a place. Chu may be able to eat it. However, it is too far away and the land is too barren. It seems that Chu will also consider it. Jeju will definitely give up. Because the situation is really bad for them. The bad is indescribable, so under such circumstances, it is still difficult for them to deal with, because many things still need to be solved by them.

"Under such circumstances, we definitely can't accept that piece of land. We must know that we don't have so much capital, energy, and manpower and material resources to invest in it. This is a big expense for us. "The Secretary of the Navy said embarrassingly.

"But we can't give it to the people of Zhao and Qi. If they occupy there, it will form a large naval base. They occupy the southern area of ​​Wadao Island, and they have already formed a greater threat to us. And Wadao Island. The strategic value of China lies in the blockade of the mainland.” said the Navy Deputy Commander.

"Yeah. You are right. Maybe we should find another buyer. Maybe the Yan nationality? Maybe." The Secretary of the Navy doesn't know that there is another country that can accept such an area. You must know that the land there is barren and there is not much resources. In addition, the report mentioned volcanoes and earthquakes. No one from that country is willing to build their own navy and cities there.

"Perhaps Qin people, what I know is that Qin people still need a naval point to solve these problems. If it is given to Qin people, maybe they will be willing to accept it. After all, they are still willing to accept such an area." The deputy navy proposed at this time. .

"Guo Qin?" the chief of the navy asked the deputy chief of the navy.

"Yes, sir, maybe it is the best way to sell it to the people of Qin. After all, what I know is that the people of Qin need such islands and the bases built by the navy. Besides, our relationship with the people of Qin is also relatively good. Great improvement. Under such circumstances, it may be better for the people of Qin to take over than we imagined." Said the Deputy Chief of the Navy.

"Yeah. You are right. We really don't think about it. The question is, will the people of Qin accept such a place? I mean, under such conditions, will they accept such an area?" The Secretary of the Navy said worriedly.

"Sir, I think this kind of worry is superfluous. After all, for us, there can be abandoning it directly. However, if the people of Qin give up such an opportunity, it means that they have given up a kind of barrier to their Haicheng. Protection, what I know is that the people of Qin are not satisfied with the construction of a naval base. In that case, it is too dangerous. And their goal is the America on the other side of the ocean, where the people of Qin are going crazy, maybe we can let them consider doing this Things.” said the navy deputy. It is really a strategic consideration. The Qin State Navy Department will definitely accept such a thing. In their opinion, this is a high probability event.

"Well, let's give it a try. Perhaps for us, this is not the worst news. We need such news to help us solve the problem." The Secretary of the Navy thought for a while and said.

"In this case, a large part of our problem will be completely resolved. The next step is to see the people of Qin." said the deputy commander of the navy. Immediately, the South Korean Navy sent a telegram to the Qin State Navy Department.

Qin State, Xianyang. When the Admiralty received the telegram from the South Korean Admiralty, they were a little surprised, but when they saw the content, they knew it was not easy.

"Qin's navy cannot rely solely on a naval port to build. In this case, the problem will become very serious. I think, sir, you should understand this situation." The deputy navy said.

"The worry of the Prime Minister's Mansion is also sufficient and necessary. If there is a war, coupled with the special freezing period in Haicheng, this will be a big loss for the Qin Navy. Unless we can find another solution, And the islands that provide barriers, I think, the northern part of Wadao Island is more suitable for such construction." The Navy Deputy Commander said to the Secretary of the Navy with a telegram.

"When I think you should have noticed this, that is, there are earthquakes, volcanoes, and more terrain restrictions. It is unlikely that there will be a larger space for a larger naval base." The Secretary of the Navy worried. Speaking of. He was worried that Wadao could not bear such a blow.

"Sir, I don't think there is a better place than this. You know, other areas have been mobilized by people from Zhao, Qi, Jeju, South Korea, Chu, and even Yan. It seems that we have no choice. There is room. This is for us. This is a fact, an indisputable fact." The Navy Deputy said helplessly. Although it is not a very good place, Qin has no choice. After hearing this, the Secretary of the Navy nodded in agreement.

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