The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3677: Sufficient funding

Baba. In Guo Suo’s stronghold, the soldiers lay bored in the trenches to rest. The sun here is very venomous, and it’s most terrible at noon. The only thing they can do is to put up the tent and hide in it. They kill.

"This place is terrible. Sir." Sergeant Zhang Min said with a sip of water. They dug a well here, which is not bad. They still have plenty of water to provide, otherwise, they will be thirst to death.

"Yes, because of this, we have to stay here, pay attention to the enemy's situation, and don't be lazy." Lieutenant Guo Suo put down the telescope in his hand and said. A sentinel next to him took over the position of ensign. He had been here for two hours, which was enough to consume their attention. Others, unless there is a combat mission, most of them will lie in the trench and hide in the shade.

"Sir, I think the **** Carthage pirates will not come back. You know, the situation is still in our favor. After all, we are hiding here. The pirates will not be able to find us. Moreover, I believe the navy guys, they They must have found other places to solve the problem. For example, they found other strongholds to move forward. Didn't they?" said the sergeant. Boring, boring situation will have a great impact on the morale of soldiers.

"Sir, there are circumstances. About five wooden boats are approaching our side." At this time, a sentry reported. Second Lieutenant Guo Suo looked at the sergeant, and then went to look over there. In order to facilitate their observation of the target, they are also equipped with an artillery mirror. This is the best thing for cutting-edge observations, and it is now given to them. This helps them find their goals.

"Let me see." The second lieutenant picked up the binoculars to check the situation. What he saw was about five boats, maybe more, they kept docking one kilometer to the west of them, and some people came down from them, and they looked over here.

"They are pirates, and ordinary merchant ships have heavy loads. They don't come to such a place, because usually this means stranding." The ensign looked at and said. The sergeant nodded in agreement.

"But sir, they are far away, and we can't threaten them. Such a distance is a waste of ammunition for us," the sergeant said.

"Yeah. That's right, wait for them to get close, so everyone is ready for battle, but don't be too nervous." The ensign watched the opponent closely. Soon the soldiers entered their combat positions, but emotionally speaking, it was relatively easy. In contrast, the pirates on the opposite side were a little nervous, and they were busy landing. Then they didn't get close, they seemed very afraid of each other's strength. They once besieged each other and caused them great losses. They have developed a great sense of fear for this weapon, and they found that the weapons in their hands were not that powerful.

Qin, the northern sea city, the construction work here is still in full swing, they must complete the construction as soon as possible, because the climate here has determined that their construction time will not be too long, usually in the August of the lunar calendar, the temperature began to change Big changes, snow may occur in September. There is really not much time left for them.

"There are still many projects that have not been completed, but our manpower is too inadequate. Many people have been processing for a long time. If this continues, our project progress will be affected." A young man The engineer put down the drawing in his hand and sat on the pony in the tent. He felt that he had tried his best. But there are many projects under construction.

"Haha. Don't worry, have some tea, this problem has been solved." A middle-aged engineer said without anxiousness. Then he motioned to the other party for a cup of tea, and the young engineer shook his head. Obviously he was not in the mood to enjoy the enjoyment of tea.

"Things have not been so bad. I think you should be aware of this. The country has solved these problems for us. There are a lot of construction engineering companies from Zhao Guoguo, and their personnel are also very well-equipped and well-equipped. It will speed up construction," said the middle-aged engineer.

"Zhao Guo?" the young engineer asked surprised, because he felt that this kind of thing happened too suddenly. After all, what happened to him made him feel fast.

"Yes, Zhao Guo, Zhao Guoren will solve these problems for us. Believe me, it is not only Zhao Guo, but also the Korean construction engineering company. They have a large number of employees, and the government has hired them from various countries. . In this case, the number of our projects will be reduced a lot.” The other party said.

"Well, this may be good news, but they will come as soon as possible, otherwise, our staff will be exhausted." The young engineer said.

Suez Canal Command.

"Do you think that such a combat plan can be implemented?" Zhang Su looked at the sand table worriedly and asked the Chief of Staff Li Yi. He felt that things were far greater than he thought of a turning point.

"It should be possible, because the army is launching the attack. The Marine Corps only provides some channels for sea supplies. Those pirates should not be able to beat the Navy's speedboat units. After all, they have the advantages in speed and firepower, and it should be easy to gain control of the sea. "Li Yi said.

"Yeah. However, I am still very worried. What I am worried about is that this is not the case. If, I said, if, if I were a pirate, I would launch a larger scale attack and attack the stronghold we established there. In this case, our losses will become very large. Not only the loss of personnel, but also the loss of materials, the most important thing is that our speedboat force cannot support it. Once it supports it, it will be met by the other party. The interception made the situation worse for us." Zhang Su said worriedly. After all, this situation exists.

"Sir, what we should see is that in such a crisis, we also have the possibility of annihilating each other. After all, our navy still has the advantage. If we proceed according to the previous battle conditions, we will be extremely passive. Because we don’t know where the opponent is, but if they take the initiative to attack us and gather a large number of warships in order to eat one of our strongholds, we will have the opportunity to concentrate our efforts to eat the opponent, thus ensuring the integrity of our strength." Li Yi said so. After listening, Zhang Su nodded, indicating that he could accept such a point of view.

In the city of Suez, the strength of the Suez South Korean naval fleet is constantly growing. The number of newly arrived speedboats is as high as more than 30, and they are all large speedboats with more than 500 tons. They are loaded with a large-caliber 130 Ten millimeter artillery, in addition, there are more 75 millimeter caliber artillery. Although this has reduced their speed a lot, their influence is not great. After all, the speed of their opponents is not very fast. They still have Great advantage to maintain a high-speed combat situation.

In addition to these, there are more sparrow reconnaissance planes and twin-engine bombers. Most of these models are directly imported from the State of Qin for secondary imitation. Their main task is to perform battlefield reconnaissance, because the South Korean navy discovered Those pirates are very flexible and usually bring them great difficulties. Faced with such difficulties, the only thing they can do is to find a way to further strengthen their reconnaissance power, and these aircraft are mobilized for the purpose of Respond to the emergence of this situation. Of course. In the army, some mercenaries have arrived. They come from the colonial armies from various regions. The most powerful are the Shazhou cavalry, and more are the **** colonial armies. Their fighting will is extremely low and their role is very limited.

Bangla Port, the economy here has become the most prosperous place in the South Asian subcontinent. none of them. However, many Members are still dissatisfied. They think that this city lacks a lot of things.

The House of Commons, this is where the local MPs in Bangla discuss bills.

"This city looks very prosperous, but there are too many places that can't satisfy us. We should do some other things to change this situation." A congressman stood up and said excitedly.

"I think it's already very good. You know, we have factories built. Various processing factories, they bring us more profits, this is already very good news for us. Isn't it? Do we still lack anything? I think this is enough." A congressman objected. His skin looks darker, which makes him an isolated one. The economy of Bangla is very single and fragile. In the plantation economy, this kind of economic resistance to risks is very low. Once a systemic danger breaks out, they are the first to suffer a disaster. Fortunately, no such danger has occurred until now. They grow cotton, flax, sugar cane, and rice seldom, because they will be imported from other places. The plantation economy requires a small part of the labor force. Most of the labor force is concentrated in Bangla, which has become a gathering of millions of people. Ground. The number of millions of people in Bangladesh is not clear to themselves, because their administrative agencies never count these. Every day, a large number of people crowd in the train that is already full, and then enter the city one by one. On the contrary, fewer people go out of the city. A lot of people came in, and everyone thought that they could find a chance to make a fortune here. Many people died in confusion here without anyone knowing. Because this is a bustling city.

"No, we should see the problems in this city. We need to build a lot of infrastructure, our suburban roads are still not developed enough, we still lack enough power plants, the urban lighting facilities are not good enough, our ports are not Can accommodate more ships, which will greatly limit the number of our ships, these are extremely unfavorable to us, we cannot let this happen, otherwise, our situation will be very bad Not good." Said the congressman. He supports the adoption of more infrastructure and construction, and then drives the further development of Bangladesh's economy. In fact, Bangladesh has such a demand. The city's tap water supply is seriously unbalanced. Water and power outages often occur, but the population is In the continuous increase, various needs drive the development needs of this society, and they need a kind of urban facilities that can solve more problems.

"Well, but the problem is that the fiscal revenue is very limited. We can't provide such a large amount of funds. Moreover, we have used government bonds once, and the effect has been good. However, we can't keep going like this. Unless someone can do a lot of money. Purchase." A middle-aged congressman stood up and said. His belly is very big. He likes to eat sweets, especially ice cream. When Mengla was troubled by electricity, he went to his bad friends to use enough electricity on the refrigerator, which made his condition very rich. He has such qualifications. He has twelve large sugar cane plantations, in addition to more leather processing plants and spinning mills. These factories can provide him with more profits. This allows him to expand unscrupulously.

"Well, we can find the Bank of Korea, they can help us solve this problem, and as long as the financial problem is solved, our construction will be no problem." Some lawmakers have proposed. Because government projects can bring more black-box operations, this kind of operation has a lot of profit margins. Some congressmen are willing to do such things because there is a lot of space, and they are unwilling to give up such opportunities. If Korean banks can solve these funding problems, their situation will become very favorable, and this is the case with Korean banks. Under arms. Because the large number of banknotes issuance brings sufficient funds, they can only make their situation better if they continue to buy or release funds. Because this means that the economy has become more favorable, and because the funds in the market have become abnormally sufficient, they naturally don't have to worry about these and other problems. This means that after their funds become sufficient, they will develop a larger-scale economic prosperity.

The Bangla lawmakers do not know this yet. They are still worried about the source of funds for their basic economic construction. They think that this move will not receive sufficient funding subsidies. For them, it may not be good news. As everyone knows, many Korean banks have already discovered some special circumstances here, and they decided to participate in buying a large amount of national debt, so that the price of national debt will rise. In this way, fiscal funds will become sufficient, with sufficient fiscal funds, and more The project will be launched, and the operating space will become larger and larger, and bankers have become very excited.

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