Baba. A fierce battle is underway. Lieutenant Guo Suo aimed at the chest of a Carthage pirate. Then he pulled the trigger, the recoil was on his shoulders, and then he pulled the bolt, and the pirate he was aiming at was killed 150 meters away from them. This distance is considered safe for them.

"Da da da da." The water-cooled machine gun kept beating. The pirates who charged forward were killed near a line of fire, from 300 meters to 150 meters, they advanced a very good distance, but the problem is that they killed a lot of people, all over the beach Dead body. All were Carthage pirates, and they had at least three hundred casualties. Sergeant Zhang Min estimated. He pulled the bolt, advanced a bullet, then aimed, pulled the trigger, and pulled the bolt again. There were no more bullets in the magazine. He has knocked out all the magazines. One hundred and fifty rounds were all shot. There is no way, he can only take out a box of ammunition, and fill it one by one.

"Bang. Bang." Gunshots kept resounding across the battlefield. The Carthaginians finally couldn't bear the tremendous pressure, and they retreated. They simply can't bear such pressure, because offense will make them unbearable.

"Bang. Bang." The gunfire started to become sporadic. The ensign stopped shooting. Then shouted loudly.

"Stop shooting, stop shooting. Stop shooting." The second lieutenant shouted loudly. They need to save ammunition. After all, they have called the Navy many times, but the Navy did not respond to them. This makes them feel that the situation is a bit bad, so the only way is to wait. Before that, they need to save ammunition to avoid a more unfavorable situation. In that case, their situation would be bad.

"Stop shooting, stop shooting." The sergeant and the corporal began to wave their arms to signal their men not to shoot. Many people stopped, and a battle was finally over. Their arms that pulled the bolt were sore. In the tense combat situation, they didn't even notice this problem, but when the war stopped, they finally realized it.

"Hidden, hide the machine gun, pay attention to the other side's shelling. Leave the observation post. Everyone rests." The ensign shouted loudly. Then continue to communicate orders. The soldiers can finally rest. Soon, the artillery of the Carthaginians began to bombard them, all they used were ball-shaped ricochets. Unless they hit them directly, this cannonball has no effect at all. There are also cone-shaped cannonballs, which can hardly pose a threat to soldiers behind the bunker. Therefore, the shelling seems very powerful, but the killing effect is too limited. The Carthaginians had grenades, but fewer gunners knew how to use them. They relied on experience rather than mathematics. This is destined to be in a state of stagnation on the issue of the use of grenades.

"Boom. Boom." The shells hit their bunker. Many soldiers could feel the energy from the shells, but they were not very nervous. On the contrary, they felt very relaxed. This showed that Carthage had nothing to do with them. Soldiers They dealt with this situation easily, but their chief was very worried.

"Damn it. Didn't the Navy have any news?" Second Lieutenant Guo Suo asked the radio operators. In order to strengthen the communication at the base, they had a radio, but most of the time, the radio was unanswered and no one gave it. They launched the signal, and the signal they launched was unanswered. The radio was purely a psychological comfort, the ensign thought.

"Sir, there is still no news. No one from the second squadron answered. I don't know if they received it." The operator said helplessly.

"Damn it, keep going, otherwise, our situation will become very unfavorable. This is simply the worst situation for us." The ensign said. Radios usually fail when they are needed most. This is usually the most annoying place for all military personnel.

The Marines defending the Baba stronghold only have weapons such as machine guns, rifles, barbed wire, grenades, and mines. They can have one or two mortars at most, but the limited number of shells is also very limited, which means that they lack Enough fire support, and from the beginning of the landing operation, they placed this fire support on the navy, because the navy guaranteed that they had enough artillery to target the Carthage pirates, but in fact, the navy has not been until now. None of the speedboats were seen, they didn't have a shell to support them, and most importantly, they didn't know where they were.

Inside the Suez Canal Command.

"The navy reported that the number of their speedboats is seriously insufficient. They need to wait for more speedboats to arrive before they can move. This time will take at least five days." Chief of Staff Li Yi said to Zhang Su with a telegram. To.

"Damn it, they said they could provide support quickly, but they didn't do anything when they absorbed it. Damn it." Zhang Su said dissatisfiedly. This behavior of the Navy will put the Marine Corps in a disadvantageous state. At the same time, the Army, especially the cavalry unit, needs to go deeper into the pirates' hinterland, and they must get enough supplies. This requires the Navy. Building more strongholds again, these strongholds can help them complete more military operations on land, but it all depends on the navy.

"Sir, this is a fact. We can't change this situation. Although our speedboats have increased a lot, the problem is that there are not so many speedboats on the front line. The actual number of speedboats on the front line is very limited, which determines us. The number of navies in China is not able to conduct operations in time. This is a lot of trouble for us." Li Yi said.

"Damn navy." Zhang Su complained, but all battles depend on the situation of the navy. If the navy can't get sea dominance, all the combat plans will be ruined. The only thing they can do right now is this. According to their original plan, they will open up a second supply point, which will provide sufficient supplies for the cavalry troops, but for now, they can't do this. Because they lacked the naval power to open up a second supply base, these are all because the navy cannot provide enough naval power to implement it.

In fact, the navy’s situation is also not optimistic.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Admiralty.

"The plan for the second naval supply point is very good, but the problem is that we do not have enough ships to transport supplies. At the same time, we have not yet obtained the sea dominance in the Mediterranean area, which means that our supply lines can be cut off at any time. "The Secretary of the Navy looked helplessly at the plan in his hands. It was also very helpless when this situation occurred, because they have only discovered the seriousness of this problem until now. It is really too bad for them.

"Sir, maybe we can make up for it by other means, such as recruiting enough merchant ships for transportation, and they can provide more supply ships to carry out.

"The Navy Secretary suggested.

"I also thought of such a method. But the problem is that although there are many merchant ships nearby, their payloads are relatively small, and our demand for supplies has become very large. And we cannot guarantee safety. What we need is to attack. Defeat the pirates once, and then gain a certain degree of confidence, in this way, our plan can be carried out." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"This can only be achieved after the second naval speedboat squadron supplements a considerable number of speedboats." Said the navy deputy.

"So, our plan needs to wait, wait patiently." The Secretary of the Navy said.

Xinzheng, the Securities Association, this association is mainly in charge of the listing, sales, and recovery of securities. Governments, banks, and investment institutions have all participated. It can be said that this is a comprehensive department, but they do not obey the government's orders.

"The value of oil company shares is good. I think they should be prepared to go public. After all, our market needs new types of stocks to circulate. It is like saying that we need new fish to activate this pond." Speaking of. They proposed that there should be better conditions for oil companies, so that they can be listed well, which is extremely beneficial to them.

"But the problem is that the water in this pool is decreasing, and there is a lot of fear in the market. I am afraid it will be difficult for the fish to survive." A member said worriedly.

"No, no, I think our worries like this are unnecessary. There will be a lot of water in the market, and it is fresh water, we can feed more fish, I think, whales, should not be a problem. "The first member said so.

"Not only this market, but also the foreign bond market. We should see that the funds in our hands will become a lot. In contrast, many things are undervalued. For example, those bonds, we can buy in. In this case , We can make a fortune.” That member said.

"Cough cough." Some congressmen coughed dissatisfiedly. They think that discussing how much money to make on such an occasion will make them even more disappointed. This is not good news for them. Because they are formal securities institutions. They need to mention the word profit carefully.

However, many members still agree to the request of the oil company to go public because they need the oil company too much to boost the economic development. After all, this can drive greater demand. And economic growth. This is what they care about.

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