The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3679: The caliber of the artillery

On the front line of Russa, Sergeant Zhao Fang of Zhao Jun is using a telescope to check the situation of the forward position. He is an artillery sergeant. He operates the unfamiliar 75mm mountain artillery. This artillery is light and flexible. In this regard, Artillery Sergeant Chief Zhao Fang likes it very much. He hopes that such an artillery can be produced on a large scale in China, because the infantry has always needed a transitional firepower between large-caliber and mortar, and the power of this artillery should not be too great. Large, but with a curved ballistic shooting, it can be used for fire coverage, and if necessary, it can be shot at close range, and the Seven-Five Mountain Cannon can fully meet their requirements. It is a pity that there are only six such artillery pieces in total, and he has four in his hand, a mountain cannon company. This is all their equipment, and there is a spare, but that spare is directly placed in Babylon, because their king decided to form a mountain cannon regiment, when the news was fed back to the country. Those artillery factories were extremely excited, because they seemed to see a large number of military orders waving their arms at them, but they needed to win the war and bring out the power of artillery.

"A good measure of the shooting yuan, these are very useful to us." Zhao Fang said to a sergeant. Their artillery officers are working on the map, and these sergeants will do the specific data. The sergeant nodded. Then carefully measure and observe on the artillery mirror. The firing range of artillery has become larger and larger. This requires artillery to have more technical equipment. For example, they are equipped with telephones, artillery mirrors, and if necessary, radio equipment will be provided to them. However, the situation of the small thing is not very good and unstable, and the large one is too much. It is bulky and is not conducive to the use of artillery troops, and the radio cannot be further popularized to lower-level combat units.

Near the Baba stronghold, the bombardment of Carthage was still going on, but their launch frequency and number began to rapidly decrease. Because they found that this was of no use at all. This is a fact. This situation makes them feel very depressed, but the problem is that they really can't find a better way to solve these problems. Because they found that the performance of their weapons is really average. In contrast, South Korea has far more weapons than them. The expansion of technical equipment has given Koreans more ways to deal with them. The singularity made them have no way to deal with the Korean army.

"These **** Carthaginians, they finally have no choice." The sergeant stretched his head out of the trench, holding a telescope to observe the situation blatantly.

"Sergeant, lower your head, I don't want any casualties." Guo Suo looked at Sergeant Zhang Min and said.

"Yes. Sir, I will protect myself." The sergeant lowered his body helplessly, then changed his observation point, and concealed himself well. Guo Suo was still so careful. He believed that there was nothing wrong with doing so. , The battlefield will not forgive people who make mistakes. It won't give them a chance at all.

"Da da da, da da da." At this moment, there was a fierce machine gun sound, which seemed to sound more violent. The ensign stood up and picked up the binoculars to check the situation, because he didn't think he was in his position. The machine gun sounded, and this sound seemed to have the appearance of a speedboat arriving. Sure enough, the ensign immediately saw the two speedboats advancing fast. The machine guns at the front and the machine guns at the rear were constantly strafing the Carthage pirates gathered. Their firepower is very fierce, but unfortunately, they are just killers and have little effect on the ships of Carthage, because the bullets just hit an eye on them, instead of using incendiary bombs to ignite the opponent’s ships. In that case, their results may be greater. The ensign thought so.

"It's a pity," the second lieutenant put down the telescope and said.

"Yes, it's a pity, sir, if they use incendiary bombs, those ships will be ignited. I believe the situation will be good for us, but they have provided us with effective support. After all, the two speedboats have been Arrived here. They just strafed, which is also beneficial to us." The sergeant said. The ensign nodded in agreement.

"Aegis I." Lieutenant Chen Fu drove his speedboat to avoid the attack of warships, and there was a speedboat Aegis II behind them. It is a pity that they are equipped with machine guns, and they also have 20mm cannons, but they don't have much ammunition. They can't use such weapons to shoot, which makes the lieutenant feel very annoyed.

"Damn it. These **** Carthage bugs, go and die." The lieutenant cursed loudly. The sergeant behind kept firing at the Carthaginians on the warship. Their ammunition was insufficient, and even the types of ammunition were not complete. They only had ordinary machine gun bullets. Then there is no more. Their bullets can only cause damage to the opponent's personnel, but cannot sink the opponent's warship, which makes the sergeant feel very depressed. The lieutenant knew this too, and after they emptied the two base ammunition, they quickly retreated. This is the end of fire support. They are the speedboats of the second speedboat squadron. Just yesterday, they arrived at a new batch of speedboat units, the fifth speedboat squadron. They are equipped with two hundred-ton speedboats, with organic artillery on them, and 75mm artillery. They are powerful, but they need Rest, with their presence, the Second Speedboat Squadron only supported them. Otherwise, they would not dispatch such troops to support operations today.

"Sir. They are gone." The sergeant reported to Lieutenant Guo Suo.

"Well. It seems that they can't expel the **** Carthage pirates. We are still in the circle, but this is also good news. The **** navy is finally here." The ensign said. The sergeant nodded in agreement, and then they started their lunch. Life has to go on anyway. As for support matters, they can't manage it.

Qin State Xianyang. Department of War. The Army’s technical equipment department is studying the status of their artillery equipment.

"According to the current situation we have collected, the artillery situation of the armies of various countries is mostly different. Zhao Guoren is equipped with more than 150 artillery with a caliber of 150 mm. This artillery is powerful and can be very powerful. Quickly break through the blockade of the forward positions, and dozens of kilograms of shells fell down. No forward position can survive well. Therefore, I suggest that we also equip such artillery." An army lieutenant colonel said. The meeting they discussed was what level of artillery the Qin army should equip. At present, most of the mainstream artillery is around 37, 50 caliber, 75mm caliber artillery is not the mainstream yet, and there are 100, 120, 150 artillery guns above 100mm. Ten-millimeter-caliber artillery, among them, Zhao is equipped with the most 150-millimeter-caliber artillery. In this regard, the Qin Army specially tested the shooting effect of the 150-mm caliber artillery. After comparing with the 120-mm caliber artillery, they found that the 150-mm caliber artillery was extremely powerful. But the disadvantage is that the 150-mm caliber gun has poor maneuverability. This requires special development of corresponding high-power crawler vehicles. Otherwise, he can only rely on railways for transportation, but in that case, the artillery will have too many restrictive factors, because their main line of attack can only be advanced along the railway. At present, the main way of advancement of the Zhao State Army is to rely on railways. Obviously Qin State did not want such factors to limit the maneuverability of artillery.

"No, no, 150mm guns are too troublesome, and their transportation is very troublesome, which is extremely difficult for our logistics support. At the same time, it will limit our attack methods. Therefore, I suggest It is still equipped with a 120mm caliber artillery. In this case, our artillery transfer speed will become faster, and at the same time motor vehicles can also be equipped quickly. You must know that the main purpose of artillery is to provide effective firepower for infantry. Support. Although the 150-mm caliber artillery is very powerful, there is a problem we need to pay attention to. If the artillery can’t keep up with the pace of the infantry, or can’t keep up with the attack of the assault group, what will happen to us? It is equivalent to losing artillery support. Our infantry needs to wait before they can get further artillery support. This is not good news for us." An army colonel said. He is an infantryman. He knows that timely firepower output is the key. Whether he is a 150mm or 100mm artillery, what he needs is the timely arrival of the artillery. Instead of waiting for a long time.

"I also agree to do this. After all, the warplanes are fleeting. Now the battle situation has become very complicated. Many situations will lead to serious new situations. Such a situation will cause a great deal to us. Influence, we must not let this happen." A colonel also said.

"At the same time, we should also see that the development of aviation, especially the improvement of the bombing level of the Army aviation, the bombs can be made bigger and bigger, we can get the support of aviation in time, there is no need to develop too much. Ten-millimeter-caliber artillery, in that case, is too bulky. This bulky approach will only slow down our marching speed." The colonel said. Others nodded their heads in agreement, and they also believed that this view is correct, after all, technology is advancing. The current development of the 150-mm caliber artillery is indeed very powerful, but it is too bulky. This is definitely not good news for the development of artillery.

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