Russa. The artillery sergeant held the phone. Sitting in the artillery headquarters, the artillery officer gave all the situation to the artillery sergeant chief Zhao Fang to command.

"The first test shot." The sergeant commanded. The sergeant next to him conveyed the order. The four 75mm mountain cannons spread out in a quadrangle. In order to conceal, they also act as camouflage. Although these are unnecessary, the sergeant chief thinks it necessary. After all, after the artillery's power is exerted, they will become the first strike target.

"Boom." A shell was launched. The shells roared out, and they didn't know how the shooting situation was at a long distance. However, this can only be done by changing the shooting target. The Zhao Jun artillery observation post in Russa Fortress. They accurately observed the impact point of the shell, and then the shell began to fall. They recorded it and picked up the phone to report their situation.

"Two degrees to the left. Continuous shooting." An artillery ensign picked up the phone and reported. Then Sergeant Chief Zhao Fang issued a shooting order from the other end of the phone.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The shells immediately fell like raindrops. The explosions continued to explode on the Northern Alliance Stan positions. Chen Jin observed the situation on the ground through the artillery mirror. They had to be more careful, because yesterday, they had 15 soldiers accidentally killed by the opponent's precise shooting. In Chen Jin's view, this was not an accident, but a precise sniper. Although most of the wounds were on the neck, chest, and rarely on the head, only one person was shot in the head. However, these positions are the vital positions of the human body. Therefore, Chen Jin believes that the soldiers of the Northern Alliance Stan must have found a cheap solution. They decided to kill them with precision shooting. This is not a good result for them, because this It means that their lives are in danger. But now, the situation has changed a lot for them.

"It seems that the 75mm mountain cannons are more powerful. They can shoot at a long distance, and the power of the shells is also greater. It is much better than the mortars that support us." Bachel put down the telescope in his hand. Speaking of.

"Well. This is indeed the case, but the mortar is easy to operate. It takes a certain amount of time to learn to operate the Seventy-Five Mountain Cannon. This is a long process. Without special school training, it is difficult to spread it on a large scale. "Chen Jin put down the telescope and said. There are a lot of weapons and varieties in this transportation. There are seventy-five mountain cannons and machine guns. Against those **** precision snipers, they will dump ammunition frantically. First, machine guns, then mortar shells, and then , The 37mm artillery supporting them will also join in, if necessary, the 75mm artillery will also bomb them to death. It is difficult for the opposing sniper to escape such crazy artillery shooting. At the same time, such crazy bombing can achieve their tactics, as well as strategic goals, and peaceful negotiations.

The main problem with the deadlock in the peace negotiations lies in the issue of tariffs. The Babylonian side has planned to lower tariffs. This is a gesture that is conducive to export transshipment trade. However, the other side’s attitude is very arrogant. They believe that greater trade taxes should be launched on import and export trade. For example, they decided to impose an unreasonable tariff of 70%. Babylon believes that the other party has no sincerity, because this would undermine the basis of negotiations.

But the attitude of Stan, the Northern Alliance, is like this. They believe that it is Babylon's own carelessness. Because they are targeting businessmen, not them. They need such a high tax, so the position is not peaceful. The Northern Alliance Stan thought of using snipers against Barristan's pistol team. They believed that such shooting could save ammunition and effectively kill the enemy's target. And in order to thoroughly attack the proud head of Stan in the Northern Alliance. A large number of new weapons continue to be put into it. In this way, both sides are trying to reach a breakthrough as much as possible.

Russa suddenly became Zhao's weapons testing ground, and various weapons were constantly being tested here. Under Zhao Jun's crazy shells pouring, the position of the Northern Alliance Stan soldiers was in a mess. Chen Jin wondered how much the soldiers of the Northern Alliance Stan in the position could survive.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Sir, this is the report of Bangladesh's request to purchase bonds. And the investigation report of the relevant bank." Zhang Liang submitted two reports at this time. Han Shu took it over, looked at the title, and looked at Zhang Liang curiously.

"Why is this?" Han Shu asked Zhang Liang puzzledly.

"My lord, a large number of banknotes must all be concentrated in the infrastructure construction of the colony. We can inject a large amount of funds by injecting funds into the banks and at the same time allowing them to purchase bonds of the colonial government. In this case, the local government will With enough funds, infrastructure construction can be carried out." Zhang Liang explained.

"Yeah. This is a good way to inject capital, but I heard that the bonds of these colonies are losing so much that they are not as valuable as depositing them in the bank." Han Shu said.

"My lord, this is because of the war and the excessive dispersion of a large number of bonds. Moreover, there is no major financial institution to operate such a thing, which has led to similar things happening. But I believe that soon, this kind of thing happened. Things won't happen again. Because we can solve such problems." Zhang Liang said. Han Shu looked at Zhang Liang, she felt that this thing was unlikely.

Because of the war, the Bangla colony continued to fight against the Champa and the Indian government in the north. This caused the local finances to become extremely tight. Because of the decrease in fiscal revenue and the expansion of expenditures, they had to issue More bonds to tide over the difficulties in the later stages of the war. War bonds completely replaced paper money and became a kind of valuable bonds issued to soldiers. In order to attract soldiers to use these bonds, they also advertised that as long as there was a certain amount of bonds. Enough land can be exchanged, which makes the soldiers more active. Some retired soldiers chose land bonds. However, after the war, everything became a lie. Because this is simply a scam.

The value of bonds has fallen below the price of waste paper, and people feel that bonds are not enough to wipe their butt, because they are just a piece of paper, not as big as their palms. However, some big landowners, parliamentarians, and plantation owners took advantage of this time to purchase bonds on a large scale, and then paid the other party extremely low currency. In this way, large-scale land was concentrated in the hands of a few people, because those plantation owners, they had the funds, and they obtained enough benefits from the plantations mortgaged to the bank, and the bank also got sufficient profits, mainly by issuing The government has also exchanged a portion of the bonds for the difference between the land bonds and the acquired value. This is their profit. And all this was passed on to those hard-working soldiers, civilians. This makes many people dissatisfied with the government, but they have to continue to live, because the holders are a certain group, and the scale is extremely scattered, they have retired. This gave them a basis on which they could not cause trouble, but it created the fact that government bonds, which are **** among rubbish, are not as good as bowel movements. This is the first impression of Mengla people on bonds.

But now, the government needs to reissue bonds. At the same time, some banks plan to buy these bonds in large quantities. They want to create an extremely active bond market. This is the purpose of Korean bankers. Their methods are extremely bloody, exposed, but Tried and tested. Because it will succeed every time. What they have to do now is to work with Korean banks to implement such a plan. Han Shu doesn't care what these banks do. Han Shu will support them as long as it is not too much.

Bangla. At a large cocktail party in a high-end hotel, there was laughter, singing and dancing. Everything is beautiful, there is nothing wrong here, there are beautiful girls, the girls are dressed up, they show their best side. And outside the hotel, many people are still working hard. If they don't work, they will be hungry because they must get today's salary, otherwise, they will not have enough food.

At the reception. A Meng La member and some South Korean businessmen gathered to discuss something. The news flows from here.

"Bond, don't be joking. This thing is not as good as toilet paper." A Meng La had already said to Anu in surprise. His voice was a bit high. The people around looked at him. He embarrassedly lowered his voice and apologized. The Koreans are superior here. Although his status is special, he is still one level lower than the opponent. But he has become accustomed to this, because his status, rights, and wealth are all given by the Koreans. Without the support of the Koreans, they have nothing.

"This is not a joke, many things are valuable, and the most valuable things will become worthless, but the things that are not worthwhile will also become valuable." A banker said with a glass of wine. Senator Mungla is puzzled. The other party began to explain.

"This is because the relationship between the previous bargaining chips, if concentrated in the hands of a few people, the bargaining chips will become very valuable, and the government needs money to build Bangladesh. It can be said that this money is spent on the birth of the Bangladeshi people. In addition, there is the South Korean government. The South Korean government also supports your construction. After all, such construction is conducive to promoting the economic development of Bangla. This can greatly increase taxation and fiscal revenue." The other party said. .

"But the problem is, if you can have a large amount of money. You must know that Bangla’s fiscal revenue is limited, but if this time is extended, for example, five years, ten years, or a period of time in the future, In this case, fiscal revenue will become very huge. Considerable.” The banker explained.

"From the perspective of the future, Bangladesh's economy is prosperous and impressive, which means that long-term holding of government bonds is completely a considerable investment method. So, do you understand what I mean?" The banker said so. In fact, when telling the other party this news, South Korean bankers had reached some kind of contracting agreement with the Bangla government. They issued a large number of five-year and three-year bonds, and these banks were contracted for sales. The bond is obtained at 50% of the value of the bond. With this bond income, the government can carry out bidding for infrastructure. They will play a great role in the future.

"I. I seem to understand." Senator Mungla said. In fact, he didn't understand, he didn't know what the truth was, but he knew that those Korean bankers were meat-eating but not bone-like things. They couldn't wait to eat even a little bit of oil and water. They were kind. To tell you, there must be a reason, but if he can really make money, he feels that he can participate in it. He feels that he can make a fortune and leave. This is a good idea. After explaining this, he left quickly. Then he bought some new bonds issued by the government, but he found that there were no such bonds in the market, that is to say, all bonds have been in the hands of Korean bankers, who have a high degree of monopoly on all bonds. After all, in the eyes of others, such bonds will fall in price. But this does not bother them. How could they not even get a bond? This is simply an insult to their IQ.

The Bangladeshi government is issuing bonds to raise more funds, and the Seth government is also worried about their fiscal revenue. After all, they cannot rely on the assistance of the Zhao government to solve the problem for a long time.

"The current situation seems to make our financial situation worse, because our trade has not been able to open up the situation, and the war in the north has fallen into a stalemate negotiation situation. If it goes on for a long time, it will produce a very bad situation for us." Zhu Li said with great worry.

"Well, what do you think is the main factor in Seth's current economy?" the king asked.

"In other words, what restricts this kind of thing from happening? I want to understand such a thing. Only by understanding such a thing can many of our things be effectively unfolded." The king said.

"Well. My thinking is this. I think the main factor of restriction is that trade cannot expand rapidly. This is the most difficult thing for us. After all, it is difficult for us many times. To start such a thing, we need to improve our relations with the South. After all, before, I have seen that our economy and the South have a great influence. When the trade in the North is severely restricted, we need to have a good relationship with the South. I think It’s so necessary.” Zhu Li said.

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