South Korea, Xinzheng.

"My lord, the resumption of trade is of great help to South Korea, and the impact on the country of Seth is also limited. If trade is not resumed, our Port of Seth will be abolished. Because we need to extract and import oil from there. .But we cannot export our products. In this case, our situation will deteriorate, which will directly lead to the occurrence of trade imbalances, which has a great impact on us. Now what we have to do is, Restoring this trade imbalance and making trade more beneficial to us, the Seth people also saw that this situation is beneficial to them, and they agreed to do this." Zhang Liang said to Han Shu.

"Yeah. Fortunately, we are already very concerned about trade performance. Under such circumstances, we naturally need to do something like this to solve the problem." Han Shu thought for a while. At present, South Korea’s main fiscal revenue comes from trade taxes. If trade taxes are reduced, the Korean government will mean a reduction in fiscal revenue. For example, Port Seth, which occupies a large part.

In the dignity and prejudice of a major power, South Korea has adopted a de facto trade blockade. In fact, the South Korean government has not issued such an order. But in consideration of the dignity of a great power. They took such measures, and as a result, they found themselves uncomfortable, which directly led to their situation becoming less favorable. The occurrence of this situation actually conflicted with South Korea’s own trade policy. of. Faced with such a conflict, the Korean government can only effectively change its current situation by accepting such terms of trade. This is the situation of the Koreans themselves, and now they have solved the problem by themselves.

Because they do not have any direct connection with their interests, if they do so, the situation will become very unfavorable. Finally, South Korea had to re-encourage to increase its influence on trade. Resuming trade is the only correct choice.

On the west coast of Africa, in the waters near the Democratic Republic of Congo today, three Korean warships are docked here. Their commander-in-chief, Major General Shi Qing, is checking their map. In fact, this is the farthest place the Korean expedition ship has reached. There is dense jungle here, they can only dock in coastal areas, and cannot go deep inland. In fact, they can't do such a thing.

"Sir, isn't this a bit too risky? After all, we are personnel of the headquarters. Once we encounter uncontrollable risk factors, the result will have a great impact on us. We must not let this happen." Said the Colonel Chief of Staff Song Kai.

"I don't want to. But there is no way. Our men are not willing to go to such a place. Who knows what will happen, the Admiralty guys, they just give orders, but we have to run far, far. Only local governments can solve the problem.” Major General Shi Qing said.

"But, sir, if you do this, the risk is too great. In many cases, problems that we can't solve will cause us to have a big deviation. Once there is a deviation, the situation." Song Kai still worried. Although this is an order from the Admiralty. However, none of the South Korean navy stationed at Cape Hope is willing to undertake such a task, because this task is too risky. They all know what dangers the entire ocean is full of. There is a place where savages live and there is no civilization at all. , Spending such a large amount of money and investing a lot of people’s lives in exchange may also be a barren land. For them, it is simply an unbearable place. They absolutely can’t stand this happening. For this, Their only way is to resist such things. In desperation, Shi Qing, commander of Hope Cape's navy, had to go to battle in person. Take the only three large warships into the expedition to the northern waters, because he is the commander, the highest commander, if he can't set an example, then their subordinates naturally have reasons to reject such unreasonableness. The command. This is the situation.

"Let’s talk about the future situation. We are advancing along the coastal line. There may be various situations, such as reefs and storms. These are all things we have to be careful about. Regarding the situation in the land and coastal areas, We don’t want to keep in touch with them. Who knows what kind of savages are on the shore. This is the most unfavorable situation for us. We cannot do such things. In that case, our situation will become very passive, so , We can’t do it.” Shi Qing said, looking at the hand-drawn nautical chart in his hand. Although they have introduced scales and more precise latitude and longitude coordinates, this is not enough, because none of these conditions means that they know the road conditions ahead.

"In this case, our speed will be faster. The only thing I worry about is fuel. If we only replenish with the transport ship at the back, we will spend a long time, and it will be difficult to find it. Once there is a communication disaster, Our fun is great." Song Kai said worriedly.

"Yeah, I also have this kind of worry, but there is no way. There is no such place for replenishing fuel nearby. We have modified our boilers as much as possible. If necessary, we can use sails. This has been done. It's our best effort." Shi Qing said helplessly. The biggest cost of an expedition is not how far you can go, but the problem of fuel and logistical supplies. In this regard, Shi Qingga has made improvements in communication. For example, the latest radio stations with higher stability have been installed and used, but the problem is that the power has been reduced a lot. This allowed their communication distance to appear within a very limited distance range. Once the transport ship was not within this range, their problem would be serious. In addition to these, there are boilers. Their boilers are transformed into boilers that can burn wood and other sundries, although a large part of the power and parts are sacrificed, because the dust produced by wood will seriously affect the machinery. This situation has been proved. In order to solve this problem, they can only sacrifice power and carry parts that are easily consumed for expeditions. Everything seems so passive and helpless, but this is the expedition they want to do. No one can change this situation. They know this very well.

On the Suez Canal, the speedboat brigade supported by the Zhao State Navy docked in the port area outside Suez City, and their Marines were on guard. Although the Koreans have provided protection, Zhao Guojun still hopes to take on such a task by himself. After all, they don't trust the Koreans. They are afraid of any mistakes, knowing that such mistakes will kill them.

In an office temporarily renovated in a warehouse, the Zhao State Navy’s temporary intelligence agency was located here. They claimed to the outside world that this was the place where electronic information was received, that is, where telegrams were sent and received.

"Is there any news? We have come here. Work should start as soon as possible, otherwise, those **** superiors will be dissatisfied with us." Naval Intelligence Major Li Zuo said with a smile. He seems to be an optimist, which is completely different from the serious style of intelligence, but he is such a person, with rich imagination, and he can do many things that he can't.

"Yes, sir, we have collected some information about the battle between the South Korean navy and the pirates." A lieutenant submitted a report. The report recorded the course of the battle through a third-party narrative. For example, most of the siege of the speedboat squadron in the 3rd Navy was conducted using a third-party dictation, which is more reliable. However, there is more content and lack of logic.

"Well. Your work is going well. It seems that if necessary, you need to be rewarded. This is a great encouragement for you." Major Li Zuo said.

"Thank you sir, these are what we should do." The lieutenant replied. Long before the Zhao State Navy arrived, their intelligence department had already started related work. However, it is the collection of some low-level intelligence from the periphery. They know how useful they are and can only collect some things that have happened, but they don't know the core secrets.

"I see some problems." Major Li Zuo said. The report he has read quickly. He noticed some details. There is no way, he is the commander here.

"I noticed a problem. The weapons used by the Carthaginians seem to be very detrimental to the Carthaginians. They are still equipped with old-fashioned flintlocks and outdated smoothbore guns, not just The most terrible thing about these is that their condition has not been fundamentally improved. I mean, their condition is very unfavorable." Li Zuo said.

"Yes, sir, their situation has not been fundamentally improved. According to our analysis, the war will stop after a short while because the pirates' weapons, numbers, and material mobilization are far inferior to South Korea. People, they seem to be aware of this, and the Koreans are heading towards the Mediterranean. In that case, they will compress each other’s living space a little bit. Under such circumstances, the living conditions of Carthage will be There are big twists and turns, which will greatly damage their current situation." The lieutenant said.

"Well. If we intervene, or say, this is an opportunity, we can stop them and become beneficial to us. In this case." Li Zuo said with a smile.

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