Russa Front. The continuous shelling finally stopped for a while, and the soldiers of the Northern Alliance Stan on the opposite side were finally relieved.

"Good news." Bacher walked in happily and said to Chen Jin.

"Is there any good news? In my opinion, continuous bombardment is the best news. We can completely defeat the opponent's Northern Alliance Stan. I have already thought of a good tactic, as long as we concentrate our forces. Completely defeat the opponent." Chen Jin put down the telescope in his hand and said to Bacher.

"Oh. I know. But, we don't need it anymore." Bachel looked at Chen Jin and said. He knew that the other party came from the excellent military command academy of the State of Zhao, and he also wanted to study there, but unfortunately, it was too far away. Tuition is an amazingly expensive process, so he felt that he should give up.

"No need? What does this mean?" Chen Jin asked puzzled, he really didn't understand why the other party said that.

"Yes, negotiations. There has been significant progress in the negotiations, and we can completely solve these problems. I believe it is like this. I know that we may find it difficult to accept, but the situation is like this. We solved the problem. That's right. For us, it’s not a difficult task. The Northern Alliance Stan has made major concessions. They can impose a 1% tariff, which is lower than the expected 3% tariff. However, we need to reach a long-term agreement. A twenty-year permanent ceasefire agreement. In addition, there are also a series of arms trade agreements, as well as economic and trade agreements???????" Bacher hasn't finished speaking yet, he has seen Chen Jin very disappointed. In other words, becoming annoyed by disappointment.

"It shouldn't be this way. We have already won, and our victory has reached the dominant position in the negotiation." Chen Jin said angrily. He had already thought of an excellent infantry assault tactic. He saw the advantages of the mortar and the Qiwushan Cannon. Such a bombardment could effectively shred the opponent’s line of defense. Under such circumstances, they could launch such an attack. Attack, and then swiftly inserted into the enemy's rear, until it reached the opponent's logistics supply line, and then stopped to establish a stable defensive position. In this case, the soldiers of the entire Northern Alliance Stan will be surrounded or collapsed. In this case, the Rusa line can at least move forward for a hundred kilometers, and if there is no one hundred, there are fifty kilometers. Because the opponent’s defense line is average defense, it seems that it is difficult for them to continue to defend in this situation. This is a huge advantage for them. Faced with such an advantage, it is difficult for the opponent to further open the situation. may. But the problem is. Time, now that he does not have enough time to implement his plan, he has been forced to stop his combat intentions, which is simply the most unbearable result for him.

"I know, I know the plan is very good, but the negotiation, we have achieved the goal. We can't fight." Bacher said in a soft tone as much as possible, he knew that the other party could not bear this. Strike, after all, he put too much thought into the entire battle plan and made more battle plans. For him, this is the best way to fight, but now everything has not been implemented.

"Damn it." Chen Jin scolded like this. Bacher didn't know how to answer these questions.

On the front line of Russa, Barristan’s army achieved a series of tactical achievements under Zhao’s advisers and aided arms and weapons. These achievements are that they caused a large number of deaths of front-line soldiers, and many soldiers of the other side showed continuous artillery bombardment. There was an amazing sense of fear, and many people peeed their pants in fright. Many more people cannot become stressed by the continuous shelling, or even shoot themselves. Under such circumstances, their morale has dropped to an alarming level. This is not a good phenomenon for them, because it means that many of them have become difficult to continue fighting. In desperation, they chose to end. This war, in fact, it is difficult for the Northern Alliance Stan to continue. Because they have seen that if they continue, they will have no results. It is better to end this war happily. If this is the case, they will be able to perform better. This is the situation they currently choose.

Babylon. King Seth was very excited.

"In this case, the war is over. Moreover, we have achieved our expected goal." The king said excitedly.

"Yes, king, in the most important way, the Northern Alliance Stan has shown willingness to trade arms with us. This time we used a lot of artillery bombardment and machine gun shooting. They expressed their willingness to accept these new weapons, if needed. , We will also send military students to us for learning. Of course, they are willing to pay more for such learning.” Zhao Rui said.

"Study?" The king was a little surprised.

"Yes, study and learn from our combat experience. They believe that we are an advanced party. If the Seth army comes to fight here, they will have a great influence on us." Zhao Rui said.

"Yeah." The king nodded. He was not surprised by the purchase of arms, because they also needed such equipment, especially the bombardment of the 75mm artillery, which directly bombed the opposing soldiers without morale. An army that loses courage will have no combat effect, and they will completely lose the possibility of combat. However, he was surprised by these things in the Military Academy.

"Your Majesty, combat is not just a matter of military equipment, but also requires a high degree of unity of personnel and equipment. This unity requires training, familiarity with equipment, and the use of logistics supplies. This is a highly art." Zhao Rui said Speaking of. Zhao State has a special military academy. They can be responsible for cultivating such military students, and they will become senior military commanders.

"Yes, what I need is such people. They need them, and we need them. I think we need to set up a special military command academy here. I heard that you have a special school of this kind, right?" In response, he asked Zhao Rui a question like this.

"Yes. Your Majesty, we have such specialized talents. It is very obvious that they can play a greater role. However, the current situation is that we need to accept such a group of military commanders in order to learn more. What an advanced learning experience." Zhao Rui said.

"No problem. I think so too. I plan to establish two important military academies in Babylon, an officer and a noncommissioned academy. They cultivate a variety of skills. I hope that Zhao Guo can send some senior teachers. Of course. We will also give the corresponding salary, as well as the cooperation plan." The king said.

"This, there is no problem, I believe that China will agree to do this." Zhao Rui said.

"Well. I haven't finished talking yet. I think that besides these, we still need a lot of things. For example, we also need some higher-level studies. For example, there are many middle-level officers in the Seth New Army. , And the lack of senior officers, it is difficult for us to be promoted for a while. In this case, this will inevitably affect the composition of our officers. This is not good news for us. I think we can start from here. Starting to solve this problem, my idea is like this. We can solve this problem through study. For example, we can send more students to Handan to study. At the expense, we can offer more support." King Your Majesty said so.

"This. I can try to communicate. Perhaps, this can bring some convenience. I believe that the country may support it a little bit." Zhao Rui did not dare to promise such a condition in China. After all, it is necessary to train officers. , It is equivalent to the formation of more troops, because officers are the skeleton of the army, with such a skeleton, the army can be established soon. Whether Seth is in Qin's military interests, Zhao Rui is really hard to judge. After all, something went wrong, and his military adviser is very responsible.

The northern section of Suez, South Korea’s Northern Speedboat Combat Group Headquarters, is actually a joint combat group consisting of the Second Speedboat Squadron and the Fifth Speedboat Squadron. Their main task is to fight against Carthage pirates and seize control of the sea in nearby waters. This is Their primary goal.

"Sir, we caught a spy, but the other party said that they are representatives of Carthage." A naval military police came in and reported that the original defense mission should be the Marine Corps, but the Marine Corps is in The entire Suez Canal area has only one company, and there are more troops that need to be assembled and then engaged in combat. In desperation, they can only be handed over to some naval military police to solve this kind of thing. Can they play the effect they should have? Come, it's really not clear.

"Oh. What does that mean?" Li Bai, a captain of the navy, asked curiously.

"I think we can meet, sir. After all, maybe they can bring us some surprises." A lieutenant suggested.

"Well, let him in, I want to see what the other party wants to do, right. We need to find an interpreter. The problem is, none of us knows the other party's language." Captain Li Bai said embarrassedly.

"Sir, the other party can speak our words relatively fluently. It seems that the other party is prepared." The military police replied.

"In that case, it would be too strange. Let him in, I need to see what the other person thinks, can he meet our needs? This is simply too unexpected." Li Bai said. In fact, he felt very strange.

Soon, a tall man was pushed in. His hair was black, but his eyes were blue. He was wearing a local white robe and slippers-like shoes. It seemed that he was a local scholar.

"I don't understand, what will your pirate send a spy to us?" Li Bai said.

"This, sir, I first declare that I am not a spy. I am a representative who came to negotiate with your country on behalf of the Carthage naval forces. My name is Dyer. First of all, we should recognize that, There may have been some misunderstandings between the two sides. We have no intention of offending your country. As a result, some customs disputes have led to unpleasant things happening to us. These are unpleasant to us. Fortunately, such things are over." Speaking of this.

"End?" Li Bai asked angrily.

"Yes. Sir, we are willing to compensate the other party for some of the losses, such unpleasant things, I think, we should let him pass, this is not much good for us." Li Bai said.

"No, no, I don’t think you have clearly recognized one thing, that is, we in South Korea don’t think this is a misunderstanding. First of all, there is a problem with your attitude. There is no need to entangle this matter too much. We can. Talk to him and you, but your attitude must be correct. This is not a misunderstanding, this is a conflict, it is a war, and you are the first to start the war. The responsibility lies with you, not us." Li Bo said solemnly. Then he waved to the military police to take the other party out. He was already very disgusted with the other party's actions.

Speaking of the military police, he dragged the opponent out. The other party seemed to want to defend something further, but Li Bai no longer gave the other party such a chance. He has issued an order for the military police to pull the opponent down.

"Sir, is it unreasonable to do this? After all, we still need such a negotiation opportunity. For us, it may be a good opportunity to end the war." A lieutenant said worriedly.

"No, the basis of negotiation is strength. Our strength is far greater than that of the other party, and the Carthaginians are no longer likely to have more opportunities to resist. Their military strength is very limited. Under such circumstances It seems that it is difficult for them to carry out further actions. Now that the initiative is in our hands, we naturally want to launch military actions, and their intentions have been beaten out by us. Because it is clear that they no longer have too much power to suppress us. Under such circumstances, we would naturally do this." Li Bai said.

"This." The lieutenant was still puzzled. However, Li Bai only ordered the situation to be reported to the superior, and then decided to let the superior do such a thing. After all, their situation will have a greater impact, which is a major decision for them. Because the Carthaginians themselves released such a bad signal, it means that they have taken the initiative.

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