One hundred and fifty kilometers away from the Suez Canal, South Korea has set up a labor camp here. In fact, this is a slave concentration camp, where more than 70,000 slaves are imprisoned. At its peak, more than 200,000 people were imprisoned here. The number is extremely large.

"Sir, I've brought it." In an officer's office, a thin man who loves a few was brought in. The other man stooped, hunched over, and his eyes wandered. At first sight, he was a man who was stunned by the wind. In fact, This is such a person, he is a foreman in the labor camp, he is in charge of more than 7,000 people. In order to effectively manage these workers, the Koreans recruited some foremen among these people. The foremen were divided into different sizes, and then the foremen recruited some thugs by themselves. In this way, they established a preliminary management system, even though the system seemed It's that simple, but it combines the interests of locals and Koreans. Such a management system is tacitly approved by Koreans. If there weren't a few people in the middle who acted as intermediaries, Koreans might not be able to operate such a large labor group, because in that case, it would consume more human resources on this.

Those foremen have effectively controlled these labor groups. Their thugs can manage each other through beatings and intimidation. At the same time, they can also control the other side’s food sources. These foremen and thugs are not involved in the work, so they will find a way. Take advantage of them. For example, they will deduct the food they don’t have much, and then allocate some heavy physical work to people they can’t understand. Koreans know these nasty little tricks, but they don’t care about them.

"Sir, I don't know, what do you want to do with me." The other party nodded and said with a bow. They are almost completely reduced to a dog.

"Toler. I was just a slave before. I was sold here by the nobles. Right?" a South Korean ensign officer looked at the other side and said.

"Yes. Yes, sir." Toler nodded quickly. Then he kept expressing his attitude.

"What I want to know is, do you hate those nobles and governments that you love?" The ensign then asked such a question.

"Hate, hate, absolutely hate, I hate them every day, I hate them to death. They make me a slave for the rest of my life, can not lift my head, it is they who made us unable to live, I thank you, thank the Koreans Coming, if it weren't for South Korea, I would still be a slave. I hate those who made me a slave. In their eyes, we are not as good as each other." Toler said immediately. He performed this statement every day, and the Koreans actually believed his statement.

"Very well, I now have a task for you to let you leave here." The ensign said.

"This, this can't. I didn't do anything wrong, really, I didn't do anything wrong. You can't do this." Toller immediately pleaded on his knees. He didn't know what to do, he did just that anyway. He knows some things. For example, if the Koreans let him go, it means that his value is lost. In the labor camp, he was a talking foreman, but when he went outside, he was nothing. For him, it was a disaster, because it meant that he lost everything. This is not what he wants to see.

"No, you did nothing wrong. The Koreans just need you more and need you to do something more beneficial to Korea. Don't worry, these things are extremely beneficial to you." The ensign said.

"This. That's it." Toller let go of worrying. The Koreans didn't embarrass him. This shows that he still has value, but the question is, he doesn't know how long such value can last. Anyway, such a thing is extremely beneficial to him. If such a thing can be done, he still feels that it can be maintained.

Then the second lieutenant told the other party to be the leader of the anti-government army. In fact, it is very simple. South Korea will provide some weapons and ammunition, and some consultants will contact and supervise. Then let them expand their army on a large scale, attack the government, and undermine the government's right to govern the place. With this kind of destruction, the disobedient Aiji government can be combated very well. This is the most advantageous option for Koreans. But Toller thinks this matter is still difficult, but he did not say it. In fact, Toller is not the only candidate. Koreans have chosen many such people to perform such tasks. As for whether they can If it succeeds, the South Korean government doesn't know. Maybe they can, maybe they can't. In short, their success is not directly related to them. Because they just have to mess with the Aiji government. As for other things, they are beyond their control.

South Korea, Xinzheng. The Technical Division of the Department of War.

"Is this a weapon?" an army lieutenant colonel asked Li Qin. He is a weapon expert, but none of the weapons he invented has been recognized by the military, but this time he brought a new defensive weapon, which is actually a steel helmet, he said after seeing the report on the battlefield. He saw some novels, reports, and some plots, that is, during trench operations, some soldiers put cooking pots or lunch boxes on their heads. It is said that this can avoid the damage of ricocheting. And such things have been confirmed on the battlefield time and time again. As for the authenticity, no one knows, but such a thing must happen.

"Yes, this is a defensive weapon that mainly protects the soldiers' heads. The current war has become very cruel. Soldiers are easily ricocheted and injured by shrapnel. If it can protect the soldiers' heads, for example, in the trenches. The head is the first to stick out, so he is dangerous. Under such circumstances, being able to exert such a threat. It is the best guarantee to protect the lives of soldiers." Li Qin said. His explanation is somewhat reluctant, but the lieutenant colonel still knows these things. On the battlefield, the damage caused by the shrapnel has indeed become very large. The fatal injuries on the head are particularly high. The death rate of the soldiers is very high. The opponent’s helmet is actually A die-cast steel plate. The process of making it is as simple as casting a pot. The cost of making such a thing may not count as much, and it can protect the soldier's head. Perhaps the South Korean Army should be equipped with such equipment.

"I think it's a bit too heavy. After all, wearing such a helmet will make the soldier's head very heavy. The soldier's spine can't stand it." The lieutenant colonel said that he put it on his head and tried it. test.

"Sir, I think this will adapt. After all, this is just a process. Moreover, compared with the load of the soldier, this weight is not very heavy. The most important thing is that the soldier can protect his head and improve the soldier's weight. Survival rate, the lethality of the current artillery is becoming more and more serious, especially the shrapnel, there are a lot of single pieces produced by blasting, and it is difficult to bear randomly splashing on people’s heads. Our military caps are already difficult. Adapted to such crazy shooting. If you have such a helmet, I believe that the soldier's living conditions are much better." Li Qin quickly explained.

"Well, well, I will apply for a report to the Department of War for such weapons or helmets. As for how many there are, I don't know how much." The lieutenant colonel looked at the helmet and said. Li Qin expressed his gratitude. After all, this is the first time he has been accepted by the War Department. It seems that his products have been accepted. With the continuous upgrade of weapons, the protection of soldiers has become weaker and weaker. Soldiers are easily killed by fragility. Although the ambulance system on the battlefield continues to upgrade, this still cannot effectively save the lives of soldiers because of the upgrade of weapons. Far beyond the defensive power, the helmets of the past were taken out again. In fact, such things have already happened on the battlefield. Some soldiers took old-fashioned helmets and put them on their heads to fight. However, the military , The official standard helmet has never been in service, the reason is very simple, the above has not noticed this problem, because they have never thought that soldiers do not need such weapons. But now, this question has been raised. The reason is that the lethality level of weapons is constantly rising. If the soldiers are not effectively protected, their situation will become even more fragile.

Zhao State of Handan. Inside the staff.

"This is a telegram from Seth. They hope to provide them with some opportunities to study abroad in the military. After all, they still lack more backbone officers, especially senior officers, and they need to continue to learn and strengthen supplements in this area. "Li Zuoche handed a telegram to Li Mu.

"They want to learn?" Li Mu asked.

"Yes, sir." Li Zuoche said.

"Seth lacks many senior officers, and their combat tactics are very rigid. This is not suitable for their combat conditions. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for them to conduct long-term combat. This is extremely detrimental to them. I think Under such conditions, we should provide them with such an opportunity. In this way, it can affect the attitude of a large number of their officers towards Zhao Guo. Such an attitude is very necessary." Li Zuoche is like this. Speaking of.

"Yeah. It makes sense." Li Mu nodded.

"The most important thing is that they will also provide a large amount of funding. With such a funding, it will be very helpful to us. Under such circumstances, our army equipment can be improved a lot." Li The left car said. This is the important reason why Zhao Guo accepts such conditions.

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