Qin State, Xianyang, Motor Vehicle Association.

"As for the understanding of tires, I think everyone can understand the situation well." A man with the label of vice chairman stood up and said.

"At present, our motor vehicles cannot fully replace horse-drawn carriages. In many remote places, horse-drawn carriages still have a large market. In more remote areas, ox carts exist. As for why this happened, In addition to the high price of motor vehicles, there is also the fact that motor vehicles are not too practical." The man said.

"We have reduced the cost of engines, transmissions, and overall locomotives a lot, but we still cannot change this situation. Therefore, we are also studying and actively seeking changes. Later, we discovered that these are tires. Because of the lack of better tires, our motor vehicles are difficult to adapt to various road conditions. Some of the speeds are lower than that of a horse-drawn carriage, but the horse-drawn carriage does not cost more. In this case, the only thing we can do , Is to raise the tires as soon as possible. Now, we finally found such a suitable material, which is rubber." The vice chairman introduced. Soon they officially launched the tires. A wider tire appeared in front of them, this tire can bring them greater benefits, this advantage is that it is wear-resistant and strong. If there is such a tire, coupled with their engine, and the overall performance improvement, this will make their motor vehicle sales more favorable.

"In this case, it would be great. This is simply the biggest impact for us, but the question is, how can this situation be changed? We must know that many times our situation cannot be greatly improved. It's just that I don't know where this thing comes from. If this problem can be solved, I would rather spend all my deposits." Many members said one after another. They have large and small motor vehicles in their hands, and they immediately saw the benefits of rubber.

"To be honest, this thing comes from the Americas, which can solve all our situations, but the problem is that the rubber we have in the laboratory can't meet our needs. Not only that, the production is seriously insufficient, and the training cycle takes ten years. This is an extremely serious blow to us. We cannot wait for such a long time. This is very unfavorable to us. We should be clear about this." The vice president said.

The others finally knew where the rubber came from. The distant Americas are far away for them, because this kind of thing is simply an unattainable goal for them.

"Therefore, we plan to set up the United Rubber Company to form such a company through share capital contribution. All motor vehicle companies can join in voluntarily, because only with sufficient funds can we solve this problem. I I believe that everyone will understand such a thing. Dispersed funds will bring greater risks. Only by pooling enough funds can our problems be better solved." The vice chairman said. The distant Americas need to invest in a larger fleet to solve the problem. This requires more funds and more power to complete such a thing. If this is not possible, it is simply a major issue for them. brutal reality.

In fact, all business owners have already seen this. It is difficult for them to complete such a long voyage individually, because the cost of ocean going is not their company, the company can bear, but if a joint enterprise is formed, they will Have such strength and strength now. This is simply the best way for them. That's how the situation changed. They united to solve the problem of rubber.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Inside the private clubhouse of a high-end hotel. Several parliamentarians and businessmen are discussing their funding issues.

"There are many investment opportunities now. We can invest our funds abroad, such as investing in some infrastructure facilities. For the locals in Bangla, they all need them. For us, we also need them. This We need to do this completely," said a member of the Diet. More businessmen nodded their heads to agree with this view. They also think that there are great opportunities there. With such opportunities, they can do a lot of things. This is a very critical point for them because of this. Things, their project can have a high chance.

If you simply look at such conversations on the surface, there is actually nothing, but such conversations have brought a lot of ulterior secrets. That is money laundering. It is no secret that legislators participate in the most profitable business. The crux of the problem lies in how they legitimize the money they earn. This requires investment so that they don’t care about the economic development of the colony. What they care about is the deterioration of the infrastructure. They only care about the investment. They can do it only after the investment enters it. This is what they need to do, because only in this way can they completely solve the current problems they should solve. Therefore, the investment The purpose is their ulterior foundation. What they care about is how they legally reach their own hands. In the investment boom brought about by the expansion of funds, many people see such an opportunity, and they participate in it if they contribute to the flames. , This has to be said that this is a kind of irony.

As capital continues to chase benefits, more and more people participate in it. Bureaucratic corruption is an inevitable matter for South Korea to work harder. Although South Korea as a whole is still in an upward trend, it has inevitably caused it. A situation.

In Han Shu's office, Han Shu looked at the telegram from the Admiralty.

"The Carthaginians acted very quickly. They actually met us directly and negotiated with us. It was a joke." Han Shu said noncommittal. Because they have won a greater chance of winning. With the continuous increase of the South Korean Navy’s forces, this situation will become easy. The situation in South Korea is developing in a favorable situation. In contrast, the situation of the people in Carthage appears to be extremely deteriorating, and their situation will It will become extremely difficult. For them, it is simply a huge disaster.

"We don't need to control their feelings in this way, because there is not much actual situation with us." Han Shu said. Indeed, South Korea has the ability to do such things.

"My lord, we still need to increase the strength of more than 50,000 troops to occupy and control the Mediterranean coast of Aiji, so that we can enter the core area of ​​Aijiren, but currently only a few thousand people are provided to us. With a force of several thousand people, it seems that this is a bit too difficult." said the Secretary of the Army. To solve all the problems, they need tens of thousands of people. However, the strength of these tens of thousands of troops has caused greater difficulties for South Korea, because South Korea does not have such a large number of troops to provide them.

After all, the army only has tens of thousands of troops. It is unlikely that South Korea will send all the standing troops there to fight. In that case, the combat forces they put in will be very huge, which is a huge sacrifice for them. , And loss.

"I can only mention some of your colonial troops. As for the standing army, it is impossible because they need to deal with the potential dangers that may exist in South Korea. Of course. Only a small amount of troops can still be provided, but if there are too many, it is absolutely Impossible things, I think, you should be clear about what I mean." Han Shu said clearly. Han Shu is too clear about what it means to happen. Therefore, Han Shu can only provide them with a small number of standing troops and a large number of colonial troops. They know too well what the colonial army is like. Those are all mobs, and they are thankful for being able to fight on the battlefield.

"Okay. My lord, this is probably the best support we have." The Secretary of the Army can only retreat. The colonial army is also an army. If they can perform well in supervising the war, they can also meet this requirement. . The Secretary of the Army is not talking anymore. After all, they couldn't refute such things.

"Right. There are still some things. According to our reliable information, Seth decided to send military students to Zhao Country. What do you think about such a thing?" Han Shu asked the Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Navy.

"My lord, I think there must be some hidden secret in this." said the Secretary of the Navy.

"Well, I agree with this point. As for the secret, we don’t know. But an officer is the skeleton of an army. If they lose the role of the skeleton, an army will become a pile of rotten meat. It doesn't have much positive meaning." said the Secretary of the Army.

"In this way, the army of Seth will be upgraded to a higher level. In this case, the surrounding military forces will be difficult to deal with. Therefore, I think it is necessary for us to also allow them to study abroad. As for the tuition, we can This is achieved through economic and trade exchanges." Han Shu said. Han Shu originally thought it was not a major event, but after hearing about the important role of military officers, she decided to pay attention. Women are fickle. Under such circumstances, it is understandable to make such a choice. After all, this kind of thing does not mean much to them. What they need to do is to quickly resolve the current situation.

"Yes, my lord, we will provide them with some help according to your request." said the Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Navy.

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