Fifty kilometers west of Baba, Chen Li’s headquarters temporarily found a place to rest at will. They had to take a good rest, because the Freedom Army was completely unable to keep up with the rhythm of the regular army, which seriously hindered their march. speed.

"Sir. Relying on these Free Forces, I think it will be difficult for us to win the battle." Chief of Staff Zhang Chen complained that the cavalry unit has advanced to a hundred kilometers, but they are still 50 kilometers away from the cavalry unit. Increase the distance between the cavalry and the main force, and the cavalry may be encircled because they are advancing too fast, and the Chief of Staff has to worry about it.

"I know this. The cavalry units should advance too fast like this. On the contrary, we must advance as soon as possible to ensure the safety of their side and rear wings. What I am worried about is the reaction of a few people and where they will go. Only to react." Chen Li thought as he burned the fire. This is the Gobi Desert. It will be extremely hot during the day, but it will be very cold at night. Many new soldiers have not adapted to this kind of life. Some people are still sick, and they need a process of adaptation.

"So, sir, how do you deal with the Free Army?" Chief of Staff Zhang Chen asked his chief. He should have managed such a thing, but the problem is that it is difficult for him to change his previous thinking when dealing with the issue of the Free Army. , Because he has always been very skeptical of those Free Army, it is difficult for a person to make the suspected object work well under the suspicion.

"What I want to do is to let them scatter around looking for supplies. At the same time, to make Aiji’s situation more chaotic, the best way is to let them entrap some people and fight with us together. In this case, our The strength is great. To weaken the other party is to strengthen ourselves. Isn't it?" Chen Li said. Zhang Chen didn't refute, he thought what his chief said was very reasonable, and since it has been decided, then they will do the same.

In the camp of the Liberty Army, Toller was eating his own dinner with his men. Their dinner was quite rich, much better than before. After all, this is a coastal area, and the economic situation is still very good, and because it is close to the agricultural area, the living conditions of the locals are relatively good. For example, the few houses they robbed today still have some valuable things in their homes. , This is much better than their wandering around inland.

"Head." A little boss said with a smile.

"Fuck. From now on, I'll call you sir. Don’t call it head, head. Now I’m a real lieutenant colonel. I’ll align with the Koreans and call me sir.” Toller said, he threw a camel’s leg aside. , And those soldiers are still chewing on fleshy bones, which are cleaner than what the dogs eat.

"Yes, sir, sir, what shall we do from now on?" said the little boss. He carried a lieutenant's sign on his shoulder.

"In the future, we will follow the Koreans, but we still have to advise the Koreans to grab the surrounding areas again. This is called providing assistance. Those who have lost things, then we will follow. In this case, During the war, let them charge forward, and we can expand our team by the way. I can understand it. The Koreans gave me a lieutenant colonel brand to see how many people I have, if not our number exceeds 1,000. . Maybe just give me a brand of beans, next time, don’t drive those people away. Let me pull in together, in this case, our team can be considered to be very expanded.” Toler said. In this turbulent era, only a gun can guarantee everything for yourself. Without a guy in your hands, you are nothing. He thinks this is such a truth.

Qiao Zhuang. Captain Liu Gong was very troubled. Because last night, they suffered a certain amount of loss. A big fire burned one-third of their tea mountain, and the loss was relatively large. This is not the most disturbing place. They have lost more than a dozen people. Although measures have been taken, casualties are still unavoidable.

"Sir, if this continues, our situation will be very bad. The indigenous people are in the dark, and we are in the light. We can't catch them at all. Our manpower is severely insufficient. We will have to defend everywhere. I am worried that it will have a great impact on morale." The ensign said. Captain Liu Gong didn't speak, he just looked at the dead bodies whose heads were chopped off, and others were strangled to death, apparently during a sneak attack at night. But Chu Jun couldn't adapt to such tactics for a while. Worse, the fear of being attacked is spreading. This makes their situation even more unfavorable, and their situation is in an extremely delicate state.

"Yes, this situation really needs to be changed. Otherwise, our situation will become bad. We need more people and we need to attack. Only those more people can understand the situation of the locals. Otherwise, we can't do anything at all. Go deep into it." Liu Gong said so. Jungle guerrilla warfare, this kind of warfare is flexible and changeable, which makes the Chu army in the bright place very passive. They need to adopt the same tactics to counter the opponent. Only in this way can the situation become more favorable. This is the situation.

"But sir, the country doesn't seem to agree with this view." The ensign said worriedly. They couldn't be too clear about the situation in China. They will not increase military spending to invest in the situation of the Vietnamese.

"Damn, they will feel the seriousness of this problem when our tea quantity decreases," Lieutenant Liu Gong scolded. This is indeed the case. Although their losses are acceptable at the beginning, as time goes by, this kind of losses will accumulate and cause catastrophes, and the Chu government needs to make greater changes in things. Before, make a corresponding response. However, it takes a long time for the suggestions of these lower-level officers to be reflected on it. Unless something difficult to solve occurs, it is impossible to reach such a point quickly.

In the disputed area in the northern part of Goguryeo, Yan, the people of Yan declared that they have sovereignty here. Goguryeo is here to fight for their sovereignty, because they believe that they have discovered coal resources here first. It will become more intense.

Old Chicken Village. A place name that sounds tacky, but there was a large-scale confrontation between the two sides.

Standing on the east side were Goguryeo people. Most of them were holding sticks, some security guards and guns. The weapons and equipment looked a bit backward, but the scary thing was that some people had explosives **** all over their bodies. This is their most important tool for mining coal. Now they are used to defend their coal resources. This has to be said to be a very helpless move.

"You stand back, otherwise, we will blow you up." Some Goguryeo men were naked to the upper body, and their lower body was wearing extremely dirty work pants. Their shoes had long since turned out of shape. But that's it, they still don't step back at all. Because if they go to the coal mine, they will lose the opportunity to work. After the Goguryeo people discovered the coal resources here, they quickly drew a large number of coal mine backbones to excavate here. Although the conditions were very backward, they still took measures to actively excavate coal. In this way, it can create established facts. It is in a favorable situation in the national competitive relationship. This is a result of the active implementation of the Goguryeo government.

"Damn it, you step back and you are afraid of you by lighting an explosive." An ensign officer of Yan State shouted nervously with a pistol, his voice became jittery, and the Goguryeo people heard it. Many people smiled slightly, expressing their disdain, because they knew that the Yan people on the opposite side were scared. Even if they came to a regular platoon, they really didn’t dare to shoot. The distance between the two sides was very close. It can be said that as long as they can’t kill the other side, they will be injured. They all died together. The Yan army stationed here was actually just a symbolic meaning. They said they had control over here, but they didn't have the courage to really start the fight.

Not only that, but the Yan Guo miners who ran behind did not have such courage. Although they had guns in their hands, many people did not like to make trouble. They are here just to make a fortune, but don't lose their lives just to make a fortune. That's not worth it.

"Sir, let's retreat. There is no need to lose our lives here. Those Goguryeo people are all poor, sir. It is said in the newspapers. They are extremely vicious. Look at them, they are all crazy. I think they want to make peace. What we do desperately, desperately, is not worth it." The sergeant hurriedly persuaded. He was really afraid that the second lieutenant would shoot when he got excited, after all, he was a young man, and young people wouldn't think so much.

"This. The question is, how do we withdraw?" The second lieutenant didn't want to lose his life, but if he retreated like this, he would not be able to keep his position.

"This. It's a bit difficult, unless we take the initiative to retreat. I think it is difficult for the person opposite to leave, sir, or let's be soft. Let's just withdraw." The sergeant persuaded.

"It's a big deal to lose your life. We don't have to go through these face-conscious things like this." The sergeant continued to persuade. He knew that it was difficult for both sides to back down at this time, but it was possible for Yan Guo. The sergeant persuaded the second lieutenant to retreat, it didn't matter much. For them, it is important to save their lives.

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