Just when both sides are in a dilemma. With a "boom", a huge explosion came. The explosion caused the emotions of both parties to lose control. Goguryeo was ignited like a gunpowder barrel.

"Bang. Bang." The second lieutenant shot nervously. He didn't know why he shot. Anyway, he shot subconsciously. Then he kept retreating, and it was the sergeant who saved his life, because the people around him were killed by the Goguryeo people. As for what happened later, he didn't know. Because he heard a bang, and then he didn't know anything.

This is what happened in the Laojizhuang Coal Mine. The two sides clashed accidentally because of coal mine problems. Then it became a bloodshed. This incident was quickly reported to the Goguryeo and Yan government, after receiving such news. Both sides accused the other side of the murderer for the first time. But as far as the investigation is concerned, neither party has gone deep.

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside the prime minister's house.

"The government of Yan and Goguryeo is tit-for-tat on this matter, and the matter is developing towards our unpredictable results." Meng Yi handed the report in his hand to Meng Yi. The specific situation is in the report. Although the report did not specify the course of the entire incident in detail, because the two governments did not pay attention to the investigation, they only had a big conflict on the issue of entangled interests. Moreover, this contradiction is still expanding, which is bound to cause great losses.

"Well, before this matter has been clarified, I don't think we need to participate in it. My attitude is still shelving it. After all, we have no extra power to interfere with this matter for the time being, but if they annoy Qin, We can interfere. This is our bottom line. As for other things, this is beyond our control." Shangwen said. Regarding Goguryeo and Yan State, Qin State did not plan to stretch out his hand.

In the Suez Canal port area, the Bangla 1st Infantry Division arrived in batches. The first to arrive was two infantry battalions, and then a light artillery unit equipped with 20mm cannons. It should have arrived at one company, but now only two platoons have arrived. They should have arrived at the company headquarters on another ship with them.

"Sir, we should wait for the main force to arrive before we can act. Moreover, the superior told us that we were only performing combat missions of maintaining law and order and alertness, and sent us to the war zone at once. What I am worried about is." The military major worriedly approached a lieutenant colonel at the base to report the problem. He felt that sending them to the war zone at this time was extremely inappropriate.

"This is an order. Major, I think you should understand what such an order means?" the lieutenant colonel said angrily. In fact, he was also under a lot of pressure from above. Everyone knows the situation of Chen Li’s battle group. There are less than two thousand people. Although his troops have been strengthened by the Free Army, more than one thousand people have been added. This makes his number more than two thousand for the first time. However, these people They won't play a bigger role at all, because they know exactly what kind of people they are. It is simply impossible for them to conduct such operations. Therefore, the Supreme Command issued a strict order to strengthen all arriving troops to the Baba direction as soon as possible. The Bangla 1st Infantry Division was just under such an order. Originally, they should arrive in batches and conduct a drill. Then they can fight. It will take at least two months to adapt. However, now, their troops have not arrived yet, they have been dismantled and used. This makes the officers and soldiers of the Mengla First Infantry Division feel very embarrassed, because they have never been dismantled and used.

"But, sir, in this case, our team will be severely broken up. In that case, our division commander will be very angry." At this time, the major used the majesty of their division commander to suppress each other.

"Oh. Really? If he is angry, he will find the Supreme Command, where his anger will vent." The lieutenant colonel said disapprovingly. This is the order of the Supreme Command. A small teacher, he is still not afraid. The major was choked. Because he really couldn't question the order of the Supreme Command.

Under this order, the Bangla 1st Infantry Division was dismantled and sent to the front line, although many officers and soldiers expressed dissatisfaction, because it meant that they had to go to the battlefield. The South Korean military has strengthened their military police. Each company has a military police stationed there. They are armed with elite weapons. Everyone knows what it means. If they dare to retreat, the military police will give them the opportunity without hesitation. killed.

A hundred kilometers east of Thebes. Toller's Freedom Army is performing battlefield vigilance and security military operations here. In fact, it is robbery, open robbery.

"Take it out, hurry up. Take it out." A free army was holding a bayonet rifle. In fact, there were only three bullets in the rifle. But that's it, such a weapon is scary enough. Those who love a few civilians are scared don't know what to do. Because their homes are burned down, those who resist will be killed, women will be taken away, men who resist will die, and those who dare not resist will be gathered. And what they ate, their only property will be taken away.

"Kang Dang." A copper spoon was thrown out. This was the only valuable thing in the hands of local civilians. The Free Army soldier picked it up and looked at it. It turned out to be a copper one. He thought he had picked up a treasure and got one. The golden spoon, his mother's was originally made of copper, which made him very disappointed and annoyed, so he kicked it over and yelled at him. If it wasn't for other people around him to search, he might kill him. Then he was expelled by the people behind and concentrated on more people. If he doesn't get up, those free soldiers will give them a bayonet mercilessly.

"Ah. Crackling." screamed. The sound of burning fire. Toller was very happy, thinking that this kind of sabotage made him feel very excited, this feeling is too cool.

"Sir, our people have gathered together. We have gathered more than three thousand people. The number is not too large, but it is huge enough." A lieutenant adjutant stepped forward and said in a low voice.

"Well, very good. Pick some people from the middle, let them kill, and follow us to grab things, then they are veterans. When we arrive at Thebes, we will grow to at least 10,000 people. In this case, the Koreans will give me the least. Dangdang as a teacher." Toller said excitedly. In the Free Army, there are already such people, and they are also victims, but they are trapped in. Then they were selected and given a bayonet, some just some sticks, and then they were asked to follow a piece of robbery. At first, some people were unwilling, but the unwilling people were immediately put to death, and then those people were hit hard. , They had to join in, they joined in and became even more brutal, because they were already victims, that kind of psychological trauma is difficult to suppress. On the contrary, these victims turned out to be more cruel than the Free Army. This is what Toller needs, because only those who dare to harm others are the people their Free Army needs. In this way, the Free Army continues to expand, and their numbers continue to grow. Such growth will directly threaten their military operations.

Chu State, Pengcheng. Inside Fan Zeng's office.

"For such things, we must take action as soon as possible. If we take slow actions, it will cause great trouble. This kind of thing is possible. The economy of Myanmar is related to a large part of the state of Chu’s finances. Income. However, the continuous harassment is still in progress, and the trend of expansion is very obvious, although their attacks seem to be painless. However, they will accumulate little. In that case, we will We will continue to be in a state of blood loss, and in the end we will be consumed alive.” Chen Ping is very sensitive to the jungle guerrilla warfare in Myanmar, because they will damage the production of local cash crops. The current economy of Chu is still based on agriculture Lord, the value of industry is not great. After all, Chu is not an industrial country yet, and it takes a certain amount of time to transfer to solve this problem.

"Well, but the problem is that if we want to solve this problem, we have to increase military expenses. How to solve this problem?" Fan Zeng asked.

"Prime Minister, I think that what we have lost there is far more than the military expenditure we paid. Moreover, in the long run, if we cannot solve it in time, our fiscal revenue will inevitably be exhausted. For us, it is not good news. This will only increase our losses, but will not repair the difficulties we have already encountered." Chen Ping said.

"Yeah. I understand what you mean. I will increase the military expenditure. However, we can only increase the Vietnamese troops and let them enter the Chu Army. If we deploy a regular army, our expenses will increase a lot." Fan Zeng said To.

"Prime Minister, if the matter is big enough, the situation will become more indescribable. Therefore, I think we should send more troops to participate, and it is best to solve this quickly with the fastest speed and the greatest strength. Difficulties, otherwise, our agricultural foundation will be very weak." Chen Ping said. Fan Zeng just nodded, but he didn't agree. He thought it was just some small tribal alliances that were making trouble. As long as one infantry brigade or several infantry battalions could solve this problem, it would be a waste to spend too much.

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