The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3695: Tricky diplomatic issues

In Yan Guo, Prince Dan’s office, Prince Dan looked at the map gloomily, his eyes fixed on the coal-producing areas in the eastern mountainous area of ​​northern Liaoning, especially at the point of the Laojizhuang Coal Mine. Come out in order to be treated more seriously.

"It was originally from the country of Yan, but now." Prince Dan said annoyedly.

The Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of Economy, and the Secretary of Finance are afraid to speak. The reason is simple. They are worried about Prince Dan’s anger. Once Prince Dan becomes angry, he will do a lot of irrational behavior. Under such circumstances, they will be allowed to speak. The official position was lost. You know, Prince Dan's cabinet ministers have changed twice. Especially the position of Minister of Economy has changed many people.

"Secretary of the Army, these are all matters of your army, why don't you send more troops to protect it, the country of Yan must never lose such a place." Prince Dan said annoyedly. But it was just annoyed, at least his head was still sober. He knew that getting angry would not solve these problems.

"This, Prince. The size of the army is really limited. At present, the Yan State Army has only two infantry divisions and a number of independent battalions. These forces cannot defend the huge Yan State. In that direction, we can only add two more infantry divisions and several independent battalions. The strength of an infantry battalion, other strengths, really cannot be extracted." The Secretary of the Army said embarrassingly. The size of the Yan's army is only 30,000, and the navy of less than 10,000 should be sufficient for Yan's national defense, but it is only enough. If they are allowed to fight, this is how it should be. Forces are simply unsupportable. This is because the fighting forces are mobile forces, and if the mobile forces are not sufficient, it will be difficult to have sufficient forces for defensive operations. Under such circumstances, their situation will become even more unfavorable, because other areas will cause de facto defense loopholes. In this situation, the Secretary of the Army cannot guarantee or make such a decision.

"Then mobilize, we can also mobilize two infantry divisions. I know that Yan's family has developed to a certain extent." Prince Dan said. He knows the family status of Yan Guo. After several years of development, Yan's economy has developed, and the equipment of the Yan army has been greatly improved. They are equipped with the latest bolt-action rifles, as well as infantry support artillery. They also bought machine guns from the people of Qin. If possible, the War Department also plans to equip armoured vehicles. Unfortunately, their financial capacity is really limited. Operating the huge Liaobei Plain has cost them too much financial funds because they need to build a railway. Strengthen their control over the Liaobei Railway.

"Prince, such a matter should be prudent and prudent." The Minister of Finance stood up and said at this time. The chancellor behind him also stood up. The political system of Yan State is very complicated, but in general, there are two parallel political systems, that is, King Yan has his own political team, and the prince also has his own political team. In most cases, In this case, it is based on the team of Taizidan, but at critical times, the team of King Yan will also play a role. This is the political system of Yan State. It is very complicated, but it is not complicated at all. In fact, there are two people who have always been in charge of the country of Yan, one is King Yan and the other is Prince Dan. This determines the complexity of Yan's politics. Because their opinions may be at odds.

"Yes, Prince. The current financial situation does not support large-scale mobilization and warfare. This requires a lot of money. If we fight, the construction of the Liaobei Railway will stop. In that case, our situation may be at an extreme level. In a bad state, this does not count. In addition to these, there is one more thing, that is, our situation will be in a very unfavorable state, that is, our logistics supplies cannot support this war. That way, you will fall into a battle-consuming system. This is extremely detrimental to the country of Yan." The Chancellor of Finance persuaded.

"Yes, Prince Dan, unless our railway is completed first, the amount of materials consumed is a very scary price." The Secretary of the Army hurriedly persuaded. In fact, he was reluctant to fight, why, because he knew at all that there would be no fundamentals for victory in a war with Goguryeo. Don’t look at the poor equipment of the Goguryeo army, but with the support of Zhao and Qi behind them, their weapons and equipment can reach a large extent in a short period of time. Moreover, the mobilized force of Goguryeo far exceeds that of Yan. It's not that Yan has fewer soldiers than the opponent, but that the Goguryeo government is more effective than the Yan government. After all, they only have one government and one team, while Yan Guo has two teams. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to play its due role. On the contrary, it will hinder the normal performance of Yan State. Under such circumstances , The Secretary of the Army naturally hoped to stop not launching a larger war.

"Well, don't you just forget it?" Prince Dan said depressedly. Although he was very annoyed, he was calm enough. He knew very well that if he could not change his financial situation, it would seriously affect the economic development, because the war consumed a lot of financial resources and dragged it into endless consumption. This was a huge disaster for Yan Guo.

"This." The Minister of Economy and the Minister of Economy looked at each other, and there was nothing they could do.

"Prince, we can mediate this matter. Let all countries intervene and let all countries see this matter. After all, our Central Plains countries are all countries of etiquette. This matter also needs a reason. This Goguryeo is also a barbarian. , We should reason with him." Just then. The Minister of Finance suggested so. The Minister of Economy and the Minister of Economy sneered when hearing such advice. The state of etiquette. This is simply a joke. In the face of national interests, who will talk to you about etiquette, they will only talk about interests, and if they mediate, who will participate, no country is willing to participate in such a mess. It is better to prepare actively.

"Haha. Yeah, why don't we mediate and let all countries see if Yan is unreasonable." Prince Dan said.

"However, we can't fight a war of words, and we need to be prepared. So, we are expanding the strength of a regiment so that we can grasp a reserve force to use in this direction at any time. What do you think?" Prince Dan said. To. Prince Dan is ready for both hands. No matter what, they must first be ready to fight. The others nodded and said yes. After all, this kind of thing is not a great loss for them. As long as they don't start fighting now, everything is beneficial. After all, the conditions for preparing for the start of the war are not sufficient.

Goguryeo, Heicheng. Koguryo has changed its third government, and the prime minister is Li Lin, a middle-aged man. He had participated in the war against Yan in his early years. He was very aware of Yan's military strength. If it were not for the help of the people of Qin, they would not be able to defeat Goguryeo. Goguryeo had survived the most difficult period. Now they need to solve a new issue, that is, a new war against Yan.

"I think the current war against Yan is extremely unfavorable. First of all, the financial situation of the Goguryeo government has not fully recovered. Although we have received assistance from Qi and Zhao, overall, the economy is The state of development is good, but the problem is that the war will seriously affect the performance of this situation. This is a very big blow and pressure for us. At present, we cannot do such excessive things. Come." The Minister of Finance first expressed an attitude regarding the Yan Kingdom War. That is, it cannot be carried out at present. As for the future, it will be necessary to wait for the economic recovery of Goguryeo and prepare for war before it can expand. From the current posture, It seems difficult for them to win such a war.

"Yes. Mr. Prime Minister, this situation is very difficult for us to win. Our army is very small. In order to support the development of the Navy, our army has only 12 infantry battalions, with the strength of 12 infantry battalions. To deal with such a war, there is no chance of winning." The Secretary of the Army said. At the same time, he glanced at the Secretary of the Navy with dissatisfaction. It seems that all countries have a serious conflict between the army and the navy. This serious contradiction runs through the development of the army and the navy. The emergence of this situation, if handled well, will promote the development of the two armies. Become a disaster, ruthless internal friction.

"Well. I know very well that this matter is definitely not the best time to start a war, because the battle is logistical, and the railway to the north has not been built. Even the preliminary survey has not been carried out. This is obviously No. There is only one road to the north. It is obviously impossible for that dirt road to complete the large-scale transportation of military equipment by relying on such a dirt road." Li Lin said. Regarding the competitive relationship between the army and the navy, he knew very well that before Goguryeo made all efforts to develop the navy, financial funds were heavily tilted to the navy, which led to a series of crises. The occurrence of this kind of crisis makes them very helpless. The same problem cannot happen again. On the surface, the Prime Minister is talking about the road problem. In fact, he is worried about the financial support problem, because once a large amount of financial funds enters the war, it means the country. There is also the possibility of falling into chaos, and they can no longer do such a thing. You cannot fully support the army once just because you support the navy once. This is unreasonable.

"Our financial situation has not completely improved. Everyone is well aware of such a situation. Our financial situation is difficult to change, which means that we have no extra funds to change this situation. This will cause us a considerable crisis. Under such a situation, if we go to war, it will bring about a serious crisis. This is the situation we least want to see. Therefore, in the face of such a situation, we need to be cautious." Li Lin said. To.

"So, Prime Minister, how do we solve the coal border problem in the north? You know, the Yan people will not make compromises." The Secretary of the Army said.

"I know this. We have to rely on the people of Zhao and Qi. They will support us. Not only that, we should also actively prepare for war. Of course. Our economic work cannot be given up, especially to actively build a Railway, without such a railway, we simply cannot win the war in the future, nor can our industrial development be actively pursued." Li Lin said. The others nodded in agreement.

Similarly, it is difficult for the Goguryeo government to start a war. Regardless of the fierce competition between the two sides, the problem is that no one is capable of firing the first shot because both sides are aware of their military strength. So, they all chose. Actively prepare, and at the same time pin your hopes on diplomacy. This is the strategy of the two countries.

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside the prime minister's house.

"They are really looking for things." Shang Wen put down his glasses and shook his head.

"Yes. The people of Yan and Goguryeo know that there can be no too much conflict between them. Their logistics cannot solve the logistics problems of large-scale wars. At the same time, financial funds cannot support them. They need some time to prepare. So, They are pinning on the diplomatic field, and they hope to make a breakthrough in diplomacy. After all, such a thing is easier to achieve." Meng Yi said.

"But they have caused us a lot of trouble. If we don't mediate, Qin's status will be severely challenged, but if we mediate, you and I know that this kind of problem can't go on at all. This is really troublesome." Shang Wen said helplessly, shaking his head. This matter told Ari Qin that it was very difficult. Many problems could not be controlled in a timely and effective manner. Moreover, both sides might escalate further. This situation exists. They are all aware of this. Therefore, in this situation, their only way is to find a way to solve this problem.

"We can discuss with the people of Qi and Zhao. In the best case, the people of Yan should find a new ally to support them. After all, in such a situation, everyone needs some scenes." Yi proposed. He suggested that more countries should be involved. The advantage of this is that everyone is responsible, and it can be delayed. This is still beneficial to Qin. Shang Wen nodded, and had to agree to do so. After all, there was no better way to solve this problem. Shang Wen could only agree to do so, and the situation continued. The settlement of diplomatic issues is tricky.

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