Chu Kingdom, a colony, Huangzhou. In a conscription station, there was a long line of Yue people who came here to apply for the conscription. Many of their kind of people didn't know a word, but they could speak Chu dialect, even though they were more accented. The speed of speech is very fast, it is difficult for people to hear what they are talking about, but they are very good soldiers, because they all come from nearby tribes.

The Yue tribes near Huangzhou have been completely civilized. They have identified with the Chu culture. They are moving in the direction of Chuhua. For example, they wear Chu clothes and keep their hair strands. Although some places are still not doing well, but They are already moving towards such a place. Some wealthy tribes can occupy certain hills and learn the techniques of planting tea trees from the Chu people. Of course. They don’t know how to stir-fry tea. The reason is very simple. They still can’t master such advanced technology. It’s a pity that the children of Yue people can’t enter Chu people’s educational institutions to learn. They think, but, The Chu people refused to let it because they believed that the other party's education was a waste.

But now this situation has changed. In order to attract the Yue people to join the Chu army, it was mainly because a large amount of labor in the country of Chu was exported to the colonies. The immigration phenomenon was very serious, which made it impossible to recruit more soldiers in the country. In addition to these, that is the salary of these Yue people. Very low, but for Yue people, this is good enough. For example, a day’s salary for a Chu army soldier is San Chu Yuan. However, Yueren’s daily salary is only fifty cents. The gap is quite large. Some are not as good as thirty points, but this kind of salary package is enough for them. Because they can exchange more supplies from Chu people. For example, a soldier’s salary for one month’s salary is enough for a family of five to provide food for one and a half years. This kind of treatment is quite large. Because the more people have very low life skills, men seem to have only one way to go in war, and they can't do many jobs. However, the number of soldiers enlisted by the Chu State is limited, and the response of the more people to the large number of Vietnamese troops is very positive, in their opinion. This is simply the gospel.

"Do you know how to fight in the jungle?" A second lieutenant officer of the Chu Army asked a Yue man who came to apply for the conscription. He looked very strong and was a good soldier material. He was able to speak fluent Central Plains dialect, but Speaking too fast, he couldn't hear what the other party was saying in many places.

"Yes, I will, my father is a very good hunter." The other party said excitedly.

"Well, how did you deal with the sneak attack?" the ensign asked such a question.

"They will not attack us, because we will attack them, we will stay on the tree, no one pays attention to the overhead. We will smear the whole body with tree sap, mosquitoes will not bite us. Then we will??? ???" The other party wanted to explain that the second lieutenant officer had already waved his arm and drew a check mark on it, indicating that the other party could enter it. The Yueren was very happy. In his opinion, this situation is great for him. Many problems can be solved. The second lieutenant officer was ordered that they must recruit enough soldiers experienced in jungle operations. The Chu people planned to recruit a jungle combat brigade to solve their colony security problems. This is quite a big difference from Chen Ping’s suggestion to recruit two or three infantry divisions, because a brigade has only five to six thousand people. Chen Ping estimates that to completely solve the problem, at least three infantry divisions are needed to solve the problem, but Fan Zeng believes that to solve the aboriginal problems, it does not take too much force to solve these problems. Therefore, he only gave the establishment of a brigade, which means that the Chu State still lacks enough to solve the colony problem. Knowing, from the beginning, they looked at the problem very simple. They have to pay a heavy price for their underestimation.

Love a few on the battlefield. The Seventh Regiment of the Shazhou Cavalry has advanced to a place 30 kilometers away from Thebes. The towns here have begun to increase and the population has become denser. This is good news for them, but it is also bad news. The reason It's simple, because many of them have big problems. Because they will alert the Aiji government.

The Seventh Cavalry Regiment in Shazhou has less than 500 cavalry. They are all fierce men, and many of them are keen on robbery. They became very excited about the killing. The South Korean consultant Major Li Lei walked past the murderers because they were cruelly treating the local civilians. They cut off each other's flesh little by little, which was a cruel and exciting thing for them. Li Lei shook his head and entered a tent.

"Is there any news?" Li Lei's partner is Lieutenant Colonel Shahr. He is a standard cavalry. When he was in Shazhou, he was a famous local cavalry leader. Subordinates, his subordinates are known for their corrupt military discipline.

"Yes, a bad news. We have reached the territory of Aiji, 30 kilometers away from Thebes." Shahr said.

"This is good news. Is there something wrong?" Li Lei asked while looking at the other party.

"No, the problem is that the couple is already alert. My scout cavalry found that one nearby is called Sandcastle. This is the name we gave them. The army there is gathering, and a large number of civilians are gathered in the sand fort. According to our calculations, there are about five thousand people gathered. We only have less than five hundred cavalry, and the opponent is five thousand, and there is a complete fortress to defend. We are in trouble. And all the roads nearby must pass there. My scout cavalry tried to get around there, but, very accidentally, one of my cavalry got caught in the trap desert and couldn't get out. We are in trouble." Shahr said.

"In other words, the surrounding conditions restrict the mobility of our cavalry?" Major Li Lei asked. Shahr just nodded and agreed with the view that the so-called trap desert is a kind of soft sand. This kind of sand can trap horses in it. In some places, even camels are not immune. There are some areas like this near the fort. In this way, they must conquer the sand fort, otherwise, they will not be able to reach Thebes at all. And their problem is already big. A few people in love are constantly gathering. This means that they discovered the existence of the Shazhou cavalry. It is difficult to win such a fortress in a tough battle if you want to rely on the equipment in the hands of the Shazhou cavalry, because the Shazhou cavalry are only light cavalry. They rely on mobility. They are not equipped with artillery, and the artillery is behind, unless they are willing to Wait here, this is absolutely impossible.

"We can't stop, we must move forward, move forward, move forward." Li Lei thought for a while and said.

"I also know, but the cavalry can't hit the opponent's sand castle. The opponent's troops are constantly being assembled. The most terrible thing is that there are cannons in the sand castle. They can completely defend by relying on the fortress. We only have less than 500 people. , How to fight?" Shahr asked. He has no choice. He is a cavalry, not an infantry. The opponents are all infantrymen. They know their situation, so they don't plan to attack, but just defend their fortresses. As a result, their situation will become even worse.

"In this case, our situation will be very bad. We can't wait any longer. Maybe we can blow up the walls of those fortresses by blasting. I think we should be able to do it." The other party said.

"Blast it?" Shahr asked, but he thought it seemed to do, it seemed feasible, because he just remembered. The main construction prevention in the local area is ramming, or a technique similar to ramming. It is a kind of soil wall. Only in some special low-ends will it be poured in a way similar to concrete. This is a very strange way. They still don't understand how Aijiren did it, but he knows that such a construction method cannot withstand the attack of explosives.

"Yes, we can explode them, but we can't get into them, because we are cavalry. Once inside the city, our cavalry advantage cannot be deployed. Our advantage lies in speed. Entering the city will bring us into terrible street fighting. "Shahr said.

"Then we will figure out a way to drive them out, and then chase them behind. In this case, our situation will be much better, but the question is, how do we drive them out." Li Lei became interested in their plans. Up. But as for how to do this, he still doesn't know, because in many places, he doesn't know how to do it. Shahr and his staff immediately began to study the subject. They are cavalry troops, and they are not superior in numbers, but they cannot stop. If they stop, their combat goals will not be achieved. This is a very painful thing for them.

South Korea, Xinzheng, the Supreme Command, in fact, was the transformation of a large living room next to Han Shu's office. In order to strengthen security. South Korea plans to find a new area in Xinzheng and surrounding areas to ensure the safety of the Supreme Command.

"Their troops are still insufficient, the king, although we have strengthened their troops and mobilized more combat units into the area, the problem is that time, time is too late, unless they can stop, wait for us, As long as five days, five days, we can strengthen them to five thousand people." The Secretary of the Army said. He worried that the problem of insufficient troops would seriously affect the development of combat situations.

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