Zhao Guo, Handan, Guo Kai's prime minister's office.

"What do you think about the affairs of Goguryeo and Yan people?" Guo Kai asked his foreign minister, Zhao Guo needs a stable diplomatic environment. At the same time, it cannot lose its own market. For Qin, it was a thorny issue, and for Zhao, it was also a thorny issue. Because Zhao Guo’s economy is expanding abroad, Goguryeo plays a very important role, but at the same time they cannot establish too many enemies. For example, Yan Guo and Guo Kai have fully considered this issue. Among some of Zhao’s important strategic advisers, some people proposed to merge with Yan, or to properly resolve the additional relationship between Yan, because in fact, it has been proved that once Yan and Qin form an alliance, Zhao will The rise of the country will become extremely difficult, and this difficulty will become extremely difficult. Under such conditions, there is no possibility of development for Zhao State. Therefore, the best way is to properly handle the problem of Yan State. .

But Zhao Guo has his own consideration. First of all, Zhao’s economy is developing rapidly, especially after capital expansion, Zhao’s need for a large number of overseas markets, one of Goguryeo, Goguryeo can not only provide more raw materials, such as coal, and transfer more pollution, Low-profit industries can also provide more primary products. For example, the iron plant they built can provide more iron while importing more low-grade cheap steel products. These are what Zhao Guo needs. It is impossible for Zhao Guo to lose these markets and the supply of raw materials.

Secondly, Yan State occupies an important strategic position. Following Liaobei’s view, Zhao Guo saw the need for strategic depth. Yan State has a lot of strategic depth. Because of the existence of Liaobei, Yan State is in a safe state. among. In contrast, Zhao’s strategic depth is not so deep. Almost the long-range bombing force can cover the depth of Zhao Guo. This requires Zhao State to have a strategic and in-depth need. Under the background of expansion, it seems that Zhao State is very beneficial to attack Yan State in disguised form.

The last point is that Zhao Guo is in an upward trend. In such a trend, their situation will be more favorable. For their expansion, they have more personal needs. This demand makes Zhao Guo's choice. Bigger. Therefore, under such circumstances, Zhao may not care about Yan's interests.

"The matter of the prime minister, Goguryeo and Yan State, we will have to face it sooner or later. For us, this situation is a problem that can be solved. This is a problem for us. It may be better to solve it early." Diplomacy The minister said so.

"Let's talk about why we have to solve this contradiction in this way. Zhao Guo's external expansion needs a stable rear. I don't want to see a very bad situation. This is a trouble for us." Guo Kai said. To.

"Prime Minister, the country of Yan occupies too many favorable resources. They have a large number of coal mines, and there is an iron mining area nearby. In addition to these, they also have vast plains, whether from an agricultural perspective or from an industrial perspective. From the perspective of development, it is an excellent place, but in such a place, our situation is extremely bad, and the reason is simple. Because we don’t, if Yan Guo continues to develop well, we We will face the blows of Qin and Yan strategically at the same time. This is not a very good diplomatic strategic environment for us, Zhao, not only that, if the delay is too long, it will be for us, It is a big problem. If we can get some of these areas, it will be a very good choice for our industrial development. I think we should help Goguryeo people to achieve a strategic goal like ours. At the very least, we cannot allow Yan State to have such a fast development time." The Foreign Minister said. The Minister of Foreign Affairs tends to resolve these contradictions, and how to resolve these contradictions is what he needs to consider.

"Well, it makes sense, but at present, Zhao Guo does not want to cause too much trouble for himself. I think you know that Zhao Guo's products are still very competitive." Guo Kai said. . But the Foreign Minister just shook his head. He obviously didn't think so. Zhao Guo’s industry is based on coal. In terms of iron ore demand, he has a large demand for iron ore from Yan Guo and South Korea in Haizhou. This is also an important factor in the relaxation of the relationship between the two parties, and Guo Kai does not want it. An important decision point that creates trouble. However, as development needs. Zhao must have its own safe iron ore supply. If such a demand is not met, then Zhao is not safe, and Yan seems to be able to meet such a demand. Therefore, the Minister of Foreign Affairs proposed from the perspective of diplomatic strategy , Let Guo Kai solve such a matter as soon as possible, but Guo Kai hesitated because he knew that the industry needed these raw materials, but it would also cause trouble. Zhao Guo didn’t want to enter a state of fighting for resources, which he hated. In such an environment. Therefore, he adopted a delaying tactic. He felt that things might not be as anxious as he thought.

In Chen Ping’s economic office, Chen Ping’s main task now is to take charge of Chu’s economy. He has been considering the transformation of Chu’s economy because there are too many types of economic agriculture in Chu. Some of his infantry artillery and rifles cannot be produced by themselves. In many cases, they need to be imported from Qin to achieve their goals, or purchased from South Korea. For example, some special caliber ammunition needs to be imported from South Korea. The fuze of the howitzer also needs to be imported from Qin or South Korea. This makes the situation of Chu country a little dangerous. Chen Ping wants to change this situation. However, changing this situation requires a lot of energy to solve. This is a long process, and the reason is very simple, because of the agricultural project. There has always been a stable income, and it is still in a profitable industry. This is definitely good news for planters who monopolize most of the agricultural industry. Therefore, Chen Ping plans to find an opportunity to change all of this.

"Mr. Minister, look at this, one brigade, we only recruited one brigade to solve the colony’s agricultural economic problems. This is a joke." An office worker handed a briefing to Chen Ping. . Chen Ping looked at it roughly and felt that the matter was a bit serious.

"Is this the prime minister's order?" Chen Ping asked the office worker and nodded, saying yes. Although Chen Ping suggested to provide more troops to solve these problems in a thunderous way. However, Fan Zeng obviously did not notice these, in his opinion. These small contradictions don't need that much force.

"The problem is troublesome." Chen Ping said. He knew that the trouble with the problem was that Chu had too few troops to deal with the problem, which resulted in Chu not having enough power to solve the problem. If this goes on, it will inevitably affect the development of the colonial agricultural economy. Push up prices. And in this way, those plantation owners may get higher profits. In this way, they will find a principle that is easier to develop, that is, to provide limited agricultural resources. In this way, they will get more profit. Great satisfaction. This is simply good news for them. Chen Ping's idea of ​​the professional economy type will suddenly encounter greater obstacles. This is an extremely unfavorable thing for Chen Ping. He thinks that Fan Zeng should be persuaded to increase his troops. But this possibility is not very big. Chen sat quietly in his office chair thinking about these issues and their impact. But what he can change is really limited. It seems that Yan's own structure has determined his future direction.

The Chen Li battle group, they are advancing slowly, and they are advancing slowly. Because of the Free Army, the Free Army is expanding their scale at an alarming rate. They have exceeded 20,000, and they are more and more free. The army joined in, and they continued to bring in more Aiji civilians to join in. Under such circumstances, it seemed that it would be difficult for them to suppress the development of such a situation.

"They already have more than 20,000 people? Sir, if this goes on, our situation may be a little dangerous." Zhang Chen worriedly looked at the people who were on their way. They had very little food and could barely keep them for a day. The lowest calorie requirement. Therefore, this has caused many people to starve to death on this road. Their calories are consumed little by little. Although there are people who die every day, more and more people are supplemented along the way. The houses were destroyed, more people were brought in, and the team became larger and larger.

"Those who don't have enough to eat every day don't have the energy to eat. They are just cannon fodder. Cannon fodder is nothing but cannon fodder." Chen Li said disapprovingly. Zhang Chen thought about it from the side, and felt that this idea is also right. Those poor cannon fodder provide very little food every day, and they have to carry out long-distance new army. Some people need to carry more supplies to move forward. Under such a long physical exertion, there is very little extra power to escape, and their fate has been tragically determined. Starving to death, or being exhausted alive. There seems to be another way out. If you want to resist, this is absolutely impossible, because only before the battle will they get the chance to eat, and they have been prepared to prevent riots, so Chen Li is not worried about such things at all, he is worried. Yes, the Thebes cannot be won in a short time. It depends on the reactions of a few people. If they react positively, their condition will not be too good.

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