Sandcastle, Shahr and Li Lei are paying close attention to the situation of the blasters. The guards who love a few steps are relatively low alert. After all, they have just assembled, and many people have not yet recovered from the role of civilians. Let them all at once. It is a joke to increase alertness, because such a thing is an unbearable thing for them.

"You said, blasting is okay?" Shahr asked Li Lei like this. He looked a little nervous, and many cavalry were ready. They get off immediately. As temporary infantrymen, they all loaded their rifles and pistols with bullets, and even the sabers were behind them. Perhaps after entering the city, there might be some use. The cavalry troops carried very limited explosives. They don't know whether the opponent's fortress can withstand the limited explosive blasting.

"I don't know, it needs to be seen after the explosion, otherwise, we don't know what it is like?" Li Lei said.

"Well, let's wait and see." Shahr said. Then he waited patiently, which may be the best way for now.

"Boom." The wait didn't last long before a huge explosion came. Then there were billowing smoke and dust, as well as the dust that was lifted up, all of which made the surrounding situation unclear. The Shazhou cavalry was better, and the Aiji were completely frightened by the explosion. Many people are at a loss. Some soldiers of Aiji were frightened by the huge explosion and died in their posts. More people were incontinent, long-term peaceful environment, and the first time they encountered such a situation. It is difficult for them to adapt to such a combat environment.

"Sir, are we going forward?" The cavalry of the First Cavalry Company couldn't wait to move forward. In their opinion, as long as they rush past, they can enter the city. Such a big explosion is already very difficult to bear.

"Wait a moment." A lieutenant looked at the billowing smoke and dust. When such a large amount of dust entered, nothing could be seen, not only for a few people, but also for the Shazhou cavalry to find a suitable place.

"Wait." The soldiers conveyed their commander's order. Many people had to wait patiently. In their opinion, they should rush in immediately after the explosion. First of all, the **** lover did not react. Then, they can take the opportunity to occupy such a place.

"Sir, look at the second squad." At this moment, a soldier suddenly pointed to the second squad's starting position and said. He saw a dozen cavalry holding their rifles, howling and rushing out.

"Damn it. Charge. Hurry up, you can't let them die blindly like this." The lieutenant scolded. Had to wave the arm holding the pistol, motioning everyone to rush over with him. Soon the cavalry company rushed out. They are the vanguard forces. Other forces need to blockade and expel each other. It is not their intention to fight street fighting. Soon, the second class was the first to rush to the city wall, but there were some minor accidents, because the sand and dust produced by the blasting had not yet fallen, and they were covered with dust, as if they had put on a foundation. Fortunately, they rushed to the root of the wall. However, they did not find a breakthrough in the blasting, which surprised them a bit.

"Damn it, look for where the breach is," a sergeant shouted loudly. Their main purpose was to rush in from the breach, but they couldn't find where the breach was.

Shahr looked nervously at the cavalry company that assaulted in. He looked very nervous. Because the dust did not dissipate, he could not see the situation of the first cavalry squad that assaulted in. What he didn't know was the cavalry. Ban hasn't found a breakthrough until now, he doesn't know why. Could there be an accident. Li Lei was also very anxious, because the time was passing by every minute and every second, which meant that A few people were reacting from the explosion just now, and when they reacted, their situation would be very bad.

"Sir, look, the city wall is still there?" At this moment, a staff officer called out loudly. A gentle breeze from somewhere blew away a puff of sand and dust, and they saw what the city wall was like. . The city wall still exists. This surprised them greatly.

"No. The wall is still there?" Shahr put down the binoculars in surprise after reading it. He couldn't believe his eyes. He felt that he was wrong. However, Li Lei on the side shook his head, saying that it really still exists.

"We must quickly let the attacking troops return. The **** walls are still there. It's a hell. Why are those walls still there?" Li Lei quickly gave the order, and immediately, the first troops to rush to the wall returned, and they paid them back. I thought I didn't find a breakthrough, but they were indeed in the center of the blast, which surprised them very much.

"What happened, we must investigate clearly and ask the guys who exploded to come over to me." Shahr shouted loudly. When something like this happened, it was indeed a big blow to them, and soon the blaster in charge of blasting appeared. They looked at the binoculars and knew what was happening. They are not professional engineers, of course. It is impossible for them to get any degree to prove or anything. They just learned simple blasting from the engineers. If the wall of the sand castle is really a rammed earth structure, their blasting should be successful, but the problem is that the rammed earth wall is only the surface. , And inside the city wall, there is actually a rock that is as strong as the concrete pouring. This is where they are surprised. If it were not for blasting, they didn't know that there was such a process in the city wall. It can be said that this was far beyond their expectations. They encountered such a situation when they were blasting, and they were unable to penetrate further after they had drilled to a certain extent. At that time, they didn’t think much about it. They thought it was just a solid foundation. As long as the explosives exploded, he would still be exploded in the face of a huge shock wave. The problem is that now they can see clearly what it is, that’s it. The cement strips are piled up one by one.

This is a special craft used by a few people to build the Pharaoh’s pyramid. This craft may have been lost before, but the problem is that the sand castle was built on the basis of the original fortress. In order to save costs. Aiji people may have thought of such a method. They reinforced some outer walls on the basis of the inner lining wall. The blasting only blows up the opponent's outer wall. They have no way to deal with the inner lining wall, and the amount of explosives is also relatively small, so the damage caused is extremely limited. The sand castle still exists, which means that they have encountered an accident and none of the plans they made before can function. Because the first step was a big accident. This is simply ironic, which makes it difficult for them to adapt to such a situation.

"Here. Damn it." Shahr cursed after hearing the report, and there was nothing he could do. The cavalry unit stopped. Because they really have no way to cross the well-defended fortress of the other side to achieve a roundabout plan of combat.

Qin State, Xianyang. The United Petroleum Company’s stock is undergoing the final audit process, which requires a large amount of financial and accounting information. This is a relatively difficult data for Zhang You, but he does not care because he believes that the members of the Securities Commission will look at it. To the future value of United Petroleum. Because only this value can make them develop.

"Chairman, bad news." Zhang You got bad news outside the Qin Guo Securities Commission's reception hall. His assistant carefully handed a telegram to Zhang You, their chairman. .

Zhang You looked over quickly, and then shook his head. The news came from South Korea, Xinzheng, Nanyang Petroleum Company, or Nanyang Petroleum First Company, which was listed. As soon as the market opened, their stock price soared from 20 yuan to 55 yuan, which is a very good price. The market is very optimistic about the stock price of Nanyang No.1 Petroleum Company, or the prospects are very optimistic.

"We need oil in many places. The smelting of steel is using electricity. The reason is that many chemicals are extracted from oil. Our scientists have proved that, most importantly, the South Korean Navy is the number one player in oil. As a large consumer customer group, the South Korean Navy has fully replaced heavy oil steam turbines and oil-fired boilers. This means that the amount of fuel consumption will further increase. With data restrictions, there will be more engine manufacturers in South Korea. , And more locomotive manufacturers, the future oil consumption will reach an astonishing level. The demand for oil will further expand, and Nanyang Petroleum First Company will meet this local demand. Demand is difficult for any company to meet." The comment article said. Then under such stimulus, the stocks began to soar as soon as they were issued, which allowed the shareholders of Nanyang Petroleum First to see a way to make money. But this is not good news for Zhang You, which means that his competitors have received sufficient funds for development, which puts him in a very bad situation, because his oil company is still under audit, and the process is still I don't know how long it will take to walk.

"Huh." Zhang You exhaled helplessly. The domestic stock audit situation lags far behind Qin, so they can finish this circle quickly. How to finish it? It's very simple. Just send a large sum of money to those **** committee members and they will meet any of your needs, but here, you can't do it at all, because once you do it. It was the opportunity to go public, which made Zhang You once wondered if he had found the wrong place. He should return to the local area. Perhaps the local market is much better than himself.

"Give this telegram to the people of Qin, maybe they can understand our thoughts. I think that Qin needs such a company. United Petroleum Corporation can do this. We are not here to cash out a large amount of stocks in our hands. We are for development." Zhang You said solemnly. He hopes that the Securities Commission will complete such an audit as soon as possible.

In the Qin State Securities Committee, members are discussing some stocks recommended by the Qin State government. For example, rubber, engines, high-tech industries, as well as the petroleum industry recommended by banks, etc. These industries are all new industries and are needed in the future, but the problem is that Qin's stock pool can no longer accommodate so many. Once the stock is listed, the entire market will experience a big drop. They must be cautious about such a drop. This will lead to disasters. Unless the Qin government also releases water to other countries. Their situation is better.

"This is impossible. According to the agreement reached between the banking alliance, the government seems reluctant to carry out large-scale capital lending, or in other words, the government's grasp is too close. It is impossible for capital to carry out large-scale capital lending. In this case, there is still a lack of sufficient funds in the market." A committee member shook his head and said. They also want to approve these projects, but the problem is that, without sufficient funds, it is impossible to support the listing of so many stocks, and they will collapse the entire stock market.

"Well, in this case, we can only apply for the government's approval. Otherwise, we will not pass any of these listed company stocks. This will have a great impact on us." A committee member put down his glasses and said.

Qin State, Xianyang, and Shang Wen are also making some changes to his economic policies. After all, the monetary policy affected Qin’s foreign trade and overall economic development decisions.

"The Prime Minister, if we liberalize most of the monetary policy, we can properly stimulate the economy, but the question is how long we can stimulate. We should be clearly aware of this." The chief economic adviser is cautious. Speaking of. They have studied monetary policy, and all countries are exchanging economic prosperity by releasing paper money on a large scale, but this kind of prosperity is a kind of false prosperity, which will bring serious disasters behind it. Obviously they have anticipated it. The future development is possible.

But the problem is that if you don't do this, the economy will have no vitality, and an economy that loses vitality will be of no use to them.

"We need a kind of prosperity, a kind of stimulating prosperity, and the best prosperity that can solve most of our problems. This is very important for us. If we can’t solve such problems, it will have a great impact on us. Doubts." Shang Wen said.

"Stimulating prosperity is not what we need. Therefore, we can only make appropriate concessions rather than comprehensive concessions. In that case, it will seriously affect the economic development of Qin State, and Qin State cannot afford it." Shang Wen said. To.

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