The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3699: Navy, the key is the Navy

Inside the headquarters of the Chen Li battle group.

"Their situation is very bad. Our cavalry unit is blocked in the sand castle, and we are only 30 kilometers away from Thebes. The worst thing is that the cavalry unit lacks enough explosives, and They still lack artillery, and they have to wait two days to get the support of artillery." Li Lei gave the latest report on the latest gas mine encountered by front-line cavalry units. The cavalry unit has tried blasting, but unexpectedly failed. For this they also paid the price of three deaths, which made the cavalry very uncomfortable. According to reason, they should be able to open the passage, but this made the other side alert. They began to try various defenses, otherwise the Shazhou cavalry would get close to the sand castle, so it would be impossible for them to conduct a second blast. In fact, they don't have much explosives. According to their estimates, they need at least a few hundred catties of explosives to explode there, but the problem is that they have dozens of catties of explosives, and there is also a considerable amount of black powder in them. Those who have captured the Aiji army, this For them, it is not good news.

"Huh." Chen Li exhaled, the thing that worries him the most is coming. This made Chen Li relaxed, because they didn't need to worry too much about the trouble they might encounter.

"This is really troublesome, but we can still solve it. Have they tried to detour?" Chen Li asked while looking at the map.

"Yes, sir, they tried to detour. But they failed. The surrounding area is full of quicksand, which is very dangerous. Our cavalry can't pass there. The only way is the sand castle. I think someone who loves must know the situation nearby. That’s why the sand castle was built there. If we cannot get past the sand castle, we cannot open the gate to Thebes. It seems that this sand castle is the gateway to Thebes. Our only way is to wait for the follow-up The troops have arrived. But in this way, we will waste two days of precious time. This is for us." Li Lei said in an unbelievable way. He felt it a pity to give up such a combat plan.

"The sand castle is in the coastal area, right?" Chen Li asked Li Lei at this time.

"Yes, sir, he is in the coastal area, not much distance away. Aijiren built a military dock here, probably to get more supplies." Li Lei said.

"We need the navy, or in other words, the newly arrived troops can bypass the sand castle and insert them behind them. In this way, our navy can launch an offensive from the sea, as long as we give us a certain amount of firepower support to attract them. If we go to the beach, we should be able to get there, and at the worst, we can also get enough sea supplies to supplement. This is very important to us." Chen Li said. What he thought was that the navy could provide them with more help, so that they could bypass it, or use the power of the navy to conquer the sand castle. In this way, they would not have to waste more time.

"Sir, we can only give it a try. It depends on how much help the Navy can provide. If their help is not enough, our situation cannot be changed." Li Lei said.

"There is no navy, there is also an air force. We also have aviation. Aviation can also fight. It is also possible to let those reconnaissance planes fly to them and drop a few bombs. We don’t ask them to kill as many people as they want. Be scared as much as possible, everything is possible." Chen Li said. He believed in his own judgment, because he felt that those damned lovers are timid and afraid of death. Their fighting will is not as high as he imagined. As long as they launch a swift attack, they will lose. The will to resist, it can be said that as long as one round of fierce attack, the opponent will definitely collapse. Now it depends on the performance of the navy. Chen Li's telegram was sent out soon. As for what the high command will do, that is the matter of the high command. Chen Li was worried that their speed would never stop.

In Mengla, a worker is buying a can of tea in a shop. This tea is the cheapest kind of tea. You can buy two hundred grams of tea for only one yuan. Mengla people have already started to drink tea. However, many people can’t afford good tea. They can only drink a poor tea, that is, tea foam. This kind of tea is already a good thing for them. As for the benefits of drinking tea, they can't say it themselves, but they know that tea can make them healthy, at least not bad. This is their initial idea.

"Why tea is fifty cents expensive? This, this is too expensive." The worker said while looking at the tea bag in his hand. And the weight has been reduced a lot, estimated to be only 180 grams, or less. But the price has risen. This makes it difficult for him to accept, which means that he has to pay a higher price to drink tea. Not only that, he also drank a lot less.

Unlike the Central Plains countries, they like to make tea, that is, you can drink it after soaking in water. That kind of tea is too bitter and too astringent. They can't accept the bitter taste. In their opinion, tea is a kind of Chinese medicine. , He can make people live longer, but they prefer to add a lot of white sugar to the tea. If there is no white sugar, they use the local sugar, a kind of coarse sugar, in fact, it is the most primitive sugar. This kind of sugar is made by the locals using leftover sugarcane and bagasse. This kind of candy has a sweet taste. Of course, there are more magazines, but it is cheap, so many locals buy this kind of candy to drink tea. But now they are in big trouble.

"The reason is very simple. There was an attack in Myanmar. Many tea hills were attacked by the local indigenous people. They burned many tea hills. The reduction of tea production is imperative. There is no way, we can only increase the price. Many people can't get enough goods, so this is the situation." The merchant explained. The worker had no choice but to buy a pack temporarily. He had already considered whether he would reduce the frequency of drinking tea. Because at this rate of consumption, he can no longer afford it. After all, his wages have not been raised. This is a relatively large burden for him. Prices have risen, but wages have not risen. This is definitely a big deal for workers.

In addition to tea, the prices of silk, sugar, and cotton cloth have not risen very much, but they have also risen a little, which means that the rising trend of prices has been unstoppable. The Mengla people began to feel a little dissatisfied.

Except for this place in Bangla, prices in many places, represented by tea, have begun to enter the rising channel. They attribute these reasons to the harassment of the indigenous people in Myanmar. In fact, this is because the Central Plains countries have issued a large number of banknotes. The effect caused, this effect has played its role.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Supreme Command.

"Have they arrived at Thebes?" Han Shu came here just after handling some government affairs. She really hoped that her army would occupy Thebes. Even if they encountered obstacles outside the city, it was a good thing. At least they have already arrived there.

"Yes, not yet, Lord." The Secretary of the Army explained.

"Not yet?" Han Shu asked.

"Yes, my lord, the cavalry has now reached the sand castle, which is 30 kilometers away from Thebes." The Secretary of War explained.

"Didn't they get there before? Why haven't they broken through the sand castle?" Han Shu asked.

"My lord, the situation is like this. They are in trouble. The defense of the sand castle has been vigilant. A few people have begun to gather a large number of troops. At the same time, we tried blasting. Unfortunately, the civil engineering of the sand castle. Far higher than our expectations, we underestimated the sand castle defense capabilities." The Army Deputy Chief explained.

"Then organize another blast. This time the sand castle must be opened. This is the gateway to Thebes. We must kick it open." Han Shu likened this. But it is very vivid. Now it's time for Koreans to kick this place away. If they can't kick off, the situation will be very unfavorable for them.

"My lord, the situation is a bit unfavorable for us. We ran out of explosives. It will take two days for the follow-up troops to arrive. For us, it takes a long time. In this case, a few people in love may gather more. A lot of troops, in addition to these, we also need some supplies, such as explosives, without these, it is difficult for us to open the gate of the sand castle, which means that we need to pay more lives to open the gate. At present, we still lack so many capabilities." The Secretary of the Army said helplessly. In fact, what they need most at this time is the support of the navy. Without the support of the navy, they would definitely not be able to do this. It is a very difficult thing for them.

"Navy, we need the support of the navy. This is already very obvious. We need the navy to provide fire support to the sand castle. At the same time, we need to provide some supplies to the cavalry unit in the sand castle. If necessary, we can send more. It’s a very important point for us to get the strength of the troops there." Han Shu looked at the sand table and said. Han Shu also sees the importance of maritime supplies. At the same time, it takes a lot of courage to seize control of the sea. Now, South Korea needs to take such a crucial step to let their navy play a huge role. It can be said that without these, they It can't be done at all.

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