The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3704: Love a few free government

"How is it possible? A few people should be surprised by our arrival, how could they build so many fortifications, it is simply impossible." Shahr said. He felt that this must be a mistake by his reconnaissance unit. In any case, Li Nei can only believe in such a result, because he has no idea that a few people he loves will have a preference for building Pharaoh pyramids, and he will not know the role of these pyramids, because they do not know that there will be such a He can only regard the opponent’s building as a military fortress, and such a military fortress found that it is definitely not good news for them, which means that they may have to deal with more battles. . They are cavalry troops, and the most annoying thing is to conquer such a military fortress, which is for them. too difficult. When they found such a fortress, they had to send a telegram to their follow-up troops. They hoped to get more support, such as air support.

On the northern section of the Suez Canal, the Zhao State navy speedboat is moored at the junction of the Mediterranean Sea and the northern section of the canal. This seems very secretive. The Zhao State Navy is indeed performing a rigorous mission, but they are not fighting pirates.

The "Pearl" speedboat was converted from a yacht of Zhao Guo. They were equipped with two 20mm machine guns, and the rest were machine guns. Originally, they planned to install more artillery, but the war mission is coming. Up. As long as they are dispatched here, they are first put on a merchant ship, and then transported here at the fastest speed. They are carried out such a task before they have time to overhaul. The sailors will drop a group of mysterious guests here and then The wait here is twelve hours, and they may wait longer if necessary.

"Sir. Those people are some kind of people, they look very gloomy." A second lieutenant asked a navy lieutenant.

"I don't know, don't go out and talk about these things, this kind of mission will not be recorded today, understand?" The lieutenant said while looking at the ensign.

"Be vigilant, there will be too many pirates here, be careful." The lieutenant immediately puts everyone in a state of vigilance. It is his task to come patiently. As for what tasks the mysterious people will perform, he is also I don't know, in short, the way he knows, this kind of task is best not to go out and talk nonsense, otherwise, everything about yourself will be ruined.

As soon as they arrived at the naval base arranged by the Koreans, Zhao Guo's intelligence department brought a group of mysterious people. They looked like the army, but they didn't say a word, just let them cooperate. As for other things, they don't know. And can't ask too much.

A hidden place on the shore. The three Carthaginians looked at the three Zhao people on the opposite side. The Carthaginians got news from their insiders. A group of special Central Plains people asked to see them. They didn't know what it meant, but the other side said that they would provide them with more special weapons of interest. As long as the Carthaginians can afford such a price, they are willing to provide it. The Carthaginians were naturally willing. Originally, the Carthaginian pirates were planning a big fight, but after contacting the Koreans, they found out. The high-priced weapons they bought from the hands of those who loved the few, the effectiveness of which is simply horrible. The weapons they sold are not at the same level as the Koreans. There is no possibility of such a naval battle going on. Therefore, the Carthaginians hope to reach a peace agreement with the Koreans, and they plan to surrender the entire Love a few seas, no matter what, it’s the most advantageous way to save themselves. They just come here to trade to make money. They are essentially a businessman. If their opponents are weak, they will become robbers, and now they have encountered a A strong opponent, facing such an opponent, they naturally don't like to have greater conflicts with the opponent. After all, such conflicts are not good for them.

"We are personnel from the intelligence department of the country of Zhao, and my name is Zhao Neng. We are here to achieve some arms trade with you. I think you must already be very clear about the strength of the Korean weapons. We are the Central Plains. Another country, Zhao Guo, our weapon performance is far better than the performance of the Korean weapons, we can provide you with such weapons, we are only here to do trade." Zhao Neng said.

"My name is Karl, Carthage Navy. I don’t know why you are looking for us or why you provide us with such weapons, but we are interested in the weapons you provide. You know, we can’t defeat the South Korean Navy. Their weapons are too powerful. We are not their opponents at all." Karl said.

"Well, you can recognize this clearly, which shows that you are very wise. Under such circumstances, I hope you can reach agreement with us. After all, only in this way can we have a basis for cooperation and a basis for cooperation. It is strength. And military weaponry is one of the strengths." Zhao Neng said.

"We are willing to cooperate, but we have one condition that is to help us resolve this war. We can provide you with more funds. We are more willing to pay attention to this war. You know, this is a big deal for us. Trouble." The other party said.

"Yes. Yes, we can consider such conditions. This is not a problem for us." Zhao Neng said with a smile, and then they discussed specific cooperation agreements, such as the provision of weapons, which they could not pass. Here the Suez Canal transported a large number of weapons to these pirates. The Carthaginians also lost control of this place. They needed a logistics transaction center. Then they got a reliable message in the constant conversation, Asia Minor, Carthage People control some important ports there, and Zhao Guoren’s only Seth power is developing there, and they can make deliveries there. This is a good choice for them. The Carthaginians welcomed the arrival of the Zhao people very much, because they saw the hope of increasing their strength. This kind of hope made them very gratified. Because without the support of Zhao Guoren, they can't do anything. This is caused by the inequality in power.

Sandcastle. Ten kilometers to the west, the army was stationed again, but this time, they were ordered. No need to force the march again, they can finally relax. Toller and others were also found out, because Chen Li had just received an astonishing news.

"In this case, it will be very detrimental to us. These fortresses, **** it, why I love a few people to build fortresses there is simply unbelievable." Chen Li looked at the telegram from the front and said puzzledly.

"Sir. It may be that Aijiren is defending against certain people, or the country’s offensive. They have built defensive fortresses there. In this way, it can be explained. However, now I am worried that Aijiren will retreat to To go to the fortress area, or they decide to stick to their city, this is a difficult choice for us." Zhang Chen said worriedly.

"Yes. If you love a few people relying on those fortresses, we won't be able to defeat them at all. Because our military strength was not much, now that we have fortresses, they can gather more troops. Forget it. I'll take a look at it. What kind of situation it is, we can't judge at all right now, what kind of situation happened." Chen Li said. Soon, Toller and other major officers of the Free Army were brought here. Chen Li first praised them for their contributions. They have grown from a few thousand to more than 50,000 Free Army, which is very powerful. Toller and others laughed happily. This shows that the Koreans are very concerned about them. It is a hint that they have the opportunity to continue their allegiance. With such an opportunity, they can fully develop and grow. Then Chen Li made some assumptions. For example, after the war, they will become a free government, and the original Aiji government will become an illegal government. They will directly represent the Aiji government. This news makes them They were shocked because they just thought that with some troops, they would get a big official position, but they never dared to think that the Koreans would even give them an official position, which really surprised them. Such an accident makes them feel that their heart can't stand it. However, they soon knew why they had such value. The reason is simple, because Koreans need them to do something.

"The mission is very simple. We need to detect the intentions of those who love the army. We need to know if they have established fortresses in the West Bank. If so, will we treat you badly? You don't have to attack. Just report it to us to know. , That's it." Chen Li said. Toller and the others listened to what was in the clouds, because they didn’t know what other important military targets were in the West Bank. What they knew was that there were the tombs of the pharaohs, and some of the tombs that had been stolen cannot be stolen Up. They really don't know what else can be done. But since this is the order of the Koreans. They just execute. Who knows what kind of things the Koreans will arrange for them. They are concerned about entering Thebes. As for the tomb of the Pharaoh, that is not something they can consider. In this way, South Korea continued to conduct reconnaissance on the Pharaoh’s pyramid.

State Zhao, Handan, in the staff.

"How?" Li Mu asked his staff with a smile. Many of the staff looked at the report with an unbelievable look at the report. They thought that this was completely impossible.

"A few people have lost their courage, and they have no possibility of fighting. A few people who do not have any will to fight, I believe that their capital, Thebes, will definitely be discarded. Then this government will be completely lost. Control over all areas. This is very good news for Koreans." Li Mu said. Others nodded in agreement with what their chief of staff said. They are really hard to believe that there are more than 10,000 people defending a strong fortress, and the Koreans only organized a small-scale reconnaissance bombing. It is said that only two bombers modified by reconnaissance planes flew over their heads. Only some mortar shells were dropped. They couldn't believe how much damage such mortar shells could have. But that's it, this kind of thing happened. Love a few people unexpectedly collapsed on their own. The staff members have difficulty believing that they love the combat effectiveness of the army. They don't even know why so many people collapsed all at once.

But Li Mu didn't get too entangled in this issue. Because he knows that the next few people in love will lose their capital. This is already inevitable. Regardless of the fact that they have assembled more troops, it is of no use. They are all backward troops. Their monarch must not Will fight. They will only quickly flee here when the South Korean army is weak, and it has become impossible to continue fighting.

However, after this war is over, the Koreans will completely control the area from the Suez Canal to Debes, which means that the Koreans will enter the Mediterranean area. What does the Mediterranean area mean, a new market and The colony, what kind of resources are there, and what kind of development results there are, Li Mu can't think of at all, but what he knows is that the influence of the Koreans will further increase. For the people of Zhao, this is not a problem. Not good news.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Supreme Command. Han Shu is in a very good mood. Although there was still a trace of tension, she didn't feel any tension at all. Because of the victory, one victory after another came from the front. There is nothing better than him.

"The sand castle has been conquered. Next, we will occupy Thebes. Although there will be a hundred thousand army waiting for us, I believe that the soldiers of the Korean New Army will conquer such a capital and occupy there. , To help us in South Korea expand our greater scope of influence." Han Shu said with a smile. Everyone felt very relaxed. Although the war was not over yet, they thought that the result was not important anymore. The important thing is how they divide up the next thing.

"For Aiji, we have to establish a free government for Aiji. The previous Aiji government was illegal and irresponsible. They simply have no ability to continue to manage such a country in this way. Therefore, they have to pay a lot of money. They must surrender the governance power of this country. The governance power should belong to the free government.” Han Shu said.

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