Qin Guo, Xianyang, within the Securities Commission.

"Mr. Zhang You, this is good news. Mr. Zhang You." A committee member asked Zhang You who was in surprise, probably because the news came too suddenly. Or, he was not prepared to accept such a thing at all, and as a result, he was frightened.

"Oh. I. I'm fine. I'm fine. It's just that I just feel that it came too suddenly." Zhang You said. The committee members smiled slightly. They also believe that the other party will definitely have such a thing. In the case of difficulties in the Qin State’s capital market, the Qin State government gave the green light to the listing of some companies. To maintain, they also specially provided a large amount of interest-free loans. This has never happened before in the listing of all companies. In this case, it is convenient to ensure that the market can effectively accommodate these company stocks with future value. It can be said that the reason why Qin State gave the green light was for his own future development.

These stocks include rubber, which is the aspect of new materials, as well as energy, such as petroleum, and related petrochemicals, motor vehicle manufacturing, mainly in engine manufacturing, as well as the aviation industry, etc. These new projects will affect Qin The future of the country will have a great impact, and Shangwen is planning ahead. Meng Yi also feels about this. After all, this is what Shangwen will do within two terms of office. He does not want to see Qin State lagging behind any country in the future technological revolution. Therefore, it is a violation of some market principles. , He also wants to do such a thing. The market's response to this has been enthusiastic. Because the above-mentioned new stocks have been enthusiastically praised and received considerable attention, they believe that this is a dividend distributed by the Qin government, and such a dividend will be enthusiastic for them. The market's response is positive, which is what Shangwen needs to achieve. In this regard, Shang Wen felt very gratified.

State of Zhao, Handan. Guo Kai looked at the military order in his hand and nodded constantly.

"Yes, it's done very well. This shows that our military industry in the country of Zhao has a reputation. This is very important for us, and it is useful." Guo Kai said. What Guo Kai held in his hand was a military order from the Chu government. They ordered more than one million landmines, of course. There are many types of landmines, and training is required to bury landmines. In addition, they have to help establish a production line in Chu. The War Department’s answer is that it is necessary for them to increase the number of landmines. If it exceeds 10 million, they may agree to carry out related industrial upgrades. of course. The War Department is very clear that this is impossible, but they are not willing to give up such an opportunity.

"Yes, Prime Minister, we have done it. As long as the price is right, we will take these orders. The problem is that we are worried. Chu people will look for Koreans. If Koreans develop weapons better than we have If we have an advantage, our price may be reduced." The Secretary of the Army said worriedly.

"This, we can improve the particularity of the landmines we produce. For example, the diversity of our products is irreplaceable, of course. The market of Chu is unreliable. Chu people have always been the guys who introduced technology to imitate. I know that their economic minister is Chen Ping. This person is very capable. He knows that the development of industry is the key. Unfortunately, the mess of Chu State only develops agriculture. This person still has the ability, but some are too young. It’s done. It’s not experienced enough to do things. If you are older, it will be fine.” Guo Kai said. The Secretary of the Army hadn't planned how much money Nen could make from Chu's market. They just imported some materials at a reasonable price. For example, sugar. This is also a very important strategic material, and prices have risen very sharply recently. Especially white sugar, its value is almost catching up with the price of steel.

"Prime Minister, we are also actively fighting the development of other markets. For example, we have developed Carthage. This is a new market area." The Secretary of the Army said tentatively. He blows it up. Carthage is a big trouble, because the reason is very simple. The Carthaginians are fighting against the Koreans. On the issue of piracy, the Koreans are determined not to make concessions, and the Carthaginians have too many weapons. Time again. They originally thought that they could defeat the Koreans with hope, but when they were fighting against the Koreans, they realized that the situation was completely different. This situation made them very surprised, but they also have to say , This is a very important attempt.

"Carthage, aren't they fighting the Koreans? If we participate, it will be very bad. I think you understand our current situation. Our situation is very bad. This will bring us. More troublesome." Guo Kai said dissatisfiedly. Although Zhao Guo has inevitably emerged on some issues. However, Guo Kai is still interested in avoiding such things. After all, it is better to avoid such things as much as possible. If it happens excessively.

"The Prime Minister, we have thought about this issue, but we should even more consider Zhao's situation." The Secretary of the Army said.

"Yeah. Okay, tell me something." Guo Kai said unnaturally. Because he took the initiative to avoid great frictions and troubles with South Korea, even though the two sides are competing with each other on some trade issues, such as industrial products, South Korea is catching up because Zhao Guoren imports a lot of raw materials, especially Raw materials for agricultural products. South Korea is in an unfavorable state, because their industrial products only have partial advantages, and most of them do not have any advantages. Therefore, there are still contradictions between South Korea and the State of Zhao, and this contradiction cannot be eliminated.

"South Korea has now defeated Aijiren, and they controlled a large area of ​​Aijiren's territory. Not surprisingly, the staff has concluded that they will attack the Thebes. This means that the Koreans are in the Mediterranean. We have gained a firm foothold and have a place where we can open up the market and have more raw materials. In such a place, Koreans have already occupied an absolute advantage. This advantage will intensify the existence of Koreans’ advantages. If we can’t If we control in time, we may not be able to enter the region in the future, and the strength of the Koreans will be further increased if we get the market in the region. This is not good news for us. On the contrary, it will be a Disaster. And," the Secretary of the Army said worriedly.

"And what?" Guo Kai asked.

"And this time, the Koreans opened the door of each other alone. In this case, they have knocked on the door of the Mediterranean region, but we have not yet opened it. This is extremely detrimental to us. The only way is for us The same method is also adopted to solve this problem." said the Secretary of the Army.

"Well, that's right. It really has a great influence on us. Koreans can further increase their market share. Damn, they have a lot of market share. In this market, almost all profitable businesses They did it all. What do we do. But." On the one hand, Guo Kai was very angry because the Koreans had too many advantages, which made him very annoyed. On the other hand, he was very worried because he Fear of open competition will lead to an escalation of the conflict between Koreans and Zhao Guoren. In that case, Zhao Guo will be dragged into the abyss of war. Guo Kai will try his best to avoid this situation. After all, Zhao Guo is currently in a very dangerous situation. His ability to expand abroad has already been demonstrated, and in the course of continuous development, if it is not contained, the situation may further deteriorate.

"But the problem is that if you do this, the Koreans will soon find out about our situation. You know, those Koreans are very savvy, and their intelligence system will quickly find out that we did it. We still do things like this. It's better to be careful." Guo Kai said, shaking his head again. For such things, he himself is quite worried. After all, if this kind of thing happened, it would mean that the open diplomatic relations between South Koreans and Zhao Guo broke down. What's next, the two sides will compete in other matters. This kind of competition will not be good for Zhao Guo.

"The prime minister. We have already figured out the countermeasures for this. We can transport weapons through Asia Minor. The Seth people have helped us open the channel to Asia Minor. We can completely produce and export through there, and the Seth factory Also under construction, we can produce a large number of weapon parts, complete the assembly in Seth, and then transport them to Asia Minor to provide them to the Carthaginians. For the Koreans’ accusations, we can only say that we can’t do anything because of the resale of these goods. It’s not something we can control. In this case, I believe that the Koreans can’t say anything. They can only watch the power of the Carthaginians develop further. This is not a difficult one for us. Things." The Secretary of the Army said.

"Yeah. Very good, so it seems that we have solved all the problems, and we have also entered the Mediterranean. What I know is that this Asia Minor is nearby." Guo Kai rarely knows some places geographically. This is not easy. Because Guo Kai often calls many places the wrong name, because he is very immature in the concept of geography, or in other words, doesn't care. But now, he actually remembered Asia Minor, which I have to say, this is a miracle.

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