The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3716: Issuance of shopping vouchers

Qin State, on the streets of Xianyang.

"Outside the number, the Motor Vehicle Association will send an ocean-going fleet to the Americas, and a new exploration is about to begin." A newsboy shouted loudly. The current situation of newsboys has been greatly improved. Qin’s children are very self-reliant, and they can do such things to meet the needs of some pocket money. All of this has benefited from the changes in the economic environment of Qin State. If a few years ago, their possible situation would have been even more miserable.

On hearing this news, the people of Qin State didn’t seem to have much reaction. People just hurriedly finished their breakfast, then held their briefcases, or took some of their own lunches and moved quickly towards the company and the enterprise. , They have to rush to work, if they are late, it's not good. This is a day for ordinary people to live, and it is also a day for them to experience. Such a situation is normal for them. After all, such things happen every day.

Inside the prime minister's house. Shangwen ate breakfast, while Meng Yi habitually came to Shangwen’s office to have breakfast together. The friendship between the prime minister and the deputy prime minister convinced everyone in Qin that Qin’s command was getting better and better because they had better The prime minister is here to help them solve their problems.

"Qin's economic development is not bad. The Motor Vehicle Association has raised more funds. They have obtained more than 30 ships of various types through leases, purchases, and agreement transfers. Such a huge fleet, I believe, They will definitely get more support and get more rubber from the Americas. The guarantee of rubber resources will enable our motor vehicles to play a greater role." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah. But this is not what I'm worried about." Shang Wen took a bite of the fried dough stick, then took a financial section to Meng Yi, and let Meng Yi look at this. With the increase in the types of vegetable oils, especially the increase in people's consumer groups, soybean oil, various **** oils, and palm oil from Southeast Asia, etc., the emergence of various oils has made the diet of the Central Plains countries The cooking has undergone a great change. For example, most of the previous meals were steamed and boiled. This method has a very simple taste, and there is not much appetite for eating. However, after the increase in oils, the soybean oil of Yan State, the **** oil of Chu State in the south, and the palm oil of Nanyang, etc. Stir-frying has attracted a lot of people’s diet, and people’s tastes have become more numerous, but this has also brought a big trouble, that is, the increase in fats and various diseases have begun to increase. First of all, There are many cases of cardiovascular sclerosis, which has never been seen before, because people’s cooking methods are steaming and boiling. This method is more scientific or healthier, but after more fried foods, people The diet becomes unhealthy. In addition to these, there is also the problem of obesity. Although this problem is not very obvious, it has been on the list of health problems under the attention of the media.

"This?" Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen puzzled.

"Our stock market can't go up. This shows that we don't have more financial support, the stock market will fall, and the economy will weaken to a certain extent. This kind of thing is probably hard to avoid." Shang Wen said worriedly. When the economy has developed to a certain level, the economy will inevitably weaken, because Qin’s economy cannot always be in a state of telling growth. At the same time, the necessary fall is also a state of self-adjustment. Shang Wen has always been Use various stimulus methods to stimulate Qin's economic growth. For example, monetary policy, wars, technology, tax reductions, and various reforms are all used to stimulate economic development. However, as this economy is in a period of weakness, various economic stimulus methods It will also fail, because too much stimulus will only further consume the potential of economic development. There is a possibility that economic self-adjustment is still needed. Therefore, the economic stage of Qin State has just reached such a critical point. Shang Wen is right There is nothing that can be done. However, Meng Yi was not aware of the impact of such disadvantages on the State of Qin.

"If this is the case, can we reduce the stamp duty again? If this is the case, I believe that the situation will definitely be improved to a greater extent. After all, this situation is not difficult for us." Meng Yi tried I also hope that the way of stimulus will boost Qin's economy.

"It's useless. The economic development I'm worried about may enter a period of weakness. If this problem cannot be solved in a timely and effective manner, trouble may still come. But the problem is that we really can't find a better way to solve it. This problem." Shang Wen said. Meng Yi nodded. He felt that he should visit the School of Economics. Perhaps, economic experts have such a view.

In terms of news, in addition to the Qin State Motor Vehicle Association sending more ships to explore the Americas, there is also Zhang You’s United Petroleum Company, which is officially listed in Qin State. Although this is a South Korean company, most of the capital is owned by Qin State people. It can be said that this enterprise is controlled by Qin Guoren. But Zhang You thinks this is not important. What is important is what he did, for example, after getting sufficient financial support. They can do a lot of things they could not do before. He wants to build refineries in more places, and Qin Guo has promised to contact relevant companies for cooperation in this area, which means that Zhangyou’s United Petroleum Company, And from a single mining and transportation to a product upgrader, this is a major innovation for United Petroleum Corporation. In the future, more high-quality petroleum products will enter various markets, which will allow United Petroleum Company has a stronger competitiveness.

But it will take time. Without time accumulation, it would be difficult for them to do such a thing well. Therefore, under such a situation, Qin's best solution is to solve more problems.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command. When the construction of Mengla Champu enters a new stage, what are the Indians in the north doing? Wouldn't they pose a threat to Mengla Champu under construction? The answer is yes, because the South Korean government also has such concerns.

"My lord, according to our latest reconnaissance situation, the Indians are in big trouble. Their economy is already on the verge of collapse. The current situation is that this situation will become even more collapsed. , Because they spent their last financial power in the war against Yue’s. If they need to solve the financial problem, they need to levy taxes to solve the problem, but the problem is that the Indians can no longer bear such high taxes. I am burdened. Therefore, they have had a very serious riot in the country, and the Indians are trying their best to resolve this riot." An intelligence colonel explained to Han Shu that the situation of the Indians was dispatched and occupied by them. Phu, Bangla spies, these spies are usually journalists, diplomats, and businessmen. They can be effectively protected by the South Korean government, and they can unscrupulously steal various government reports from the Indian government. Then it was handed over to the South Koreans, because the Indian government has become corrupted, it is difficult for them to withstand such a large-scale infiltration, and at the same time endure a larger-scale war. The riots have brought the Indian government into a state of extreme collapse. .

"What kind of riot? It gives the Indian government such a headache. If we can, we should support such a riot to continue, because it gives us an opportunity to further disintegrate the northern Indian government." Han Sue said so.

"Well, King, I think it is better for us to investigate the whole process of the matter. At the same time, I think the development process of this matter may be far from this simple, because many places require our attention. But the advantage of doing this is that we can take the opportunity to occupy more advantageous positions." The Intelligence Colonel suggested.

"Yeah. I just suggest that." Han Shu said. Han Shu's advantage is that where she doesn't understand, she never wants to interfere too much because of trouble. In order to solve so many troublesome problems, she can only hand it over to those professionals, so that they can be in a favorable position. In such a situation, what she needs is professional advice. As for the result of the advice, this is not what she considers.

In response, the colonel submitted a report specially. This report shows that a kind of Holy Fire religious organization has emerged in the territory of Indy, they use religion to gather more people, and through various dissatisfaction with the government to trigger their greater riots, their religious activities become more Secret and deceptive at the same time. Under such circumstances, more religious uprisings broke out in various parts of India. They resisted a corrupt and incompetent government. They hoped to establish a new government.

For the Holy Fire, the understanding of South Korean intelligence personnel is like this. The Sacred Fire comes from the Western Regions, as for those locations in the Western Regions, it may come from Persia. Then after the Yueshi people reach their hands, such an explanation is not difficult for them. Because in Persia, there is indeed the existence of Zoroastrianism, and the Holy Fire religion may be a variation of Zoroastrianism, or in other words, they have accepted a certain doctrine of Zoroastrianism. Then by extension, it became. The Indians’ own Holy Fire cult. For the Holy Fire, the Koreans know less because of the limited intelligence resources. After all, this requires more sophisticated spies. For Menggla and Zhanpu’s spy training courses, they also need More funds can solve this problem, so on this issue, their situation is not very good. But the trouble caused by the Holy Fire is still not small, after all, it is not a big trouble. This situation will make them suffer even greater evil results.

State of Zhao, Handan. A department store is full of people shopping here, and many people buy the goods they need as if they don’t need money, even if there are a lot of them. They also have to buy more.

"Oh, Ali. You are here to shop too." A woman pushed a shopping cart and asked a young woman. The young woman's man was still holding the baby.

"Yes, Ajuan, you also come to shop." Ali said with a smile.

"Yeah. I can't buy it. Our factory doesn't pay us wages. We pay a small portion of the wages, but we subsidize a lot of shopping vouchers. This is the department store. That's it. Buying things here, we can The subsidy is 70%. If you think about it, if you don’t buy it, just throw it away in vain. It’s a pity. So, we’d better come out and spend these things. Anyway, we just give out a small part of the funds. , Don't you think?" A Juan said.

"Yes. I think so too. After all, wages are really not high now, mainly because prices have risen too high. We simply cannot accept such high prices, which is very difficult for us to bear. A price of the same." Ali said.

This is the method that Zhaoguo Enterprise came up with. If wages are paid to workers, if the wages and remunerations are increased, it means that the company’s funds are insufficient and their production costs increase. This is not a good phenomenon for them. , Once a company rises, they must also adjust their wages, and this adjustment will bring about a wider range of capital occupation.

But if wages are not raised, the workers will not be able to retain them. In that case, their losses will become even greater. Under such circumstances, the business owners of the factory are discussing solutions to this problem, and they suddenly thought of using shopping vouchers. To solve this problem, for example, send them shopping vouchers for a certain industry. This kind of shopping vouchers can allow them to buy more products at the price they like. And they have such discounted products to make them become More satisfaction, after all, such a situation is not common. Therefore, they thought of such a trick. The advantage of doing so is that it can increase the purchase demand of workers and make them feel satisfied, and factories and enterprises do not need to increase more wages. This can be regarded as reducing a burden for them, and at the same time, such an approach greatly meets their other needs and stimulates consumption, because stimulating consumption means that their market expands. The expanded market can better meet their market needs. This is good news for them and a very good way to stimulate consumption. Therefore, they have taken corresponding measures to adapt to such an approach. After all, this is not too much loss for them.

The issuance of shopping vouchers has brought about further growth in Zhao’s domestic consumer market. This growth has benefited from the issuance of shopping vouchers.

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