Zhao Guo, Handan, the first military factory, in the design department, the supervisor is holding a weapons research conference. Because their condition is not very good.

"Some of the current gossip, I think you have also heard. Yes, arms embargo, conditional arms embargo, in the future, we are unlikely to send large-caliber artillery to the war zone. Many war zones are now being included. Coming in, this means that many weapons, especially high-tech weapons, cannot be exported." The supervisor said helplessly. Others nodded their heads to confirm this kind of thing. Before, they just thought that this kind of thing was impossible. After all, it would harm a lot of the interests of military industry enterprises, but the problem is that it actually happened. The occurrence of such a thing makes them feel unprecedented fear, because in this case, many of their research results are restricted.

"In this case, the situation is too bad. High-tech weapons can only be purchased by our military. However, in that case, only one buyer, or a few countries, will buy high-tech weapons, and because of national competition , These weapons are unlikely to be sold madly. This is really difficult.” An engineer said embarrassingly when he heard such news. This means that the other party's requirements become higher, and the difficulty of design will be further increased. Faced with such a situation, they expressed a lot of pressure.

"Supervisor, I think we should also see some opportunities. According to the information we have received, the weapons that can be exported are mainly limited to high-tech weapons and equipment. In this case, in order to maintain the state of the Central Plains country’s combat readiness advantage. .But in this way, the exported weapons will become most of the light weapons, as well as some fast-moving weapons for the infantry. We have just received some orders from Seth, and they hope to get more light machine guns, or one. A machine gun can become a special weapon in a special environment. It can continue to play out. The weight and mobility of a light machine gun, and the firepower of a heavy machine gun, facing such a weapon, I think they are I like it very much. I think that this kind of weapon idea can provide us with a better weapon state." A young engineer stood up and said.

"Yeah. That's right. We should have this kind of thinking. If we have this kind of thinking, it will be of great benefit to us." The supervisor praised at this time. What they need is this kind of thinking, because after the other side has this kind of thinking, they can create more value in foreign military sales, because what they need is this kind of situation to solve the problem.

"Okay. We will pay more attention to such weapons in the future, maybe we can use them in the near future. Therefore, everyone should actively respond to such a situation, think more and think more." The supervisor said. . Then he ended the meeting easily. All this to him. All problems will become simple, after all, he is the management.

Love a few, Thebes.

"These **** **** actually blow up the Pharaoh's pyramid. And they also stole a lot of funerary items. These bastards." The observers dispatched by Chen Li brought a startling news from the front line. Because they found that more than seven pyramids have been severely damaged, it seems unlikely to be repaired. Five pyramids have been opened and the funerary objects inside have been taken away. The robbery of the tomb is quite rampant.

"Sir, this matter has nothing to do with us. After all, it is just the tomb of the pharaoh who loved a few people. This is not an important cultural relic to us. We don't have extra troops to protect them." The Lieutenant Colonel's staff said so.

"Damn it, if the king asks, how should we solve this problem, should we answer it truthfully? Such a thing, how will your lover think of us, we have to stay here, no matter what? This One thing needs to be investigated and there must be a result. Otherwise, if the king asks for a crime, I will hand over all of you **** staff officers. Anyway, I will be shot and you will be arrested." Chen Li said angrily. .

"Sir, put down the fire, maybe the matter is not as serious as we thought." Zhang Chen took Chen Li to the side as he talked about it. Many staff members disagreed with this, thinking that Thebes was occupied. They didn't do those graves, but loved a few people. Under such circumstances, they really have no guilt to be held accountable.

"Sir, what I know is that those things were indeed done by the Aiji Free Army, and they knew that they were wrong. However, we also have some reasons. After all, if we were able to let Aiji people participate in the attack of Debez at that time. In the middle, such things may be avoided, and things like tomb robbery may have happened before. We simply cannot prevent such things from happening. I have already investigated this kind of thing clearly. And." Zhang Chen said. To.

"And what?" Chen Li asked impatiently.

"Moreover, they are willing to provide some protection costs. You know, they have no foundation. Under such circumstances, they need our protection, of course. At a critical time, they will hand over a batch of scapegoats. The lamb, I believe they will not have a problem." Zhang Chen persuaded.

"You mean, let me provide them with protection, and then provide them with more funds to do what we want to do, right?" Chen Li said.

"Yes, sir, I think it is necessary for us to do this. After all, we have no way to stop this kind of thing. Besides. Sir, you should consider your future. This time the Thebes battle, if there is If there is a blemish, you may have a big obstacle to your promotion to the general. You know the guys in the War Department, they all don't like generals who come down from the front line, because such generals are too stubborn. And those in the War Department. Guys may take advantage of this opportunity to have a great disadvantage to you, General." Zhang Chen said. Chen Li didn't say anything, but he obviously paused. In this case, there is a way. Because of the simplicity, he didn't want to be put on hold by those guys in the War Department.

Although Chen Li fought a great victory, in the eyes of the bureaucrats of the War Department, such a thing is definitely not what they can imagine. Although the War Department has also made great achievements, the problem is that this is the case. Generals pose a great threat to the Department of War, bureaucrats, because they have their own circle and system. At this time, a guy who doesn’t know why comes in from the outside. Such a guy will break all the balance. This is The last thing the War Department wants to see.

Therefore, they usually promote each other, and then hide the opponent's snow, or put it in the reserve, in the name of the country's needs, let the other party die in the reserve. Although Chen Li looked down on the guys in the War Department, those War Department guys could indeed do this, plus the huge victory in the Battle of Thebes, but such a small thing would definitely not be let go. No matter how you deal with it, the outcome of the matter has been decided. This leads to the impossible for you to have a better solution to solve this problem, so the problem is quite complicated. And helpless.

"Sir, if we have such a fund, even though Thebes will get a lot of trophies, those trophies will make the War Department guys take it for granted. But the extra trophies, sir, It can be active, and the War Department can’t tolerate it, but other departments can also tolerate such things. What I know is the command. The command still needs such a high-level staff. The chief can seek such a position and then be able to take up a new position. The senior officer of China.” Zhang Chen persuaded. He knew that Chen Li must be moved.

Follow the general trajectory. Chen Li will definitely be transferred to the reserve by the Ministry of War for some reason. In that case, he can only be promoted to the rank of one rank and retired with the rank of lieutenant general. In this way, his whole life is over. Unless there is still a large-scale war going on, but looking at the surrounding area, it seems unlikely. Moreover, he is only a military commander, and once the promotion channel is locked, there will be no chance in the future.

"Well, I understand what you mean. This matter, just follow your arrangements, don't cause trouble, I do need some activities, after all, this kind of thing has already happened. We can't stop it. This For us, this situation needs to be completely resolved, doesn't it?" Chen Li said.

"Yes, sir, I understand. I will launch this operation according to your request." Zhang Chen nodded and agreed. He knew that Chen Li agreed to do so. In fact, this is a compromise, a helpless and realistic compromise. They are actually unwilling to do this. However, the bureaucrats of the War Department are such people. They have their own circles. Once they stabilize, they will definitely They will protect their entirety from being destroyed by anyone, and once someone destroys them, they themselves don't know what to do.

Bureaucratic faction is a situation that every country, government, and military cannot avoid. This situation can only be said to be true. The severity is different, but if you want to avoid such a situation, it is unavoidable, because this situation will be difficult to reform. Therefore, under such a situation, the best course of action for all countries is to do nothing.

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