South Korea, Xinzheng, Supreme Command. According to Han Shu's request, the decoration of the Supreme Command must be simple and clear. Therefore, there are only the simplest pieces of furniture, and then there are more big sand tables and maps. If you drink water, no one will bring it. The same is true for their queen, they all pour water by themselves. Because the Supreme Command prohibits non-commanders from entering it for the sake of secrecy, the secrecy level here is the highest.

"This Chen Li. Even some of the Free Army can't control it. If this continues, the entire Aiji situation will be very bad for us. What will those Aiji think about us." Han Shu saw from the Aiji Free Army The situation of tomb robbery is very disgusting, because any monarch hates the behavior of tomb robbery, which is extremely shameful.

"My lord, it's better to transfer Chen Li back and let him enter a training class or reserve service. In this way, more outstanding soldiers can be trained. I think it can prevent the situation from getting worse." The Secretary of the Army suggested. The difference between a politician and a military strategist is that military strategists serve politicians because they need to properly solve various problems after the war and before the war. These problems are usually continuity, not just because of something alone. The interruption of this thing cuts off the connection. Many things require long-term and overall consideration.

"No, don't do this for now." Han Shu suddenly shook his head and said. The Secretary of War patiently listened to his Queen's thoughts, but he felt that this matter might be going to break. If he were allowed to enter the War Department, the situation would be very different, which means that the overall situation would be very different. There has been such a deviation. Their situation will be in a very bad state. After all, the War Department has its own small circle, and when a person is suddenly put into their circle, the balance will soon be broken.

"I want to transfer him to the High Command, so that our High Command can know what happened to Aiji. Think about it, this is the situation, the War Department, the High Command, or the Navy Department. , They don’t know the specific situation of Aiji, which can easily change our strategy greatly. This situation is a big change for us. Faced with such a change, We can’t let this happen, so we need to make some adjustments. We need front-line officers to come to the Supreme Command and let them serve as our advisers. I think this can effectively prevent us from committing crimes. Various mistakes." Han Shu said.

"At the same time, I need to point out that Aiji’s situation is far more complicated than we thought. The reason is very simple, because as far as we know there are already many potential enemies, we still don’t know their enemies. What is the friendship. For example, the Roma, we still don’t know where they arrived, and the Carthaginians seem to have had an ally broken relationship with Aiji, besides, there is Asia Minor. And so on. We have never faced these situations before, so we need such consultants and people who can provide relevant and correct opinions in a timely manner, understand?" Han Shu said. The Secretary of War nodded and made it clear that as long as they don't come to the War Department, they think it's okay.

The city of Bangla, the branch of the South Korean intelligence agency stationed in Bangla, has only two main tasks. The first is to pay attention to the organizations and personnel in Bangla that resist the Korean forces. The second is to pay close attention to some actions in India.

"The activities of the Indi Sacred Fire seem to be very powerful. They have developed very rapidly. It is said that more than 70% of the Indian land has fallen into a huge disaster, and the government seems to have difficulty controlling it. This is the situation." Lieutenant Colonel Chen Jin said. At present, their attention is mainly focused on the situation with Indy. They believe that things are far from being as simple as they thought.

"I think the Indian government is completely finished. There is no chance of rescue. Therefore, I plan to send personnel to contact the people of the Holy Fire to see their attitude towards us. If they are willing to cooperate with us, we The South Korean side is willing to provide some help, such as arms assistance. What I know is that their armed forces are militiamen and lack enough weapons. We can provide them with so many weapons, and they must cooperate with us. In this case , May become a lot smarter for our situation, I think, this is the situation.” Lieutenant Colonel Chen Jin said.

"Sir. I don't agree with this view." Captain Chen Ke said. He is just a young captain officer. He was transferred from the staff officer to the intelligence department. It can be said that his profession is not right, but this does not prevent him from looking at all issues from another angle. In this way, it will provide him with more ways to solve the problem, because he always sees things that others can't see.

"Oh. Tell me, I want to know, what are you thinking? For this officer transferred from the staff, he really wants to know what the other party thinks.

"Sir, I want to ask, is a corrupt and incompetent government good for us, or a new country that is good for us?" Chen Kee asked his chief this way. He did not directly express his thoughts, but only used Ask questions to prove your opinion.

"Well, I think a corrupt and incompetent government is good for us, because the more incompetent they are, the greater their dependence on us. Well, I think, I understand what you mean." Chen Jin suddenly understood.

"If we support the Holy Flame, we still don’t know what their intentions are. Who knows what their attitude towards us is. If they don’t support us, or deceive us, then it will be a balance of the situation in the entire Indy. If a very unfavorable situation arises, we might as well support the Indian government at this time and let the Indian government crack down on those **** holy fire religions. In this case, the two sides will fight to the death and we will get the benefit in the end, right?" Chen Jin asked.

"Yes, sir. We have only one principle. We will attack whoever is strong, and we will help whoever is weak. We will keep them in a balanced state, and then continue to consume each other in the war, attack each other, and let They continue to consume, and in the end it is us who get the most benefit." Chen Ke said.

"Well. This is a very good idea, and it's easy to implement. Let's try it, but we also have to maintain contact with the Holy Flame. Maybe they will rely on us unexpectedly. As long as we maintain a balance, we This problem can be solved without sending troops. This is what we finally need." Chen Jin said. Chen Ke immediately nodded to express his understanding that he was going to the north to arrange such a thing himself. This was the best time to dissolve the power of the Indian government. Such a time was the best solution for them.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"Now Indy has become very chaotic. We don’t know what the Holy Fire is all about, but what I know is that the local government has lost control of the place, and the situation is getting worse. If this continues, my concern is that the situation may get worse." Meng Yi said in a report to Shangwen. The people of the Yue family handed over their observations to the people of Qin. They hope to get help from the people of Qin, because a chaotic Indy may bring them into a chaotic situation. Yueshi people have not only become the Qin people’s market and raw materials, as well as various labor sources, they are also actively developing in the direction of the Indian market. If you can’t sell products in Qin, you can find a suitable one in India. Buyers, so once they lose the Indian market, the situation of the Yueshi people will become very bad. This is the situation they are currently in. They must stabilize Indy again.

"First, we have to investigate clearly what the Holy Fire is all about. Second, we have to see if we can help the Indian government to stabilize the situation. Third, I think the Koreans may know. Something, according to the relevant treaties on intelligence information sharing, I think the Koreans will definitely reveal some secrets to us." Shang Wen said.

"Well. I think, maybe, but we can't have too much hope for them. After all, no one can say for this kind of thing. Who knows what they will do. In short, Indy We must intervene as soon as possible, otherwise, when things become troublesome, we will be in a very unfavorable state." Meng Yi said.

"Well, I think it's better to understand some circumstances before making a decision. If we want to understand, it may be a little difficult, but the Koreans will definitely know a lot of things we don't know." Shang Wen knows that Qin Guo has a thorough intelligence. The funding is limited, but the Koreans are different. They want to maintain more colonies. It is quite satisfying to invest the intelligence funds for these colonies. For Indy, Shang Wen believes that the Korean side must have its own ideas, otherwise, How could they know so much information? That's why Shang Wen thought that the Koreans must know something. If possible, it is possible for Qin and the Koreans to work together to solve these problems.

As for the Korean thoughts, they belonged to the Koreans, and the Qin people only need to safeguard their own interests.

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