Burma, near a tea mountain. There are a lot of tea trees planted in the hilly area here. Unfortunately, they are all tea trees that have just been planted. It will take some time for new tea to come out. If calculated according to the current tea market price, this is so much. The tea trees can allow them to create amazing value. This value is incalculable. If you insist on calculations, then you can say so. The taxes generated by these tea trees allowed the Chu Navy to build more than 20 cruisers and two large warships to supplement their naval power. This is a considerable amount of equipment. It can be said that the income of tea trees is very impressive.

However, they must first ensure that there are no **** cotton natives attacking the surrounding area, otherwise, their situation will suffer unprecedented losses.

"Boom." There was an explosion, and a nearby patrol team began to laugh when they heard the sound.

"It seems that today we were fooled by prey again. Let's go. Let's go and see." A Chu sergeant waved his arm, and about a dozen Vietnamese soldiers with rifles began to walk towards there. The equipment looks simple, they only have a bullet box equipped with 60 bullets, a rifle, and a bayonet. In addition, because this is a jungle warfare, the more people will equip themselves with a machete, because crossing the jungle requires cutting out such a railway. Come. However, their equipment is very special, that is, many more people don't wear boots, just send them to them, they don't seem to want to wear them. Their explanation is that, in that case, they can't run fast.

They have become accustomed to walking barefoot, letting them wear boots all at once, but it makes them unaccustomed, not only unaccustomed, they also don't like wearing socks, which makes their smell unpleasant. This is the point that Chu soldiers disliked them the most, but they can indeed play a more powerful role than hunting dogs, for example, they can quickly track the enemy's tracks and so on. Such traces can allow them to play their due role.

Soon, the patrol team arrived at the place where an explosion occurred near the tea plantation. Two bodies fell to the ground, and a human body that was blown in half was struggling, and then kept wailing, which sounded very scary. Thinking that the other party's lips are full of blood, it seems that he has realized that he cannot be saved.

"Puff." A Vietnamese soldier quickly stepped forward and chopped off the opponent's head with his machete. The other Vietnamese soldiers expressed dissatisfaction. But they just expressed their dissatisfaction in this way. Then they went looking for the corpse and the head was chopped off. The bounty that the Chu Army gave to the Yue people was usually calculated by relying on the opponent's head, which made them meet a perverted demand for the enemy's head. This is very similar to the previous Qin Jun.

Looking at the **** head, the soldiers of the Chu Army felt that their stomachs were uncomfortable. The corpses killed by landmines did not make him uncomfortable, but they saw the more and more soldiers chop off the opponent's head in excitement. He felt very uncomfortable.

"Okay. Dispose of these corpses." The Chu Army soldier said with waving his arms like this. Then they continued their **** their patrol. What exploded was a large landmine made by Chu country. If it was Zhao country, or a landmine imported from South Korea, the power of the explosion would kill some people at most, but it would hurt people more because of their damage. The mines are all made relatively small. In this way, more mines can be produced, and the opponent can be wounded, and the combat effectiveness can also be lost.

However, the landmines of the people of Chu are different. Among these landmines, there is a mine produced by a canning factory in the country of Chu. They have no experience in producing landmines, and they are based on their own experience in producing canned food. What size to produce a landmine, and it is much larger than the size of a can. This forms a kind of landmine. This kind of landmine is as powerful as it is. If it explodes within five meters, the impact of the explosion can destroy people. Torn apart. The nearest person might be dismembered. That's how the two corpses on the ground came from. Their broken limbs and upper body were exploded everywhere. But for them, these cottonmen don't need to be pitiful, and pitying them is the most sinful. The Chu Army soldier thought so.

The mines made by the Chu people are usually very powerful, and may be enough for bombing armored vehicles. However, the addition of mines and the use of a large number of barbed wire gave the Chu army a greater advantage. This advantage allows people who don’t pay too much to stand guard to protect their tea garden from enemy attacks, thereby reducing them. From this point of view, landmines still have great benefits.

However, there were not many landmines at the beginning. Most of the landmines were still in production, and most of the first and second batches of landmines were used on some large plantations. If time requires, they may provide them with more landmines. This is not a difficult task for them.

Thebes, the current Thebes has begun to gradually restore order, but the trauma after the war is difficult to recover in a short time. Some drinking cavalry, and even Korean soldiers will come out from time to time to kill individuals, and love a few people. There is no way to manage them. Not only the South Korean army, among them, the social order is maintained superficially during the day, but from time to time there are some small thefts and flying looting, and at night, love a few people will also become a crime. The perpetrators, they commit crimes again to those who have survived. Poorly love a few people. They have been ransacked once. They dare not resist the fierce Koreans and the Shazhou cavalry at all, because those who resisted were killed. , Especially the Shazhou cavalry, they will chop off the opponent’s head, sometimes they will kill the innocent, and what they want is the opponent’s head. This is a very miserable world, but for this, The Koreans and the Shazhou cavalry would not care, they were still stationed in the city of Thebes.

The Supreme Command of Korea has already figured out a way to solve this problem. For example, let the Free Army accept the city of Thebes, and they will manage the city, while the South Korean and Shaju cavalry will become local garrisons, and at the same time, repair more port facilities. Meet South Korea’s future needs for naval garrison.

"Sir, we have all dedicated all these treasures, but we hope that the officer can give us some kind words in front of the chief officer. Then we are very satisfied. Very satisfied." Toller laughed Speaking of. Then drank the wine in the cup in one sip. The Central Plains people have the courtesy of the Central Plains. You can show respect for them, and you must toast carefully, so that you can show your surrender to them.

"Yeah. It's just that I don't quite understand the role of these treasures?" Zhang Chen said. This is what Toller called the heavyweight chief. Zhang Chen also wants to seek some benefits for himself. In fact, in this war, officers like them are only part of the beneficiaries, and the real beneficiaries are those from the Western Trading Company. Because they had a lot of money, after receiving the news that Thebes had been captured, they rushed to accept the spoils, and through their activities, the Supreme Commander ordered the soldiers not to carry more spoils. This is the only way. , They can **** all the spoils from those soldiers at a low price, and they are the biggest beneficiaries. What Zhang Chen wanted to do was blackmail, but also to stabilize his own governance needs. The Supreme Command deliberately asked them to win over the Free Army. After all, the locals control the locals. This is the way the Koreans manage. They don't want to participate in too many things to solve these problems.

"This is no problem, sir. I will look back for someone who knows this to serve the sir. As long as the sir needs it, we can do it. Unfortunately, we sometimes have difficulties. After all, we manage The places are all bad places. Those are the tombs of the pharaohs. Her Majesty has not allowed us to develop such places. We naturally want to listen, but we still have to live. Only by living can we be better. Follow your command, sir. Otherwise, we." Toler almost cried, but he was even more aggrieved, like a violated woman, Zhang Chen felt that he couldn't stand it anymore. His goose bumps all fell to the ground, there is no way, the other party thinks it is very good. He had no choice but to accept such a thing.

"Okay. This kind of thing, I know. The chief above will not be too embarrassing to you, but there are some things you should pay attention to, and you must not do too much. Otherwise, the queen will hold you down, and it will be difficult for us to keep you. Yes." Zhang Chen said.

"Yes, yes, thanks to the chief for reminding me." Toller nodded and said. It seems that the only way to show his loyalty.

"There are still some things about the management of Thebes. If you can organize other Free Army officers and local people to form councillors, I will nominate you to manage the city of Thebes. Manager, if you can't do it, I can't do anything about this, you know. To manage such a city, you must have the ability to manage the city, do you understand?" Zhang Chen said.

"Well, I understand, I understand, I understand very well." Toller nodded and said with a bow. It seems that the mayor of Thebes has already reached his hands, and he has shown great loyalty.

"Well, very good, Koreans will remember your loyalty, cheers." Zhang Chen encouraged Toller. Toller was inspired.

The people of Qin Kingdom, Xianyang, and Prime Minister's Mansion. The people of Qin Kingdom learned some things about the Sacred Fire from the Koreans, and the Koreans told them what they had.

"Holy Fire, they are only a type of Zoroastrianism in the Western Regions. It is said that this comes from Persia, but some doctrines have changed. It may be spread to Indies through the Yuezhi people, and the situation of the Indians is bad enough. They continue to The increase in taxes makes it difficult for the people to live because they are under a high pressure. Under such circumstances, it seems that it is difficult for them to survive. Not only that, but also the worst. Their local government is quite brutal. At this moment, they lost their stable foundation. It is said that the Indian government has lost more than 80% of the land and the control of the local government. Their situation is very bad." Meng Yi said.

"However, from the point of view of the teachings of the Holy Fire Sect, it seems that they are very incorruptible. They promote agrarian egalitarianism. Everyone has land. Moreover, they claim that participating in the Holy Fire Sect can save all living beings and free them from the sea of ​​suffering, etc." Shang Wen said. To.

"Moreover, they have strict rules. It seems that the power of religion cannot be underestimated." Shang Wen continued. In this regard, Shangwen is a little bit interested in the Sacred Fire, because they are a group of Puritans from a strict point of view, but unfortunately, they were taken advantage of. Used by someone else with intentions.

"Yes, the question is, which aspect should we pay attention to, whether it is to help the Indian government or a new force, we should treat them differently." Meng Yi said.

"From our own point of view, we should help the Indian government. There is no doubt that the Indian government can beat our demands, but we need them to change the efficiency of their government and the attitude of their government. Otherwise, we will oppose the existence of such a government." Shang Wen said. From a national perspective, Qin must support the Indian government, because when the Indian government is at its weakest, it can get more benefits. In contrast, the followers of the Holy Fire religion have religious beliefs. Fanaticism, they are difficult to be controlled. On the contrary, they will be controlled by the other party. This is very dangerous. This is absolutely unacceptable to Qin Guo, because they will destroy the market and do not follow everything in the market.

"But the Indian government. They seem to have no such ability to do this kind of thing, and we are also powerless to do this kind of thing, unless we support the Yueshi people or involve the Koreans. This is the current situation. The two most probable options." Meng Yi thought for a while and said.

"Then let them participate. Qin cannot directly participate in it excessively. This will affect the Qin government and make future decisions unfavorable. We can only support them to do it. However, we have to figure out one thing, which The situation of the Indians and whether their government has the ability to control the situation, we need a strong figure in the Indian government to solve this problem, otherwise, everything will be wasted." Shang Wen said. They have decided the destiny of the Indians themselves, and the people of Qin have decided to intervene in this matter.

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