The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3720: World of mutual use

Aiji, in the office of the Second Squadron of the Korean Speedboat, a second lieutenant naval officer reported a very strange incident to his officer.

"Sir, according to our patrol area, there are no signs of excessive Carthage pirate activity in those areas. However, the Zhao people lost two speedboats there, and we did not find any ambushes or signs of shipwreck, fighting. We didn’t find any traces of. The Carthaginians did it in an ambush, but we didn’t find such traces. So, I think this thing is very weird, and it’s weird to our warranty to figure out this thing. That's all right," the second lieutenant officer said.

"Well, that's right. These situations are not just what you reported. We often see that the Zhao Navy lost a lot of ammunition inexplicably, and their weapons are also very large. I suspect that they are doing something wrong. We have to catch them for legitimate transactions. In order to provide more evidence to prove their improper operations, this matter is left to you. Note, we must follow them carefully." The captain said.

"Yes, sir." The second lieutenant accepted the order. The South Korean Navy noticed the anomaly of the Zhao State Navy. In fact, since the Zhao State Navy arrived here, they have been monitoring the other side. They have always believed that the other side has ulterior secrets. Soon they discovered a lot of abnormalities. For example, when the Zhao State Navy’s speedboat troops are dispatched, they often carry more supplies, such as ammunition, food, and even some less-used tents or individual equipment, but when they come back, these things are not there. Up. They behaved very naturally, but this was not natural at all. Their explanation was simple, loss. They were attacked by the Carthage pirates and then lost. They usually talk about it just where they are lost. This incident has attracted the attention of Koreans, who believe that all this is too abnormal.

In fact, the people of Zhao were engaged in the arms trade with the Carthaginians. It would be difficult for them to deliver the materials to the Carthaginians if they were carried out through the normal trade route, because the Koreans would prevent such a thing from happening, but in order for the Carthaginians to obtain the relevant weapons as soon as possible, the Zhao people had to pass. To deliver weapons in this way, they deliberately lost a large amount of supplies to the Carthaginians, and the Carthaginians would pass some funds to Zhao Guoren through other parties. In this way, they completed a perfect transaction. Under the circumstances, they completed the arms transaction, and all of this was done secretly.

Zhao Guo. Handan. Guo Kai's prime minister's house.

"The Carthaginians hope that our country Zhao will be able to mediate such a war. After all, the Koreans have already occupied Thebes and the royal family of Aiji fled to Alexandria. There is another big city where Aiji people, but this is not the case. It is not a long-term solution. They hope to get their capital back. But the problem is that South Koreans seem to be unwilling to end the war. They have not actively used diplomatic means to end the war." The Foreign Minister explained to Guo Kai.

"Do the Koreans want to seek greater benefits? They have opened up the passage in the Mediterranean area. They have gained a firm foothold. Do they still want the couple to rule the couple in accordance with their method?" Guo Kai was dissatisfied with it. Speaking of. There have been reports showing that South Koreans are expanding their influence in the Mediterranean. For example, they have signed military trade agreements with the Jewish countries to deal with the northern confederate states in the east and south. They need to stabilize their rule in Asia Minor. . The arms trade will give them more trade advantages. But in this way, the situation of Zhao people will be unfavorable because they cannot open up Mediterranean trade and more markets. This is definitely not good news for Zhao.

"So, my lord, we need to support the Carthaginians, and at the same time, let them form a new balance in the Mediterranean. Under such a balance, I believe they will solve all the problems." The Foreign Minister seized Guo Kai. His dissatisfaction was immediately said.

"Well, you are right, and I think so too, but the question is, how do we solve this problem, you know. We can't find a suitable reason to end this war. Our diplomats are loving each other. If you contact a few people, they may provide you with support in this regard. However, it will take time. It is unlikely that we will notice here at once." Guo Kai said.

"Prime Minister, I think we will find a suitable reason soon." The Foreign Minister said.

"Appropriate reason? What kind of appropriate reason do we have to interfere in this matter?" Guo Kai asked.

"Compassion, my prime minister, we can use a card like compassion to solve problems. After all, they still need many practical solutions to the problem. In such a situation, what we need is compassion. Their capital is occupied. , And the wealth of the entire country has suffered a serious loss. I think that at this time, we can show sympathy. We need to expose this matter in the news media, and then take the opportunity to resolve this matter.” The Foreign Minister said.

"Well. Well, if the Koreans can properly liberalize the market, we can say some good things to them, but to do this, we must draw on the people of Qin. In this case, we have better reasons to solve this. There is a problem." Guo Kai thought for a while and said. The foreign minister nodded to express his understanding.

On the construction site of the outer ring road in Bangla, a foreman is checking their work.

"You are **** crazy. With so much cement, how should we build this bridge next." A foreman saw a worker using a lot of cement to reinforce the pier, which made him feel very distressed.

"Yes. If you don't do this, the quality of the bridge will be difficult to pass." A construction worker said helplessly. He thinks he did it right. But his foreman said that what he did was wrong. Because he couldn't help it, because the project budget was originally sufficient, but in order to bribe the so-called big shots, and then he was greedy for a little, nothing would be enough. Therefore, they can only use substandard cement and steel to solve the problem.

"And this steel bar, how to use such a thick steel bar, this is simply a waste, just replace it with a small one." The foreman commanded. It seems that he is a very remarkable, a very good engineer, in fact, he has to do this just to save material costs.

"If you do this, life will be lost. Once there is a problem with the bridge," a middle-aged construction worker said worriedly. They know that once such a bridge is built, there will be accidents, and it is better to build a wooden bridge.

"I can't help it, unless you find a way by yourself. Perhaps it is possible to use wood. Anyway, the cost must be reduced. If the cost is not reduced, you will have no food, you know?" The foreman was dissatisfied with this. Speaking of. Then he waved his arm and left here. He still has a meal. He wants to win other projects. He also has to have a good relationship with those big people. Therefore, they eat and drink all day long. The Indians can't drink. People from the Central Plains, but the place where the Central Plains settles things is at the wine table, and they have to drink like this. This makes them feel very distressed, because the more they drink, the more project orders they can get, but they simply can't bear such drinking. This makes them feel ugly, and it will also make them feel very uncomfortable to accompany them to dinner. Fortunately, they can find more women to solve this problem, as long as the women serve them well. All problems can still be solved. The Menggla people tried to bribe the congressmen. And where the money comes from, of course it is the project money. They take the next project, take a large amount of money, invest a small part of it into the project, and then go to fight for more projects, just like that, the project they contracted More and more, but the investment in engineering funds is pitiful, and their proportion has seriously affected more engineering projects, which means that the engineering and construction of the Mengla people is very bad.

Goguryeo, Li Lin government.

"Our situation is really beautiful. The Yan people can only build one road, and it will take a long time to build the road. Transporting from their rear to the front line will take longer, which will lead to An even bigger disaster." Li Lin looked at the telegram in his hand with a pitiful look. Their spies got the exact news from the people of Yan. The people of Yan planned to temporarily shelve their plan to build a railway and instead build a road. In this case, their war logistical pressure will become greater in the future, and their supply will be more difficult than Goguryeo.

"Prime Minister, we still need to solve more military issues. If we mobilize, the Yan people will have important doubts. We must use diplomatic methods to hold the Yan people, and it is best to start some diplomatic actions. "

The Secretary of the Army said so.

"Well. We can only rely on the people of Qi and Zhao. It's just that we still need to build more projects. Will they help us solve this problem?" the Secretary of the Army asked worriedly.

"They will. We are an important part of their world. Without us, their world will be incomplete, understand?" Li Lin said with a smile. He knows that he is the other party's use tool, but why didn't they use them to solve some of their own problems. This is a world of mutual use.

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