Yueshi, the new capital. Inside a warehouse. A team of police is patrolling back and forth. They were carrying rifles, and a police officer looked over here from time to time.

Oman. An ordinary Yue's government official. His salary is not high, his life is not very rich, but he is not too poor. Generally speaking, his family is in good condition. He has an old mother, a wife, and a pair of children. It's better. According to reason, he shouldn't be detained here. He is really worried about his wife and his family. If they don't have their own income, what will happen to the family? He didn't know it well, and he couldn't believe it.

And the beginning of all this stemmed from his belief in the **** Zoroastrianism.

"This **** Zoroastrianism." The Arab League, who had also encountered it on the side, said extremely annoyed by the Zoroastrianism. What happened to him is the same as himself. He comes from another government agency and is said to have a lot to do with national security. He was detained here first, but only recently moved here. This is because he told many secrets about Zoroastrianism. For example, if the leader or some of the hall masters are, he was transferred here.

"These Zoroastrians are indeed damnable, but I don't know why we are being imprisoned all at once?" Aman sat down helplessly and said. Although he is very anxious in his heart, it is true. Everyone detained here is very anxious. They have their own families and have their own very good future. I believe that worshipping Zoroastrianism is because they believe that their future will become better. Some people are trying to join. After all, the people of the Yue family have experienced a terrible state of sex, and they become confused. This is the state of all the people of the Yue family, and they are extremely lack of faith. I lack a faith that can fill my heart with hope. Under such circumstances, they were naturally abducted by fire worshippers. Because the Zoroastrian canon is extremely strict, they are strictly a kind of Puritans. Their propaganda meets their spiritual needs. They are eager to change everything in their future. They want to have a belief that can pin their empty hearts. Many believers who join Zoroastrianism are like this.

The same is true for Oman. He was asked by his mother to join in, and then slowly fell in love with Zoroastrianism. He believed that Zoroastrians were strict people. Talking with them and talking about some things would make him happy and peaceful. stand up. For this purpose, he joined Zoroastrianism.

However, within a few days, he was called to the office by his boss, and then a few police officers handcuffed him and brought him to an unknown place wearing a black mask. He didn't know what it was. Place, and then he was interrogated. The content of the interrogation was only one, he said about all the Zoroastrians, why he joined, and whether there were other threats after joining, and so on. However, the police did not believe this, and told him clearly, let him think about it, because Zoroastrianism is a terrorist organization and they are maintaining Yueshi. He didn't know where the police got it from, and then they showed the relevant information. The connection between Holy Fire and Zoroastrianism. Then I asked myself to confess. I have been confessing my own questions these days, such as why he joined Zoroastrianism, the structure of Zoroastrianism, and the content of the spread of religion, etc. Now, he has only one hope, that is, hope for his own Be released as soon as possible, in that case, everything will become very bad.

"They said that Zoroastrianism and Holy Fire religion are closely related. They are plotting to destroy our country. I think these are scams. I don't think they are such people. We must be too worried." To.

"I don't think so. If I can go out, I will explain everything. If I can cut everything from the **** Zoroastrianism, I am willing to do so. As long as I leave here, Zoroastrianism has nothing to do with me. There is no relationship." The other party emphasized. Ah Lian just looked at each other. He was entangled. He didn't know that it was useless to say that, but he knew that there would be results, because if he did this, he could leave here and get his family. But his faith will be trampled on. This is something he doesn't want to see, but does it make sense? He once asked himself this way, but most of the answers were unsatisfactory, with no results, and no indication of doing so.

The people of the Yue family became very cautious. In dealing with the issue of Zoroastrianism, they secretly cleaned up many government officials. They were gathered, and then accounted for all their problems. They had to explain clearly any issues about religion, and then they would Judging their severity according to the situation they have, the less severe will be severely warned, and then a statement will be issued announcing that they will leave Zoroastrianism, and then they will be reformed before they can return to their posts. Their future and destiny have all happened. Change. For some serious people, the Yue government is discussing what they will do, and then to change such a situation. The people of the Yue family are extremely cautious about Zoroastrianism.

Among the people, the government has announced that Zoroastrianism is banned. Zoroastrianism is an illegal religious organization. They will not be allowed to publicize Zoroastrianism. Any talk about Zoroastrianism is not allowed. Participants must withdraw and ask the public to actively report the illegal religion nearby, Yuezhi. Suddenly entered the psychological range of a state of religious terror, in their opinion, everything will have a great impact.

Aiji, in the city of Thebes, the trauma after the war is still in the process of slow healing. Aiji's mood is extremely heavy, and their country has suffered a serious injury.

"We need a new Aigui government. The old Aigui government belongs to the king alone, not all Aigui people. We need to establish an Aigui parliament and establish a free country." Toller said in a high-sounding voice.

Then some translators began to translate, because the people who attended the meeting were those who barely survived the catastrophe, and many of them were gone. Either a family was killed or separated, and many people were insane. They could not accept such a cruel reality and live in their own small world.

"Shameless, despicable, you villains shouldn't stand here. All the lovers are suffering from disaster, and you are all accomplices of a group of robbers. But you are still talking about freedom, you are tarnishing this vocabulary. , You should all die. Robbers." At this moment, a noble lady stood up and cursed loudly with a few words of love. Her expression was extremely serious, and her language sounded very intense. The interpreter on the side translated everything word for word, because this lady saw the Koreans and the atrocities brought by their army. They killed babies, killed men, and chopped off each other’s heads. The women were killed by a group of people. People are taken away, and you don’t even need to think about what happened. Thebes has become a terrible hell, and women’s politics are accusing all South Korean troops. They think this is something that can only be done by robbers.

"Come here, take that woman away and let her see the atrocities. And her family, etc." said a new South Korean army major who was sitting not far away, tilting his head. The two Shazhou cavalry have moved forward quickly, and they have become impatient.

"You **** robbers???????" The translator was still translating ignorantly.

"Enough. Shut up, you **** translator. If you translate again I don't want to hear, I'll bury you alive, and then chop off your head to play Cuju." The major said arrogantly. The translator shut up immediately. The woman was taken down like that. Many lovers swallowed a mouthful of saliva. They felt that the woman was too dangerous. Moreover, it caused them a lot of trouble.

"We need your parliament, an obedient parliament. If you are obedient, there will be a chance to make a fortune. The country is still yours. You still have the opportunity to guarantee the safety of your property and your family. You will still be alive, but if you don’t cooperate If you do, she will be the same as that mean woman. She will pay a heavy price for what she has done. I believe you don’t have to explain it as I believe.” The major said, pulling out his pistol and brandishing the pistol. Speaking of. The other loved ones bowed their heads and expressed obedience. If they do not comply, they will be immediately pulled out. What is waiting for them is catastrophe. They finally survived. They have been living under the shadow of fear all their lives. Up. If they were asked to choose again, they would still choose the same way of life, even though they could not understand what the major said.

"Continue to translate and let them think about it for themselves. We need to establish a government as soon as possible." The major looked at the **** lover, then turned and left. The Shazhou cavalry left with bright bayonet carbine. I am unwilling to love a few people, but they have to shake their heads and leave here.

State of Zhao, Handan. Guo Kai's Prime Minister's Mansion.

"The South Korean government made a compromise by accident and asked us to participate in the expansion of the Suez Canal." The Foreign Minister reported to Guo Kai in this way.

"This is a good thing. It shows that the Koreans have learned to compromise, even though we don't know what they are doing? What are their goals, but this is indeed a good thing. At least the Koreans have made concessions. This is exactly what we need. "Guo Kai said.

"In this case, Prime Minister, then we can negotiate with them. I believe that such negotiations will bring us different results, and they will bring us more rewards. I think this is a The best ending is now." The Foreign Minister said.

"Well, we'd better help solve the peace issue between Carthage, and then we can enter the Mediterranean. We need the Mediterranean to maintain a balance instead of excessive tilt, which is not good for us. "Guo Kai said.

"There are also some things you said. For example, let us pay attention to the Carthaginians. I thought about it. I can say that. After all, we still need the Carthaginians to help us solve some things, such as arms sales. This is the best thing to achieve peace. We can help them, as long as they open such a channel, everything is negotiable." Guo Kai said. The demand for Carthage became greater and greater, especially in terms of arms demand. They began to import a large amount of arms from Zhao Guoren, but their transportation restricted their further development. Guo Kai was eager to open up such a situation, so He eagerly hopes to further expand trade, and the first step to expand trade is to normalize relations and restore the peaceful nature of the economy. This requires Zhao Guo to make some efforts. The arms trade is only the beginning, and more trade will begin later.

The Suez Canal, the confluence of the Mediterranean Sea. The trade here began to heat up. In addition to the Carthaginians could not come here, there were also Roma, Jews, Lower Asiatic, Persians, Macedonians, Greeks and so on. They conduct various trades here. The main types of transactions are concentrated on arms and daily necessities. The Greeks like soap, and the Roma likes more spices besides arms. In addition, he They are very interested in canning technology. Of course, silk is also among them. This has been liked by some nobles, but they can’t wear them publicly. They can only show their wealth through women in private. The Jews are smarter. With so many things traded, they will love all kinds of goods.

The commodities they brought were slaves, gold coins, and a variety of fine wines, or some of their specialties. In short, the number of their products is not very large. Among them, the most traded commodities are slaves, because the Suez Canal needs to be expanded and a lot of labor is needed. The slaves here will give them more income, which is the only thing they can exchange. Products of.

In general, trade is in an extremely unbalanced transaction. Koreans only export some simple commodities, and they get more trade profits, while merchants such as Loma and Jews need to pay more. Slaves can maintain such a balance. The imbalance in trade puts them in a disadvantageous state, but this trade is still being maintained. They need these things because it is related to their national security, especially arms, and they send Many spies secretly paid attention to Carthage fighting with the Koreans. They had a very high evaluation of the Koreans' combat effectiveness, which made them realize their own shortcomings. Such shortcomings and worries promoted the further development of the situation.

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